Pseudotyrannochthonius cheni, Gao, Y. Zhang & Fe. Zhang, 2016

Gao, Zhizhong, Zhang, Yanfen & Zhang, Feng, 2016, Two New Species Of Pseudotyrannochthoniidae, Including The First Species Of Pseudotyrannochthonius (Pseudoscorpiones) From China, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 62 (2), pp. 117-131 : 119-123

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

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scientific name

Pseudotyrannochthonius cheni

sp. nov.

Pseudotyrannochthonius cheni View in CoL sp. n.

(Figs 1–3)

Typematerial. Holotypefemale (Ps.- MHBU-GZ14101201 ): China, GuizhouProvince , JiangkouCounty, FanjingshanNationalNatureReserve [27°54.494 ′ N, 108°41.859 ′ E], alt. 2214 m, 12 October 2014, ZhizhongGaoleg GoogleMaps .

Etymology. ThespecificnameisapatronyminhonourofDr. HuimingChenwho assistedwiththefieldwork.

Diagnosis. ThisspeciesdiffersfromallotherAsianspeciesof Pseudotyrannochthonius bythefollowingcombinationofcharacters: epistomeserrate; carapacestronglyconstrictedposteriorly; twopairsofeyespresent; onlyfive coxalblades (otherwise> 5); 16 teethacuteandspacedalongthewholemov- ablechelalfinger. Thisnewspeciesismostsimilarto P. kobayashi fromJapan, butcanbedistinguishedfromthelatterbythenumberofsetaeonthecheli- ceralpalm (6 vs 5), andbythenumberofcoxalblades (atleast 7 in P. kobayashii whichisalsoabsenceofeyes). Basedonthepresenceorabsenceofeyes, P. cheni canbedistinguishedfrom P. kubotai , P. dentifer , and P. undecimclavatus ( P. cheni with 4 eyes, whileotherseyesabsent). Itdiffersfrom P. utahensis , P. incognitus and P. gracilis bytheacuteandspacedteethalongthewholemov- ablechelalfinger (allotherswithlessdevelopedteeth).

Description. Carapace, abdomen, cheliceraeandpalpsyellowishbrown, otherparts


Fig. 1. Pseudotyrannochthoniuscheni sp. n., holotype: a = habitus, dorsalview; b = coxae, ventral; it, interoxaltubercle; c = leftchelicera, ventrolateral.

Carapace (Fig. 2b) invertedtrapezoid; somewhatshorterthanbroad (0.85 times), stronglyconstrictedposteriorly; anterioreyeswithwelldevelopedtapetaandsituatedon tubercles, theposterioroneswithrudimentarytapetaonlyandnotsituatedontubercles; eyesalmost 1/2 diameterfromeachother, anteriorpairofeyes 2 diametersfromanterior marginofcarapace; epistomepresent (Fig. 2a) andwithsometinyspinules; chaetotaxy: 6–4–2–2–2,16; withthreepairsoflyrifissures, firstandsecondpairbetweenanteriorand ocularrowofsetae, thethirdpairsituatedposteriolateraltosetaeofposteriorrow.

Coxalarea: tipofmanducatoryprocesswith 2 acuminatedistalsetae, apicalseta straight, abouttwotimeslongerthansubapicalseta; pedipalpalcoxawiththreeseta, two atdistalmarginandonemoremedialnearinteriormargin, withonemediallyrifissure. Bisetoseintercoxaltuberclepresent, teardropshaped (Fig. 1b); coxalblades (Fig. 2e) only

Fig. 2. Pseudotyrannochthoniuscheni sp. n., holotype: a = epistomalprocess; b = carapace (dorsalview), positionoflyrifissuresindicatedbyblackhorizontalbars; c = leftchelicerae (lateralview); d = tipofcheliceralmovablefinger (dorsalview); e = coxalbladesonlegI (ventralview); f = leftpalp (minuschela, dorsalview); g = leftchela (dorsalview); h = rallum; i = legI (lateralview); j = genitalarea (ventralview), positionoflyrifissuresindicated byblackbars; k = legIV (lateralview). Scalebars: 0.25 mm (a–d, f–g, i–k); 0.20 mm (e, h).

