Uduba species
publication ID |
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13158554 |
publication LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:pub:74E0D22E-9890-4FF0-80AB-8FCBBA976B2F |
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https://treatment.plazi.org/id/FB2A5333-1819-FFBA-454E-34F8A939E8BB |
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Felipe (2024-08-01 19:09:06, last updated 2024-08-01 23:03:16) |
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Uduba species |
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Uduba species groups
We have separated species into groups based on unique genitalic morphologies. The groups comprise: Group I, the Epigynal atrium group including 20 species and subdivided into three subgroups: Group I.a, the Uduba dahli group (nine species, Map 13 View MAP ), Group I.b, the Uduba woodae group (six species, Map 14) and Group I.c, the Uduba funerea group (five species, Map 15 View MAP ); Group II, the Epigynum lateral projection group, or Uduba evanescens group (six species,
Map 16), Group III, the Uduba valiha group (three species, Map 17 View MAP ), Group IV, the Uduba rinha group (two species, Map 18), Group V, the Uduba rajery group (two species, Map 19 View MAP ), Group VI, the Uduba danielae group (two species, Map 20) and finally, four species that are relegated to Unclassified species ( Map 21 View MAP ). Whereas we do not present a phylogenetic analysis, we note that these unique genitalic morphologies are not found in other Udubidae , nor have we observed identical morphologies in other members of the OC-Clade. We consider the characters listed below as putative synapomorphies for these groups. It remains for a future phylogenetic analysis to corroborate or refute these hypotheses.
I. Epigynal atrium group. This is a group of 20 species ( Maps 13–15 View MAP View MAP ) in which the female epigynum has a clearly defined median lobe surrounded by depressed atrium ( Figs. 73 B, D View FIGURE , 74 A, C, D View FIGURE , 80 A View FIGURE , 84 A View FIGURE ). The copulatory openings are hidden; in most species they are hidden beneath the margins of the atrium, but at least in Uduba halabe the copulatory openings are hidden beneath the sides of the median lobe. The vulval ducts make two or more spirals. Males of particular genitalic morphologies are associated with females of the Epigynal atrium group, so we feel safe in assigning some species to this group even if those species are known only from males. Among species of the Epigynal atrium group are two subgroups defined by unique male genitalic conformations, plus five species known only from females.
I. a. Uduba dahli subgroup. This group of nine species ( Map 13 View MAP ) in the Epigynal atrium group in which males have the TA3 forming a large screw ( Figs. 29 D, F View FIGURE , 43 A–C View FIGURE , 47 A–C View FIGURE ): the TA2 may be of various forms. Included are the ecribellate Uduba lamba , U. fandroana , U. hainteny , U. kavanaughi , and U. platnicki . The species U. halabe has an entire cribellum ( Fig. 20 A View FIGURE ), and U. salegy , U. dahli Simon 1903 and U. ibonia have a divided cribellum ( Fig. 20 B View FIGURE ).
I. b. Uduba woodae subgroup. This group of six species (Map 14) in the Epigynal atrium group have males in which the TA2 of the palp is strongly sclerotized, often black, and is adjacent to or embracing the TA3 ( Figs. 29 E View FIGURE , 61 A–C View FIGURE , 66 A–C View FIGURE ). Included are two ecribellate species U. andriamihajai and U. balsama , and four species with a divided cribellum: U. schlingeri , U. taralily , U. lehibekokoa and U. woodae ( Fig. 20G View FIGURE ).
I. c. Uduba funerea subgroup. This group of five species ( Map 15 View MAP ) in the Epigynal atrium group are as yet recognized only from female specimens. Included are Uduba funerea Simon, 1906 , which has an entire cribellum and the four ecribellate species U. barbarae , U. lavitra , U. orona and U. milamina . We cannot assert the monophyly of this group.
