Lakkella jamalica, Ernst & Senowbari-Daryan & Hamedani, 2006

Ernst, Andrej, Senowbari-Daryan, Baba & Hamedani, Ali, 2006, Middle Permian Bryozoa from the Lakaftari area, northeast of Esfahan (central Iran), Geodiversitas 28 (4), pp. 543-590 : 574

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.4665450

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scientific name

Lakkella jamalica

sp. nov.

Lakkella jamalica View in CoL n. sp. ( Figs 11 View FIG L-P; 12; Table 30)

HOLOTYPE. — SMF 2115 About SMF (1-2-1).

ETYMOLOGY. — The species name refers to the Jamal Formation in which it was found.

PARATYPES. — 1-8-2, PL 5.

TYPE LOCALITY. — Lakaftari, central Iran.

TYPE LEVEL. — Jamal Formation, Middle Permian.


DIAGNOSIS. — As for genus.


Branched colony with 4-6 rows of short tubular autozooecia opening on the one side, 0.66-0.75 mm wide. Autozooecia elongated oval to slightly rectangular in deep tangential section having well developed vestibule. Autozooecial apertures oval to lens-shaped, spaced 5 at distance of 2 mm. Thin ridges between apertures separating drop-shaped areas around apertures. Small pit-like heterozooecium (leptozooecium) positioned at distal part of such an area, triangular to rounded in cross section, 0.06- 0.075 mm in diameter. Single small acanthostyle in the wall between the heterozooecium and the adjacent aperture; rare smaller styles irregularly spaced between apertures. Inner granular skeleton hyaline, well developed; outer lamellar skeleton relatively thick.


As for genus.

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