Scipopus (Scipopus) convexus, Lindsay & Marshall, 2023

Lindsay, Kate & Marshall, Stephen A., 2023, A revision of Scipopus Enderlein including the subgenera Scipopus s. str., Phaeopterina Frey and Parascipopus subgen. nov. (Diptera, Micropezidae, Taeniapterinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 904, pp. 1-189 : 45-49

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Plazi (2023-11-09 09:39:29, last updated 2024-11-29 10:20:28)

scientific name

Scipopus (Scipopus) convexus

sp. nov.

Scipopus (Scipopus) convexus View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 15–16 View Fig View Fig

Differential diagnosis

Scipopus (Scipopus) convexus sp. nov. resembles S. (S.) planus sp. nov. in having a paracephalon with strongly convex upturned bumps, but differs in having dark, long, fine setae on T1 and a dark first fore tarsomere.


The species name, from the Latin word for ‘ convex ’, refers to the strongly convex bumps on the paracephalon.

Type material examined


BOLIVIA • 1 ♀; La Paz , Heath River Wildlife Centre , ~ 21 km SSW of Puerto Heath; 12°40′ S, 68°42′ W; 29 Apr.–12 May 2007; S.M. Paiero leg.; CBFC. GoogleMaps


BOLIVIA • 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; CBFC GoogleMaps 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; CBFC GoogleMaps 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; debu00281750/MYCRO518-19 sequenced for CO1– 5′; DEBU GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; S.A. Marshall leg.; CBFC (♂ dissected and photographed, Fig. 15D–E, G View Fig ) GoogleMaps .

PERU • 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀; Madre de Dios, Los Amigos Biol. Stn; 2–14 Jun. 2006; Paiero and Klymko leg.; MUSM (♀ dissected and photographed, Fig. 15A–B View Fig ) 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; debu00281553/MYCRO517-19 sequenced for CO1–5′, CO1–3′, 12S, 28S; DEBU .

Other material

BRAZIL • 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀; Rondonia, Ariquemes, Rio Ji-Parana ; 9°44′ S, 61°52′ W; 28 Oct. 1986; J.A. Rafael leg.; Arm. Malaise; INPA GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Pará, Tucurui, Faz. Senador ; 3°59′48″ S, 49°46′03″ W; 1 Jul. 2001; J.A. Rafael and J. Vidal leg.; suspensa baixa; INPA GoogleMaps 9 ♂♂, 19 ♀♀; Amazonas, Rio Negro, downstream Uaupés , last right tributary of Rio Curicuriari ; 0°19′54″ S, 66°48′1″ W; 5 Mar. 1994; M. von Tschirnhaus leg.; 1° forest, aspirated from human dung; INPA GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; Santerem ; Acc. No. 2966; CMNH 2 ♂♂; Manáos, Amazon ; Jul.; “ Roman ”; ZMUH 1?; same collection data as for preceding; 20 Jul. 1914; illegible collecting note attached; ZMUH 2 ♀♀; Rio Autaz, Amazon ; “ Roman ”; Oct.; ZMUH 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; Sep.; ZMUH 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; Oct.; illegible collecting note attached; ZMUH 1 ♂; Pará, Rio Xingu Camp , 60 km S of Altamira; 52°22′ W, 3°39′ S; 13–21 Oct. 1986; P. Spangler and O. Flint leg.; USNM GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Amazonas, Manaus , 1 km W of Taruma Falls; 100 m a.s.l.; 2 Mar. 1981; C. Young leg.; CMNH 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; G. Ekis leg.; CMNH 1 ♀; Amazonas, Manaus , AM- 10 km 16; 16 Apr. 1988; R.A. Rocha leg.; INPA 1 ♂; Pará, Benevides ; Oct. 1918; S.M. Klages leg.; CMACC. 6174; CMNH 1 ♀; Pará, Tucurui, Faz Senador ; 03°59′48″ S, 49°46′03″ W; 1 Jul. 2001; J.A Rafael and J. Vidal leg.; suspensa baixa; INPA GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Pará, Alter de Chào ; 15–18 Feb. 1992; R.A. Vidal leg.; Malaise; INPA 1 ♂, Amazonas, Campus Universitario ; 28 Jul.–5 Aug. 1988; M. Castilho et al. leg.; mao [hand]; INPA 2 ♂♂; Amazonas, Rio Javari, Estirao do Equador ; Oct. 1979; M. Alvarenga leg.; CMNH 1 ♀; Manaquiri Lake , 80 mi. SW of Manaus; 16 Nov. 1970; E.D. Valette leg.; USNM .

