Macrocarpaea macrophylla (Kunth) Gilg 1681

MONRO, A. K., SANTAMARÍA-AGUILAR, D., GONZÁLEZ, F., CHACÓN, O., SOLANO, D., RODRÍGUEZ, A., ZAMORA, N., FEDELE, E. & CORREA, M., 2017, A first checklist to the vascular plants of La Amistad International Park (PILA), Costa Rica-Panama, Phytotaxa 322 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

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scientific name

Macrocarpaea macrophylla (Kunth) Gilg 1681


Macrocarpaea macrophylla (Kunth) Gilg 1681 View in CoL (MO).

Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 1100–1800 m,

mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed Besleria arborescens C.V.Morton forest in transition to cloud forest. Global distribution: Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 1100– 1100 m,

Endemic to Costa Rica. Records: E. Alfaro 3701 (INB). mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest. Global distribution: Endemic to Panama. Records: A.K. Monro

Macrocarpaea subcaudata Ewan 5011 (BM, INB).

Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 500–1500 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low Besleria barbensis Hanst.

elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 300–2900 m, low

Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: G. elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low

Herrera 5349 (INB), G. Herrera 5421 (INB). elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, high elevation oak

Symbolanthus pulcherrimus Gilg forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records:

Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 700–3200 m, low A. Chacón 555 (INB, MO), B. Gamboa 1199 (INB), B.

elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low Gamboa 1221 (INB), E. Alfaro 3627 (INB), E.Alfaro 4608

elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, (INB), E. Alfaro 4658 (INB), G. Davidse 25079 (MO), G.

cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, páramo. Global Davidse 25188 (MO), G. Davidse 29037 (CR, MO), G.

distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: A.K. Monro Herrera 3633 (INB, MO), F. Quesada 1490 (INB), M.A.

6187 (MO), A. Rodríguez 11326 (INB), D. Santamaría Thomas 1682 (MO).

5632 (INB), D. Santamaría 6307 (INB), D. Santamaría

7108 (INB), D. Solano 3941 (INB), D. Solano 5105 Besleria formicaria Nowicke

(INB), D. Solano 5244 (INB), E. Alfaro 1627 (INB), G. Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 500–1200 m,

Davidse 29006 (MO), L. Acosta 3484 (INB). low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica to

Voyria aphylla (Jacq.) Pers. Colombia. Records: A. De Sedas 915 (INB, PMA), A.K.

Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 0–1500 m, low Monro 6273 (INB, PMA), A.K. Monro 6368 (INB, PMA).

elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud Besleria formosa C.V.Morton forest. Global distribution: Mexico to Bolivia, Venezuela, Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 800–

Trinidad, Guayanas, Brazil, Paraguay, Antilles. Records: 2600 m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation

A. Rodríguez 9713 (INB), A. Rodríguez 9750 (INB), D. forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud

Solano 2839 (INB), E. Alfaro 4203 (INB). forest, low elevation oak forest, high elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica to Ecuador. Records: A.

GERANIACEAE Fernández 689 (INB), A. Fernández 968 (CR, INB), A.K. Monro 4422 (BM), A.K. Monro 5595 (BM, INB, PMA),

A.K. Monro 6023 (PMA), A. Rodríguez 10701 (BM, INB,

Geranium costaricense H.E.Moore PMA ), D. Santamaría 3822 (INB), D. Santamaría 5672

Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 2500–3700 m, low (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría 5741 (BM, INB, PMA),

elevation oak forest, páramo. Global distribution: Costa D. Solano 4745 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Solano 4873 (BM,

Rica, Panama. Records: A. Chacón 531 (MO), E. Alfaro INB, PMA), G. Davidse 25242 (MO), G. Davidse 28810

4702 (INB), G. Davidse 25874 (CR, MO), G. Davidse (MO), G. Herrera 5269 (CR, INB, MO), J. Bittner 1821

29409 (CR), G. Davidse 29409 (MO), L.D. Gómez 22592 (INB, MO).

(MO), L.D. Gómez 22611 (MO), S. Knapp 9938 (BM,

INB). Besleria laxiflora Benth.

Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–1500

GESNERIACEAE m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud

Amalophyllon laceratum (C.V.Morton) Boggan, L. E.Skog forest. Global distribution: Mexico to Ecuador Venezuela,

& Roalson Guayanas, Brazil. Records: D. Santamaría 6274 (BM,

Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 300–2400 m, low INB, PMA), D. Santamaría 6741 (BM, INB, PMA), D.

elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low Solano 3884 (BM, INB, PMA).

elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest,

cloud forest, low elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Besleria notabilis C.V.Morton

Costa Rica, Panama. Records: E. Alfaro 747 ( INB, MO), Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–2700 m, low

G. Davidse 28434 (MO), E. Fletes 178 (INB), T. Antonio elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, Fernández 895 (CR, INB), A.K. Monro 5555 (BM, INB, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, high elevation oak PMA), D. Santamaría 5968 (BM, INB, PMA), J. Bittner forest.Global distribution: Nicaragua to Panama.Records: 1453 (INB, MO). A. Fernández 802 (CR, INB), A.K. Monro 6323 (PMA), A. Rodríguez 10587 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría Codonanthe uleana Fritsch 5891 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría 6839 (BM, INB, Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 0–400 m, low PMA), D. Solano 4049 (BM, INB, PMA), E. Alfaro 3703 elevation mixed forest. Global distribution: Mexico, (INB). Belize, Honduras to Bolivia, Venezuela, Trinidad, Guyana, Brazil. Records: G. Herrera 3037 (MO).

