Uduba valiha, Griswold & Ubick & Ledford & Polotow, 2022

Griswold, Charles, Ubick, Darrell, Ledford, Joel & Polotow, Daniele, 2022, A Revision of the Malagasy Crack-Leg Spiders of the Genus Uduba Simon, 1880 (Araneae, Udubidae), with Description of 35 New Species from Madagascar, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 67, pp. 1-193 : 87-89

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Felipe (2024-08-01 19:09:06, last updated 2024-08-01 23:03:16)

scientific name

Uduba valiha

sp. nov.

Uduba valiha View in CoL , new species

Figures 6 C View FIGURE , 8 F View FIGURE , 28 B View FIGURE , 64 A–C View FIGURE , 65 A–F View FIGURE , 72 G, H View FIGURE , 80 H, I View FIGURE , Maps 10, 17.

Type material. Holotype male ( CASENT9026394 ) and one paratype male ( CASENT9082181 ) collected in rainforest at 600m elevation in Forêt de Vevembe , Fianarantsoa Province, Madagascar, on 23 April 2006 by B.L. Fisher et al., deposited in CAS . Paratype female ( CASENT9006071 ) collected at 785m elevation from Massif Andringitra , Fianarantsoa Province, Madagascar on 24 September 1993 by B.L. Fisher, deposited in CAS .

Remarks. The form of the male palp is similar among Uduba valiha , U. fisheri and U. hiragasy : females of U. fisheri and U. hiragasy have been collected with and therefore associated with males but no females have been collected with U. valiha . The form of the female genitalia of both the species U. fisheri and U. hiragasy is similar to that of specimen CASENT9006071 from Massif Andringitra, suggesting this female belongs to the same group of species. Because this female is distinct from those of U. fisheri and U. hiragasy , and geographically near the male localities of U. valiha , we tentatively associate the males collected in rainforest at 600m elevation in Forêt de Vevembe with the female collected at 785m elevation from Massif Andringitra as U. valiha . There appears to be an error on the label for specimens collected by S. Goodman at Forêt de Vinetalo [FMHD-00-223, i.e., CASENT9064656, 3♂, FMNH): the label states “[212°[sic] 46.6ʹS, 47°20.8ʹE” but according to maps and Google Earth the locality should be 21°46.6ʹS, 47°20.8ʹE.

Etymology. The species epithet, valiha, refers to a tube zither considered the “national instrument” of Madagascar, a noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. Uduba valiha belong to Group III, the Uduba valiha group ( Map 17 View MAP ). They are cribellate with divided cribellum or vestige. Males differ from other species by having a retromedian ridge on the tegulum ( Figs. 64 C View FIGURE , 65 E View FIGURE ), and a deeply bifid MA ( Fig. 28 B View FIGURE ) with prolateral lobe slender, retrolateral lobe stout; U. valiha males differ from those of U. hiragasy by having a short, stout retrolateral spine on the palpal tibia ( Fig. 64 C View FIGURE ) (spine absent in U. hiragasy , Fig. 44 C View FIGURE ), by having the TA2 apically rolled ( Fig. 28 B View FIGURE ) (blunt, entire in U. hiragasy , Fig. 28 A View FIGURE ) and the apex of the MA prolateral lobe rounded slender ( Figs. 64 A View FIGURE , 65 E View FIGURE ) (truncate in U. hiragasy , Fig. 44 B View FIGURE ). Females lack a median lobe or defined atrium on the epigynum ( Figs. 72 G View FIGURE , 80 H View FIGURE ) and have the vulva with spermathecal loops few, anteroposteriorly oriented ( Figs. 72 H View FIGURE , 80 I View FIGURE ); U. valiha can be distinguished from those of similar Uduba species by having the lateral epigynal margins strongly convex ( Fig. 72 G View FIGURE , 80 H View FIGURE ) (but the lateral margins not developed into the lateral “ears” found in U. evanescens and U. pseudoevanescens , Figs. 71 A, E View FIGURE ); distinguished from female U. fisheri ( Fig. 72 E View FIGURE ). and U. hiragasy ( Fig. 72 C View FIGURE ) by lacking a strong ridge along epigastric furrow and having lateral lobes with convex edges forming ridges or lobes on each side, these ridges extending around anteriorly and posteriorly of CO ( Fig. 72 G View FIGURE ).

