Austroearinus chrysokeras Sharkey, 2006

Sharkey, Michael, 2006, Two new genera of Agathidinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) with a key to the genera of the New World, Zootaxa 1185, pp. 37-51 : 47-51

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Plazi (2019-04-18 11:42:41, last updated 2024-11-28 08:55:51)

scientific name

Austroearinus chrysokeras Sharkey

sp. nov.

Austroearinus chrysokeras Sharkey View in CoL n. sp.


May be distinguished from all other known members of the genus with the following combination of characters; apical 4–6 flagellomeres yellow; propodeal areola wide and well developed, ovipositor slightly shorter than metasoma.


Body length: 4.6 mm. Head: Antenna with 31 (30–32) flagellomeres. Mesosoma: Scutellar sulcus with one median longitudinal carina; median areola of metanotum well defined with sharp carinae laterally and posteriorly; margin between metepimeron and metepisternum with three well defined transverse carinae; foretibia lacking pegs; midtibia with 1 subapical peg, and lacking pegs at midlength; hind tibia with 3 apical pegs; second cubital cell of fore wing sessile and triangular; RS+M vein of fore wing well developed, almost complete but not tubular at midlength; fore wing length 4.6 mm; propodeum with well defined median areola; areola wider anteriorly; anterior transverse carinae of propodeum well defined. Metasoma: First median tergite with 2 distinct lateral longitudinal carinae extending three­fifths the length of the median tergite; median syntergite 2+3 length 0.93mm, width 0.77 mm.; ovipositor length subequal to metasoma length. Color: Mostly yellow except black as follows: antenna (except apical 4–6 flagellomeres, yellow), tarsal claws, apex of hind tibia, and entire hind tarsus; wings evenly infuscate.

Distribution Known only from Costa Rica.

Etymology chrysos and keras are Greek for gold and horn respectively. The combination is a reference to the yellow tips of the antennae.

Material examined

Holotype ♀, COSTA RICA, Heredia Prov., 50–100m, Est. Biol. La Selva, Malaise , 10°26’N 84°01’W, 10.vii.2000, (M/19/752), ( INBC). GoogleMaps

Paratypes: COSTA RICA: Heredia Prov.: ♀ , 50–100m, Est. Biol. La Selva, Malaise , 10°26’N 84°01’W, 7.vii.2000, (M/19/754), ( INBC). ♀ GoogleMaps , 50–100m, Est. Biol. La Selva, Malaise , 10°26’N 84°01’W, 2.x.2000, (M/19/758), ( INBC). 2♀ GoogleMaps , 50–100m, Est. Biol. La Selva, Malaise , 10°26’N 84°01’W, 18.Nov.2000, (M/19/757), ( INBC). ♀ GoogleMaps , 50–100m, Est. Biol. La Selva, Malaise , 10°26’N 84°01’W, 30.Oct.2000, (M/19/760) ( INBC). ♀ GoogleMaps , Heredia, La Selva , 50–150m, 10°26’N, 84°01’W, June 2000, [DNA voucher DM26 s secondary] ( HIC). ♀ GoogleMaps , Heredia, La Selva 50–150m, 10°26’N, 84°01’W, June 2000, [DNA voucher DM26 ], ( HIC). 84♀ GoogleMaps , Heredia, La Selva 50–150m, 10°26’N, 84°01’W, with the following dates: Feb. 1994 (2♀), Mar. 1994 (1♀), Apr. 1994 (2♀), Dec. 1995 (1♀), Nov. 1995 (2♀), Oct. 1995 (1♀), Sept.1995 (2♀) Jan. 1996 (6♀), April 1996 (3♀), Mar. 1996 (13♀), May 1996 (13♀), June 1996 (2♀), Feb. 1996 (5♀), Mar. 1998 (4♀), Apr. 1998 (7♀), May 1998 (5♀), Feb. 1998 (1♀), Jan. 1998 (1♀), May 1993 (2♀), June 1993 (7♀), Apr. 1993 (2♀), July 1993 (5♀), Sept. 1993 (1♀) ( INBC, AEI, HIC). 2♀ GoogleMaps , Prov . Limon, Sector, Cerro Cocori , Fca. de E. Rojas, 150m. May 5­June 5 1992 and April, 1992, Malaise ( INBC). 2♀ , Puntarenas Golfito, Est. Agujas , 300m, x.2000, Malaise, J. Azofeia, L _S_526550_276750 #60078 ( INBC). 2♀ , Golfito, P.N. Corcovado, Send. Sirena , 100m, viii.2000, Malaise, J. Azofeia, L_S_514200_276500 #58151 ( INBC). ♀ , Golfito, P.N. Corcovado, Est. Los Palos, Send. a Sirena , 70m, viii.2000, Malaise, J. Azofeia, L_S_509200_275700 #58149 ( INBC). ♀ , Golfito, P.N. Corcovado, E. Sirena S. Rio Claro ( Parte Alta ), 1–100m, ix.1991, G. Fonseca , Malaise , LS 508300 270500 #7453, ( HIC) .

