Cryptophion espinozai Gauld & Janzen, 1994

Santos, Alvaro Doria Dos, Onody, Helena Carolina & Palacio, Edgard, 2022, First record of Cryptophion Viereck, 1913 (Ichneumonidae: Campopleginae) from Colombia, with description of a new species, Zootaxa 5209 (4), pp. 483-489 : 485

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Cryptophion espinozai Gauld & Janzen, 1994


Cryptophion espinozai Gauld & Janzen, 1994 View in CoL

( Fig. 11, 14 View FIGURES 11–14. 11 )

Material examined: COLOMBIA 1♂ and 1 ♀, Guaviare, San Jose, margen derecha del rio, trampa Malaise , 120m, J. M. Ardita leg ( MPUJ 0067908 , MPUJ 0067959 ) .

Diagnosis: Mesoscutum uniformly and evenly punctate, with punctures separated from each other by about their own diameters, except in notaular region where they are coarser and closer. Posterior transverse carina of mesosternum strongly raised into acute protuberances lateromedially, centrally with a deep V-shaped concave area. Propodeum rugose-reticulate, with apophyses moderately developed, usually slightly broader basally than they are high. Hind femur reddish, proximally infuscate, distally with upper end marked with a yellow spot; hind tibia reddish brown, slightly infuscate proximally; hind tibia1 spurs reddish; hind tarsus yellow with distal segment orange ( Gauld and Janzen 1994).

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