Uduba dahli Simon, 1903
publication ID |
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13158554 |
publication LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:pub:74E0D22E-9890-4FF0-80AB-8FCBBA976B2F |
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https://treatment.plazi.org/id/FB2A5333-1852-FFC0-4734-3571AA9AEB98 |
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Felipe (2024-08-01 19:09:06, last updated 2024-08-01 23:03:16) |
scientific name |
Uduba dahli Simon, 1903 |
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Uduba dahli Simon, 1903 View in CoL
Figures 33 A–D View FIGURE , 34 A–F View FIGURE , Maps 2, 13.
Marussenca madagascariensis Dahl, 1901b: 248 (preoccupied in Uduba View in CoL ).
Uduba dahli Simon, 1903 View in CoL , replacement name for Marussenca madagascariensis Dahl, 1901b , a secondary homonym; lectotype female, (ZMB25276a) and paralectotype male (ZMB25277a), here designated, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, examined. Griswold (1993) P. 7: Table 1. Exemplars: this is the list of exemplar taxa: Uduba dahli Simon, 1903 View in CoL ( Marussenca madagascariensis Dahl, 1901b ): male and female syntypes, Madagascar, Braun, ZMB ( Miturgidae View in CoL , Uliodoninae). Lehtinen, 1967: 272, 437, fig. 80 male palp: det. as dahli View in CoL , = this is probably a syntype of Marussenca madagascariensis , which Lehtinen did examine, and so it is determined as U. dahli Simon 1903 View in CoL .
Types. The syntype series of Marussenca madagascariensis , which we borrowed from Museum für Naturkunde , Berlin, comprises many fragmentary specimens and one whole female and one whole male. The series comprises two slides of separated parts , ZMB25276 View Materials and ZMB 4357 View Materials , two alcohol preserved subadult females, Syntype ZMB25276 View Materials b and ZMB25276 View Materials d, a whole male specimen , ZMB25277 View Materials a, and a whole female specimen , ZMB25276 View Materials a ( Figs. 34 A–G View FIGURE ). These whole specimens we here designate as lectotype and paralectotype of Uduba dahli Simon 1903 View in CoL : lectotype female for specimen ZMB25276 View Materials a; Uduba dahli Simon 1903 View in CoL , paralectotype male for specimen ZMB25277 View Materials a. Other specimens remain as syntypes.
The entire syntype series of Marussenca madagascariensis Dahl 1901b , comprises: 25276a – Syntype ZMB25276 View Materials a — This is a whole female specimen: the specimen has a vulva and spinnerets with a divided cribellum ( Figs. 34 A–G View FIGURE ). Five labels in the tube read “ syntypus ” [in red]; “ ZMB25276 View Materials ,” “[illegible] female,” “Zool. Mus. Berlin Kat. # 25276a; species Marussenca madagascariensis F. Dahl ; Fundort: 2 females plus vulva syntypus [illegible] Madagascar; leg. Hildebrandt; det. F. Dahl 1901” [note: the “Hildebrandt” might be a mistake] and “29,5 28,5 19,5 28, 5 female male 44, 38, 32 45“[these appear to be leg measurements]. We illustrate the epigynum and vulva ( Figs. 33 B, C View FIGURE ). We designate this female as lectotype of Uduba dahli Simon 1903 . 25276a – ZMB 25276 View Materials a – A slide mount labelled “25276a” is especially interesting. There are some mounted legs from a female, and the collector’s name is listed as “ Braun ” [not ‘Hildebrandt”]. 25276 b – Syntype ZMB25276 View Materials b: this is a whole subadult female, broken into pieces, and note that the label has been changed to read “ Braun. ” 25276 c – Syntype ZMB25276 View Materials c: this is a whole subadult female and note that again the label has been changed to read “ Braun. ” 25276 d – Syntype ZMB25276 View Materials d: this is another whole subadult female, and note that again the label has been changed to read “ Braun ,” 25276e – ZMB _25276e_a Marussenca_madagascariensis : this type comprises a set of juvenile legs on a slide; labelled “ Syn Typus ” and ” Hildebrandt. ” 25277a – Syntype ZMB25277 View Materials a – This whole male specimen is ZMB25277 View Materials a. There are three labels: one reading “syn Typus”, one reading “ Madagaskar ” and one giving the species name and that states “leg. Hildebrandt: and “det. F. Dahl 1901”. We have made sketches, a spine map and taken measurements. The palp is illustrated in prolateral and ventral views ( Figs. 33 A, D View FIGURE ). We designate this male as paralectotype of Uduba dahli Simon 1903 . 4357 – ZMB 4357 View Materials , a juvenile from south central Madagascar, labeled” Hildebrandt” – Fragmentary juvenile syntypes ZMB4357 View Materials _juv_ syntype _2306.
