Panurginus alpotanini, Romankova, Tatiana G. & Astafurova, Yulia V., 2011

Romankova, Tatiana G. & Astafurova, Yulia V., 2011, Bees of the genus Panurginus in Siberia, Far East of Russia, and Allied Areas (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae, Panurginae), Zootaxa 3112, pp. 1-35 : 9-15

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.200649


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scientific name

Panurginus alpotanini


2. Panurginus alpotanini View in CoL sp. n.

Diagnosis. Panurginus alpotanini fits well into the herzi -group of species with shagreened metasomal terga, S6 ventrally with lateral, long hair tuft, S7 apical fork with teeth widely shifted, gonostyli wide and penis valves narrow. The new species resembles regional P. m i k hn o, sp. n., and European P. sericatus Warncke in S6 with posterior margin between apical teeth almost straight and with wide semi-oval pubescent area; S8 with lateral flaps about neck long. Male of the new species is well recognizable by S8 apical plate with basal hill remarkably pulled backwards (lateral view). Exteriorly, P. alpotanini resembles P. m i k h n o: body pubescence is denser than usually in Panurginus species, males with triangular labral plate (alike P. obruchevi sp. n. as well); only two of them in the group have scutum and scutellum entirely shagreened. Female of P. alpotanini has longer F1, F1=2F2 (P. m i k h n o: F1=1.6F2), and as long as wide F3 (transverse at P. m i k h n o).

Etymology. The new species is named in memory of Alexandra Viktorovna Potanina (Russian: Александра Викторовна Потанина; 1843–1893), geographer, explorer, ethnographer; in 1876–1893 participated in expeditions to Mongolia, China, Tibet; was the first woman to become а member of the Russian Geographical Society; wife of Grigoriy N. Potanin.

Geographical distribution. Russia: Far East (Khabarovsk Kray); Mongolia (Ömnögovi, Töv).

Type material. Holotype:3, MONGOLIA: Töv: Sutszukte, Noin-Ula kurgans, near Selenge Aymak, 13– 22.VI.1925, P. Kozlov [ущ. Судзуктэ, ю-з Кентэй, Монголия, Козлов]. Paratypes: RUSSIA, Khabarovsk Kray: Beliy Klyuch, 28.VII.1936, 13; 27.VII.1936, 1Ƥ, Snegirevskiy; MONGOLIA: Ömnögovi: Dundu-Saykhan, 13.VII.1909, 13, P. Kozlov.

Description. МALE. Body length 6−7 mm. Shape. Head transverse (ca 0.8), as wide as mesosoma. Antenna short, attaining tegula; pedicel as wide as long; F1 elongate, as long as F2 and F3 together; F2 and F3 slightly transverse; other flagellomeres as long as wide or slightly longer. Labral plate almost triangular, basally twice as wide as long ( Fig. 26 View FIGURES 24 – 44. 24 – 31 ). Facial fovea hardly visible, shallow, short, wider than distance to eye. Genal area wider than eye (1.2−1.4), from half length narrowed towards mandibles. Fore basitarsus parallel-sided, mediotarsi small, cordate. Middle basitarsus ca 4 times as long as wide, slightly narrowed at both ends, on distal 2/3 swelled and enlarged. Hind basitarsus apically slightly enlarged, about 3 times as long as wide. Mediotarsi cordate, TM2 as long as wide, TM3 and TM4 transverse, TM5 narrower than other segments, almost as long as TM3 and TM4 jointly. Metasomal terga with premarginal line rounded, dorso-lateral convexities small; marginal zones narrow, slightly depressed, on T1 ca 1/4, T2−1/3, T3 and T4 ca 1/2 discal length. Metasomal Sterna & Genitalia ( Figs 24, 25, 27–31 View FIGURES 24 – 44. 24 – 31 ). S3−S5 posterior margins slightly incurved; S4 marginal zone narrower than on S3, on S5 narrower than on S4; S4 and S5 with apical, short hair fringe; S6 ventro-laterally with long hair tuft large and triangular; apical elevation on each side with two teeth short, sharp and dark; margin between the teeth almost straight, with wide, semi-oval, pubescent area; postero-lateral shoulders of the sternum widely rounded, with straight posterior margin perpendicular to lateral edge. S7 basal incurve as deep as discal length; apical bifurcation with neck longer than wide; poster-lateral shoulders obtusely angled, with short, straight, horizontal margin and double long lateral slope; neck and base with short median keel. S8 neck bent dorsally, with lateral flaps as long as neck; apical plate triangular, wider than long, with median keel basally coming to prominence directed backwards (lateral view). Gonocoxite with deep dorso-apical excavation wider than deep (2/3). Gonostylus twice as long as wide, triangular in cross section, ventrally narrowly flat. Penis valve preapically narrow, apically shortly bulging. Sculpture. Integument mostly shagreened. Upper part of paraocular area, vertex and frons shagreened, with dense, shallow pits about a pit diameter apart or merged (10−20 µm / 0.5−1). Lower part of paraocular area tessellate, with pits sparser (0.5−2). Genal area shiny, finely shagreened to smooth, with merged, shallow pits. Supraclypeal and subantennal areas shiny, tessellate, with sparse pits (15−20 µm / 1−4). Clypeus shiny, basally shagreened, below smooth, medially impunctate, laterally pits dense to confluent (15−25 μm / 0.5−3). Scutum finely shagreened, medially smoother, with round pits about a pit diameter apart, on periphery confluent (10−15 µm / 0.2−1). Scutellum shagreened, medially smoother, with shallow pits about a pit diameters apart. Tegula anteriorly densely punctured, posteriorly impunctate, shiny. Metanotum shagreened. Mesepisternum shagreened, with shallow pits about a pit diameter apart (15−20 µm / 1−2), on lower part merged. Propodeum including vertical part of propodеal triangle, shagreened; horizontal part of propodeal triangle matt, rugose. Metasomal terga shagreened, with sporadic punctures; T1 smoother than following terga, almost impunctate; marginal zones delicately tessellate, shinier than disc. Metasomal sterna shiny, densely tessellate, laterally with tiny pores (5 µm). Coloration. Clypeus yellow, with lateral angles and margins widely black. Wing brown, stigma and veins brown. Tegula dark brown. Fore tibia anteriorly, fore and middle tarsi and spurs yellow. Hind basitarsus apically dark, ventrally yellowish; other tarsal segments often lighter. Vestiture. Pubescence denser than at most other congeneric species. Head and mesosoma with dense, long, white hairs. Metasomal terga, including marginal zones with short, dense, white hairs; T5 and T6 with dense, long, white hairs.

