Cyclocaccus clinei Hisamatsu, 2016

Hisamatsu, Sadatomo, Bayless, Victoria M. & Carlton, Christopher E., 2016, Revision ofCyclocaccusSharp (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Nitidulinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 70 (4), pp. 825-870 : 825-870

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Diego (2021-08-28 21:31:51, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 10:25:13)

scientific name

Cyclocaccus clinei Hisamatsu

sp. nov.

Cyclocaccus clinei Hisamatsu , new species ( Figs. 1A View Fig , 3 View Fig , Map 1)

Type Series. Holotype ( SEMC): ♂, ‘PANAMA: Chiriqui Prov. / 27.7 km W. Volcan / Hartmann’ s Finca / 08°45′N, 82°48′W / 1450 m. 14 VI 1995, J. / Ashe & R. Brooks # 217 / ex: gilled fungus’ GoogleMaps . Paratypes [ COSTA RICA] 1♂, Pitilla Biological Station , Guanacaste, 610 m, 10°59′22″N, 85°25′33″ W, ex: fogging fungus covered log, 13. VII. 2000, J. Ashe, R. Brooks & Z. Falin leg. ( SEMC) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, Estacion Pitilla 9 km, S. de Santa Cecilia, Prov. Guanacaste, 700 m, V. 1995, P. Rios & C. Moraga leg. ( INBIO) ; 1♀, R. San Lorencito , 900 m, R.F. San Ramón, 5 km N de Colonia Palmareña, Alajuela, 13–18. VI. 1993, I. Curso leg. ( INBIO) ; 1♀, E.B. San Ramon, R.B. San Ramon, 27 km, N. & 8 km. W. San Ramon , Alajuela, 850 m, 10°13′ 30″N, 84°35′30″W, ex: flight intercept trap, 14–15. VI. 1997, S. & J. Peck leg. ( CNC) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, Cacao Biological Station , Guanacaste, 1,050 m, 10°55′38″N, 85°27′07″W, ex: fogging fungus covered log, 10. VII. 2000, J. Ashe, R. Brooks & A. Falin leg. ( ARCC) GoogleMaps . [ PANAMA] 1♂, same locality and collector as the holotype, ex: flight intercept trap ( SEMC) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, Comarca de San Blas, Nusagandi Sta. Ina Igar Trail , 09°21′N, 78°59′W, ex: flight intercept trap, 12. V. 1994, D. Windsor leg. ( SEMC) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, San Lorenzo Forest , STRI crane site, Colón, 09°17′N, 79°58′W, ex: flight intercept trap, 3–4. X. 2003, A. Tishechkin leg. ( ARCC) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, ditto, but 11–12. V. 2004 ( ARCC) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, ditto, but 12–13. V. 2004 ( ARCC) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, ditto, but 18–19. V. 2004 ( ARCC) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, ditto, but 21– 24. V. 2004 ( ARCC) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, ditto, but 25–26. V. 2004 ( ARCC) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, ditto, but 26–29. V. 2004 ( ARCC) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, ditto, but 29. V. 2004 ( ARCC) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, 27.7 km W. Volcan Hartmann’ s Finca , Chiriqui, 1,450 m, 08°45′N, 82°48′W, ex: fogging fungus covered log, 14. VI. 1995, J. Ashe & R. Brooks leg. ( ARCC) GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The specific epithet is named in honor of the Dr. Andrew R. Cline, a Coleopterist specializing in Nitidulidae .

Diagnosis. This species differs from other congeners by the following combination of characters: body completely dark reddish brown; pro- and mesotarsal segments II and III of males feebly dilated; apical margin of tegmen shallowly emarginate at middle in ventral view; median lobe in ventral view gradually dilating apically; apical margin of median lobe widely rounded; apices of gonocoxites deeply incised, gonocoxites long and slim.

Similar Species. This new species is similar to C. monticola in having a similar body shape and deeply incised apices of gonocoxites, but can be distinguished by the following combination of characters: body completely dark reddish brown; apical margin of tegmen rounded in ventral view.

