Peperomia striata Ruiz & Pav.

MONRO, A. K., SANTAMARÍA-AGUILAR, D., GONZÁLEZ, F., CHACÓN, O., SOLANO, D., RODRÍGUEZ, A., ZAMORA, N., FEDELE, E. & CORREA, M., 2017, A first checklist to the vascular plants of La Amistad International Park (PILA), Costa Rica-Panama, Phytotaxa 322 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

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Peperomia striata Ruiz & Pav.


Peperomia striata Ruiz & Pav. View in CoL Peperomia ternata C.DC.

Facultatively epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA Facultatively epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 800– 600–2800 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in 2200 m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, to cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, low elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Costa high elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Nicaragua Rica, Panama. Records: D. Solano 3976 (BM, INB, MO, to Panama, Ecuador, Venezuela. Records: R. Aguilar 1162 PMA). (INB), E. Alfaro 3633 (INB), G. Davidse 25693 (CR), G. Davidse 25729 (CR), G. Davidse 26162 (MO). Peperomia villarrealii Yunck. Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 1300–1800

Peperomia tetraphylla (G. Forst.) Hook. & Arn. m, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. Global Garrapatilla (CR). distribution: Costa Rica, Colombia to Ecuador. Records: Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 800–3000 m, A. Fernández 820 (MO), G. Herrera 6022 (INB). mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low Piper aduncum L. elevation oak forest, high elevation oak forest. Global Cordoncillo (CR). distribution: Pantropical. Records: A. Chacón 579 (INB), Terrestrial shrubs or trees.Distribution in PILA0–2100 A. Fernández 1846 (INB), B. Gamboa 570 (INB), D. m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition Solano 5084 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano 5129 to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud (BM, INB, MO, PMA), E. Alfaro 2265 (INB), E. Alfaro forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest. Global 3210 (INB), E. Alfaro 3211 (INB), E. Alfaro 3632 (INB), distribution: Mexico to Argentina, Greater Antilles, Lesser E. Alfaro 3639 (INB), G. Davidse 23964 (CR, MO), G. Antilles, Trinidad. Records: D. Santamaría 3513 (INB), Davidse 25477 (MO), G. Davidse 25694 (CR), G. Davidse D. Santamaría 3780 (INB), R. Villalobos 295 (CR). Uses: 25775 (CR), G. Davidse 26163 (MO), G. Davidse 26164 medicinal. (CR), G. Davidse 28617 (CR), G. Davidse 28618 (MO), G. Herrera 3680 (INB), F. Quesada 1565 (INB), L. Piper aequale Vahl Angulo 191 (INB), L. González 1177 (INB), M. Moraga Hoja de calentura (CR). 1565 (CR). Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–1800 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to

Peperomia tonduzii C.DC. low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 2000–2500 m, forest, cloud forest. Global distribution: USA to Brazil, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Lesser Antilles. Records: D. Solano 4355 (BM, INB, MO, Costa Rica, Panama. Records: G. Davidse 28540 (CR). PMA).

Peperomia tovariana C.DC. Piper aereum Trel. Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 1700–2600 m, Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 800–1600 m, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, high elevation mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest. Global oak forest. Global distribution: El Salvador, Costa Rica distribution: Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama. Records: D. to Venezuela, Greater Antilles. Records: E. Alfaro 3624 Santamaría 6004 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), G. Herrera (INB) , G. Davidse 25190 (MO), G. Davidse 25230 (MO), 2704 (INB), J. Bittner 1520 (MO). M.A. Thomas 1578 (MO). Piper arboreum Aubl.

Peperomia tsakiana C.DC. Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA 300– Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 0–700 m, low 500 m, low elevation mixed forest. Global distribution: elevation mixed forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Mexico to Paraguay. Records: E. Mora 309 (INB), F. Panama. Records: G. Herrera 3031 ( MO) . Quesada 1871 (INB), L. Acosta 2422 ( INB) , M. Alfaro 7 ( INB) . Uses: medicinal.

Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & C.A.Mey. Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 0–1900 m, low Piper arieianum C.DC. elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–300 m, low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, elevation mixed forest. Global distribution: Mexico to cloud forest. Global distribution: Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Greater Antilles , Lesser Antilles. Records : H. Costa Rica, Brazil, the Guyanas, Argentina, Greater Pittier 9387 (MO). Antilles. Records: A. Rodríguez 10977 ( BM, INB, MO, PMA) , G. Herrera 3055 (MO), M. Moraga 77 ( INB) . Piper asymmetricum C.DC. Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–800 m, low

Peperomia venabulifolia Trel. elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 700–2500 m, low low elevation forest. Global distribution: Guatemala, elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low Nicaragua to Panama. Records: G. Herrera 2683 (INB). elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest. Global distribution:

ψ Piper auritum Kunth Nicaragua to Panama. Records: A. Fernández 648 (INB), Alcotán, Estrella, Hoja de estrella, Hinojillo, Pir-kú A. Fernández 735 (CR), A.K. Monro 5496 (BM, INB, (Cabécar) (CR). MO, PMA), C. Hamilton 3647 (MO), D. Santamaría Terrestrial shrubs or trees.Distribution in PILA0–1700 5827 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano 4533 (BM, INB,

m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition MO, PMA), D. Solano 4541 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), G. to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to Davidse 25248 (CR), G. Davidse 25476 (CR), G. Herrera cloud forest, cloud forest. Global distribution: Mexico to 3402 (MO), G. Herrera 6132 (CR), G. Herrera 6208 Colombia. Records: D. Santamaría 6162 (BM, INB, MO, (CR), J. Bittner 1834 (INB), F. Quesada 1963 (INB), T. PMA), E. Mora 295 (CR), L.D. Gómez 23314 (MO), R. Croat 26905 (MO). Villalobos 249 (INB). Uses: Edible, medicinal. Regional conservation status: Least Concern (LC). Piper cenocladum C.DC. Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 400–1400 m, low

Piper biauritum C.DC. elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–1500 m, low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low Global distribution: Nicaragua to Panama. Records: A. elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, Rodríguez 11407 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Santamaría dense thicket. Global distribution: Nicaragua to Panama. 6817 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Santamaría 6845 (BM, Records: D. Santamaría 7049 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), INB, MO, PMA), M. Correa 3621 (MO). D. Solano 4271 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano 4280 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano 4281 (BM, INB, MO, Piper corrugatum Kuntze PMA ), D. Solano 4283 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–1900 m, low 4310 (BM, INB, MO, PMA). elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest,

Piper bisasperatum Trel. cloud forest. Global distribution: Nicaragua to Colombia. Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 400–2500 m, low Records: D. Santamaría 5897 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low Santamaría 6736 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Santamaría elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, 6833 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), G. Herrera 3123 (MO), G. cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, dense thicket. Herrera 3247 (INB), G. Herrera 6179 (CR). Global distribution: Honduras to Panama. Records: A. Rodríguez 10918 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), A. Rodríguez Piper crassinervium Kunth 10935 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), B. Gamboa 625 (INB), Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA 500–2000 D. Solano 5041 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), G. Herrera 5311 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition (MO). to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica to Paraguay.

Piper biseriatum C.DC. Records : A.K. Monro 6086 (PMA), A. Rodríguez 11751 Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 100–1600 m, (BM, INB, MO, PMA), A. Rodríguez 11797 (BM, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to INB, MO, PMA), A. Rodríguez 11950 (BM, INB, MO, low elevation forest. Global distribution: Nicaragua to PMA), D. Santamaría 7014 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Colombia. Records: A. Rodríguez 11254 (BM, INB, MO, Santamaría 7023 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Santamaría PMA), A. Rodríguez 11663 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. 7075 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano 5074 (BM, INB, Santamaría 6259 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Santamaría MO, PMA), D. Solano 5261 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), J. 6814 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano 4408 (BM, INB, Dwyer 491 (MO), L. Angulo 179 (CR), R. Villalobos 293 MO, PMA), D. Solano 4543 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), G. (CR), R. Villalobos 275 (CR). Herrera 5366 (INB), L. Angulo 180 (INB). Piper cuspidispicum Trel.

