Entogoniopsis inflata (Greville) J. Witkowski, P.A. Sims, N.I. Strelnikova & D.M. Williams, 2015

Witkowski, Jakub, Sims, Patricia A., Strelnikova, Nina I. & Williams, David M., 2015, Entogoniopsis gen. nov. and Trilamina gen. nov. (Bacillariophyta): a survey of multipolar pseudocellate diatoms with internal costae, including comments on the genus Sheshukovia Gleser, Phytotaxa 209 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.209.1.1

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scientific name

Entogoniopsis inflata (Greville) J. Witkowski, P.A. Sims, N.I. Strelnikova & D.M. Williams

comb. nov.

6. Entogoniopsis inflata (Greville) J. Witkowski, P.A. Sims, N.I. Strelnikova & D.M. Williams , comb. nov.

(SEM: Figs 87–93 View FIGURES 87–93 ; LM: Figs 94–96 View FIGURES 94–96 )

BASIONYM: Triceratium inflatum Greville (1863 , Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, New Series 3: 232, pl. X, fig. 15).

TYPE:—‘Barbadoes deposit, from Cambridge Estate’ (BM2873, holotype! = Fig. 94 View FIGURES 94–96 ; Williams 1988: 54).

Stictodiscus inflatus (Greville) Castracane (1886: 114) .

Biddulphia inflata var. recta Boyer (1922: 4 , pl. I, fig. 7).

TYPE:—‘Barbados’ (SchAR3460, holotype! = Fig. 96 View FIGURES 94–96 ; Boyer 1922: 4).

Valves tripolar to subcircular, with slightly to strongly convex sides and acute poles ( Figs 94–96 View FIGURES 94–96 ). Valve face slightly depressed in the centre, and flat along the margins ( Figs 87–88 View FIGURES 87–93 ). Whole valve is perforated by poroid areolae: within the central depression, the areolae are conspicuously larger, more distantly spaced, and arranged in poorly defined rows ( Figs 87–88 View FIGURES 87–93 ). Coarse areolae are conspicuously domed ( Fig. 93 View FIGURES 87–93 ). The flat, marginal zone of the valve face, and the mantle are perforated by areolae that are not domed ( Fig. 92 View FIGURES 87–93 ), more closely spaced, and arranged in parallel rows ( Figs 87–88 View FIGURES 87–93 ). Both types of areolae are occluded by cribra ( Figs 92–93 View FIGURES 87–93 ). Mantle steeply downturned, relatively shallow, sometimes stepped ( Fig. 91 View FIGURES 87–93 ), with a smooth, hyaline margin that is slightly expanded outwardly and inwardly ( Figs 87, 89, 91 View FIGURES 87–93 ). The mantle bears numerous furrows. A prominent, circumferential furrow is located immediately above the expanded margin of the mantle ( Fig. 87 View FIGURES 87–93 ). Shorter furrows, parallel to the pervalvar axis ( Figs 87, 91 View FIGURES 87–93 ), are associated with the internal costae that span the whole depth of the mantle, and reach to the margin of the central depression on the valve face ( Figs 89–90 View FIGURES 87–93 ). These costae, together with the expanded mantle margin, provide attachment for the valvocopula, which attaches by means of small clasping devices ( Fig. 90 View FIGURES 87–93 ) and a fossa ( Fig. 89 View FIGURES 87–93 ). Valvocopula is closed, comparable in depth to the mantle, and mostly hyaline, with only two rows of poroids ( Figs 88–90 View FIGURES 87–93 ). Measurements (n =5): average side length: 75.4–124.0 µm; 2–3 areolae in 10 µm in the central depression; 2 costae in 10 µm, measured along the valve face margin.

Geographic and stratigraphic distribution ( Fig. 10, sites 2, 14, 27):

(a) specimens:

Middle Eocene : ODP Site 1051: SZCZ16096B, 17945B ( Fig. 95 View FIGURES 94–96 ).

Middle Eocene-early Miocene: Barbadoes: ANSP SchAR3460 ( Fig. 96 View FIGURES 94–96 ); Oceanic Formation outcrop at Cambridge Estate: BM2873 ( Fig. 94 View FIGURES 94–96 , holotype).

Middle-late Miocene: San Clemente: BM stub P.1346 ( Figs 87–93 View FIGURES 87–93 ).

(b) records:

Middle Eocene : ODP Site 1051, Cores 1051A-8H and 1051B-9H: ( Witkowski et al. 2014).

Middle Eocene-early Miocene: Barbadoes: Boyer (1922: 4, pl. I, fig. 7, reexamined here in Fig. 96 View FIGURES 94–96 ); Oceanic Formation outcrop at Cambridge Estate ( Greville 1863: 232, pl. X, fig. 15).

Observations:— Despite considerable variation in valve outline, and a long time interval (middle Eocene possibly through Miocene—see discussion on stratigraphic ranges of Entogoniopsis spp. below), we consider the specimens pictured in Figs 87–93 View FIGURES 87–93 and 94–96 View FIGURES 94–96 to be conspecific. The valve outline in E. inflata depends on the convexity of sides and the degree to which the poles are produced. Thus, E. inflata ranges from nearly circular to nearly triangular valves. Because of the broad range of morphological variation in this species, there is no purpose in defining infraspecific taxa based on the degree of side convexity and the length of internal costae as did Boyer (1922: 4). Entogoniopsis inflata is unusual for the genus in that it entirely lacks polar elevations and pseudocelli. This probably led Castracane (1886: 114) to transfer T. inflatum to Stictodiscus Greville (1861a: 39) . Valves of Stictodiscus spp. ( Round et al. 1990: 216–217), however, are extremely shallow in comparison to E. inflata (e.g., Fig. 91 View FIGURES 87–93 ), and display a large variation in outline, including multiangular and circular forms, which are not found in


Phytotaxa 209 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press • 17 Entogoniopsis . Valve face exterior in Stictodiscus often displays an ornamentation composed of fine, hyaline ridges (see fig. D on p. 217 in Round et al. 1990), which are absent in Entogoniopsis . Finally, although some Stictodiscus spp. possess internal costae, they are not as prominent as in E. inflata , and therefore it seems unlikely that they provide valvocopula attachment.

Because of the characteristic, inflated valve outline, numerous specimens in BM (e.g., BM61113, BM61114, BM coll. Adams TS266) have been identified as Triceratium inflatum Greville. On closer examination, however, the specimens on these slides are distinct from E. inflata , as they have central rimoportulae. These specimens ( Figs 145–146 View FIGURES 145–148 ), which are similar to Triceratium turgidum A.W.F. Schmidt (1882 : taf. 77, fig. 18), are discussed under Entogoniopsis lineolata (below).












Entogoniopsis inflata (Greville) J. Witkowski, P.A. Sims, N.I. Strelnikova & D.M. Williams

Witkowski, Jakub, Sims, Patricia A., Strelnikova, Nina I. & Williams, David M. 2015

Biddulphia inflata var. recta Boyer (1922: 4

Boyer, C. S. 1922: 4


Boyer, C. S. 1922: 4
Greville, R. K. 1863: 232

Stictodiscus inflatus (Greville)

Castracane, F. 1886: )
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