Description. Male (holotype): Total length 9.00. Markings as in Fig. 8 F View FIGURE . Carapace 4.60 long, 3.10 wide, 1.60 high; clypeus 0.25 high. Eye diameters:AME 0.18, ALE, PME and PLE 0.20. Chelicerae 1.80 long; sternum 2.10 long, 1.60 wide; labium 1.00 long; palpal coxae 1.50 long. Divid- ed cribellum. Spination (paratype CASENT9082181): palpus–femur d1-1-1, p0-0-1, tibia r0-1-0, p0-1-0; leg I–femur d1-1-1, p0-1-1-0, r0-1-1-1, patella p1, tibia d0-1-1-1, p0-1-1-0, v2-2-2-2, r0- 1-1-0, metatarsus p1-1-2, v2-2-2, r1-1-1; leg II–femur d1-1-1, p0-1-1-0, r0-1-1-1, patella p1, tibia d0-0-1-1, p0-1-1-0, v2-2-2-2, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p1-1-2, v2-2-2, r1-1-1; leg III–femur d1-1-1, p1-0-1-1, r1-0-1-1, patella p1, tibia d1-0-1-0, p0-1-1-0, v2-2-2, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus d0-1-0, p1-1- 2, v2-2-1, r1-1-2; leg IV–femur d1-1-1, p0-1-1-1, r0-0-1-0, tibia d1-0-1-0, p0-1-1-0, v2-2-2, r0-1- 1-0, metatarsus p1-2-2, v2-2-2, r1-1-2. Scopulae: cymbium, apicodorsal ( Fig. 65 A View FIGURE ); tarsi I–IV, ventral. Leg measurements (holotype): I: 4.20 + 1.60 + 4.00 + 4.30 + 2.50 = 16.60; II: 3.90 + 1.50 + 3.40 + 3.60 + 2.20 = 14.60; III: 3.30 + 1.40 + 2.40 + 3.30 + 1.90 = 12.30; IV: 4.60 + 1.40 + 4.00 + 5.20 + 2.30 = 17.50; palpus: 1.80 + 0.70 + 0.80 + NA + 2.00 = 5.30. Leg formula 4123. Male palp (holotype): palpal tibia 0.41 cymbial length, RTA triangular, procurved, with pointed apex ( Figs. 64 C View FIGURE , 65 A, C View FIGURE ), RTA length 0.33 tibia, VTA triangular, short, length 0.30 tibia width ( Figs. 64 B, C View FIGURE ), UTA small; tibia with slender prolateral and a stout retrolateral spine ( Fig. 64 C View FIGURE ); tegulum ( Figs. 64 C View FIGURE , 65 D View FIGURE ) with longitudinal, retromedian ridge, ridge beginning near tegulum base and extending for 0.80 tegulum length; TA3 a pointed spine, mostly hidden behind TA2, TA2 small, rectangular, apex curled ( Fig. 28 B View FIGURE ); MA origin at 0.56 tegulum length, extends to tegulum apex, length (including apical processes) slightly greater than width, length 0.45 tegulum width, deeply bifid MA with prolateral lobe slender, with rounded apex, retrolateral lobe stout with apical hook ( Figs. 64 A–C View FIGURE ); tegulum with apical mound that partially covers prolateral lobe of MA ( Fig. 64 A View FIGURE ); conductor fan entire. Female (paratype): Total length 10.00. Markings as in Fig. 6 C View FIGURE . Carapace 4.79 long, 3.29 wide, 2.14 