Piper calceolarium C.DC. Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 1000–1900 m, Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 1700– 1700 m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed cloud forest. Global distribution: Panama to Ecuador. forest in transition to cloud forest. Global distribution: Records: G. Herrera 6121 (INB). Costa Rica to Ecuador. Records: A. Fernández 900 (INB), A. Rodríguez 11058 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), C. von Hagen

Piper carpinteranum C.DC. 2009 (MO), D. Santamaría 5892 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), J. D. Dwyer 7753 (MO), J. Dwyer 8753 (MO).

A. Rodríguez 11619 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), G. Herrera

Piper davidsoniae Yunck. 3251 (INB). Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 700–1800 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low Piper friedrichsthalii C.DC. elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–2000 m, low Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: B. elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low Gamboa 627 (INB). elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest. Global distribution: Nicaragua to Colombia.

Piper distigmatum Yunck. Records : A. Rodríguez 11369 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 1300–2100 m, Solano 4516 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), L.D. Gómez 23261 mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low (MO). elevation oak forest, dense thicket. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: D. Solano 4184 (BM, INB, Piper gibbosum C.DC. MO, PMA ), G. Herrera 5223 (MO), G. Herrera 5343 Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 1300– (INB), G. Herrera 6059 (CR). Conservation status: Data 2300 m, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud deficient(DD), ver 2.3 (1994). forest, low elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Guatemala to Costa Rica, Panama. Records: A.K. Monro

Piper dolichotrichum Yunck. 4382 (BM), A.K. Monro 5567 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), A. Terrestrial lianas. Distribution in PILA 100–400 m, low Rodríguez 10783 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), A. Rodríguez elevation mixed forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica to 10909 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), A. Rodríguez 11049 (BM, Ecuador. Records: G. Herrera 3098 (MO). INB, MO, PMA), D. Santamaría 5752 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Santamaría 5893 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D.

Piper dotanum Trel. Solano 4134 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano 4203 Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 900–1900 m, (BM, INB, MO, PMA), G. Herrera 5983 (CR), G. Herrera mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed 6081 (INB). forest in transition to cloud forest. Global distribution: Endemic to Costa Rica. Records: D. Santamaría 5981 Piper glabrescens (Miq.) C.DC. (BM, INB, MO, PMA) , G. Herrera 6206 (INB), M. Alfaro Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 200–1900 m, 3 (INB). low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud

Piper exiguicaule Yunck. forest, pasture. Global distribution: Mexico to Venezuela. Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–1100 m, low Records: A.K. Monro 5767 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), A. elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to Rodríguez 11497 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Santamaría low elevation forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica to 6605 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), R. Villalobos 247 (CR). Colombia. Records: A. Chacón 301 (CR), G. Herrera 3252 (INB). Piper hebetifolium W.C.Burger Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 900–1100 m,

Piper fimbriulatum C.DC. mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest. Global Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–1500 m, low distribution: Endemic to Costa Rica. Records: D. elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low Santamaría 6013 (BM, INB, MO, PMA). elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, pasture, dense thicket. Global distribution: Nicaragua to Piper hispidum Sw. Colombia. Records: A. De Sedas 624 (PMA), A.K. Monro Cigarrillo (CR). 4794 (BM), A.K. Monro 6018 (PMA), D. Santamaría Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–2000 m, 7008 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Santamaría 7457 low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to (PMA), D. Santamaría 7683 (PMA), D. Solano 5020 low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano 5407 (PMA), E. Alfaro forest, cloud forest. Global distribution: Mexico to 5487 (BM). Conservation status: Near Threatened (NT), Paraguay. Records: K. E. Blum 2637 (MO), R. Villalobos ver 2.3 (1994). 248 (INB). Uses: medicinal.


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