Description. Length 1.97–2.23 (2.12) mm, width 1.72–1.96 (1.84) mm, depth 1.06–1.13 (1.09) mm (n = 5). Male. Body ( Fig. 1A View Fig ) oval; completely dark reddish brown dorsally; mouthparts, antennal segments I–VIII, hypomera, elytral epipleura, and legs paler; elytral coloration somewhat paler than pronotum. Head: Dorsal disc possessing sparse, minute punctures; interspaces reticulate. Labrum feebly notched at middle. Antennae ( Fig. 3C View Fig ) with club long and large, ACL/ASI-VIII = 0.94 (n = 1); approximate ratio of each segments (n = 1) 4.15: 2.71: 2.10: 1.81: 1.57: 1.22: 1.00: 1.34: 4.50: 3.78: 6.70. Pronotum: 3.24–4.32 (3.59) times as wide as long (n = 5); disc possessing few minute punctures; interspaces slightly reticulate. Scutellum: Disc possessing few minute punctures; interspaces slightly reticulate. Elytra: 0.88–0.94 (0.90) times as long as wide (n = 5), 3.27–4.54 (3.73) times as long as pronotum (n = 5), subparallel-sided from base to basal 1/3; each elytron with 9 regular rows of punctures about as large as eye facet; interstices with sparse, minute punctures. Venter: Prosternum feebly convex along midline. Metaventrite strongly convex. Abdominal sternite III without subcoxal lines. Legs: Slender; pro- and mesotarsal segments I–III

slightly dilated; tarsal claws simple. Genitalia:

Tegmen ( Fig. 3A View Fig ) feebly constricted at mid-length,

then moderately convergent apically; TL/TW =

1.96 (n = 1); apical and lateral margins of tegmen

strongly undulating in ventral view; apical margin

of tegmen rounded in ventral view; median lobe

( Fig. 3B View Fig ) gradually dilating apically in ventral

view, then strongly narrowing apically near apex;

apical margin of median lobe narrowly rounded;

sclerites of internal sac as in Fig. 3B View Fig . Female. Pro-

and mesotarsal segments I–III more weakly dilated

than those of males. Ovipositor ( Fig. 3D View Fig ) with

deeply incised apices of long, slender gonocoxites.

Distribution. Costa Rica and Panama (Map 1).

Cyclocaccus laeticulus Sharp, 1891 ( Figs. 1B–D View Fig , 2 View Fig , 4 View Fig , Map 1)

Cyclocaccus laeticulus Sharp 1891: 362 . Type locality: Panama. Grouvelle 1913: 166 [catalogue].

Type Material Examined. Holotype ( BMNH): ♀, ‘Caccocyclus [sic!]/ laeticulus / Type D. S. / V. de Chiriqui, / Champion. // Type // V. de Chiriqui, / 25–4,000 ft. / Champion. // B. C. A., Col., II, (1). / Cyclocaccus / laeticulus, D. S.’.