COLOMBIA • 1 ♀; Putumayo, PNN La Paya Cabaña Viviano ; 0°7′ S, 74°56′ W; 320 m a.s.l.; 19 Sep.–1 Oct. 2001; R. Cobete leg.; Malaise; M.2440; debu01088991/MYCRO520-19 sequenced for CO1–5′; IAVH GoogleMaps 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding; Varzea; M.2438; IAVH GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Amazonas, PNN Amacayacu, Matamata ; 3°41′ S, 70°15′ W; 150 m a.s.l; 4 Aug.–11 Sep. 2000; A. Parente leg.; Malaise; M.847; IAVH (photographed, Fig. 15C View Fig ) GoogleMaps .

ECUADOR • 1 ♀; Prov. Orellano, Yasuni Natl. Pk., Yasuni Research Stn ; 0°40′50″ S, 76°24′2″ W; 250 m a.s.l.; 28 Apr.–8 May 2009; H. Cumming leg.; on monkey dung; QCAZ GoogleMaps 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding; S. Luk leg.; on ground; debu01089002/MYCRO519-19 sequenced for CO1–5′; DEBU GoogleMaps .

FRENCH GUIANA • 1 ♀; Cayenne ; Feb. 1917; Acc. 5873; CMNH .

GUYANA • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Rewa Ecolodge ; 3°52′58″ N, 58°47′46″ W; 19 Jan.–22 Dec. 2012; R.J. Pivar; DEBU GoogleMaps .


LENGTH. 11–14 mm.

HEAD. Palpus orange to dark brown, pale brown microtrichose and setulose on entire surface, narrow (length 6.0× height). Clypeus light brown to black, anterior face ~1.3–2.0 × as wide as high, bare medially, microtrichose in posterolateral corners. Frontal vitta dull, orange, microtrichose. Orbital plate bare and slightly shiny on outer lateral edges. Epicephalon dull, orange or dark brown, microtrichose, not clearly delineated from upper frontal vitta. Paracephalon orange to black-brown, with upturned convex projections. All head chaetotaxy well-developed.

THORAX. Scutum black or dark brown. Female cervical sclerite relatively flat. Postpronotal lobe black or brown, setulose on outer margin. Notopleuron black or brown with three posterior pale spots, pale microtrichose ventrally. Pleuron black or dark brown, microtrichosity variable: entirely white on proepisternum, mostly white on proepimeron, with brown stripes posterodorsally and medially, white on anteroventral ⅓ of anepisternum, with white anterodorsal and posterodorsal spots, brown on ventral corner and remainder, mostly white on katatergite, with median brown spots or lines. Microtrichosity on katepisternum varies from mostly white with posterodorsal, ventral and median spots ( Fig. 16B View Fig ) to mostly brown with anterior, posterodorsal and posteromedian white spots ( Fig. 16A View Fig ). Legs dark brown or black, first fore and hind tarsomere dark brown or black with distinct ventral golden fringe. Wing uniformly brown infuscate.

ABDOMEN (J+ ♀). Long, fine, setae on T1 dark brown or black. Pleuron grey, microtrichose, P1, dorsal half of P2–6 dark brown or black. Male pleural sac off-white, dark brown on upper half.

