Cleruchoides noackae Lin & Huber, 2007
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Plazi (2025-01-03 19:34:00, last updated 2025-01-03 20:28:23) |
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Cleruchoides noackae Lin & Huber, 2007 |
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Cleruchoides noackae Lin & Huber, 2007 View in CoL
( Figs 75–80 View FIGURES 75–77 View FIGURES 78, 79 View FIGURE 80 )
Cleruchoides noackae Lin & Huber View in CoL in Lin et al., 2007: 54; holotype ♀ (ANIC). TL: Australia, Tasmania, Devonport. Wilcken et al., 2010: 204 (mention); Ide et al., 2013b: 99 (quarantine, mass rearing and release in Chile); Barbosa et al., 2014: 416 (mass rearing); Martínez et al., 2014: 325 (biological control); Wilcken et al., 2014: 325 (biological control); Barbosa et al., 2016: 11 (mass rearing); Souza et al., 2016: 34 (longevity); Barbosa et al., 2017a: 11 (mass rearing); Barbosa et al., 2017b: 372 (percent parasitism, sex ratio, field establishment, Brazil); Martínez, 2017: 103 (biology, laboratory rearing), 120 (chemical cues for host location); Wilcken et al., 2017: 105 (biological control in Brazil); Barbosa et al., 2018: 193 (development on eggs on different substrate); Haas et al., 2018: 2 (oviposition behaviour); Martínez et al., 2018: 98 (rearing and release in Uruguay in 2013); Barbosa et al., 2019: 307 (life cycle); Becchi et al., 2019: 452 (temperature effect on flight); Haas et al., 2019: 1298 (toxicity of plant extracts); Becchi et al., 2020: 2 (oviposition behaviour); Domínguez et al., 2020: 1 (effect of mycoinsecticides); Stenger et al., 2021: 2 (selectivity of essential oil); Andorno et al., 2022: 474 (introduction and establishment in Argentina); Becchi et al., 2023: 2 (thermal requirements, fertility life table); Rodrigues et al., 2023: 781 (cold storage to improve mass rearing).
Neotropical host. Thaumastocoridae View in CoL : Thaumastocoris peregrinus Carpintero & Dellapé. View in CoL Distribution. Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay.
Andorno, A. V., Hernandez, C. M., Cuello, E. M., Cagnotti, C. L., Botto, E. N. & Lopez, S. N. (2022) Biological control of the Eucalyptus bronze bug Thaumastocoris peregrinus (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae) in Argentina: release and recovery of the introduced egg parasitoid Cleruchoides noackae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). BioControl, 67, 473 - 483. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 10526 - 022 - 10158 - 2
Barbosa L. R., Rodrigues, A. P., Nichele, L. A., Souza, A. R., Becchi, L. K. & Wilcken, C. F. (2017 a) Orientacoes para acriacao massal e liberacao em campo de Cleruchoides noackae para controle biologico do percevjo bronzeado de eucalypto. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria, Embrapa Florestas, 23 pp. [https: // ainfo. cnptia. embrapa. br / digital / bitstream / item / 167917 / 1 / Livro-TA- 1393 - completo. pdf]
Barbosa, L., Beltramin, F., Rodrigues, A., Martinez, G. & Wilcken, C. (2014) Improving mass rearing techniques for Cleruchoides noackae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 2014, Salt Lake City. International Forestry Review, 1, 476.