II. Epigynum lateral projection group ( Uduba evanescens group). This is a group of six species (Map 16) in which females have the lateral lobes of the epigynum projecting ( Figs. 77 A, C, E View FIGURE ), even so far as to form ear-like projections ( Figs. 71 A, E View FIGURE ); associated males have palpal TA2 extending to a point beyond TA1 and TA3 and MA with prolateral notches resembling a “can opener” ( Figs. 29 A, B View FIGURE , 35 B View FIGURE , 54 B View FIGURE , 57 B View FIGURE ). We also refer to this as the Uduba evanescens group, after the first member species to be described in 1901. Cribellate species have a divided cribellum and include Uduba pseudoevanescens and U. rakotofrah (known only from the male, which has the typical TA2 and MA morphology, Fig. 57 B View FIGURE ) and U. volana (known only from the female, which has slender epigynal lateral lobes, Fig. 77 E View FIGURE ). Probably the cribellate U. heliani ( Fig. 72 A View FIGURE ) and the ecribellate U. goodmani ( Fig. 77 A View FIGURE ), which are known from the female only, belong to Uduba evanescens group, as both have weakly developed lateral processes on the epigynum. The new species Uduba pseudoevanescens has a divided cribellum ( Fig. 20 C View FIGURE ) and is known from both sexes: it is amazingly similar to the ecribellate ( Fig. 20 D View FIGURE ) species U. evanescens (Dahl, 1901) , which is also known from male and female.
III. Uduba valiha group. Three species ( Map 17 View MAP ), all with a divided cribellum, have the male with a branched MA ( Fig. 29 H View FIGURE ) and a strong spine on the papal tibia ( Figs. 40 B View FIGURE , 44 A View FIGURE , 64 B, C View FIGURE ), and female with the spermathecal ducts visible through the epigynal cuticle arching far anteriad of the epigynal plate ( Figs. 72 C, E, G View FIGURE ). Details of the TA2, tibial spination, and epigynal shape distinguish the three included species: U. hiragasy , U. fisheri and U. valiha . One species, Uduba valiha ( Fig. 72 G View FIGURE ), has a female that conforms to the Epigynum lateral projection group suggesting a possible relationship between the Uduba valiha and Epigynum lateral projection groups.
IV. Uduba rinha group. This is a group of two closely related species (Map 18) that have a divided cribellum and that are characterized by a trapezoidal MA in the male ( Figs. 29 I View FIGURE , 46 B View FIGURE , 59 B View FIGURE ) and female epigyna with copulatory openings located beneath an anterior, divided hood and spermathecal ducts visible through the epigynal cuticle to form a circular loop cuticle that extends far posterior of the epigynal plate ( Figs. 71 C, G View FIGURE ). Included are the new species Uduba rinha and U. irwini .
V. Uduba rajery group. This is another small group comprising only two new species ( Map 19 View MAP ), in this case only known from unique males, which appear to have a divided cribellum. The genitalia are strikingly distinct: the palpal tibia has thick, swollen VTA ( Figs. 55 A–C View FIGURE , 58 A–C View FIGURE ), and the bulb has the TA2 extending through a tegular notch and a large, triangular MA with apical spikes or lobes ( Figs. 29 G View FIGURE , 56 B, D View FIGURE ). Included are Uduba rakotozafy and U. rajery . The branched MA and elongate TA2 suggest a relationship between the Uduba rajery group and the Uduba valiha group. It is unfortunate that no females of the included species are known.
VI. Uduba danielae group. This is another small group comprising only two new species (Map 20), in this case each only known from a unique female, both of which have a divided cribellum. The epigyna are strikingly similar but the vulval path differs between species. The affinities of this group are obscure, although the spermathecal ducts that are visible through the epigynal cuticle arching anteriad of the epigynal plate ( Figs. 70 A, C View FIGURE ) suggest a relationship to the Uduba valiha group. Included in the Uduba danielae group are the new species Uduba jayjay and U. danielae .