Austroearinus melanopodes Sharkey n. sp.


Female. May be distinguished from all other known members of the genus with the following combination of characters: Legs excluding coxae and fore and mid tarsi, partly or entirely melanic, at least the fore femora melanic. Vertex of head melanic at least in part, contrasting with lower face and gena which are yellow. Median tergite 1 of metasoma with two sharp carinae.


Female. Body length: 4.6 mm. Head: Antenna with 32 flagellomeres. Mesosoma: Scutellar sulcus with one median longitudinal carina; median areola of metanotum well defined, with sharp carinae laterally and posteriorly, not deeply excavated; margin between metepimeron and metepisternum with three or four weak transverse carinae; foretibia lacking pegs; midtibia with 2 subapical pegs, and two pegs at midlength; hind tibia with 7 apical pegs; second cubital cell of fore wing sessile and triangular; RS+M vein of fore wing poorly developed, mostly absent; fore wing length 4.4 mm; propodeum with long narrow median areola, not distinctly wider anteriorly, anterior transverse carinae barely indicated laterad areola. Metasoma: First median tergite with 2 sharp lateral longitudinal carinae extending three­fifths length of median tergite; median syntergite 2+3 length 0.94mm, width 0.67 mm; ovipositor as long as body. Color: Mostly yellow except black as follows: antenna, parts of frons and face, all femora and tibiae, hind coxa apicolaterally, hind trochanter, hind tarsus; wings evenly infuscate.

Male. Unknown

Distribution Known only from Costa Rica. hind claw showing basal pectination. d) Lateral prothorax showing projection on propleuron.

2+3 showing strong transverse grooves. c) dorsal propodeum.

Etymology From the Greek words for black and feet, in reference to the predominately black legs that, in combination with the pale body, are distinguishing features of this species.

Material examined

Holotype ♀, COSTA RICA, Puntarenas Prov., Golfito, Sector Los Patos, Rio Rincón , 200m., Malaise , 22–23. Feb.2000, L_S_278700_561700_ #59843, DNA voucher DM033 ( INBC).


Support was provided by NSF grants EF­0337220 and DEB­0205982 to M. Sharkey, and DEB­0072702 (Alas Project). Thanks to the curators that supplied specimens: Dr. David Wahl, Dr. Henri Goulet, Dr. James Pitts, Ms. Diana Arias, Ms. Carolina Godoy, Dr. Kees van Achterberg, and Dr. David Smith. Katja Seltmann took photographs and compiled the plates. Thanks to two anonymous reviewers. Special thanks to Dr. Dan Janzen, DEB­ 0 0 72730, for the biological information on the two new genera. This is paper 05­08­116 of the Kentucky Agricultural Experimental Station.

References cited

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Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio)


Hymenoptera Institute Collection, University of Kentucky


American Entomological Institute