Besleria princeps Hanst. Chirrite (CR) . Columnea anisophylla DC. Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 100–2800 m, Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 1000–2200 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, high elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica to elevation oak forest, pasture. Global distribution: Costa Peru. Records: A. Fernández 863 (CR, INB, MO), A.K. Rica, Panama. Records: A. Chacón 255 (CR, INB, MO), Monro 5451 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), A.K. Monro 5524 A. Fernández 642 (CR, INB), A.K. Monro 5500 (BM, INB, (BM, INB, MO, PMA), A. Rodríguez 10582 (BM, INB, PMA), A. Rodríguez 10733 (BM, INB, PMA), B. Hammel MO, PMA), D. Santamaría 5669 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), 5805 (MO), D. Santamaría 6718 (BM, INB, PMA), D. D. Santamaría 5932 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano Solano 3867 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Solano 4786 (BM, 3892 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano 4462 (BM, INB, INB, PMA), J. Bittner 1850 (INB, MO). MO, PMA), G. Davidse 29110 (MO), G. Herrera 5207 (CR, INB, MO), G. Herrera 5880 (CR, INB), J. Bittner

Besleria solanoides Kunth 1878 (INB, MO), K. E. Blum 2595 (MO). Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 100–2200 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition Columnea chiricana Wiehler to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 1800–2600 m, cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, high elevation oak dense thicket. Global distribution: Honduras to Bolivia, forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: Antilles. Records: A.K. Monro 5869 (BM, INB, PMA), A. E. Alfaro 4680 (INB), G. Davidse 29172 (MO). Rodríguez 11639 (BM, INB, PMA), A. Rodríguez 11783 (BM, INB, PMA), A. Rodríguez 11798 (BM, INB, PMA), Columnea consanguinea Hanst. A. Rodríguez 11945 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría Hoja de duende (CR). 7039 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría 7084 (BM, INB, Facultatively epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA PMA), D. Santamaría 7094 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Solano 500–2200 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in 2913 (INB), D. Solano 3826 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Solano transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition 3827 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Solano 4856 (BM, INB, to cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest. PMA), D. Solano 5008 (BM, INB, PMA), E. Alfaro 5548 Global distribution: Nicaragua to Ecuador. Records: A. (BM, INB), G. Herrera 2802 (MO), J. Bittner 1460 (INB, Fernández 1058 (INB, MO), A. Rodríguez 10814 (BM, MO), L. Acosta 2297 (INB), L. Angulo 167 (CR, INB, INB, PMA), A. Rodríguez 11011 (BM, INB, PMA), D. MO), M. Alfaro 6 (INB). Santamaría 5684 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría 6199 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría 6453 (BM, INB, PMA),

Besleria trichostegia Donn.Sm. D. Santamaría 6750 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Solano 3844 Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–2000 m, low (BM, INB, PMA), D. Solano 3967 (BM, INB, PMA), D. elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low Solano 4306 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Solano 4403 (BM, INB, elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, PMA), D. Solano 4861 (BM, INB, PMA), G. Herrera cloud forest, pasture, secondary forest.Global distribution: 3282,1 (INB), G. Herrera 3282a (MO), G. Herrera 5189 Nicaragua to Panama. Records: A. Rodríguez 11329 (BM, (CR, INB, MO), G. Herrera 5875 (CR, INB), G. Herrera INB, PMA ), D. Solano 5023 (BM, INB, PMA), F. Solís 5978 (CR, INB), J. Bittner 1459 (INB, MO), J. Lezcano 26 (INB, MO). 315 (PMA).

Besleria triflora (Oerst.) Hanst. Columnea gloriosa Sprague

Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 700–1700 m, low Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 500–1900 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica to Colombia. Records: A. Global distribution: Nicaragua to Panama. Records: D.

Santamaría 6470 (BM, INB, PMA), E. Alfaro 5643 (BM, Solano 3194 (INB), F. Quesada 1550 (INB), R. Quirós MO), G. Gallardo 79 (INB). 91 (INB).

Columnea grata C.V.Morton Columnea nicaraguensis Oerst. Terrestrial herbs or epiphytic shrubs. Distribution in PILA Terrestrial herbs or epiphytic shrubs. Distribution in PILA 500–1100 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in 0–2200 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest. Global distribution: transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition Endemic to Costa Rica. Records: D. Santamaría 6011 to cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest. (BM, INB, PMA). Global distribution: Nicaragua to Panama. Records: A. Rodríguez 11656 (BM, INB, PMA), G. Gallardo 96

Columnea incarnata C.V.Morton (INB) , G. Herrera 2687 (INB, MO), G. Herrera 5295 Terrestrial herbs or epiphytic shrubs. Distribution in PILA (CR, INB), G. Herrera 5439 (CR, INB). 800–2200 m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud Columnea oerstediana Klotzsch ex Oerst. forest, low elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 1000–1900 m, Endemic to Panama. Records: J. H. Kirkbride Jr. 130 mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed (MO). forest in transition to cloud forest. Global distribution: Cosat Rica to Panama, French Guyana. Records: D.