Unclassified species. Finally, we have four species that have no clear morphological affinities to the diagnostic characters of the previously defined species groups ( Map 21 View MAP ). Two new species, each only known from females from a single collecting event, both have a divided cribellum. Uduba sarotra has a vulva that spirals ( Fig. 70 E View FIGURE ) in a manner reminiscent of the Epigynal atrium group but the epigynum of this species lacks a median lobe and atrium ( Fig. 70 D View FIGURE ), though the lateral longitudinal ridge may be homologous to the atrial ridge and the median longitudinal ridge may be homologous to the median lobe. Uduba ida from Analamazaotra is unique ( Figs. 73 C, F View FIGURE ). The spermatheca that make several spirals on a longitudinal path resemble some Ambohima ( Phyxelididae ) and Symphytognathoidea, e.g., Mysmenidae and Theridiosomatidae , but the oval calamistrum and divided cribellum suggest placement of this enigmatic species in Uduba . Uduba lakroa is new species known from four males from a single collection at Mt. Papango. The species appears to have a divided cribellum. The palp morphology is distinctive: the TA2 and TA3 cross, they have a sclerotized lobe beneath TA2 and a pale concavity lateral to the TA3 base ( Figs. 48A– C View FIGURE ). Last, the ecribellate ( Fig. 20 E View FIGURE ) type species of the genus, Uduba madagascariensis ( Vinson, 1863) , is also difficult to relate to other species. The trapezoidal median lobe of the female epigynum is unique, but the vulva spirals in a manner reminiscent of the Epigynal atrium group ( Figs. 68 A–D View FIGURE , 69 A–G View FIGURE , 80 C View FIGURE ). On the male palp ( Figs. 29 C View FIGURE , 51 A–C View FIGURE , 52 B, D, E View FIGURE ) we find that the TA2 and TA3 interact, which is reminiscent of the Uduba woodae group and also of Uduba lakroa .
Predictions from our classification. Some predictions are possible from our classification. We expect that when discovered, females of the unassociated species classified in the Uduba woodae , Uduba funerea and Uduba dahli groups should have an epigynal atrium and a vulva that spirals. The currently unassociated females of U. funerea Simon 1906 and the new species U. barbarae , U. lavitra , U. milamina and U. orona will probably go with males that have small MA and VTA, a short to small TA2 and a TA3 that is a crescent or screw. The females of the new species Uduba volana , U. heliani and U. goodmani will probably be associated with males that have a large, pointed TA2 that extends distally and that have an MA that is complexly branched. Uduba rakotofrah , a new species currently known only from a male, will probably be matched with a female that has a laterally projected epigynum. The new species Uduba rakotozafy and U. rajery will probably be matched with females that have elaborate processes on the epigynum. It is hard to imagine the male of the small, extraordinary new species Uduba ida except to expect that it will have a very long, whip-like embolus.
SIMON, E. (1903). Histoire naturelle des araignees. Deuxieme edition, tome second. Roret, Paris, pp. 669 - 1080. [second pdf with detailed publication dates of the single parts] <doi: 10.5962 / bhl. title. 51973>
SIMON, E. (1906). Etude sur les araignees de la section des cribellates. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique 50: 284 - 308.
VINSON, A. (1863). Araneides des iles de la Reunion, Maurice et Madagascar. Paris, i-cxx, 1 - 337.
MAP 13. Distribution of Group I.a, the Uduba dahli MAP 14. Distribution of Group I.b, the Uduba woodae group of Group I, the Epigynal atrium group: Uduba group of Group I, the Epigynal atrium group: Uduba lamba, U. fandroana, U. hainteny, U. kavanaughi, U. plat- andriamihajai, U. balsama, U. schlingeri, U. taralily, nicki, U. halabe, U. salegy, U. dahli Simon 1903 and U. lehibekokoa and U. woodae. U. ibonia.