FEMALE ABDOMEN. T1+2 ~2.2 × length of T3. Oviscape dark brown or black, white microtrichose on anterior ⅔, ~1.5–3.0× length of T6. Combined duct length short; common duct very short (almost absent). Paired spermathecal duct short (~4.0× length of paired spermathecae), narrow and curved basally, wider distally. Paired spermathecal stems shorter than spermathecae, with minute, sparsely distributed tubercles. Paired spermathecae elongate, nearly teardrop-shaped. Single spermathecal duct arising from basal ¹/10 of paired duct, narrow, <½ diameter and length of paired duct, slightly swollen distally. Single spermatheca elongate, finger-like, with spiked tubercles.

MALE ABDOMEN. Length of T1+2 ~2.3 × length of T3. Genital fork small, (~1.6× length of T6), arms converging, touching, sometimes swollen apically; inner basal process straight, ¹/5 the length of arm (not obvious in Fig. 15G View Fig ). Epandrium stout (length ≈ height), densely short setose on posteroventral margin. Basiphallus small, crescent-shaped, projecting outwards. Basal distiphallus ≈ length to epandrium, wide. Phallic bulb short, length ≈ height, upper chamber with round posterior projection, lower chamber smaller, rounded. Distal distiphallus shorter than epandrium, apex with tube-like opening. Phallapodeme broad and expanded apically.


Scipopus (Scipopus) convexus sp. nov. has frequently been mistaken for S. (S.) belzebul in the past, for example, in Hendel (1933), Hennig (1934) and Albuquerque (1972a). From the current material examined, males of S. (S.) convexus were more frequently collected and represented in collections (~40% of total specimens examined) than males of other species of Scipopus .


French Guiana to Colombia and Ecuador, south to Bolivia and Brazil.

Albuquerque L. P. 1972 a. Sobre uma especie do genero Scipopus Enderlein, 1922 (Diptera- Micropezidae). Acta Amazonica 2 (1): 89 - 94. https: // doi. org / 10.1590 / 1809 - 43921972021089

Hendel F. 1933. Uber einige Typen Wiedemann's und Schiner's von acalyptraten Musciden aus Sudamerika, nebst einigen verwandten Arten (Dipt.) Revista de Entomologia 3 (1): 58 - 83.

Hennig W. 1934. Revision der Tyliden (Dipt., Acalypt.). I. Teil: Die Taeniapterinae Amerikas. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 95: 65 - 108, 294 - 330.

Gallery Image

Fig. 15. Scipopus (Scipopus) convexus sp. nov. A. Head, ♂, anterolateral view, Peru, paratype (MUSM). B. Female spermathecae and associated structures, Peru, paratype (MUSM). C. Head and thorax, ♀, dorsal view, Colombia, non-type (IAVH). D. Male terminalia, lateral view, Bolivia, paratype (CBFC). E. Habitus, ♂, Bolivia, paratype (CBFC). F. Living, teneral ♂, Bolivia. G. Male genital fork, ventral view, Bolivia, paratype (CBFC). Abbreviations: b = basiphallus; bdp = basal distiphallus; cd = common duct; ddp = distal distiphallus; e = epandrium; ea = ejaculatory apodeme; h = hypandrium; p = phallapodeme; pb = phallic bulb; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; pss = paired spermathecal stems; sd = single spermathecal duct; sp = sperm pump; ss = single spermatheca.

Gallery Image

Fig. 16. Varying patterns of white microtrichosity on the left thoracic pleuron of Scipopus convexus sp. nov. A. ♀, Brazil. B. ♀, Bolivia. C. ♀, Colombia.


Ontario Insect Collection, University of Guelph


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia


The Cleveland Museum of Natural History


Zoological Museum, University of Hanoi


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Instituto de Ivestigacion de los Recursos Biologicos Alexander von Humboldt


Museo de Zoologia, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador















