Protolimnesia (Protolimnesia) pampaensis, Smit, Harry, 2002

Smit, Harry, 2002, Rheophilic water mites from southern Argentina, with the description of one new genus and three new species (Acari: Hydrachnidia), Zootaxa 103, pp. 1-23 : 8-12

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scientific name

Protolimnesia (Protolimnesia) pampaensis

sp. nov.

Protolimnesia (Protolimnesia) pampaensis n. sp.

( Figs. 5 View FIGURES 5 ­ 6 ­ 11)

Material examined

Holotype male: stream in Valle de las Pinturas, Lihue Calel National Park, La Pampa Province, 9 November 1999 ( MBR). Paratypes: 1 male, 1 female ( ZMAN), 2 females ( MBR), same data as holotype; 1 male, 1 female ( MBR), 2 females ( ZMAN), small stream Cerro Fortaleza, Lihue Calel National Park, La Pampa Province, 9 November 1999. Other material: 6 nymphs, same data as holotype.


Male: body 680 (697­964) long and 567 (530­729) wide. Integument with small papillae. Dorsum with one posteriorly located platelet, 90 long and 108 wide. First coxal plates separated; suture line between first and second coxal plates incomplete. Glandula Limnesiae located near anterior margin of third coxal plates ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 5 ­ 6 ). Genital field with three pairs of acetabula, located on two bean­shaped genital flaps ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 5 ­ 6 ). Pre­ and postgenital sclerites small, not fused with genital flap. Lengths of PI­PV: 34, 92, 54, 123, 38. PII with a short peg­like seta inserted on a short tubercle. PIV with four small tubercles, each with a hair­like seta ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 7 ­ 9 ). Three of these tubercles are located on the ventral margin of PIV, and one tubercle is located on medial side of segment. Lengths of I­leg­4­6: 96, 110, 198. Legs I­III with claws and a small clawlet. Lengths of IV­leg­4­6: 164, 194, 198. IV­leg­6 slightly bowed ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 7 ­ 9 ), with small simple claws, without clawlet and a terminal seta, 80 long. IV­leg­5 with serrated setae ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 7 ­ 9 ).

Female: body 810 (794­1037) long and 624 (616­842) wide. Dorsum with one posteriorly located platelet, 116 long and 131 wide (Fig. 10). First coxal plates separated, suture line between first and second coxal plates incomplete. Glandula Limnesiae located near anterior margin of third coxal plates (Fig. 11). Genital field with three pairs of acetabula. Genital field 810 long and 162 wide. Pregenitalsclerite 95 wide. Lengths of PI­PV: 40, 124, 84, 164, 48; palp as in male. Lengths of I­leg­4­6: 136, 156, 145. Lengths of IV­leg­ 4­6: 219, 284, 284. IV­leg­6 as in male, with a 64 long terminal seta.


Named for its occurrence in the pampa.

Figures 10­11. Protolimnesia pampaensis sp. nov., paratype female, 10, dorsal view; 11, ventral view. Scale lines 200 µm.


The new species is very similar to P. longa Besch , a hyporheic species, known from the holotype male only. Protolimnesia longa has larger tubercles on PIV (see below). Moreover, the claws of IV­leg­6 are larger in P. longa than in the new species, and the terminal seta of this segment serrated and is shorter than in the new species.


Parque Zoological Nacional Finca Modelo, Natural History Museum FMSS FMSS 1 FMSS Fort Hays State University FHKS FHKS 1 FHKS Departamento Parasitologia DTIC DTIC 1 DTIC Belo Horizonte, Instituto de Ciencias Biologicas DPIC DPIC 1 DPIC Departamento de Patologia Vegetal DPBA DPBA 1 DPBA Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Forestales CEEF CEEF 1 CEEF National Museum Bloemfontein BMSA BMSA 1 BMSA Boise State University BIDA BIDA 1 BIDA University of Nevada, Museum of Biology UNR UNR 2 UNR Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora UFJF UFJF 1 UFJF National Museum and Art Gallery, Port Moresby PNGM PNGM 1 PNGM Marine Science Museum, Tokai Univ. MSM MSM 2 MSM Museum Deptartment of Zoology MDZAU MDZAU 1 MDZAU Departamento de Zoologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul DZUFRGS DZUFRGS 1 DZUFRGS Canterbury Museum CMC CMC 3 CMC Universidad de Buenos Aires, Laboratorio de Investigaciones Herpetologicas LIHUBA LIHUBA 1 LIHUBA Instituto Nacional de Microbiologia CHINM CHINM 1 CHINM National Museum, Bloemfontein NMQR NMQR 1 NMQR National Museum, Buenos Aires NMBA NMBA 3 NMBA Museo Argention de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia


Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Zoologisch Museum

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