MAP 15. Distribution of Group I.c, the Uduba funerea MAP 16. Distribution of Group II, the Epigynum lateral group of Group I, the Epigynal atrium group: Uduba projection group, or Uduba evanescens group: Uduba funerea Simon, 1906, U. barbarae, U. lavitra, U. orona and evanescens (Dahl, 1901), U. rakotofrah, U. volana, U. milamina. U. heliani, U. goodmani and Uduba pseudoevanescens.
MAP 17. Distribution of Group III, the Uduba valiha MAP 18. Distribution of Group IV, the Uduba rinha group: Uduba hiragasy, U. fisheri and U. valiha. group: Uduba rinha and U. irwini.
MAP 19. Distribution of Group V, the Uduba rajery MAP 20. Distribution of Group VI, the Uduba danielae group: Uduba rakotozafy and U. rajery. group: Uduba jayjay and U. danielae.
MAP 21. Distribution of Unclassified species: Uduba sarotra, U. ida, U. lakroa and Uduba madagascariensis (Vinson, 1863).
FIGURE 73. Uduba spp., female genitalia drawings. A, B. U. ibonia, new species, paratype (CASENT9006035), from Parc National Ranomafana. C, F. U. ida, new species, holotype (CASENT9042534) from Station Forestière Analamazaotra. D, E. U. schlingeri, new species (CASENT9006057) from Parc National Ranomafana. B–D. Epigynum, ventral. A, E, F. Vulva, dorsal. Illustrations by Charles Griswold. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
FIGURE 74. Uduba spp., female genitalia drawings. A, B. U. salegy, new species, paratype (CASENT9006045) Parc National Montagne d’Ambre. C, F. U. halabe, new species, paratype (CASENT9006015) Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d’Andohahela. D, E. U. balsama, new species, paratype (CASENT9013532) from Forêt de Kirindy. A, C, D. Epigynum, ventral. B, E, F. Vulva, dorsal. Illustrations A–C, F by Jenny Speckels, D, E by Charles Griswold. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
FIGURE 80. Uduba spp., ♀ genitalia. A, B. U. schlingeri, new species, CASENT9006075 from Vatoharanana, Ranomafana National Park. C. U. madagascariensis (Vinson, 1863), CASENT9006029 from forest near Ambohimanga Village. D. U. woodae, new species, CASENT9006092 from Ambovombe, Carougeau, MNHN, Muséum Paris. E, F. U. goodmani, new species, Holotype (CASENT9006074), from Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d’Andohahela. G. U. evanescens (Dahl, 1901) CASENT9006083 from Forêt Ambohimasoa. H, I. U. valiha, new species, Paratype (CASENT9006071) from Massif Andringitra. J. U. pseudoevanescens, new species, CASENT9006007 from Forêt Marovato. A, E, H. Epigynum, ventral. B–D, F, G, I, J. Vulva, dorsal. At, atrium of epigynum; BS, base of spermatheca of vulva; CO, copulatory openings of epigynum; EF, epigastric furrow of abdomen; FD, fertilization duct of vulva; HS, head of spermatheca of vulva, including spermathecal poreplate; LL, lateral lobe of epigynum; LP, lateral process of epigynum; ML, median lobe of epigynum. Scale bars = A, B = 0.5 mm, C–J = 0.25 mm.
FIGURE 84. Uduba schlingeri, new species, CASENT9006075 from Vatoharanana, Ranomafana National Park, ♀ genitalia, SEM images. A. Epigynum, ventral. B. Vulva, dorsal. C. Vulva and book lungs, dorsal. BL, book lungs; BS, spermathecal base; CD, copulatory duct; CO, copulatory opening; HS, spermathecal head, LL, lateral lobes of epigynum; ML, median lobe of epigynum. Scale bars: A, B = 300 µm, C = 750 µm.
