Scipopus (Phaeopterina) uniformis, Lindsay & Marshall, 2023

Lindsay, Kate & Marshall, Stephen A., 2023, A revision of Scipopus Enderlein including the subgenera Scipopus s. str., Phaeopterina Frey and Parascipopus subgen. nov. (Diptera, Micropezidae, Taeniapterinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 904, pp. 1-189 : 156-158

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Plazi (2023-11-09 09:39:29, last updated 2023-11-14 09:45:06)

scientific name

Scipopus (Phaeopterina) uniformis

sp. nov.

Scipopus (Phaeopterina) uniformis sp. nov.

Fig. 70 View Fig

Differential diagnosis

Scipopus (Phaeopterina) uniformis sp. nov. resembles S. (Ph.) guatemalensis and S. (Ph.) quetzal sp. nov. in having a brown median stripe on the otherwise orange clypeus. Scipopus (Ph.) uniformis is distinctive for its brown first fore tarsomere, bare clypeus, uniformly brown femur and relatively flat female cervical sclerite. All three species overlap in distribution.


The species name, from the Latin adjective for ‘uniform’ refers to the uniformly brown legs, which distinguish this species from other similar species.

Type material examined


MEXICO • 1 ♀; Chiapas, Nahá ; 16°57′48″ N, 91°35′34″ W; 980 m a.s.l.; 9–13 Jun. 2008; mesophil forest; Malaise trap; DEBU (dissected and photographed, Fig. 70A–D View Fig ). GoogleMaps


HONDURAS • 1 ♀; Cusco National Park , Guanales; 15.4886° N, 88.2358° W; 1219 m a.s.l.; M. D’Souza leg.; 7–10 Feb. 2014; BIOUG19236 View Materials -H06/GMHJL457-15 sequenced for CO1–5′; BIOUG GoogleMaps 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding; BIOUG19238 View Materials -G07/GMHJM382-15 sequenced for CO1–5′; BIOUG GoogleMaps 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding; BIOUG19237 View Materials -F09/GMHJJ539-15 sequenced for CO1–5′; BIOUG GoogleMaps .


LENGTH. 15 mm.

HEAD. Palpus orange, pale microtrichose and setulose, narrow (length 4.8 × height). Clypeus orange, brown medially, width ~1.6 × height, silvery microtrichose on entire surface. Frontal vitta dull, orange, microtrichose. Epicephalon light brown, shiny, wide (width ⅔ or more of upper frontal vittal width), clearly delineated from upper frontal vitta. Paracephalon orange. 1–2 pairs of lower fronto-orbital setae; all other head chaetotaxy well-developed.

THORAX. Scutum black-brown, dark brown microtrichose, with a wide, shiny, silvery-blue median sheen. Female cervical sclerite relatively flat. Postpronotal lobe black-brown, bare. Pleuron black-brown with blue sheen, entirely silvery microtrichose. Legs dark brown; fore and hind tarsomere 1 dark brown with ventral golden fringe. Wing entirely brown infuscate.

MALE ABDOMEN. Not observed.

FEMALE ABDOMEN. T1 with fine, long, dark brown or black setae. Pleuron pale grey, P1 and dorsal half of P2–5 dark grey. Posterior margin of T2 ~1.5× as wide as T1 dorsally. T1+2 ~2 × length of T3. Oviscape black, white microtrichose on anterior ventral and lateral ½, dorsomedian ¼, 4.0× length of T6. Paired and single spermathecal ducts arising independently from bursa copulatrix. Paired duct short (5.0 × length of paired spermathecae), very narrow basally, slightly wider distally, swollen apically. Paired spermathecal stems very short. Paired spermathecae narrow basally, wider distally, with prominent tubercles, especially basally. Single spermathecal duct narrow, equal in length and diameter to paired duct. Single spermatheca very small, pointed, with prominent tubercles.


Mexico, Honduras.

Gallery Image

Fig. 70.Scipopus (Phaeopterina) uniformissp. nov, ♀, Mexico, holotype (DEBU). A. Head, anterolateral view. B. Head and thorax, dorsal view. C. Female spermathecae and associated structures. D. Habitus. Abbreviations: bc = bursa copulatrix; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; sd = single spermathecal duct; ss = single spermatheca.


Ontario Insect Collection, University of Guelph


Biodiversity Institute of Ontario