Fig. 3. Pseudotyrannochthonius cheni sp. n., holotype: a = left chela; b = carapace and cheli- cerae; c = padipalp; d = leg I; e = genital area; f = tarsus of leg IV; g = leg IV.

presentoncoxaI, comprisingatransverse, contiguousseriesof 5 tridentateblades; setaeP 3, I 6, II 5, III 5, IV 4 (Fig. 1b).

Chelicera (Fig. 2c): palmwith 5 setae, ofwhichashortoneislocatedpro/retrolater- ally; slightlyshorterthancarapace; galealsetalocatedinmiddleofmovablefinger. Fixed fingerwith 11 conspicuousacuteteeth, theapicalonelarge, theothersrelativelysmall, onelyrifissuresatthebaseofthefixedfinger; tipofmovablefingertruncated (Fig. 2d) and movablefingerwith 13 conspicuousacuteteeth. Serrulaexteriorwith 15 lamellae; serrula interiorwith 17 lamellae. Rallumintworowsandcomposedof 11 bladeswithfinebarbulesexcepttheposterioronewhichisshorterthantheothers.

Pedipalp (Figs 2f–g; Figs 3a, 3c) mostlywithfinereticulations; chelalhandrobust; femur 1.54 timeslongerthancarapace; fixedfingerwith 20 acuteteeth, middleoneslarger thanthatinbothends; movablefingerwith 16 acuteteeth. Trichobothria: fixedfingerwith eighttrichobothria, trichobothria ib and isb distallyondorsumofpalm, esb, ist and eb sublaterallytodorsallyatbaseoffixedchelalfinger, esb closeto ist thanto eb, it and est atthe middleoffixedfingerandformingapair; et subdistalandduplex xs distal; movablefinger with 4 trichobothria, st subproximalandinsubbasalpositiononfinger, triplet sb, b and t medialtodistomedial, distancebetween sb and b somewhatequaltothedistancebetween b and t, sb situatedsubventrally, b medialand t rathersubventral; sensillaabsent.

Abdomen ovate; tergal chaetotaxy I–XII: 2: 4: 6: 6: 6: 7: 7: 7: 6: 4: TT: 0; anterior genitaloperculumwith 5 setae, posteriormarginwith 8 marginalsetae, 13 intotal, two obliquelyrifissurespresentanterolateraltogenitalopening; sternalchaetotaxyIII–X: 16: 12: 12: 11: 11: 10: 8: 4.

Legs (Figs 2i, 2k; Figs 3d, 3g, 3f) typicaloffamily. LegIandIVwithreticulations. Leg IVwithalongtactilesetaontarsus (TS = 0.28).

Measurements (length/breadthordepthinmm, ratiosinparentheses). Female. Body length 1.68. Carapace 0.52 × 0.61 (0.85). Palpaltrochanter 0.25 × 0.17 (1.47), femur 0.80 × 0.18 (4.44), patella 0.37 × 0.17 (2.18), chela 1.21 × 0.26 (4.65), palm 0.46 × 0.26 (1.77), movable finger length 0.78 (1.70 × palm). Leg I trochanter 0.18 × 0.14 (1.29), femur 0.45 × 0.09 (5.00), patella 0.28 × 0.08 (3.50), tibia 0.24 × 0.07 (3.43), tarsus 053 × 0.06 (8.83); leg IV trochanter 0.26 × 0.16 (1.63), femur+patella 0.70 × 0.21 (3.33), tibia 0.52 × 0.11 (4.73), metatarsus 0.21 × 0.08 (2.63), tarsus 0.53 × 0.06 (8.83).

Distribution. Currentlyknownonlyfromthetypelocality, GuizhouProvince, China.

Habitatandecology. Pseudotyrannochthoniuscheni sp. n. wascollectedfromthebush leaflitter, thereisakindofbambooaroundandtheleaflitterisextremelymoist; sincethe highaltitudeandcollectiontimeinlateautumn, theairtemperatureisverylow, itseems thatspeciesin Pseudotyrannochthonius aremostlypsychrophilic.

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