Barbosa, L. R., Santos, F., Buhrer, C. B., Nichele, L. A., Wilcken, C. F. & Soliman, E. P. (2016) Criacao massal do percevejo bronzeado, Thaumastocoris peregrinus: Carpinteiro and Dellape, 2006 (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae). Embrapa, Brasilia, 22 pp. [https: // www. infoteca. cnptia. embrapa. br / infoteca / handle / doc / 1049862]
Barbosa, L. R., Rodrigues, A. P., Da Silva Soler, L., Fernandez, B. V., de Castro e Castro, B. M., Wilcken, C. F. & Zanuncio, J. C. (2017 b) Establishment in the field of Cleruchoides noackae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), an exotic egg parasitoid of Thaumastocoris peregrinus (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae). Florida Entomologist, 100 (2), 372 - 374. https: // doi. org / 10.1653 / 024.100.0237
Barbosa, L. R., Rodrigues, A. P., Souza, L. N., Foerster, L. A., de Sousa, A. R., Foerster, L. A., de Souza, L. N., de Castro e Castro, B. M., Wilcken, C. F. & Zanuncio, J. C. (2018) Development of Cleruchoides noackae, an egg-parasitoid of Thaumastocoris peregrinus, in eggs laid on different substrates, with different ages and post-cold storage. BioControl, 63 (1), 193 - 202. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 10526 - 017 - 9863 - 3
Barbosa, L. R., Campos, J. M., Wilcken, C. F. & Zanuncio, J. C. (2019) Chapter 25. Forests. In: Souza, B., Vazquez, L. L. & Marucci, R. C. (Eds.), Natural Enemies of Insect pests in Neotropical Agroecosystems. Springer Nature, Cham, pp. 305 - 317. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / 978 - 3 - 030 - 24733 - 1 _ 25
Becchi, L. K., Santos, T. L., Tedesco, F. G., Jorge, C., Souza, C. D., Barbosa, L. R., & Wilcken, C. F. (2019) Effect of temperature on flight of Cleruchoides noackae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), parasitoid of Eucalyptus bronze bug. In: XXV IUFRO World Congress, 2019, Curitiba IUFRO World Congress: Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development. Colombo. Pesquisa Florestal Brazileira, 39, pp. 452.
Becchi, L. K., Jorge, C., Camargo, G. F., Barbosa, L. R., Soares, M. A., Serrao, J. E., Zanuncio, J. C. & Wilcken, C. F. (2020) Oviposition behaviour of mated or unmated Cleruchoides noackae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). PLoS ONE, 15 (10), e 0239285. https: // doi. org / 10.1371 / journal. pone. 0239285
Becchi, L. K., Barbosa, L. R., Serrao, J. E., Zanuncio, J. C., Sampaio, M. V., Domingues, M. M. & Wilcken, C. F. (2023) Thermal requirements, fertility life tables and biological parameters of Cleruchoides noackae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) at different temperatures. PeerJ, 11, e 14911. https: // doi. org / 10.7717 / peerj. 14911
Dominguez, M. M., Becchi, L. K., Velozo, S. G. M., Rodrigues de Souza, A., Barbosa, L. R., Soares, M. A., Serrao, J. E., Zanuncio, J. C. & Wicklen, C. F (2020) Selectivity of mycoinsecticides and a pyrethroid to the egg parastoid Cleruchoides noackae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). Science Report, 10 (1), 14617, 1 - 7. https: // doi. org / 10.1038 / s 41598 - 020 - 71151 - 2
Haas, J., Barbosa, L. R., Potrich, M., Lozano, E. R. & Mazaro, S. M. (2018) Oviposition behavior of Cleruchoides noackae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the laboratory. Floresta e Ambiente, 25 (1), e 00148115. https: // doi. org / 10.1590 / 2179 - 8087.148115
Haas, J., Barbosa, L. R., Potrich, M., Lozano, E. R., Vismara, E. S., Baungratz, A. R. & Mazaro, S. M. (2019) Toxicity assessment of plant extracts to Cleruchoides noackae Lin and Huber (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). Agroforestry Systems, 93, 1297 - 1305. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 10457 - 018 - 0242 - 6
Ide, S., Jaques, L. & Valenzuela, J. (2013 b) Quarantine and rearing of Cleruchoides noackae, a parasitoid of Thaumstocoris peregrinus. In: Mason, P. G., Gillespie. D. R. & Vincent, V. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4 th International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods. Pucon, Chile, 4 - 8 March 2013, pp. 99.