high; clypeus 0.21 high. Eye diameters: AME 0.18, ALE and PME 0.25, PLE 0.21. Chelicerae 2.43 long; sternum 2.18 long, 1.61 wide; labium 1.07 long; palpal coxae 1.61 long. Ratios –carapace length / width = 1.46, carapace height / width = 0.65, PER / carapace width = 0.67, PER/OAL = 2.67, PER/AER = 1.31, OAL/OQL = 1.00, OQP/ OQA = 1.24, clypeus height / AME = 1.20, cheliceral length / clypeus height = 11.33, sternum length / width = 1.36, palpal coxa length / width = 2.25, femur I length / carapace width =1.00, metatarsus I length / carapace width = 0.76, femur IV length / carapace width = 1.00, palpal tarsus length / carapace width = 0.37, palpal tibia length / palpal patella length = 1.42, palpal tarsus length / palpal tibia length = 1.42, palpal tarsus length / palpal femur length = 0.81, palpal tibia length / palpal patella length = 1.00. Divided cribellum. Spination: palpus–femur d0-0-1-1, r0-0-1, tibia p2-1, r1-0, tarsus p2-1; leg I– femur d0-1-1-0, p0-0-2, tibia v2-2-2-2, metatarsus v2-2-3; leg II–femur d0-1-1-0, p0-0-0-1, tibia v1-1-1-2, metatarsus v2-2-3; leg III–femur d0-1-0-0, p0-1-0-1, r0-1-0-1, tibia d1-1-0-0, p0-1-1-0, v2-1-2, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p1-1-2, v2-2-2, r1-1-2, tarsus v0-1-0; leg IV–femur d0-1-1-0, tibia v1- 2-2, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p0-1-2, v0-2-2, r1-1-2, tarsus v0-1-0. Scopulae: ventral on metatarsus– tarsus I and II, ventral on apical metatarsus–tarsus III and IV. Leg measurements: I: 3.29 + 1.57 + 2.43 + 2.50 + 1.50 = 11.29; II: 2.79 + 1.43 + 2.07 + 1.86 + 1.36 = 9.50; III: 2.43 + 1.07 + 1.43 + 1.79 + 1.07 = 7.79; IV: 3.29 + 1.50 + 2.57 + 3.21 + 1.43 = 12.00; palpus: 1.50 + 0.86 + 0.86 + NA + 1.21 = 4.43. Leg formula 4123. Female genitalia: epigynal plate without depressed atrium ( Figs. 72 G View FIGURE , 80 H View FIGURE ), plate width 1.43 times length, lateral lobes with convex edges forming ridges on each side, these convex, these ridges extending around anteriorly and posteriorly of CO, width between bases of LL 0.88 times epigynum width, LL side width 0.14 times width epigynum; medi- an lobe a flat plate, copulatory openings at mid-level of plate at 0.41 of epigynum length, distance between copulatory openings 0.58 times epigynum width. Vulva ( Figs. 72 H View FIGURE , 80 I View FIGURE ) with spermathecal ducts forming 2–3 loose, longitudinal loops, vulva length 0.88 times width, fertilization ducts very close, vulva width 16.50 times distance between FD.