ε-PILA Columnea lariensis Kriebel Solano 4885 (BM, INB, PMA), J. Bittner 1421 (INB, Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 1300–1600 MO). m, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. Global distribution: Endemic to Costa Rica. Records: G. Herrera Columnea oxyphylla Hanst. 5360 (INB, MO), G. Herrera 5417 (CR, INB), R. Aguilar Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 300–900 m, low 1112 (INB, MO). elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama.

Columnea magnifica Klotzsch ex Oerst. Records : D. Solano 4849 (BM, INB, PMA). Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 300–3000 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low Columnea parviflora C.V.Morton elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 300–1100 m, low cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, high elevation oak elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: low elevation forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica to A. Fernández 969 (CR, INB, MO), A. Soto 290 (INB), B. Ecuador. Records: A. Rodríguez 11404 (BM, INB, PMA), Gamboa 580 (INB), A. Chacón 503 (MO), D. Santamaría D. Solano 4913 (BM, INB, PMA). 5770 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría 5848 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Solano 3934 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Solano Columnea purpurata Hanst. 4201 (BM, INB, PMA), E. Alfaro 3391 (INB), E. Alfaro Terrestrial herbs or terrestrial or facultatively epiphytic 4636 (INB), E. Navarro 477 (INB, MO), G. Herrera shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–1600 m, low elevation 3678 (INB), G. Herrera 5451 (CR, INB), M. Valerio 182 mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation (CR). forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest. Global distribution: Mexico, Belize, Guatemala,

Columnea microcalyx Hanst. Nicaragua to Colombia. Records: D. Solano 4307 (BM, Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 1000–2600 m, INB, PMA), G. Herrera 3047 (MO). mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low Columnea querceti Oerst. elevation oak forest, high elevation oak forest. Global Terrestrial herbs or epiphytic shrubs. Distribution in distribution: Nicaragua to Colombia. Records: A. Soto PILA 700–2000 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed 338 (INB), D. Solano 3870 (BM, INB, PMA), G. Davidse forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest 25225 (MO), G. Davidse 25261 (MO), G. McPherson in transition to cloud forest. Global distribution: Endemic 15893 (MO), M.A. Thomas 1684 (MO). to Costa Rica. Records: A. Fernández 771 (CR, INB), A. Rodríguez 11591 (BM, INB, PMA), A. Rodríguez 11602

Columnea nervosa (Klotzsch ex Oerst.) Hanst. (BM, INB, PMA) , G. Gallardo 300 (MO), G. Gallardo 78 Epiphytic shrubs. Distribution in PILA 1300–2300 m, (CR, INB), G. Herrera 6088 (CR, INB, MO), G. Herrera mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, 6199 (CR, INB), H. Schmidt 628 (INB), M. Grayum low elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Mexico, 10386 (INB, MO). Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama. Records: D. Santamaría 4462 (INB), D. Solano 3191 (INB), D. Columnea sanguinolenta (Klotzsch ex Oerst.) Hanst.

Terrestrial herbs or terrestrial or facultatively epiphytic Costa Rica to Peru, Venezuela. Records: D. Solano 4447 shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–1700 m, low elevation (BM, INB, MO, PMA).

mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud Drymonia alloplectoides Hanst.

forest, dense thicket. Global distribution: Costa Rica to Terrestrial lianas. Distribution in PILA 0–1600 m, low Colombia. Records: A.K. Monro 4756 ( BM, INB), M. elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low Moraga 76 ( INB). elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest. Global distribution: Nicaragua to Peru. Columnea sp. A . Records: A. Rodríguez, Jul. 21, 2007 (Field obs.) .

Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 2100–2200 m,

cloud forest, low elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Drymonia ambonensis (L.E.Skog) J.L.Clark

Endemic to Costa Rica. Records: A.K. Monro 5491 (INB), Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 0–2100 m, low A. Rodríguez 10791 (INB), G. Herrera 5868 (INB), G. elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low Herrera 6128 (INB). elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, The above material was determined as being of a cloud forest, low elevation oak forest. Global distribution: currently undescribed species by Kriebel (pers. comm.). Costa Rica, Panama. Records: A.K. Monro 4961 (BM, This species will be included in the Manual de Plantas de PMA), Rodríguez 11046 (INB), D. Santamaría 5870 Costa Rica (Hammel et al., in prep.). (INB), D. Solano 4091 (INB).

Columnea verecunda C.V.Morton Drymonia conchocalyx Hanst. Terrestrial herbs or epiphytic shrubs. Distribution in PILA Epiphytic shrubs. Distribution in PILA 400–1700 m, 1000–1700 m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. Global to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to distribution: Endemic to Costa Rica. Records: G. Herrera cloud forest. Global distribution: Nicaragua to Panama, 5202 (CR, MO), G. Herrera 5244 (CR, MO). Ecuador. Records: A.K. Monro 5952 (PMA), A.K. Monro 5995 (PMA), A. Rodríguez 11447 (BM, INB, PMA), D.

Cremosperma maculatum L.E.Skog Santamaría 5908 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría 6570 Facultatively epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría 7787 (PMA), D. Solano 700–2000 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest 4699 (BM, INB, PMA), L. Martínez 340 (PMA). in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Drymonia coriacea (Oerst. ex Hanst.) Wiehler Panama. Records: A. Rodríguez 11340 (BM, INB, PMA), Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 0–800 m, low D. Santamaría 6288 (BM, INB, PMA), G. Herrera 3257 elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low (INB, MO), G. Herrera 5264 (CR, INB). elevation forest. Global distribution: Nicaragua to Peru. Records: D. Santamaría 6832 (INB).

