Tartamura agatelin, Bustamante & Ruiz, 2017

Bustamante, Abel A. & Ruiz, Gustavo R. S., 2017, Systematics of Thiodinini (Araneae: Salticidae: Salticinae), with description of a new genus and twelve new species, Zootaxa 4362 (3), pp. 301-347 : 326-327

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scientific name

Tartamura agatelin

sp. nov.

Tartamura agatelin View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 , 8F View FIGURE 8 , 18‒19 View FIGURE 18 View FIGURE 19

Note. This species is mentioned as “cf. Arachnomura HTLIN” in Ruiz & Maddison (2015).

Type material. Male holotype (deposited in QCAZ, temporarily held at the UBC-SEM) from Yasuní Reserve Station Area, roadside tree (0.6806°S, 76.3940°W), 260 m elev., Orellana, Ecuador, 9.VIII.2011, W. Maddison leg.; female paratype (deposited in QCAZ, temporarily held at the UBC-SEM) with same data as the holotype, except for: oil line clearing (0.6806°S, 76.3940°W to 0.6802°S, 76.3954°W), 210‒280 m elev., 3.VIII.2011, W. Maddison, E. Piascick & M. Vega leg.

Additional material examined. ECUADOR: Orellana: Yasuní, Reserve Station Area, Coca trail, (0.6759°S, 76.3697°W to 0.6763°S, 76.3966°W), 210‒280 m elev.: 1♂, 27.VIII.2011, W. Maddison, E. Piascick & M. Vega leg. (UBC-SEM). GoogleMaps

Etymology. The specific name (in apposition) is a combination of the name and sounds of the letters “H”, “T”, “L”, “I” and “N” in Portuguese; these letters were used as an “undescribed species code” in Ruiz & Maddison (2015).

Diagnosis. Males of Ta. agatelin sp. nov. differ from those of Ta. huao sp. nov. and Ta. metzneri sp. nov. in having a short retrolateral cymbial groove, similar to that of Ta. adfectuosa ; they differ from Ta. adfectuosa in having a rounded tip of RvTA ( Figs 19A‒19C View FIGURE 19 ; squared in Ta. adfectuosa , see Galiano 1977a: fig. 16). Females differ from those of the other species of the genus in having the epigyne with long borders leading to anteriorly placed copulatory openings and simple, small spermathecae ( Fig. 19E View FIGURE 19 ; globular in other species).

Description. Male (holotype). Total length: 3.42. Carapace 1.65 long, 1.08 wide, 0.63 high. Ocular quadrangle 1.08 long. Anterior eye row 1.02 wide and posterior 0.99 wide. Chelicera paturon with two promarginal teeth, the distal one bicuspid, and two retromarginal teeth, the proximal one bicuspid and curved. Without spinelike setae on the frontal surface (Fig. 44). Length of femur: I 0.98, II 0.71, III 0.77, IV 0.92; patella + tibia: I 1.56, II 0.98, III 0.88, IV 1.21; metatarsus + tarsus: I 1.08, II 0.77, III 0.88, IV 1.00. Leg formula: 1432. Leg spination: femur I d1-1-1, p1di (p0 right), r0; II d1-1-1, p0, r0; III d1-1-1, p1di (p0 right), r1di; IV d1-1-1, p0 (p1di right), r1di; patella I‒IV 0; tibia I p0, r0, v2 *-0-2a-2a; II p0, r0, v1 r-1r-1p; III p0-1-1, r0-1-0, v2 di; IV p0-1-1 (p0-0-1 right), r0-1-0, v2 di; metatarsus I v2-2; II p1di, r0, v2-2; III p2di, r2di, v1 pdi; IV p2di, r2di, v0 (v1 p-1p right). Palp ( Figs 19A‒19C View FIGURE 19 ): tibia wider than long, RvTA finger-like with rounded tip ( Fig. 19B View FIGURE 19 ), RTA wider than long and curved ( Fig. 19C View FIGURE 19 ); embolus longer than wide, fixed to the tegulum, arising proximally, with a path of 935° (2T+215°) before coiling to retrodorsal side of the cymbium, where the tip of the embolus rests ( Figs 19A‒19C View FIGURE 19 ). Color in alcohol: carapace brown, with white scales directed forward, except for the white scales on the ocular area, directed laterally from the center ( Fig. 18A View FIGURE 18 ), abdomen brown with white chevrons, and an anterior yellow band with white scales extended along the sides as far as the anal tubercle ( Figs 18A‒18C View FIGURE 18 ). Chelicera, labium, endites and sternum brown ( Figs 8F View FIGURE 8 , 18C View FIGURE 18 ). Femur I brown with dark markings on retrolateral side, patella distally darker, tibia I light brown, metatarsus I brown and tarsus light brown; leg II‒III as I, but lighter and with metatarsus light brown; leg IV with femur tip darker on both sides, the remaining segments as leg II‒III ( Figs 18A‒18C View FIGURE 18 ). Anterior spinnerets brown, posterior yellow ( Fig. 18C View FIGURE 18 ).

Female. Total length: 3.42. Carapace 1.54 long, 0.96 wide, 0.65 high. Ocular quadrangle 0.96 long. Both anterior and posterior eye rows 0.92 wide. Chelicera paturon with one tricuspid promarginal tooth and one tricuspid and curved retromarginal tooth. Length of femur: I 0.73, II 0.59 III 0.62, IV 0.81; patella + tibia: I 1.02, II 0.76, III 0.72, IV 0.99; metatarsus + tarsus: I 0.76, II 0.64, III 0.76, IV 0.90. Leg formula: 4 132. Leg spination: femur I‒IV d1-1-1, p0, r0; patella I‒IV 0; tibia I p0, r0, v2 a-2a-2a (v2-2 -2a right); II p0, r0, v1 r-2a-1r; III p0-1-0 (p0-0-1 right), r0 (r0-1-0 right), v1 pdi (v0 right); IV p0, r0, v2 adi; metatarsus I v2-2; II p1di, r0, v2-2; III p2di, r2di, v0; IV p2di, r1di, v0. Epigyne ( Figs 19D‒19E View FIGURE 19 ): posterior edge slightly bilobed, copulatory openings anteriorly placed. Color in alcohol: carapace and abdomen as in male, venter of the abdomen lighter. Legs as in male, but lighter, with the same pattern on metatarsus I ( Figs 18D‒18F View FIGURE 18 ).

Distribution. Only known from Ecuador.

Natural history. The types were collected on tree trunks.


Museo de Zoologia, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador















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