Variation. Male (N= 5): Total length 8.50–11.00; carapace length / width = 1.38–1.68, carapace height / width = 0.49–0.55, PER / carapace width = 0.34–0.38, PER/OAL = 2.19–2.60, PER/AER = 1.24–1.51, OAL/OQL = 1.13–1.37, OQP/ OQA = 1.19–1.39, clypeus height / AME = 1.11–1.67, cheliceral length / clypeus height = 7.00–10.50, sternum length / width = 1.29–1.41, palpal coxa length / width = 2.33–2.80, femur I length / carapace width = 1.16–1.35, metatarsus I length / carapace width = 1.11–1.39, femur IV length / carapace width = 1.18–1.48, cymbium length / carapace width = 0.60–0.70, cymbium length / palpal patella length = 2.86–3.83, cymbium length / palpal tibia length = 2.33–2.80, cymbium length / palpal femur length = 1.05–1.28, palpal tibia length / palpal patella length = 1.14–1.50. Compared to specimens from Vinetelo, specimens from Vevembe have the legs slightly relatively longer and the cymbium slightly shorter. Female variation unknown: only one female, a paratype, has been collected.

Material examined. MADAGASCAR: Fianarantsoa Province: Forêt de Vevembe , 66.6 km 293°WNW Farafangana, 22°47ʹ28ʺS, 047°10ʹ55ʺE, elev. 600m, yellow pan trap, rainforest in transition to montane forest, 23 April 2006, B.L. Fisher et al. [BLF14119] (Holotype, CASENT9026394 , 1♂, CAS), (paratype, CASENT9082181 , 1♂, CAS) GoogleMaps , Forêt de Vinetalo, at foot of Ambodivohita , 21°46.6ʹS, 47°20.8ʹE, elev. 100m, disturbed lowland rainforest in transition to montane forest, pitfall traps, S. Goodman [FMHD-00-223] ( CASENT9064656 , 3♂, FMNH) , Massif Andringitra , 45 km S Ambalavo, 22°13ʹS, 47°1ʹE, elev. 785m, rainforest, pitfall trap, 24 September 1993, B.L. Fisher (paratype CASENT9006071 , 1♀, CAS) .

Natural history. All specimens of Uduba valiha have been collected in rainforest at low to mid elevation, from 100m to 785m, and all were collected in pitfall or yellow pan traps, suggesting that males and females of this cribellate species both wander at some point in their lives. We know nothing of the use of cribellate silk in U. valiha .

Distribution. The species Uduba valiha is known only from three forested localities in southeastern Madagascar (Maps 10, 17).

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FIGURE 6. Habitus photos of Uduba spp. A. U. valiha, female Paratype (CASENT9006071) from Massif Andringitra, dorsal. B. Uduba andriamihajai, new species, male (CAS9006077) R. S. Ivohibe, dorsal. C. U. madagascariensis (Vinson, 1863), CASENT9006029 male from forest near Ambohimanga, village (CASENT9006029), dorsal. D, E. U. rinha, female (CASENT9006108) from R.S. Manongarivo, dorsal and ventral. F, G. Uduba lamba, Betampona male, (CASENT9042542) dorsal and ventral. Scale bars: A–E = 5mm, F, G = 10 mm.

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FIGURE 8. Habitus photos of Uduba spp., males, dorsal views. A. U. rinha, MRAC174.445 from 25 km W Morarano Chrome, Toamasina Province. B. U. pseudoevanescens, Paratype (CASENT9006006) collected at 57 km Route d’Anosibe de Moramanga. C. U. evanescens (Dahl, 1901), (CASENT900687) from Ranomafana. D. U. fisheri, (CASENT9002693) from montane rainforest near Anjozorobe. E. U. rajery, Holotype (CASENT9026393) from littoral rainforest in Forêt Ambohidena, Ile Sainte Marie. F. U. valiha, Holotype (CASENT9026394) from Forêt de Vevembe. G. U. rakotozafy, Holotype (CASENT9006024) from forest at Parc National Périnet. Scale bars = 2 mm.

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FIGURE 28. Uduba spp., left male palpal bulbs, apical views. A. U. hiragasy, holotype (CASENT9065679) from Tsinjoarivo Forest. B. U. valiha, paratype (CASENT9082181) from Forêt de Vevembe. C. U. fisheri, paratype (CASENT9026388) from Anjozorobe. D. U. halabe, (CASENT9042520) from Parc National Ranomafana. E. U. platnicki, holotype (CASENT9006021) from Marojejy Reserve. F. U. kavanaughi, paratype (CASENT9031127) from Talatakely, Parc National Ranomafana. C, conductor; MA, median apophysis; TA2, proapical apophysis of the tegulum, arising just prolaterad of distal notch; TA3, retroapical apophysis of the tegulum, typically with apex extending to prolateral. Scale bar = 0.2 mm (A–C); 0.5 mm (D–F). Illustrations by Charles Griswold.