?ε-PILA Cremosperma occidentale Wiehler Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA – m. Global Drymonia fimbriata C.V.Morton distribution: Elevation unknown. Endemic to Panama. Terrestrial or facultative epiphytic shrubs. Distribution Records: R. Dressler 5475 (SEL). in PILA 900–1700 m, mixed forest in transition to low This species is only known from the type, a cultivated elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, plant collected from the vicinity of PILA. dense thicket. Global distribution: Endemic to Costa Rica. Records: A. Rodríguez 11803 (BM, INB, PMA), D.

Diastema affine Fritsch Santamaría 7013 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría 7064 Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 200–1500 m, low (BM, INB, PMA), E. Fletes 184 (INB). elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. Drymonia folsomii L.E.Skog Global distribution: Nicaragua to Ecuador. Records: A. Terrestrial twiners. Distribution in PILA 1100–1900 m, Rodríguez 11652 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría 6806 mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed (BM, INB, PMA), G. Herrera 3058 (MO). forest in transition to cloud forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: A.K. Monro 4525 (MO), E.

Diastema racemiferum Benth. Alfaro 5602 (BM, INB). Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 0–1800 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low Drymonia lanceolata (Hanst.) C.V.Morton elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, Terrestrial or facultative epiphytic shrubs. Distribution cloud forest. Global distribution: Mexico, Guatemala, in PILA 800–2100 m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest,

cloud forest, low elevation oak forest. Global distribution: elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, Costa Rica to Colombia. Records: A. Fernández 889 cloud forest, dense thicket. Global distribution: Costa Rica (CR, INB, MO), A.K. Monro 5586 (BM, INB, PMA), A. to Colombia. Records: A. Fernández 1035 (CR, INB), A. Rodríguez 10891 (BM, INB, PMA), A. Rodríguez 11449 Fernández 747 (CR, INB), A.K. Monro 4242 (BM), A.K. (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría 5748 (BM, INB, PMA), Monro 4754 (BM, INB, MO), A.K. Monro 5421 (BM, D. Santamaría 6519 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría INB, PMA), A.K. Monro 5553 (BM, INB, PMA), A. 6794 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Solano 4119 (BM, INB, Rodríguez 10607 (BM, INB, PMA), A. Rodríguez 10622 PMA), G. Herrera 5337 (CR, INB, MO), L. Acosta 2311 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría 5670 (BM, INB, PMA), (INB). D. Santamaría 5938 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría 7395 (PMA), D. Santamaría 7513 (PMA), D. Solano

Drymonia macrantha (Donn.Sm.) D.N.Gibson 3894 (BM, INB, PMA). Terrestrial or facultative epiphytic shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–1800 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed Drymonia serrulata (Jacq.) Mart. forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in Viejitas (CR). transition to cloud forest, cloud forest. Global distribution: Epiphytic shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–1200 m, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama. Records: A. low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition Maroto 207 (CR, INB), E. Alfaro 4200 (INB), L. Acosta to low elevation forest. Global distribution: Mexico to 2414 (INB), M. Alfaro 35 (INB). Bolivia, Venezuela, Trinidad, Guayanas, Brazil. Records: S. Bridgewater 4212 (BM, INB, PMA).

Drymonia macrophylla (Oerst.) H.E.Moore Terrestrial or facultative epiphytic shrubs. Distribution □ Drymonia submarginalis Gómez-Laur. & Chavarría in PILA 0–1700 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed Epiphytic shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–1300 m, low forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, pasture. Global elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. distribution: Belize & Guatemala, Nicaragua to Costa Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: A. Rica, Peru, Venezuela. Records: G. Davidse 28500 (CR, Rodríguez 11622 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Solano 4890 (BM, MO), G. Herrera 3082 (MO). INB, PMA).

Drymonia multiflora (Oerst. ex Hanst.) Wiehler Drymonia tomentulifera Kriebel Epiphytic lianas. Distribution in PILA 0–1600 m, low Epiphytic twiners. Distribution in PILA 1200–1300 m, elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest in transition to cloud forest. Global distribution: forest, cloud forest, secondary forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: D. Solano 4902 (BM, INB, Mexico, Nicaragua to Panama. Records: A.K. Monro MO, PMA). 4911 (BM), D. Santamaría 5913 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría 6516 (BM, INB, PMA), J. Bittner 1507 (INB, Drymonia turrialvae Hanst. MO ), L. Martínez 347 (PMA). Terrestrial herbs or terrestrial or facultatively epiphytic shrubs. Distribution in PILA 100–1800 m, low elevation

Drymonia parviflora Hanst. mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation Terrestrial herbs or epiphytic shrubs. Distribution in PILA forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, secondary 1200–1800 m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest.Global distribution: Nicaragua to Ecuador.Records: forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. Global A.K. Monro 4793 (BM), A.K. Monro 6223 (PMA), A. distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: E. Fletes 183 Rodríguez 11587 (BM, INB, PMA), A. Rodríguez 11640 (CR, INB, MO), L. Acosta 2359 (INB). (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría 5949 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría 6526 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría

Drymonia pilifera Wiehler 6611 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría 7656 (PMA), D. Epiphytic twiners. Distribution in PILA 200–1200 m, Solano 4523 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Solano 4534 (BM, INB, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to PMA), D. Solano 4744 (BM, INB, PMA), S. Bridgewater low elevation forest. Global distribution: Nicaragua to 4151 (BM, INB, PMA). Panama. Records: A. Chacón 196 (CR, INB, MO), A.K. Monro 5883 (BM, INB, PMA), A. Rodríguez 11576 (BM, Drymonia warscewicziana Hanst. INB, PMA ), G. Herrera 3248 (INB, MO). Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 200–1100 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low

Drymonia rubra C.V.Morton elevation forest,, dense thicket. Global distribution: Epiphytic shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–2000 m, low Nicaragua to Peru. Records: A. De Sedas 947 (INB), D. elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low Santamaría 7045 (INB), D. Solano 5866 (INB). cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, high elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica to Ecuador.

Gasteranthus acropodus (Donn.Sm.) Wiehler Records : A.K. Monro 4201 (BM, MO), A.K. Monro 4969 Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 0–800 m, low (BM, MO). elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Glossoloma tetragonum Hanst Records : G. Herrera 2615 (MO). Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 600–2300 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to

Gasteranthus delphinioides (Seem.) Wiehler low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 100–1400 forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest. Global m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition distribution: Costa Rica to Colombia. Records: D. Solano to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud 4174 (PMA). forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica to Colombia. Records: A. Rodríguez 11809 (BM, INB, PMA). Kohleria spicata (Kunth) Oerst. Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–2700

Gasteranthus imbricans (Donn.Sm.) Wiehler m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 100–600 to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to m, low elevation mixed forest. Global distribution: Costa cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, high Rica, Panama. Records: D. Santamaría 6793 (BM, INB, elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Mexico to Peru, PMA), G. Gallardo 92 (INB), G. Herrera 3048 (MO), J. Venezuela. Records: A. Rodríguez 11363 (BM, INB, Bittner 1493 (INB, MO). PMA), D. Solano 4921 (BM, INB, PMA), J. Bittner 1491 (MO), F. Quesada 1870 (INB), M. Moraga 425 (INB).

Gasteranthus wendlandianus (Hanst.) Wiehler Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 900– Kohleria tigridia (Ohlend.) Roalson & Boggan 2100 m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 800–3000 m, mixed mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica to in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation Bolivia. Records: A. Rodríguez 10633 (BM, INB, PMA), oak forest, high elevation oak forest. Global distribution: A. Rodríguez 11511 (BM, INB, PMA), A. Rodríguez Mexico to Honduras, Costa Rica to Ecuador, Venezuela. 11961 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Solano 4032 (BM, INB, Records: A.K. Monro 4452 (BM), A.K. Monro 4770 (BM), PMA), D. Solano 4404 (BM, INB, PMA), E. Alfaro 5480 A. Rodríguez 10944 (INB), D. Santamaría 5894 (INB), (BM, INB), E. Fletes 180 (CR, INB, MO), G. Herrera D. Solano 4160 (INB), D. Solano 5181 (INB), G. Davidse 5317 (CR, INB), G. Herrera 5339 (INB), G. Herrera 25163 (MO), L.D. Gómez 22320 (MO), N. Zamora 4180 5949 (CR, INB), G. Herrera 6090 (INB), Z. Fuentes 791 (INB). (INB). Kohleria tubiflora (Cav.) Hanst.

Glossoloma ichthyoderma (Hanst.) J.L.Clark Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–1700 Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 1200– m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition 3500 m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, cloud forest, cloud forest. Global distribution: Honduras, low elevation oak forest, páramo. Global distribution: Panama, Ecuador. Records: D. Solano, Feb. 29, 2008 Costa Rica to Peru, Venezuela. Records: A. Rodríguez (Field obs.). 10781 (INB), D. Santamaría 5635 (INB), D. Solano 3991 (INB). Monopyle maxonii C.V.Morton Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 200–1900 m, low

Glossoloma medusaeum (L.E.Skog) J.L.Clark elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 1200–2100 m, elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed Global distribution: Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama. forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low Records: D. Santamaría, Oct. 26, 2008 (Field obs.), D. elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica to Solano Oct. 27 2008 (Field obs.). Peru. Records: D. Solano 4187 (BM, INB). Monopyle puberula C.V.Morton

Glossoloma panamense (C.V.Morton) J.L.Clark Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 700–1400 m, low Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 100–2700 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, Global distribution: Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama. Records: D. Santamaría 7657 (PMA), G. Herrera 5351 A.K. Monro 5583 (BM, INB, PMA), A. Rodríguez 10868 (CR, INB, MO). (BM, INB, PMA), B. Hammel 5822 (MO), D. Santamaría 5766 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Santamaría 5818 (BM, INB,

Moussonia ampla L.E.Skog PMA ), G. Herrera 5515 (INB, MO), J. Bittner 1876 Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 1900–2000 m, (INB, MO). cloud forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: D. Santamaría 7274 (BM, INB, PMA), K. Utley Rhynchoglossum azureum (Schltdl.) Burtt 5670 (MO), N. Zamora 4060 (BM, INB, PMA). Facultatively epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 500–1900 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in