FIGURE 29. Uduba spp., color-coded comparisons of male left palpal tarsi, ventral views. A. U. evanescens (Dahl, 1901) (CASENT9024032) from Parc National Ranomafana. B. U. rakotofrah, paratype (CASENT9062794), from Anosyenne Mts. C. U. madagascariensis (Vinson, 1863) (CASENT9006026) from Ambohimanga. D. U. halabe, holotype (CASENT9006018) from Parc National Ranomafana. E. U. schlingeri, (CASENT9006062) from Parc National Ranomafana. F. U. ibonia, (CASENT9006036) from Parc National Ranomafana. G. U. rakotozafy, holotype (CASENT9006024) from Parc National Périnet. H. U. fisheri, (CASENT9007941) from Anjozorobe. I. U. rinha, (MRAC174.445) from 25 km W Morarano Chrome, Toamasina Province. Conductor (C), yellow; Median apophysis (MA), blue; TA1, purple; TA2, green; TA3, red. Illustrations by Charles Griswold and Jenny Speckels, not to scale.
FIGURE 43. Uduba halabe, new species, Holotype (CASENT9006018) from Parc National Ranomafana, left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. Illustrations by Daniele Polotow. Scale bar 1.0 mm.
FIGURE 47. Uduba kavanaughi, new species, Holotype (CASENT9029870) from Parc National Ranomafana, left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. Illustrations by Daniele Polotow. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.
FIGURE 20. Uduba spp., females: cribellum or colulus, and base of anterior lateral spinnerets surrounded by soft, flexible cuticle, anterior to top. A. U. halabe, CASENT9017873 from Parc Nacional Ranomafana, entire cribellum. B. U. ibonia, CASENT9006035 from Parc Nacional Ranomafana, divided cribellum (note small size of spinning plates). C. U. pseudoevanescens, CASENT9006008 from Parc Nacional Périnet, divided cribellum. D. U. evanescens (Dahl, 1901), CASENT9024032 from Parc Nacional Ranomafana, colulus. E. U. madagascariensis (Vinson, 1863), CASENT9006028 from Forêt Analavelona, colulus. F. U. goodmani, holotype (CASENT9006074) from Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d’Andohahela, colulus. G. U. schlingeri, CASENT9006028 from Parc Nacional Ranomafana, divided cribellum (note large size of spinning plates at posterior margin of soft cuticle). Illustrations by Charles Griswold. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.
FIGURE 61. Uduba schlingeri, new species, (CASENT9006062) from Parc National Ranomafana, left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. Illustrations by Jenny Speckels. TA2, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA3, retroapical apophysis of the tegulum. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.
FIGURE 66. Uduba woodae, new species, Holotype (CASENT9017834) from Lake Ranobe, left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. Illustrations by Giovanni Maki. TA2, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA3, retroapical apophysis of the tegulum. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.
FIGURE 77. Uduba spp., female genitalia drawings. A–C. U. goodmani, new species. A, B. Paratype female (CASENT9009538) from montane rainforest at 900m elevation at Col du Sedro in Parc National d’Andohahela. C. Holotype (CASENT9006074) from camp #5 at 1875m elevation in Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d’Andohahela. D–F. U. volana, new species, holotype (CASENT9006072) dug from a burrow at 1400m elevation at Ambohimanga. A, C, D, E. Epigynum, ventral. B, F. Vulva, dorsal. Illustrations C–D by Jenny Speckels, A–B, E–F by Charles Griswold. BS, base of spermatheca of vulva; CD, copulatory ducts of vulva; CO, copulatory openings of epigynum; EF, epigastric furrow of abdomen; FD, fertilization duct of vulva; HS, head of spermatheca of vulva, including spermathecal poreplate; LL, lateral lobe of epigynum; LP, lateral process of epigynum; ML, median lobe of epigynum. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
FIGURE 71. Uduba spp., female genitalia drawings. A, B. U. pseudoevanescens, new species, holotype (CASENT9006008) from Périnet. C, D. U. irwini, new species, Paratype (CASENT9009383) from Parc National Tsingy de Bemaraha. E, F. U. evanescens (Dahl, 1901) (CASENT9024032) from Parc National Ranomafana. G, H. U. rinha, new species, paratype (CASENT9018660), Parc National de Namoroka. A, C, E, G. Epigynum, ventral. B, D, F, H. Vulva, dorsal. Illustrations by Charles Griswold. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
FIGURE 35. Uduba evanescens (Dahl, 1901), (CASENT9006087) from Parc National Ranomafana, left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. Illustrations by Daniele Polotow. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.