Lin, N. - Q., Huber, J. T. & La Salle, J. (2007) The Australian genera of Mymaridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Zootaxa, 1596 (1), 1 - 111. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 1596.1.1
Martinez, G., Barbosa, L. & Wilcken, C. (2014) Towards biological control strategies for the bronze bug, Thaumastocoris peregrinus, on eucalyptus plantations in South America. The International Forestry Review, 16 (5), 325.
Martinez, G. (2017) Mothers in the woods: multitrophic interactions and oviposition preference in the bronze bug Thaumastocoris peregrinus, a pest of Eucalyptus. Ph. D. Thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen, 176 pp.
Martinez, G., Gonzales, A. & Dicke, M. (2018) Rearing and releasing the egg parasitoid Cleruchoides noackae, a biological control agent for the Eucalyptus bronze bug. Biological Control, 123, 97 - 104. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. biocontrol. 2018.05.008
Rodrigues, A. P., Tavares, W. S. Zanuncio, J. C., Wilcken, C. F., Foerster, L. A. & Barbosa, L. R. (2023) Evaluation of cold storage techniques to improve mass rearing of Cleruchoides noackae from Thaumastocoris peregrinus eggs. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 28, 780 - 786. https: // doi. org / 10.1017 / S 0007485323000433
Souza, A. R. de, Candelaria, M. C., Barbosa, L. R., Wilcen, C. F., Campos, J. M., Serrao, J. E. & Zanuncio, J. C. (2016) Longevity of Cleruchoides noackae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), an egg parasitoid of Thaumastocoris peregrinus (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae), with various honey concentrations and at several temperatures. Florida Entomologist, 99 (1), 33 - 37. https: // doi. org / 10.1653 / 024.099.0107
Stenger, L. D., Abati, R., Pawlak, I. G., Varpechoski, G. O., Souza Vismara, E. de, Barbosa, L. R., Wagner Junior, A., Lozano, E. R. & Potrich, M. (2021) Toxicity of essential oil of Eugenia uniflora (L.) to Thaumastocoris peregrinus (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae) and selectivity to the parasitoid Cleruchoides noackae (Lin & Hubert) (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). Crop Protection, 147, 1 - 8. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. cropro. 2021.105693
Wilcken, C. F., Soliman, E. P., Sa, L. A. N., Barbosa, L. R., Diaz, T. K. R., Ferreira-Filho, P. J. & Oliveira, R. C. R. (2010) Bronze bug Thaumastocoris peregrinus (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae) on Eucalyptus in Brazil and its distribution. Journal of Plant Protection Research, 50 (2), 201 - 205. https: // doi. org / 10.2478 / v 10045 - 010 - 0034 - 0
Wilcken, C. F., Barbosa, L., Zache, B., Firmino, A., Sa, L., Zanuncio, J. & Junqueira, L. (2014) 6.5 Biological control of the bronze bug, Thaumastocoris peregrinus, in eucalyptus plantations in Brazil. International Forestry Review, 16 (5), 325.
Wilcken, C. F., Barbosa, L. R., Velozo, S. M., Becchi, L. K., Junqueira, L. R., Sa, L. A. N. & Zanuncio, J. C. (2017) 6.5 Biological control of Thaumastocoris peregrinus (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae) in Eucalyptus plantations in Brazil: an update. In: Mason, P. G., Gillespie, D. R. & Vincent, C. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5 th International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods, Langkawi, Malaysia, 11 - 15 September 2017. CAB International, Wallingford, pp. 105 - 107. https: // doi. org / 10.1079 / 9781786394118.0105
FIGURES 75–77. Cleruchoides noackae Lin & Huber. 75a, head, anterior; 75b, head posterior; 76, antenna; 77, wings. Specimen from Australia.