Moussonia deppeana (Schltdl. & Cham.) Hanst. transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 1600–2600 m, to cloud forest. Global distribution: Mexico to Honduras, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, Costa Rica to Peru. Records: A.K. Monro 4427 (BM), E. low elevation oak forest, high elevation oak forest. Global Alfaro 5529 (BM, INB). distribution: Mexico to Costa Rica. Records: D. Solano 5130 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Solano 5225 (BM, INB, Rufodorsia cerricola (Wiehler) Kriebel PMA ). Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 1100–2300 m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed

Moussonia serrulata (C.V.Morton) Wiehler forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 1300–1800 elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica, m, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. Global Panama. Records: A.K. Monro 5606 (INB), A. Rodríguez distribution: Endemic to Panama. Records: C. Hamilton 11025 (INB). 741 (MO), C. Hamilton 742 (MO). ψ Solenophora calycosa Donn.Sm.

Napeanthus apodemus Donn.Sm. Princesa (CR) . Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 0–1100 m, low Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 200–3300 m, elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to elevation forest. Global distribution: Mexico, Honduras, low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud Costa Rica to Peru. Records: A.K. Monro 6219 (PMA). forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, páramo. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: A.

Nautilocalyx dressleri Wiehler Chacón 554 (INB), A. Fernández 705 (CR, INB), B. Facultatively epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA Hammel 1462 (MO), D. Santamaría 5727 (BM, INB, 200–1600 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest PMA), D. Solano 3997 (BM, INB, PMA), E. Navarro in transition to low elevation forest. Global distribution: 686 (INB, MO), F. Almeda 3534 (MO), G. Davidse 25116 Costa Rica, Panama. Records: A.K. Monro 6247 (PMA), (MO), G. Davidse 25117 (MO), G. Herrera 5335 (CR, A. Rodríguez 11417 (BM, INB, PMA), G. Herrera 3256 INB, MO), J. Dwyer 8754 (MO), J. H. Kirkbride Jr. 151 (INB, MO). (MO), M. Moraga 424 (INB), M. Valerio 221 (INB). Global conservation status: Vulnerable (VU), B1ab(i,iii).

Paradrymonia lineata (C.V.Morton) Wiehler Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 400–1400 m, low GROSSULARIACEAE elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. ψ Ribes costaricense Weigend Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: G. Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 2700–3400 m, Herrera 3269 (INB, MO). high elevation oak forest, páramo. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: A.K. Monro 5152 (BM,

Paradrymonia longipetiolata (Donn.Sm.) Wiehler INB ), S. Knapp 9855 (BM, INB). Global conservation Epiphytic herbs. Distribution in PILA 700–1200 m, low status: Endangered (EN), B1ab(i,iii). elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest. Global distribution: Endemic to Costa GUNNERACEAE Rica. Records : G. Herrera 5319 (CR, INB, MO). ψ Gunnera insignis (Oerst.) A.DC.

Paradrymonia metamorphophylla (Donn.Sm.) Wiehler Higuera, Mano de tigre, Sombrilla de pobre (CR).

Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 1200– Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 1100–3300

2300 m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest,

mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest,

elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica to low elevation oak forest, páramo. Global distribution:

Peru, Venezuela. Records: A. Fernández 983 (CR, INB), Nicaragua to Colombia. Records: B. Hammel 1463 (MO), HYDRANGEACEAE

G. Davidse 25265 (CR, MO), L. Angulo 219 (INB).

Regional conservation status: Near Threatened (NT).

Hydrangea asterolasia Diels

Epiphytic shrubs. Distribution in PILA 1100–3200 m, ψ Gunnera talamancana Weber & L.E.Mora

mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed Sombrilla de pobre


forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 2000–3400

elevation oak forest, páramo. Global distribution: Costa m, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, páramo. Global

Rica to Peru. Records: G. Davidse 25214 (MO).

distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: A. Fernández

757 (INB), E. Alfaro 3467 (INB), G. Davidse 26148 (CR, Hydrangea diplostemona (Donn.Sm.) Standl.

MO), G. Davidse 28712 (CR, MO), F. Quesada 1502

Terrestrial or facultative epiphytic shrubs. Distribution


. Global conservation




in PILA 900–3000 m, mixed forest in transition to low B1ab(i,iii).

elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest,

cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, high elevation oak HAMAMELIDACEAE forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica to Bolivia. Records:

G. Davidse 26158 (CR, MO), L. Acosta 2388 (INB).

Molinadendron guatemalense (Radlk. ex Harms)

P.K.Endress Hydrangea peruviana Moric.

Terrestrial trees. Distribution in PILA 1000–1600 m, Epiphytic shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–2600 m, low mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest. Global elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low distribution: Guatemala, Hond to Panama. Records: A.K. elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, Monro 5946 ( PMA) . cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, high elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica to Peru. Records: HUMIRIACEAE A. Fernández 653 ( CR, INB, MO) , A.K. Monro 4315 ( BM,

INB, MO), A. Rodríguez 10829 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), ψ Humiriastrum diguense Cuatrec. B. Hammel 1428 (MO), D. Solano 4046 (BM, INB, MO, Chiricano, Chiricano alegre, Chiricano triste, Lorito, PMA), E. Alfaro 3978 (INB), G. Davidse 25254 (MO), J. Níspero, Campano, Campano blanco, Loro, Níspero lorito Aranda 3251 (MO), L.D. Gómez 23171 (MO).