Additional Material Examined. [ HONDURAS] 1♀, Atlantida, 13 km. E. La Ceiba, 150 m, ex: flight intercept trap in cocoa plantation, VII. 1996, R. Lehman leg. ( SEMC) ; 1♀, La Muralla , 14 km N. La Union, Olancho, 1,450 m, 15°06′N, 86°42′W, ex: gilled mushrooms, 25. VI. 1994, J. Ashe & R. Brooks leg. ( SEMC) GoogleMaps . [ NICARAGUA] 1♀, 60 km SE San Carlos, Refugio, Bartola, Rio San Juan Dept. , 100 m, 10°58.40′N, 84°20.30′W, ex: flight intercept trap, 25–28. V. 2002, R. Brooks, Z. Falin & S. Chatzimanolis leg. ( SEMC) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, 60 km SE San Carlos, Refugio, Bartola 100 m, 10°58.40′N, 84°20.30′W, ex: fogging fungusy logs, 25. V. 2002, R. Brooks, Z. Falin & S. Chatzimanolis leg. ( ARCC) GoogleMaps . [ COSTA RICA] 1♀, Sect. San Ramón, P.N. Guanacaste, Alajuela, 620 m, 27. IV.–23. V. 1994, E. Araya leg. ( INBIO) ; 1♀, Sector Cedrales de la Rita, Limón, 3 km N. del Puente Rio Suerte , Ruta Puerto Lindo. 10 m, 1996, E. Rojas leg. ( INBIO) ; 1♀, Est. Magasay , 200 m, P.N. Braulio Carrillo, Heredia, V. 1991, M.A. Zumbado leg. ( INBIO) ; 1♀, Est. Pitilla , 700 m, 9 km S. Sta Cecillia, Guanacaste, ex: malaise trap, 1989 ( INBIO) ; 1♂, ditto, but VII. 1991, P. Rios leg. ( INBIO) ; 1♂ 3♀, ditto, but ex: malaise trap, 1988 ( INBIO) ; 1♂ 1♀, Est. Pitilla , 9 km S. Santa Cecilia, P.N. Guanacaste, A.C. Guanacaste, Guanacaste, 700 m, VI. 1994 ( INBIO) ; 1♀, La Selva, Biol. Res. StN, 3 km S. Puerto Viejo , 80 m, Heredia, 10°26′N, 84°1′W, ex: flight intercept trap, 26. VI.–2. VII. 2001, S. Chatzimanolis leg. ( INBIO) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, 1♀, ditto, but 10°25′N, 84°00′W, ex: clumps/white-gilled mushrooms on log, 14. VI. 1996, R.S. Hanley leg. ( ARCC) GoogleMaps ; 2♂, ditto, but ex: Coprinus sp. on standing dead tree, 6. VI. 1996, R.S. Hanley leg. ( SEMC) GoogleMaps ; 2♂, ditto, but ex: flight intercept trap, 19. V. 1993, J.S. & A.K. Ashe leg. ( SEMC) GoogleMaps ; 2♂ 1♀, Rancho Quemado, 2,000 m, Peninsula de Osa , Puntarenas, VI. 1992, F. Quesada leg. ( INBIO) ; 2♂, ditto, but VII. 1991, F. Quesada leg. ( INBIO) ; 3♀, Rincon de Osa , Puntarenas, 50 m, 08°41.141′N, 83°31.117′W, ex: fogging fungus covered log, 23– 26. VI. 2001, S. & J. Peck leg. ( CNC) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ 2♀, ditto, but 150 m ( CNC) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ 1♀, Golfito, Res. Ftal Golfo Dulce, Est Agujas , Puntarenas, 250–350 m, 11. IV. 2000, A. Azofeifa leg. ( INBIO) ; 1♀, Est Agujas, Sendero Zamia , 300 m, Puntarenas, 20– 24. VI. 1996, A. Azofeifa leg. ( INBIO) ; 2♀, Sector Cerro Cocori, Fca de E. Rojas, 150 m, Prov. Limón, VI. 1991, E. Rojas leg. ( INBIO) ; 1♀, ditto, but IV. 1993 ( INBIO) ; 1♂, Corcovado National Park, Sirena Stn, lower Ollas Trail , 5 m, fogging fungus covered log, 08°24′48″N, 83°35′22″W, 26. VI. 2000, Z.H. Falin leg. ( SEMC) GoogleMaps ; 2♀, 24 km W, Piedras Blancas , 200 m, 08°46′N, 83°24′W, ex: malaise trap, VI. 1991, M.S. Nietro & P. Hansen leg. ( ARCC) GoogleMaps . [ PANAMA] 1♀, Nusagandi Reserve, San Blas, 350 m, 09°21′N, 78°59′W, ex: flight intercept trap, 16–17. V. 1995, J. & A. Ashe leg. ( SEMC) GoogleMaps . [ VENEZUELA] 4♂ 4♀, San Cristobal, 10 km SE P.N. Chorro El Indio, Táchira, 1,320 m, 07°44′3″N, 72°13′1″W, ex: gilled mushrooms on log, 29. V. 1998, J. Ashe, R. Brooks & R. Henley leg. ( SEMC) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, Parq. Nac. Henri Pitter, Portochuelo Pass , Aragua, 1,200 m, 21–24. VI. 1999, R. Jameson & S. Villatoro leg. ( SEMC) ; 1♀, Pregonero Camp., Siberia, Hospital , Tachira, second forest road, ex: flight intercept trap, 10–31. VII. 1989, S. & J. Peck leg. ( CNC) ; 2♀, Pregonero, Presa Las Cuevas , Tachira, 650 m, rainforest, ex: flight intercept trap, 9–31. VII. 1989, S. & J. Peck leg. ( CNC) ; 5♂, Sanaré, 17.4 km SE, Yacambú National Park , Lara, 1,510 m, ex: flight intercept trap, 09°42′26″N, 69°34′34″W, 18. V.–1. VI. 1998, J. Ashe, R. Brooks & R. Henly leg. ( SEMC) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, ditto, but ex: flight intercept trap, 16–18. V. 1998 ( SEMC) GoogleMaps . [ COLOMBIA] 1♂, Quindio, 11–23 km, E. Calarca, ex: litter, 5–10. III, S. & J. Peck leg. ( CNC) . [ ECUADOR] 1♀, Yasuni, Res. Stn. Mid. Rio Tiputini , Napo, 00°40.5′S, 76°24′W, ex: flight intercept trap, 17–26. VII. 1999, A. Tishechkin leg. ( LSAM) GoogleMaps . [ PERU] 1♀, Tingo Maria–Monzon Rd., S. of Agua Blanca, Huanuco Dept. , 1,000 m, 09°17′30″S, 76°4′48″W, ex: flight intercept trap, 12–13. X. 1999, R. Brooks leg. ( SEMC) GoogleMaps . [ BOLIVIA] 2♀, 117 km E. Cochabamba, at Lagunitas , 1,000 m, mountain evergreen forest, 17°06′22″S, 65°40′57″W, ex: flight intercept trap, 1–6. II. 1999, F. Génier leg. ( CMN) GoogleMaps ; 2♂ 1♀, 109 km E. Yungas, Cochabamba Villa Tunari Rd. , Cochabamba, 1,480 m, 17°08′50″S, 65°42′29″W, ex: flight intercept trap, 8–12. II. 1999, R. Hanley leg. ( SEMC) GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. This species differs from other congeners by the following combination of characters: pronotum different in color from elytra; pronotal disc pale yellow, with blackish longitudinal maculation; pro- and mesotarsal segments I–III of males slightly dilated; apical margin of tegmen narrowly rounded or subtruncate in ventral view; median lobe subparallel-sided at basal 2/3, then strongly converging anteriorly in ventral view; apical margin of median lobe narrowly rounded in ventral view; short, thick gonocoxites shallowly incised apically.