FEMALE. Body length 7 mm. Head transverse (0.8), as wide as mesosoma. Pedicel as long as wide; F1 elongate, about twice F2; F2 transverse, F3−F8 as long as wide or little longer, F9 elongate (1.4). Labral plate trapezoid, apically straight. Facial fovea straight, enlarged towards upper end, which is more than 2 times wider than distance to eye. Genal area wider than eye (1.3), on most of length wide, parallel-sided. Middle basitarsus 3.5 times as long as wide, basally and apically narrowed. Hind basitarsus 4.5 times as long as wide; basally narrowed, with protruded apical angle. Mediotarsi elongated, only middle and hind TM4 as long as wide. Metasomal terga with marginal zone depressed, on T1 1/4, T2–T4 1/2 discal length. Sculpture. Upper part of paraocular area, vertex and frons shagreened, with dense, shallow pits merged to confluent (10−20 µm / 0.2−1.0); lower part of paraocular area tessellate, punctured sparser (1−3). Genal area shiny, on upper part finely tessellate, with merged pits; below smooth, with pits sparser. Supraclypeal and subantennal areas shiny, tessellate, with pits about a pit diameter apart (15−20 µm / 1−2). Clypeus shiny, on basal half tessellate, apically smooth, with large pits about 1−2 diameters apart, laterally denser to confluent (20−35 µm / 0.5−3). Scutum and scutellum shagreened, medially finely tessellate or smooth, with dense, deep, round pits about a pit diameter apart, on periphery confluent (10−25 µm / 0.2−1). Metanotum shagreened, with small, shallow, round pits, about a pit diameter apart. Mesepisternum shagreened, with shallow pits 1−2 diameters apart (15−20 µm / 1−2). Metasomal terga shagreened, with sporadic punctures; marginal zones tessellate. T1 smoother than following terga, almost impunctate. Metasomal sterna shiny, densely tessellate, with shallow pores 1−2 diameters apart, on S2 sparser. Coloration. Wing brown, stigma and veins brown. Tegula dark brown. Spurs yellow. Vestiture. Pubescence plentiful, white. Prepygidial and pygidial fimbriae brownish-yellow. S4 and S5 on posterior margin with long hairs moderately dense, white or brownish.

FIGURES 1–23. 1–13, Panurginus alticolus , male (except 11, female): 1—genitalia dv, 2, 3—gonostylus l, 4—S8 dv, 5—S8 apical plate, 6—S8 l, 7—S 7 v, 8—S7 l, 9—S 6 v, 10–S6 l; 11-13 labral plate: 11—female, lectotype, 12—male, Kazbek, 13— male, Dneprovka, Kazakhstan; 14–23, P. obruchevi , sp. n., male: 14—genitalia dv, 15—gonostylus l, 16—S8 dv, 17—S8 apical plate, 18—S8 l, 19—labral plate, 20—S 7 v, 21—S7 l, 22—S 6 v, 23—S 6 l. Abbreviations: l—lateral, d—dorsal, v—ventral views. Lateral views oriented with the ventral side on right.

FIGURES 45–63. 45—53, Panurginus herzi , male: 45—genitalia dv, 46—gonostylus l, 47—S7 dv, 48—S8 apical plate, 49— S8 l, 50—S 7 v, 51—S7 l, 52—S 6 v, 53—S6 l; 54—63, P. k o z l o v i, sp. n., male: 54—genitalia dv, 55—gonostylus l, 56—hind leg, 57—S8 dv, 58—S8 apical plate, 59—S8 l, 60—S 7 v, 61—S7 l, 62—S 6 v, 63—S 6 l. Abbreviations: l—lateral, d—dorsal, v—ventral views. Lateral views oriented with the ventral side on right.

FIGURES 86–103. 86—94,. Panurginus crawfordi , male: 86—genitalia dv, 87—gonostylus l, 88—S8 dv, 89—S8 apical plate, 90—S8 l, 91—S 7 v, 92–S7 l, 93—S 6 v, 94—S6 l; 95—103, P. labiatus , male: 95—genitalia dv, 96—gonostylus l, 97— S8 dv, 98–S8 apical plate, 99—S8 l, 100—S 7 v, 101—S7 l, 102—S 6 v, 103—S 6 l. Abbreviations: l—lateral, d—dorsal, vventral views. Lateral views oriented with the ventral side on right.

























































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