(CR), Corocito, Corozo (P).

Terrestrial trees. Distribution in PILA 0–1700 m, low HYPERICACEAE

elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest,

Hypericum cardonae Cuatrec.

cloud forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica to Ecuador.

Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 3000–3500 m, Records: F. Solís 28 (INB, MO). Uses: timber. Regional

high elevation oak forest, páramo. Global distribution: conservation status: Vulnerable (VU), A2cd.

Costa Rica to Venezuela. Records: E. Alfaro 3277 (INB),

L. González 2492 (INB).

ψ Sacoglottis trichogyna Cuatrec.

Campano, colmena, Cucaracho danto, Erizo, Colmillo,

Hypericum costaricense N.Robson

Terciopelo, Titor, Lorito, Campana, Danto plomillo (CR),

Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 400–3700 Corocito, Corozo (P).

m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition Terrestrial trees. Distribution in PILA 0–500 m, low

to low elevation forest, low elevation oak forest, páramo, elevation mixed forest. Global distribution: Nicaragua to

sabana natural grassland. Global distribution: Costa Rica Panama. Records: G. Herrera 3114 (MO). Uses: timber.

to Colombia. Records: A.K. Monro 5150 (BM, INB, MO),

A. S. Weston 10168 (MO), A. Soto 310 (INB), B. Gamboa Sacoglottis sp A .

1725 (INB, MO), E. Alfaro 3252 (INB), E. Alfaro 3401 Terrestrial trees. Distribution in PILA – 1000 m, mixed

(INB), E. Alfaro 3476 (INB), E. Alfaro 3772 (INB), E. forest in transition to low elevation forest. Global

Alfaro 3788 (INB), G. Davidse 23890 (CR, MO), G. distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: D. Solano

Davidse 25283 (CR, MO), G. Davidse 25372 (CR, MO), 5836 (INB, PMA).

G. Davidse 25927 (MO), G. Davidse 25963 (CR, MO), The above material was determined as being of a

G. Davidse 29280 (CR, MO), G. Davidse 29360 (CR, currently undescribed species by Nelson Zamora (pers.

MO), G. Herrera 3699 (INB, MO), F. Quesada 1800 comm.). This species was identified as an unpublished

(INB), F. Quesada 1972 (INB), L. Angulo 224 (CR, INB), name in the Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica (Hammel et

L. González 1668 (INB), L. González 2503 (INB), M. al., in prep).

Valerio 220 (CR, INB, MO), S. Knapp 9842 (BM, INB),

S. Knapp 9885 (BM, INB).

(INB). Regional conservation status: Least Concern (LC).

Hypericum gnidioides Seem. (NT) . Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 1000– 3800 m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, JUGLANDACEAE mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, páramo. Global distribution: El ψ Alfaroa costaricensis Standl. Salvador to Panama. Records: D. Santamaría 3731 (INB), Gaulín, Campano chile, Gabulin gavilan, Gavilancillo D. Solano 2860 (INB), L. González 1198 (INB). (CR). Terrestrial trees. Distribution in PILA 1000–2700 m,

Hypericum irazuense Kuntze ex N.Robson mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 2100–3700 m, forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, páramo. Global elevation oak forest, high elevation oak forest, pasture. distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: A. Chacón Global distribution: Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua to 528 (MO), A. S. Weston 10189 (MO), E. Alfaro 3306 Panama. Records: A. Fernández 926 (CR, INB, MO), (INB), G. Davidse 25357 (MO), G. Davidse 25962 (MO), C. von Hagen 2096 (MO), C. von Hagen 2179 (MO), G. Davidse 26016 (MO), G. Davidse 26029 (MO), G. D. Solano 3859 (BM, INB, PMA), G. Davidse 29205 Davidse 29361 (MO), F. Quesada 1799 (INB). (INB, MO), J. A. Duke 13661 (MO), L. Acosta 2322 (INB), L. González 3647 (INB). Uses: timber. Regional

Hypericum jaramilloi N.Robson conservation status: Near Threatened (NT). Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 2900–3100 m, low elevation oak forest, high elevation oak forest, páramo. Alfaroa williamsii Ant.Molina Global distribution: Costa Rica to Colombia. Records: G. Terrestrial trees. Distribution in PILA 700–2100 m, low Davidse 25880 (MO). elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest,

Hypericum monroi N.Robson cloud forest, low elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 1600– Nicaragua to Panama. Records: A. Fernández 777 (CR, 3300 m, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, INB, MO), A.K. Monro 4991 (INB, MO), A.K. Monro cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, páramo. Global 6200 (PMA), A. Rodríguez 10934 (BM, INB, PMA). distribution: Honduras, Costa Rica to Venezuela. Records: A.K. Monro 4093 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), B. Klitgaard ψ Oreomunnea mexicana (Standl.) J.-F.Leroy 749 (BM, INB, MO, PMA) G. Davidse 23905 (BM, MO), Gaulín (CR). G. Davidse 25286 (BM, MO), G. Davidse 25963 (BM, Terrestrial trees. Distribution in PILA 500–1700 m, MO), G. Davidse 29280 (BM, MO), G. Davidse 29413 low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to (BM, MO), L.D. Gómez 22525 (BM, MO), L.D. Gómez low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud 22677 (BM, MO). forest. Global distribution: Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua to Panama. Records: A. Rodríguez 11327 (BM, INB,

