Myrmekiaphila jenkinsi, BOND & PLATNICK, 2007

BOND, JASON E. & PLATNICK, NORMAN I., 2007, A Taxonomic Review of the Trapdoor Spider Genus Myrmekiaphila (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Cyrtaucheniidae), American Museum Novitates 3596 (1), pp. 1-32 : 16-19

publication ID[1:ATROTT]2.0.CO;2

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scientific name

Myrmekiaphila jenkinsi

sp. nov.

Myrmekiaphila jenkinsi , new species

Figures 8 View Figs , 18 View Figs , 28 View Figs , 63–70 View Fig View Figs

TYPES: Male holotype and female paratype from Fall Creek Falls State Park [35.6715 –85.3666], Van Buren Co., Tennessee (July 24, 1966; F. Coyle), deposited in AMNH GoogleMaps .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a patronym in honor of Dr. R. L. Jenkins of Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama.

DIAGNOSIS: Males can be recognized by an embolus and accessory prong that are subequal in length, the lower accessory prong being only slightly curved (figs. 8, 28), and by the slender palpal tibia typically having a more proximally situated retrolateral ledge (figs. 8, 69). Females can be distinguished by the laterally originating spermathecal bulbs and more narrow, closely spaced spermathecae (generally lengthened vertically, fig. 70), and by the preening combs being absent on metatarsi III of some specimens.

MALE (HOLOTYPE): Specimen preparation and condition. Specimen collected from burrow, preserved in ca. 70% ethanol. Coloration appears faded. Pedipalp, leg I left side, leg II right side, removed and stored in vial with specimen. General coloration. Carapace, chelicerae, and legs dark reddish brown (5YR 3/ 4). Abdomen uniform dark brown (7.5YR 3/4) dorsally, ventrum and spinnerets pale yellow, wide dusky stripes on dorsum. Cephalothorax. Carapace 6.56 long, 5.31 wide, glabrous, stout black bristles along fringe; surface smooth, pars cephalica elevated. Fringe, posterior margin with black bristles. Foveal groove deep, moderately procurved. Eye group slightly raised, not on tubercle. AER slightly procurved, PER slightly recurved. PME, AME subequal in diameter. Sternum moderately setose, STRl 3.64, STRw 3.28. Posterior sternal sigilla large, positioned centrally, not contiguous, anterior sigilla pairs small, oval, marginal. Chelicerae with distinct anterior tooth row (10 teeth), posterior margin with patch of small denticles. Palpal endites with patch of small, thin cuspules on proximal, inner margin, labium with single cuspule, LBw 1.17, LBl 0.67. Rastellum consisting of four or five very stout spines on mound. Abdomen. Setose, heavier black setae intermingled with fine black setae. Legs. Leg I: 5.50, 2.60, 4.40, 3.20, 2.88; leg IV: 5.62, 2.40, 4.72, 4.64, 3.20. Light tarsal scopulae on legs I, II. Tarsus I with single, slightly staggered row of seven trichobothria. Leg I spination pattern illustrated in Figures 18 View Figs , 64–66 View Figs ; TSp 8, TSr 13, TSrd 1. Pedipalp. Articles stout, lacking distinct spines (figs. 8, 67–69). PTw 1.28, PTl 3.20, Bl 1.25. Ledge on distal-retrolateral surface of palpal tibia, positioned at proximal two-thirds of length. Palpal bulb (fig. 28) distally bifurcate, embolus relatively slender, auxiliary prong slender, subequal in length to embolus, small serrations proximal.

Variation (3). Cl 6.50–6.93, Cw 5.31–5.43; STRl 3.40–3.64, STRw 3.28–3.36; LBw 1.10– 1.42, LBl 0.67–0.75; leg I: 5.50–5.75, 2.50– 2.60, 4.16–4.40, 3.16–3.20, 2.68–2.88; leg IV: 5.00–5.68, 2.20–2.44, 4.20–4.72, 4.40–4.64, 2.80–3.20; PTw 1.25–1.40, PTl 3.20–3.40, Bl 1.22–1.30; TSp 8–11, TSr 7–13.

