Acanthaegilips levis Ros-Farré & Pujade-Villar., 2003

Ros-Farré, Palmira, Sporrong, Michael, Ronquist, Fredrik & Pujade-Villar, Juli, 2003, Revision Of The Neotropical Anacharitinae Genus Acanthaegilips (Hym., Cynipoidea, Figitidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 43 (2), pp. 11-30 : 24-25

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Carolina (2021-06-01 16:38:49, last updated 2023-11-08 21:08:09)

scientific name

Acanthaegilips levis Ros-Farré & Pujade-Villar.

sp. nov.

Acanthaegilips levis Ros-Farré & Pujade-Villar. sp. n.

( Figs. 1B View FIGURE 1 , 3B View FIGURE 3 )

Studied material – 2; unknown. Holotype: 1 ( UCR) III-1995 at San José, Zurqui de Moravia (1600 m), ( Costa Rica), Hanson & Godoy col. Paratype: Costa Rica: 1 ( UCR), X/ XII-1990 and same Holotype’s data .

Etymology – This name was chosen because the scutellum in dorsal view is very smooth, flat and shining and the lateral carinae of scutellar foveae are weakly impressed.

Length of head + mesosoma + metasoma: 2.9 mm to 3.1 mm.

Colour – Although we only examined two specimens they had different colour. Head black, mesosoma and metasoma black or dark brown. Antennae medium brown or black with amber colour towards apex from F1 to F5. Mandibles medium or light brown with reddish brown teeth. Legs medium to dark brown with exception of procoxa and mesocoxa, which are light brown. Veins of wing medium brown.

Head – Covered with very few scattered quite long hairs. Malar furrow slightly curved; postocular furrow absent ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE 3 ). Occipital carina weak. Pleurostomal lines well impressed and wide. Malar space 0.61 to 0.63 times the height of the compound eye. Transfacial line 0.57 times the greatest width of the head and 1.21 times the height of a compound eye. Antennal foramina separated from each other by 1.00 to 1.14 times the distance between the foramen and the compound eye.

Antennae – F2 to F4 weakly expanded in width at the apex, following flagellomeres cylindrical. Length of F1 1.5 the length of F2. Scape and pedicel covered with very sparse pubescence. First flagellomeres covered with sparse pubescence this is getting dense towards last flagellomeres. Antennal formula: 12 (3): 3 (2): 14 (2): 9 (2): 8 (2): 7 (2): 6 (2): 5.5 (2): 5 (3): 5 (3): 5 (3): 4.5 (3.5): 11 (3). Placodeal sensilla start on F1 but they are ventrally absent at the basal 1/2 and scarce at the upper 1/2 of F1 and absent on the dorsal part of F1 and F2 and scarce on the dorsal part of F3.

Mesosoma – Anterior pronotal plate very raised dorsomedially but rounded not forming a tooth ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE 3 ) and with sparse pubescence on the lateral margins, in dorsal part weakly transversely carinate and changing to coriaceous in level with the submedian depressions. Lateral surface of pronotum covered with sparse pubescence and with coarse areolate sculpture. Mesoscutum in lateral view 1.45 times higher than long; in dorsal view 1.25 times wider than long. Median mesoscutal impression very short a little longer than broad. Notauli reaching 1/2 to 2/3 the length of mesoscutm ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ). There is a weak line of hairs on the anterior and lateral margins of the mesoscutum. Scutellum in dorsal view 1.31 times the length of the mesoscutum. Scutellar foveae nude ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ). Scutellar spine dorsally very smooth, lateral ridges of the foveae not much marked, and narrowing gradually. Lateral pit of scutellar fovea rather big and oval, 1.45 to 1.50 times longer than wide; the distance from median scutellar carina to the inner margin of the pit 3.60 to 3.90 times the width of the pit. Scutellar spine broad at base and narrowing gradually towards apex ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ). Scutellar disc in lateral view slopping to base of scutellar spine, which is slightly upwards directed and almost horizontally directed towards apex but the apex not ventrally directed ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE 3 ). Mesopleural impression wide and straight with 3 or 4 very effaced transverse carinae ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE 3 ). Mesopleural triangle with sparse pubescence anteriorly and with some scattered hairs posteriorly. Propodeum with coarse areolate sculpture, lateral and median propodeal carinae absent.

Wings – Marginal cell open 3.37 to 3.50 times longer than wide. R1 arriving near the margin but not reaching it as in the Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 . Marginal pubescence starting from vein R1.

Metasoma – Petiole 2.6 times as long as wide, smooth dorsally, laterally and ventrally costate. Third abdominal tergum dorsally 0.68 times the length of the fourth tergum.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Dorsal view of thorax of A. macropennis sp. n. (A), A. levis sp. n. (B), A. masneri sp. n. (C), A. brasiliensis (D), A. ashmeadi sp. n. (E), A. diazi sp. n. (F).

Gallery Image

FIGURE 3. Lateral view of A. macropennis sp. n. (A), A. levis sp. n. (B), A. masneri sp. n. (C), A. brasiliensis (D), A. ashmeadi sp. n. (E) and A. diazi sp. n. (F).