Similar Species. This species is similar to C. speciosus in the rounded body form, similar shape of the pronotal maculation (especially the typical form), and acuminate apical margin of the median lobe in ventral view. In C. speciosus , the median lobe is more strongly acuminate than in C. laeticulus , and the gonocoxites are not incised.

Redescription. Length 1.57–2.06 (1.90) mm, width 1.33–1.75 (1.61) mm, depth 0.78–1.04 (0.92) mm (n = 5). Male. Body ( Fig. 1B, D View Fig ) round; dorsal disc of head (except paler apical area), antennal club (except paler apical area of segment XI), and scutellum jet black; mouthparts, antennal segments I–VIII, abdominal tergites, and venter pale yellow; pronotum pale yellow, with a jet black longitudinal maculation; elytra reddish brown to jet black, usually darker laterally than middle. Head: Dorsal disc possessing sparse, minute punctures; interspaces reticulate. Labrum feebly notched at middle. Antenna ( Fig. 4E View Fig ) with club long and large, ACL/ASI-VIII = 0.93 (n = 1); antennal segment XI with 2 oval antennal sensillae; approximate ratio of each segment (n = 1) 6.04: 4.63: 2.94: 2.10: 2.39: 1.61: 1.00: 1.86: 5.33: 5.18: 10.4. Pronotum: 2.93–3.35 (3.20) times as wide as long (n = 5); disc densely punctate; punctures on disc minute, distinctly smaller than eye facet; interspaces reticulate. Scutellum: Disc densely

Map 1. Geographic distribution of Cyclocaccus species in the C. laeticulus species-group.