FIGURE 54. Uduba pseudoevanescens, new species, Paratype (CASENT9006006) from 57 km Route d’Anosibe de Moramanga, left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. Illustrations by Jenny Speckels. C, conductor; MA, median apophysis; RTA, retrolateral tibial apophysis on male palp; TA1, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA2, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA3, retroapical apophysis of the tegulum; UTA, basal tibial apophysis on male palp; VTA, ventral tibial apophysis on male palp. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
FIGURE 57. Uduba rakotofrah, new species, paratype (CASENT9062794), from Anosyenne Mts., left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. Illustrations by Daniele Polotow. RTA, retrolateral tibial apophysis on male palp; TA1, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA2, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA3, retroapical apophysis of the tegulum; UTA, basal tibial apophysis on male palp; VTA, ventral tibial apophysis on male palp. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.
FIGURE 72. Uduba spp., female genitalia drawings. A, B. U. heliani, new species, holotype (CASENT9006106) from Forêt Classée Andriantantely. C, D. U. hiragasy new species, paratype (CASENT9064772) from Tsinjoarivo Forest. E. F. U. fisheri, new species, (CASENT9065339) from 2 km W Andrambovato along River Tatamaly. G, H. U. valiha, new species, paratype (CASENT9006071) from Massif Andringitra. A, C, E, G. Epigynum, ventral. B, D, F, H. Vulva, dorsal. Illustrations by Charles Griswold. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
FIGURE 40. Uduba fisheri, new species, (CASENT9007941), Anjozorobe, left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. Illustrations by Giovanni Maki. C, conductor; Eb, embolic base; MA, median apophysis; RTA, retrolateral tibial apophysis on male palp, typically arising apically; TA2, proapical apophysis of the tegulum, arising just prolaterad of distal notch; UTA, basal tibial apophysis on male palp, which is located at proximoventral margin of tibia extending above patellar intersegmental membrane; VTA, ventral tibial apophysis on male palp, typically arising at midsegment. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
FIGURE 44. Uduba hiragasy, new species, paratype (CASENT9065698) from Tsinjoarivo Forest, left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. Illustrations by Charles Griswold. Arrow to tegular ridge. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
FIGURE 64. Uduba valiha, new species, Holotype (CASENT9026394) from Forêt de Vevembe, left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. Illustrations by Rachel Diaz-Bastin. MA, median apophysis; TA2, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA3, retroapical apophysis of the tegulum (mostly hidden behind TA2 in this species). White arrows to bump on tegulum, black arrow to stout retrolateral spine on tibia. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.
FIGURE 46. Uduba irwini, new species, (CASENT9065405) from ANJA Reserve, left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. Illustrations by Rachel Diaz-Bastin. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
FIGURE 59. Uduba rinha, new species, (MRAC174.445) from 25 km W Morarano Chrome, Toamasina Province, left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. Illustrations by Jenny Speckels. MA, median apophysis; TA2, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA3, retroapical apophysis of the tegulum. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
FIGURE 55. Uduba rajery, new species, Holotype (CASENT9026393) from Forêt Ambohidena, Ile Sainte Marie, left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. Illustrations by Giovanni Maki. MA, median apophysis; RTA, retrolateral tibial apophysis on male palp; TA1, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA2, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA3, retroapical apophysis of the tegulum; UTA, basal tibial apophysis on male palp; VTA, ventral tibial apophysis on male palp. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
FIGURE 58. Uduba rakotozafy, new species, Holotype (CASENT9006024) from Parc National Périnet, left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. Illustrations by Jenny Speckels. RTA, retrolateral tibial apophysis on male palp; TA3, retroapical apophysis of the tegulum; UTA, basal tibial apophysis on male palp; VTA, ventral tibial apophysis on male palp. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
FIGURE 56. Uduba rajery, new species, Holotype male (CASENT9026393) from Forêt Ambohidena, Ile Sainte Marie, right palpus, SEM. A. Tibia and tarsus, retrolateral. B. Tarsus, ventral. C. Tibia and tarsus, prolateral. D. Bulb, retrolateral. E. Bulb, proventral. F. Bulb, prolateral. C, conductor; CmS, cymbial scopula (arrows); E, embolus; Eb, embolic base; MA, median apophysis; ST, subtegulum; TA1, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA2, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA3, retroapical apophysis of the tegulum. Scale bars: A–C, F = 100 µm, D, E = 30 µm.