Hypericum thesiifolium Kunth PMA ), S. Bridgewater 4194 (BM, INB, PMA). Regional Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 1000– conservation status: Near Threatened (NT). 3300 m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, Oreomunnea pterocarpa Oerst. low elevation oak forest, páramo. Global distribution: Campana, Campano, Gavilán, Gavilán blanco, Honduras, Costa Rica to Venezuela. Records: M. Valerio Gavilancillo (CR). 216 (INB, MO). Terrestrial trees. Distribution in PILA 0–1200 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low

ψ Vismia baccifera (L.) Triana & Planch. elevation forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Achiotillo (CR), Pinta mozo, Achiote, Sangrillo, Achiote, Records: D. Santamaría 6187 (BM, INB, PMA). Uses: Achiote tigre (P). timber. Conservation status: Endangered (EN), C2a ver Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA 2.3 (1994). 0–1800 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in LACISTEMATACEAE transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, dense thicket. Global distribution: Mexico to Bolivia. Records: A. Lozania mutisiana Schult. Rodríguez 11874 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), A. Rodríguez Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA 600–2200 9878 (INB), D. Santamaría 3471 (INB), D. Santamaría m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition 3728 (INB), D. Santamaría 3781 (INB), D. Solano 3207 to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud (INB), J. González 785 (INB, MO), L. González 3648

forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, pasture. 4637 (INB), E. Alfaro 4655 (INB), G. Davidse 25749 Global distribution: Nicaragua to Bolivia, Venezuela. (CR), G. Davidse 29076 (CR), G. Davidse 29228 (CR), J. Records: A. De Sedas 577 (PMA), A.K. Monro 6059 Bittner 1535 (MO).

(PMA), A. Rodríguez 11739 (BM, INB, PMA), D.

Santamaría 4425 (INB), D. Santamaría 6678 (BM, INB, Aegiphila panamensis Moldenke

PMA), D. Santamaría 7755 ( PMA), D. Solano 5503 Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA 100–2700 ( PMA), J. González 791 ( CR, INB). m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to Lozania pittieri (S.F.Blake) L.B.Sm. cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, high Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA 0–800 m, elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Mexico to low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to Colombia. Records : D. Solano 2906 ( INB), E. Navarro low elevation forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica to 182 ( INB), J. González 797 ( INB), R. Villalobos 251 Bolivia. Records : D. Solano, Feb. 23, 2008 (Field obs.), ( CR). Conservation status: Vulnerable ( VU), A1 c ver 2.3 D. Solano, Feb. 25, 2008 (Field obs.). (1994) .

LAMIACEAE Aegiphila valerioi Standl. Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA 0–2200

Aegiphila anomala Pittier m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition Tabaquillo (CR). to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest. Global 200–1600 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest distribution: Mexico, Nicaragua to Panama. Records: D. in transition to low elevation forest,, dense thicket. Solano 5248 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), F. González 449 Global distribution: Costa Rica to Colombia. Records: D. (INB). Santamaría 7700 (PMA), D. Santamaría 7839 (PMA), G. Herrera 2706 (MO), J. González 789 (CR). Clinopodium foliolosum (Benth.) Govaerts Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 3100–3400 m,

Aegiphila cephalophora Standl. high elevation oak forest, páramo. Global distribution: Terrestrial lianas. Distribution in PILA 0–1300 m, low Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela. Records: G. Herrera elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low 3663 (MO). elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: A.K. Cornutia pyramidata L. Monro 6380 (PMA), L. Martínez 336 (PMA). Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA 0–2000 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition

Aegiphila elata Sw. to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–1300 m, low forest, cloud forest, pasture. Global distribution: Mexico elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low to Panama, Caribbean. Records: D. Santamaría 7442 elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, (PMA). dense thicket. Global distribution: Mexico to Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia, Greater Antilles. Records: A.K. Monro Hyptis brachiata Briq. 5000 (BM, INB, PMA). Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–1500 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low

Aegiphila falcata Donn.Sm. elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA 0–1500 Global distribution: Nicaragua to Venezuela. Records: D. m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition Solano 2866 (INB), L. González 1325 (INB). to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. Global distribution: Mexico to Panama. Records: Hyptis brevipes Poit. D. Santamaría 6325 (BM, INB, MO, PMA). Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 0–1600 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low

Aegiphila odontophylla Donn.Sm. elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, Salvia hoja grande (CR). cloud forest. Global distribution: Mexico to Argentina, Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA 1200– Lesser Antilles, Africa, Asia. Records: D. Santamaría 3200 m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, 4417 (INB). mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, páramo. Global distribution: Costa Hyptis lantanifolia Poit. Rica to Venezuela. Records: A. Soto 302 (INB), E. Alfaro Terrestrial herbs to shrubs. Distribution in PILA 200–1600 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest. Global distribution: Mexico to Davidse 25150 (CR, MO), G. Davidse 25170 (CR, MO), Bolivia, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles. Records: D. G. Davidse 25730 (CR, MO), G. Davidse 25848 (MO), Solano 2864 (INB), E. Alfaro 4197 (INB), L. González G. Herrera 3634 (INB), G. Herrera 3747 (INB, MO), S. 1200 (INB). Knapp 10052 (BM, INB).


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