Identification. We have examined the syntype series of Marussenca madagascariensis Dahl, 1901b , which we received on loan from Berlin. The series of specimens is a complex array of whole specimens and slide-mounted fragments, which are difficult to interpret. Among the syntypes is a whole female adult (ZMB25276a) that has a divided cribellum ( Fig. 34 C View FIGURE ) and an epigynum with atrium and central median lobe ( Figs. 33 B View FIGURE , 34 D View FIGURE ): the copulatory openings are hidden at the sides of the atrium. Associated with this is a whole male adult (ZMB25277a) that has a large, screw shaped TA3, a small, inconspicuous TA2, a small, simple, transverse MA ( Figs. 33 A, D View FIGURE ) and vestige of a divided cribellum. This male palp is similar to those of U. halabe , which is distinguished in having an entire cribellum, and U. platnicki , which is distinguished in being ecribellate. Lehtinen (1967) also examined the type series of Marussenca madagascariensis and accepted the identification as U. dahli Simon 1903 . Lehtinen (1967) p. 437, fig. 80 illustrated a male palp: this is probably a syntype of Marussenca madagascariensis and we agree with his determination of this as Uduba dahli .
Synonymy. The type females of Marussenca madagascariensis Dahl, 1901b (for which Simon proposed the replacement name Uduba dahli Simon 1903 ) and of Uduba funerea Simon 1906 , differ in that the former has a divided cribellum and the latter an entire cribellum. Simon apparently never examined Dahl’s syntype series and was not aware of the cribellum difference. Simon (1906: 293) states that “ Sp. invisa U. Dahli E. Simon ( Marussenca madagascariensis Dahl , nom. proeoccup.)” Lehtinen (1967: 272) proposed the synonymy of Uduba funerea Simon 1906 , with Uduba dahli Simon 1903 but, based on our observations of the different cribellum forms (entire vs. divided) in the types for these two names, we must reject the synonymy.
Remarks. In 1903 Simon described the new genus Uduba , designating as type species Olios madagascariensi s Vinson, 1863. Simon (1903) recognized that another species, Marussenca madagascariensis Dahl, 1901b , also belonged to Uduba , which created a homonym. He provided the replacement name Uduba dahli Simon, 1903 . Simon (1903: 975) stated “ J’ai rapporté à tort l’ Olios madagascariensis Vinson , type du genre Uduba , au genre Uliodon (t. II, p. 112); il faut dire que le calamistrum et le cribellum, déjà peu apparents chez la femelle, sont indistincts chez le mâle, seul sexe que je connaissais jusqu’ici. Les Uduba sont presque des Uliodon à cribellum et calamistrum rudimentaires. On en connaît deux espèces de Madagascar, U (Olios) madagascariensis Vinson , et U. Dahli E. Simon ( Marussenca madagascariensis Dahl )” (OUR TRANSLATION: I have wrongly referred Olios madagascariensis Vinson , type of the genus Uduba , to the genus Uliodon (t. II, p. 112); it must be said that the calamistrum and the cribellum, already little apparent in the female, are indistinct in the male, the only sex that I have known so far. The [cribellum and calamistrum of] Uduba are almost rudimentary. Two species are known from Madagascar, U (Olios) madagascariensis Vinson , and U. Dahli E. Simon ( Marussenca madagascariensis Dahl ).
Later Simon (1906) studied all Uduba , described a new species Uduba funerea for a female from Suberbieville in Mahajunga Province and provided a key to the Uduba species that he knew, U. madagascariensis ( Vinson, 1863) , U. dahli Simon 1903 and the new species U. funerea Simon 1906 . He states ( Simon, 1906: 293) “ Plaga genitalis haud foveolata, plagula acute triquetra antice munita. … U. MADAGASCARlENSIS Vinson… Plaga genitalis fovea subrotunda, carinula alla tenui divisa, impressa. ... U. FUNEREA E. Sim. ” (OUR TRANSLATION: The distinct epigyna of the two species, a triangular plate in U. madagascariensis and a subrotund, divided fovea in U. funerea , are diagnostic). Crucially, he states “ Sp. invisa U. Dahli E. Simon ( Marussenca madagascariensis Dahl , nom. proeoccup.). ” Simon seems not to have seen Dahl’s specimens of Marussenca madagascariensis , for which name he provided the replacement Uduba dahli Simon, 1903 .
Diagnosis. Uduba dahli are members of Group I.a, the Uduba dahli group ( Map 13 View MAP ) of Group I, the Epigynal atrium group. They are cribellate, with cribellum divided ( Fig. 34 C View FIGURE ). Males of Uduba dahli can be distinguished from those of other Uduba by having a large, screw-shaped TA3, an inconspicuous TA2, and a small, simple MA ( Figs. 33 A, D View FIGURE ). The male palp is very similar to that of Uduba halabe but the latter has a vestige of an entire cribellum, whereas the male of Uduba dahli has a vestige of a divided cribellum. The females of Uduba dahli can be distinguished from those of other Uduba having an epigynal plate with median lobe surrounded by depressed atrium ( Figs. 33 B, C View FIGURE ); the divided cribellum ( Fig. 34 C View FIGURE ) is unlike those in U. funerea and U. halabe , ( Fig. 20 A View FIGURE ). The position of the CO beneath the lateral margins of the atrium ( Figs. 33 B, C View FIGURE ) (not beneath the median lobe) also distinguishes this species from U. halabe .
Description. Male (paralectotype of Marussenca madagascariensis Dahl 1901b , syntype male, Berlin = paralectotype of Uduba dahli ): Total length 18.00. Markings as in female ( Figs. 34 A, B View FIGURE ). Carapace 10.21 long, 7.57 wide, 3.57 high; clypeus 0.71 high. Eye diameters: AME and ALE 0.36, PME 0.41, PLE 0.43. Chelicerae 2.71 long; sternum 4.43 long, 3.29 wide; labium 1.71 long; palpal coxae 3.11 long. Ratios: carapace length / width = 1.35, carapace height / width = 0.47, PER / carapace width = 0.36, PER/OAL = 2.90, PER/AER = 1.34, OAL/OQL = 1.06, OQP/ OQA 1.10, clypeus height / AME = 2.10, cheliceral length / clypeus height = 6.00, sternum length / width = 1.29, palpal coxa length / width = 2.40, femur I length / carapace width = 1.26, metatarsus I length / carapace width = 1.41, femur IV length / carapace width = 1.30, cymbium length / carapace width = 0.64, cymbium length / palpal patella length = 3.09, cymbium length / palpal tibia length = 3.40, cymbium length / palpal femur length = 1.36, palpal tibia length / palpal patella length = 0.91. Cribellum vestige divided. Spination: palpus – femur d0-0-1-1, p0-0-0-1, r0-0-0- 1; leg I – femur d1-0-0-1, p0-0-1-2, r1-1-0-1, patella p1, tibia d0-0-0-1, p0-1-1-0, v2-2-2-2, metatarsus p1-0-0, v2-2-3; leg II – femur d1-1-1, p1-1-1-1, r0-1-0-1, patella p1, tibia d0-0-1, p0-1- 1-0, v2-2-2-2, metatarsus p1-0-0, v2-2-3, r1-0-0; leg III – femur d1-1-0-1, p1-0-1-1, r0-1-1-1, tibia d0-1-0, p0-1-1-0, v2-2-2, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus d0-1-0, p1-1-2, v2-2-2, r1-1-2; leg IV – femur d1- 1-0-1, p0-1-0-1, r0-0-0-1, tibia p0-1-1-0, v2-2-2, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus, p1-1-1-2, v1-1-1-1-2, r1-1- 1-2. Scopulae: cymbium, apicodorsal; strong beneath all tarsi and apices of metatarsi I and II, weak beneath apices of metatarsi III and IV. Leg measurements: I: 9.57 + 3.86 + 9.29 + 10.71 + 5.00 = 38.43; II: 8.57 + 3.57 + 7.71 + 9.36 + 4.57 = 33.79; III: 6.86 + 3.29 + 4.50 + 8.29 + 3.43 = 26.36; IV: 9.86 + 3.36 + 8.57 + 12.29 + 4.71 = 38.79; palpus: 3.57 + 1.57 + 1.43 + NA + 4.86 = 11.43. Leg formula 4123. Male palp: palpal cymbium 4.40 times tibia length, RTA broad, triangular, RTA length 0.50 tibia ( Fig. 33 D View FIGURE ), RTA length equals width, apex a blunt point, VTA length 2.00 times width, a short finger-like projection, length 0.25 tibia width; tibia lacks stout spines; tegulum convex, without ridge, tegulum length 1.07 times width; TA1 extends distad of tegulum apex, TA1 extends past TA3 apex by 1.10 times tegulum length; TA3 very large, screw-shaped with subapical grooves ( Fig. 33 A View FIGURE ), TA2 a small, simple mound, hidden behind TA3 apex; MA small, simple, length (including apical processes) 0.45 times width, MA length 0.17 tegulum length, width 0.34 tegulum width, origin at 0.34 tegulum length; conductor fan entire ( Fig. 33 A View FIGURE ). Female (lectotype of Marussenca madagascariensis Dahl 1901 syntype female, Berlin = lectotype of Uduba dahli ): Total length 21.43. Markings as in Figs. 34 A–F View FIGURE . Carapace 9.14 long, 6.29 wide, 3.57 high; clypeus 0.64 high. Eye diameters: AME 0.34, ALE and PME 0.32, PLE 0.36. Chelicerae 5.29 long; sternum 4.21 long, 3.29 wide; labium 1.71 long; palpal coxae 3.11 long. Ratios: carapace length / width = 1.45, carapace height / width = 0.57, PER / carapace width = 0.42, PER/OAL = 3.42, PER/AER = 1.34, OAL/OQL = 1.00, OQP/ OQA = 1.02, clypeus height / AME = 1.95, cheliceral length / clypeus height = 7.52, sternum length / width = 1.28, palpal coxa length / width = 2.35, femur I length / carapace width = 1.18, metatarsus I length / carapace width = 0.87, femur IV length / carapace width = 1.09, palpal tarsus length / carapace width = 0.46, palpal tarsus length / palpal patella length = 1.64, palpal tarsus length / palpal tibia length = 1.52, palpal tibia length / palpal patella length = 1.08. Cribellum divided ( Fig. 34 C View FIGURE ). Spination: palpus – femur d0-0-1, patella p1, tibia p2-1-0, r0-1-1-0, tarsus p2-0-1; leg I – femur d1-0-0-0, p0-0-0-2, tibia v2-2-2-2, metatarsus v2-2-3; leg II – femur d1-0-0-0, p1-0-0-2, tibia p0-0-1-0, v1-1-1-0, metatarsus v2-2-3; leg III – femur d1-1-0-1, p0-1-1-1, r1-0-1-1, tibia d0-0-1-0, p0-1-1-0, v1-2-2, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p1-2-2, v0-0-0-2, r1-1-2; leg IV – femur d1-0-1-0, r0-0-0-1, tibia r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p0-1-2, v0-0-2, r1- 2-2. Scopulae: strong ventral beneath all tarsi and beneath metatarsi I and II, beneath tibia I and apex of tibia II, and apices of metatarsi III and IV. Leg measurements: I: 7.43 + 3.57 + 6.21 + 5.43 + 3.21 = 25.86; II: 6.36 + 3.21 + 5.21 + 4.86 + 3.00 = 22.64; III: 5.21 + NA + NA + 3.29 + 2.36 = NA; IV: 6.86 + 2.64 + 5.50 + 7.00 + 3.00 = 25.00; palpus: 3.29 + 1.79 + 1.93 + NA + 2.93 = 9.93. Leg formula 1423. Female genitalia ( Figs. 33 B, C View FIGURE , 34 D, E View FIGURE ): epigynal plate with median lobe surrounded by depressed atrium. Epigynal plate width 1.51 times length; atrium wide, width 1.15 times atrium length; epigynum length 1.18 times atrium length, atrium width 0.57 times epigynum width; atrium width at side of ML 1.30 times ML width; atrium and median lobe end near epigastric groove, atrium origin at 0.11 of epigynal plate length, median lobe broad, slightly wider at base, median lobe length 3.08 times width, ML ends just before atrium base, ML extends to apex of atrium, ML length 0.80 times epigynal length; lateral lobes very narrow, atrium width 6.66 times LL width; copulatory openings hidden beneath lateral sides of atrium, distance between CO 0.58 width of epigynal plate, CO distance from epigastric furrow 0.51 times epigynum length ( Figs. 33 B View FIGURE , 34 D View FIGURE ). Vulva with spermathecal ducts making three broad, transverse curves, vulva length 0.58 times width, vulva width 6.11 times distance between fertilization ducts ( Figs. 33 C View FIGURE , 34 E View FIGURE ).
Variation. Unknown: only the male paralectotype and female lectotype of Marussenca madagascariensis Dahl 1901 are known and intact.
M aterial examined. Only the Uduba dahli Simon 1903 lectotype female (ZMB25276a) and Uduba dahli Simon 1903 paralectotype male (ZMB25277a), as well as fragments on slides, comprising the Marussenca madagascariensis syntype series from the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin.
Natural history. Unknown. The female of Uduba dahli has a divided cribellum ( Fig. 34 C View FIGURE ), suggesting use of cribellate silk.
Distribution. Uncertain, but Uduba dahli are probably from southwestern Madagascar. The Marussenca madagascariensis syntype series specimens, including a mature male and female and other specimens that were dissected and mounted on slides, are probably from material collected by Dr. J. Braun, a traveler and botanist. In 1891 Braun was collecting plants in SW Madagascar near Andranohinaly and it is possible that the syntype series of specimens were collected there. Braun died in 1893. Some of the labels with the syntypes are labelled “Braun”, some are labelled “Hildebrandt” and some have the name “Hildebrandt” whited out and replaced with “Braun.” It seems likely that all were in fact collected by Braun and that “Hildebrandt” was a labelling error. The syntype series is likely from Andranohinaly, 23˚17ʹ21.80ʺS, 43˚58ʹ49.99ʺE, elev. 241m., which is about 30 km east of Toliara (Maps 2, 13). There are no other specimens of Uduba dahli known from other localities.
DAHL, F. (1901 b). Nachtrag zur Uebersicht der Zoropsiden. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschen- der Freunde zu Berlin 1901: 244 - 255.
GRISWOLD, C. E. (1993). Investigations into the phylogeny of the lycosoid spiders and their kin (Arachnida: Araneae: Lycosoidea). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 539: 1 - 39.
LEHTINEN, P. T. (1967). Classification of the cribellate spiders and some allied families, with notes on the evolution of the suborder Araneomorpha. Annales Zoologici Fennici 4: 199 - 468.
SIMON, E. (1903). Histoire naturelle des araignees. Deuxieme edition, tome second. Roret, Paris, pp. 669 - 1080. [second pdf with detailed publication dates of the single parts] <doi: 10.5962 / bhl. title. 51973>
SIMON, E. (1906). Etude sur les araignees de la section des cribellates. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique 50: 284 - 308.
VINSON, A. (1863). Araneides des iles de la Reunion, Maurice et Madagascar. Paris, i-cxx, 1 - 337.
FIGURE 33. Uduba dahli Simon, 1903, genitalia. A, D. Left male palpus, prolateral and ventral, Marussenca madagascariensis (Dahl, 1901), paralectotype male, ZMB25277a. B, C. Female genitalia, Marussenca madagascariensis (Dahl, 1901), lectotype female, ZMB25277a. A. Prolateral. B. Epigynum, ventral. C. Vulva, dorsal. D. Ventral. Illustrations by Charles Griswold. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.
FIGURE 34. Syntype ZMB25276a of Marussenca-madagascariensis Dahl 1901 (= lectotype ♀ Uduba dahli (Simon 1903)). A. Carapace, dorsal. B. Prosoma ventral. C. Spinning organs including divided cribellum. D. Epigynum, ventral. E. Vulva, dorsal. F. Left metatarsus IV, retrodorsal, arrow to calamistrum. G. Calamistrum, left metatarsus IV, retrodorsal, arrows to beginning and end of calamistrum. CA, calamistrum. Scale bars: A, B = 5.0 mm, C, D, E = 1.0 mm, F = 2.0 mm. G = 1.0 mm.
MAP 13. Distribution of Group I.a, the Uduba dahli MAP 14. Distribution of Group I.b, the Uduba woodae group of Group I, the Epigynal atrium group: Uduba group of Group I, the Epigynal atrium group: Uduba lamba, U. fandroana, U. hainteny, U. kavanaughi, U. plat- andriamihajai, U. balsama, U. schlingeri, U. taralily, nicki, U. halabe, U. salegy, U. dahli Simon 1903 and U. lehibekokoa and U. woodae. U. ibonia.
FIGURE 20. Uduba spp., females: cribellum or colulus, and base of anterior lateral spinnerets surrounded by soft, flexible cuticle, anterior to top. A. U. halabe, CASENT9017873 from Parc Nacional Ranomafana, entire cribellum. B. U. ibonia, CASENT9006035 from Parc Nacional Ranomafana, divided cribellum (note small size of spinning plates). C. U. pseudoevanescens, CASENT9006008 from Parc Nacional Périnet, divided cribellum. D. U. evanescens (Dahl, 1901), CASENT9024032 from Parc Nacional Ranomafana, colulus. E. U. madagascariensis (Vinson, 1863), CASENT9006028 from Forêt Analavelona, colulus. F. U. goodmani, holotype (CASENT9006074) from Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d’Andohahela, colulus. G. U. schlingeri, CASENT9006028 from Parc Nacional Ranomafana, divided cribellum (note large size of spinning plates at posterior margin of soft cuticle). Illustrations by Charles Griswold. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.
Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (Zoological Collections) |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.