Map 2. Geographic distribution of Cyclocaccus monticola .

punctate; punctures on disc about as large as those on pronotum; interspaces reticulate. Elytra: 0.89– 0.93 (0.91) times as long as wide (n = 5), 3.00– 3.65 (3.37) times as long as pronotum (n = 5), widest at basal 1/3; each elytron with 9 regular rows of punctures about as large as eye facet; interstices with sparse, minute punctures. Venter: Prosternum feebly convex along midline. Metaventrite strongly convex. Abdominal sternite III ( Fig. 2A View Fig ) without subcoxal lines. Legs: Slender; pro- and mesotarsal

Map 3. Geographic distribution of Cyclocaccus species in the C. laeticulus species-group.

segments I–III slightly dilated; tarsal claws simple. Genitalia: Tegmen ( Fig. 4A, C View Fig ) feebly constricted at mid-length, then moderately converging apically; TL/TW = 1.82 (n = 1); apical and lateral margins of tegmen strongly undulating in ventral view; apical margin of tegmen widely rounded or subtruncate in ventral view; median lobe ( Fig. 4B, D View Fig ) subparallel-sided at basal 2/3, then strongly converging anteriorly in ventral view; apical margin of median lobe narrowly rounded in ventral view; sclerites of internal sac as in Fig. 4B View Fig . Female. Pro- and mesotarsal segments I–III more weakly dilated than those of males. Ovipositor ( Fig. 4F View Fig ) with shallowly incised apices of short, thick gonocoxites.

Variability. This species can be separated into two variants based on the different shape of the pronotal maculation and median lobe and geographic distribution. One variant occurs in Central America ( Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama), and the pronotal maculation has slightly sinuate lateral margins ( Fig. 1B View Fig ). Also, the lateral margins of the median lobe ( Fig. 4B View Fig ) are strongly sinuate in the apical third in ventral view. The other variant occurs in the Andes Mountains of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, and Bolivia, and the lateral margins of the pronotal maculation are deeply emarginate ( Fig. 1D View Fig ). The lateral margins of the median lobe ( Fig. 4D View Fig ) are not sinuate in the apical third. These two variants share the peculiar shape of the ovipositor that is used to diagnose the species. No other species level differences were apparent morphologically,

and we do not feel the differences warrant separation into distinct species. We treat the Central American form as typical because the holotype originated from this region, and we treat the latter as a South American variant of the same species.

Distribution. Guatemala, Honduras (new country record), Nicaragua (new country record), Costa Rica (new country record), Panama (new country record), Colombia (new country record), Ecuador (new country record), Peru (new country record), Venezuela (new country record), and Bolivia (new country record) (Map 1).

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Fig. 1. Dorsal habitus of Cyclocaccus species in the C. laeticulus species-group. A) C. clinei, holotype, B) C. laeticulus, holotype, C) C. laeticulus, holotype, labels, D) C. laeticulus, Venezuela, E) C. speciosus, holotype, F) C. monticola, lectotype, G) C. monticola, lectotype, labels, H) C. monticola, Guatemala, I) C. monticola, Bolivia, J) C. costaricensis, holotype, K) C. maculatus, holotype, L) C. epakros, holotype. Scale bars = 1 mm.

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Fig. 3. Cyclocaccus clinei, Costa Rica. A) Tegmen, ventral view, B) Median lobe, ventral view, C) Right antenna, ventral view, D) ovipositor. Scale bars = 0.1 mm.

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Fig. 2. Diagnostic characters of the C. laeticulus species-group. Cyclocaccus laeticulus: A) Ventral habitus, B) Head, dorsal view, C) Head, ventral view, D) Labrum, E) Mentum and labium, ventral view, F) Right maxilla, dorsal view, G) Right mandible, dorsal view, H) Scutellum, I) Male abdominal tergite VII, J) Male abdominal sternite VII, K) Metendosternite, dorsal view, L) Male protibia and protarsus, dorsal view, M) Male mesotibia and mesotarsus, dorsal view, N) Male metatibia and metatarsus, dorsal view, O) Male abdominal tergite VIII and spiculum gastrale, ventral view, P) Left metanepisternum. Scale bars: A = 1 mm; B–C, I–J, P = 0.5 mm; D–H, K–O = 0.1 mm.

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Fig. 4. Cyclocaccus laeticulus. A, C) Tegmen, ventral view, B, D) Median lobe, ventral view, E) Right antenna, F) Ovipositor. A–B, E–F from Costa Rica specimen; C–D from Venezuela specimen. Scale bars = 0.1 mm.


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