FIGURES 78, 79. Cleruchoides noackae Lin & Huber. 78, head, ventral; 79, mesosoma, dorsal. Specimen from Australia.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Cleruchoides noackae Lin & Huber, 2007
Huber, John T., Read, Jennifer D. & Triapitsyn, Serguei V. 2024 |
Cleruchoides noackae
Becchi, L. K. & Barbosa, L. R. & Serrao, J. E. & Zanuncio, J. C. & Sampaio, M. V. & Domingues, M. M. & Wilcken, C. F. 2023: 2 |
Rodrigues, A. P. & Tavares, W. S. & Zanuncio, J. C. & Wilcken, C. F. & Foerster, L. A. & Barbosa, L. R. 2023: 781 |
Andorno, A. V. & Hernandez, C. M. & Cuello, E. M. & Cagnotti, C. L. & Botto, E. N. & Lopez, S. N. 2022: 474 |
Stenger, L. D. & Abati, R. & Pawlak, I. G. & Varpechoski, G. O. & Souza Vismara, E. de & Barbosa, L. R. & Wagner Junior, A. & Lozano, E. R. & Potrich, M. 2021: 2 |
Becchi, L. K. & Jorge, C. & Camargo, G. F. & Barbosa, L. R. & Soares, M. A. & Serrao, J. E. & Zanuncio, J. C. & Wilcken, C. F. 2020: 2 |
Dominguez, M. M. & Becchi, L. K. & Velozo, S. G. M. & Rodrigues de Souza, A. & Barbosa, L. R. & Soares, M. A. & Serrao, J. E. & Zanuncio, J. C. & Wicklen, C. 2020: 1 |
Barbosa, L. R. & Campos, J. M. & Wilcken, C. F. & Zanuncio, J. C. 2019: 307 |
Becchi, L. K. & Santos, T. L. & Tedesco, F. G. & Jorge, C. & Souza, C. D. & Barbosa, L. R. & Wilcken, C. F. 2019: 452 |
Haas, J. & Barbosa, L. R. & Potrich, M. & Lozano, E. R. & Vismara, E. S. & Baungratz, A. R. & Mazaro, S. M. 2019: 1298 |
Barbosa, L. R. & Rodrigues, A. P. & Souza, L. N. & Foerster, L. A. & de Sousa, A. R. & Foerster, L. A. & de Souza, L. N. & Castro, B. M. & Wilcken, C. F. & Zanuncio, J. C. 2018: 193 |
Haas, J. & Barbosa, L. R. & Potrich, M. & Lozano, E. R. & Mazaro, S. M. 2018: 2 |
Martinez, G. & Gonzales, A. & Dicke, M. 2018: 98 |
Barbosa L. R. & Rodrigues, A. P. & Nichele, L. A. & Souza, A. R. & Becchi, L. K. & Wilcken, C. F. 2017: 11 |
Barbosa, L. R. & Rodrigues, A. P. & Da Silva Soler, L. & Fernandez, B. V. & Castro, B. M. & Wilcken, C. F. & Zanuncio, J. C. 2017: 372 |
Martinez, G. 2017: 103 |
Wilcken, C. F. & Barbosa, L. R. & Velozo, S. M. & Becchi, L. K. & Junqueira, L. R. & Sa, L. A. N. & Zanuncio, J. C. 2017: 105 |
Barbosa, L. R. & Santos, F. & Buhrer, C. B. & Nichele, L. A. & Wilcken, C. F. & Soliman, E. P. 2016: 11 |
Souza, A. R. de & Candelaria, M. C. & Barbosa, L. R. & Wilcen, C. F. & Campos, J. M. & Serrao, J. E. & Zanuncio, J. C. 2016: 34 |
Barbosa, L. & Beltramin, F. & Rodrigues, A. & Martinez, G. & Wilcken, C. 2014: 416 |
Martinez, G. & Barbosa, L. & Wilcken, C. 2014: 325 |
Wilcken, C. F. & Barbosa, L. & Zache, B. & Firmino, A. & Sa, L. & Zanuncio, J. & Junqueira, L. 2014: 325 |
Ide, S. & Jaques, L. & Valenzuela, J. 2013: 99 |
Wilcken, C. F. & Soliman, E. P. & Sa, L. A. N. & Barbosa, L. R. & Diaz, T. K. R. & Ferreira-Filho, P. J. & Oliveira, R. C. R. 2010: 204 |
Lin, N. - Q. & Huber, J. T. & La Salle, J. 2007: 54 |