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FIGURE 64. Uduba valiha, new species, Holotype (CASENT9026394) from Forêt de Vevembe, left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. Illustrations by Rachel Diaz-Bastin. MA, median apophysis; TA2, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA3, retroapical apophysis of the tegulum (mostly hidden behind TA2 in this species). White arrows to bump on tegulum, black arrow to stout retrolateral spine on tibia. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.

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FIGURE 65. Uduba valiha, new species, Holotype male (CASENT9026394) from Forêt de Vevembe, left palpus, SEM. A. Tibia and tarsus, prolateral. B. Tibia and tarsus, ventral. C. Tibia and tarsus, prolateral. D. Bulb, retrolateral. E. Bulb, retroventral. F. Bulb, prolateral. Eb, embolic base; MA, median apophysis; ST, subtegulum; T, tegulum; TA1, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA2, proapical apophysis of the tegulum. Scale bars: A–C = 200µm, D–F = 100 µm.

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FIGURE 72. Uduba spp., female genitalia drawings. A, B. U. heliani, new species, holotype (CASENT9006106) from Forêt Classée Andriantantely. C, D. U. hiragasy new species, paratype (CASENT9064772) from Tsinjoarivo Forest. E. F. U. fisheri, new species, (CASENT9065339) from 2 km W Andrambovato along River Tatamaly. G, H. U. valiha, new species, paratype (CASENT9006071) from Massif Andringitra. A, C, E, G. Epigynum, ventral. B, D, F, H. Vulva, dorsal. Illustrations by Charles Griswold. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.

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FIGURE 80. Uduba spp., ♀ genitalia. A, B. U. schlingeri, new species, CASENT9006075 from Vatoharanana, Ranomafana National Park. C. U. madagascariensis (Vinson, 1863), CASENT9006029 from forest near Ambohimanga Village. D. U. woodae, new species, CASENT9006092 from Ambovombe, Carougeau, MNHN, Muséum Paris. E, F. U. goodmani, new species, Holotype (CASENT9006074), from Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d’Andohahela. G. U. evanescens (Dahl, 1901) CASENT9006083 from Forêt Ambohimasoa. H, I. U. valiha, new species, Paratype (CASENT9006071) from Massif Andringitra. J. U. pseudoevanescens, new species, CASENT9006007 from Forêt Marovato. A, E, H. Epigynum, ventral. B–D, F, G, I, J. Vulva, dorsal. At, atrium of epigynum; BS, base of spermatheca of vulva; CO, copulatory openings of epigynum; EF, epigastric furrow of abdomen; FD, fertilization duct of vulva; HS, head of spermatheca of vulva, including spermathecal poreplate; LL, lateral lobe of epigynum; LP, lateral process of epigynum; ML, median lobe of epigynum. Scale bars = A, B = 0.5 mm, C–J = 0.25 mm.

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MAP 17. Distribution of Group III, the Uduba valiha MAP 18. Distribution of Group IV, the Uduba rinha group: Uduba hiragasy, U. fisheri and U. valiha. group: Uduba rinha and U. irwini.

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FIGURE 44. Uduba hiragasy, new species, paratype (CASENT9065698) from Tsinjoarivo Forest, left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. Illustrations by Charles Griswold. Arrow to tegular ridge. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.

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FIGURE 71. Uduba spp., female genitalia drawings. A, B. U. pseudoevanescens, new species, holotype (CASENT9006008) from Périnet. C, D. U. irwini, new species, Paratype (CASENT9009383) from Parc National Tsingy de Bemaraha. E, F. U. evanescens (Dahl, 1901) (CASENT9024032) from Parc National Ranomafana. G, H. U. rinha, new species, paratype (CASENT9018660), Parc National de Namoroka. A, C, E, G. Epigynum, ventral. B, D, F, H. Vulva, dorsal. Illustrations by Charles Griswold. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.


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