Sellnickiella balticae, Three specimens from the Baltic, 2013

Three specimens from the Baltic, ing the mid-Tertiary., 2013, M, Acarologia 53 (1), pp. 25-39 : 25-39

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scientific name

Sellnickiella balticae

sp. nov.

Sellnickiella balticae n. sp.

( Figures 1-2)

Type designation and repository. The holotype and only described specimen (male) is an inclusion in Baltic amber with MGCP collection inventory number Ar-41 ( Figure 2E). The holotype is now contained in an Epo-thin enforced triangular amber piece measuring 0.5 x 1.5 x 4 mm, stored in a Parafilm-sealed Eppendorf tube with immersion oil. The tube is labeled (external printed label wrapped with sticky tape, internal label pencilwritten) " MGCP Ar 41 HOLOTYPE Sellnickiella balticae ". The piece is currently on loan to the first author and will be housed in the Museum of Helmintological Collections in the Center of Parasitology of the Severtsov’s Institute of Problems of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) .

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