FIGURE 70. Uduba spp., female genitalia drawings. A, B. U. danielae, new species, paratype (CASENT9014779) from Ambohitantely. D, E. Uduba sarotra, new species, holotype (CASENT9030916) from Parc National de Marojejy. C, F. U. jayjay, new species, holotype (CASENT9004079) from Anjozorobe. A, C, D. Epigynum, ventral. B, E, F. Vulva, dorsal. Illustrations by Charles Griswold. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
FIGURE 48. Uduba lakroa, new species, paratype (CASENT9062275), from Mt. Papango in Parc National de Midousy, left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. White arrow (in figs. A, B) points to bump on tegulum. Illustrations by Daniele Polotow. TA1, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA2, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA3, retroapical apophysis of the tegulum. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.
FIGURE 68. Uduba madagascariensis (Vinson, 1863), Tananarive, December 1946, J. Millot, MNHN, Paris, female genitalia drawings. A. Epigynum, ventral. B–D. Vulva, cleared. B. Anterodorsal. C. Posterodorsal. D. Dorsolateral. Illustrations by Charles Griswold. BS, spermathecal base; CD, copulatory duct; CO, copulatory opening; EF, epigastric furrow; FD, fertilization duct; HS, spermathecal head; LL, lateral lobe of epigynum; ML, median lobe of epigynum. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
FIGURE 69. Uduba madagascariensis (Vinson, 1863), female genitalia drawings. A, B. Ambohimanga, forest near village (CASENT9006029). C. Forêt Analavelona (CASENT9018653). D. Forêt Analavelona (CASENT9006028). E. Forêt Analavelona (CASENT9018653). F. Forêt Analavelona (CASENT9018670). G. Réserve Forestière Beanka (CASENT9042529). A, C–G. Epigynum, ventral. B. Vulva, dorsal. Illustrations A, B by Jenny Speckels, C–G by Charles Griswold. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
FIGURE 51. Uduba madagascariensis (Vinson, 1863), (CASENT9006026) from Ambohimanga, left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. Illustrations by Jenny Speckels. C, conductor; Eb, embolic base; MA, median apophysis; RTA, retrolateral tibial apophysis on male palp; TA1, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA2, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA3, retroapical apophysis of the tegulum; UTA, basal tibial apophysis on male palp; VTA, ventral tibial apophysis on male palp. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
FIGURE 52. Uduba madagascariensis (Vinson, 1863), CASENT9006025, forest near Ambohimanga village, right male palpus, SEM. A. Retrolateral. B. Apex, ventral view, showing MA, TA2, TA3 and C. C. Tibia, retrolateral. D. Apical, MA and TA3. E. Prolateral. F. Embolic base and base of TA1. C, conductor; Cm, cymbium; E, embolus; Eb, embolic base; MA, median apophysis; RTA, retrolateral tibial apophysis on male palp; TA1, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA2, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA3, retroapical apophysis of the tegulum, typically with apex extending to prolateral; VTA, ventral tibial apophysis on male palp. Scale bars A = 1.0 mm, C = 0.5 mm, B, F = 300 m, D, E = 430 m.
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