FEMALE (PARATYPE): Specimen preparation and condition. Female collected from burrow, preserved with male holotype. Genital plate removed and stored in microvial with specimen. Color. Carapace, legs, chelicerae, yellowish red (5YR 4/6). Abdomen uniform dark reddish brown dorsally (5YR 3/3), ventrum and spinnerets pale yellow; recently collected specimens have wide dusky stripes on dorsum. Cephalothorax. Carapace 6.56 long, 5.56 wide, glabrous; generally smooth surface, pars cephalica moderately elevated. Fringe lacks setae. Foveal groove deep, procurved. Eye group slightly elevated on low mound. AER slightly procurved, PER slightly recurved. PME, AME subequal in diameter. Sternum moderately setose, STRl 3.84, STRw 3.64. Three pairs of sternal sigilla, anterior pairs small, oval, marginal, posterior pair much larger, oval, more mesially positioned. Chelicerae, anterior tooth row armed with nine teeth, posterior margin with denticle patch. Palpal endites with cuspules (ca. 27) concentrated at inner (promargin) posterior heel; labium with one cuspule, LBw 1.47, LBl 0.87. Rastellum consisting of three very stout spines positioned on mound; fringe of short spines along distal promargin extending upward from rastellum. Abdomen. Moderately setose. Legs. Leg I: 4.56, 2.40, 3.16, 2.16, 1.60; leg IV: 4.44, 2.48, 3.60, 2.88, 1.80. Tarsus I with single staggered row of seven trichobothria. Legs I–IV with moderately light scopulae on tarsi, light scopulae on distal third of metatarsus. PT3s 14, TB3s–dense patch of thin spines. Distinct preening comb on retrolateral distal surface (at tarsus–metatarsus joint) of metatarsus IV, absent on metatarsus III. Spermathecae. Two simple spermathecal bulbs, arranged in transverse row, consisting of moderately sclerotized stalk, somewhat laterally positioned, and enlarged, lightly sclerotized apical bulb (fig. 70).

Variation (3). Cl 6.56–7.50, Cw 5.56–6.18; STRl 3.84–4.16, STRw 3.64–3.96; LBw 1.37– 1.50, LBl 0.87–1.00; leg I: 4.56–5.25, 2.40– 2.76, 3.16–3.48, 2.16–2.40, 1.60–1.80; leg IV: 4.44–5.25, 2.48–2.80, 3.60–4.06, 2.88–3.60, 1.80–2.28.

MATERIAL EXAMINED: UNITED STATES: KENTUCKY: Edmonson Co: Lincoln Trailhead, ca 0.5 mi SW KY-1827 on Ollie Road, 37.25555 –86.15842 [MY2836], May 5, 2004 (B. Hendrixson, ECU-AMNH), 1♀; Mammoth Cave National Park [37.1834 –86.15, MYR199], Sept. 16, 1966 (F. Coyle, AMNH) , 13, spiderlings. TENNESSEE: Davidson Co.: Nashville [36.1659 –86.7844, MYR151], Nov. 10, 1958 (A. Laskey, AMNH) GoogleMaps , 13; Nashville [36.1659 –86.7844, MYR153], Aug. 1942 ( R. Wheeler, AMNH) GoogleMaps , 2♀. Rutherford Co.: La Vergne [36.0156 –86.5819, MYR152], Oct. 20, 1936 (C. Crosby, CUC) GoogleMaps , 1♀, 1 juv. Van Buren Co.: Fall Creek Falls State Park [35.6715 –85.3566, MYR155], July 24, 1966 (F. Coyle, AMNH) GoogleMaps , 13, 1♀. Williamson Co.: Brentwood, 1 mi E I-65 on Moore’s Lane [35.9646 –86.7883, MYR303], June 3, 1998 (L. Roy, AMNH) GoogleMaps , 1♀; Nolensville, York Road [35.937 –86.642, MYR154], Dec. 1, 1996 ( R. Jenkins, AMNH), 13 GoogleMaps .

DISTRIBUTION: Western Kentucky south to Tennessee (fig. 63).


American Museum of Natural History


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Cepario de la Universidad de Concepcion de Chile















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