Probolomyrmex dentinodis, Oliveira & Feitosa, 2019

Oliveira, Aline M. & Feitosa, Rodrigo M., 2019, Taxonomic revision of the genus Probolomyrmex Mayr, 1901 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Proceratiinae) for the Neotropical Region, Zootaxa 4614 (1), pp. 61-94 : 78

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Plazi (2019-06-07 08:45:11, last updated 2024-11-27 04:19:30)

scientific name

Probolomyrmex dentinodis

sp. nov.

Probolomyrmex dentinodis New species

( Figs. 16 View FIGURE 16 , 17 View FIGURE 17 , 18 View FIGURE 18 )

Probolomyrmex petiolatus: Delabie et al. 2001 View in CoL (misidentification).

Holotype: BRAZIL: Rondônia: Porto Velho, Área Caiçara , 09°26’14.6”S 64°49’58.2”W, 04–18.ix.2012, Vicente R.E. & Oliveira J. cols, C1P2, (worker) [ DZUP, unique specimen identifier DZUP 549762 View Materials ]. GoogleMaps

Paratype: same data as holotype, except: (1 worker) [ MZSP, unique specimen identifier DZUP 549769 View Materials ] GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis: Petiole higher than long, with the petiolar teeth well developed and forming a conspicuous posterior bifurcation in dorsal view. Subpetiolar process well developed and subrectangular. Prora present. First gastral tergite with a dorsal protuberance on the posterior region.

Worker measurements: (n=8): HL 0.57–0.61; HW 0.35–0.39; SL 0.36–0.44; WL 0.74–0.89; PL 0.23–0.30; PW 0.15–0.19; PH 0.26–0.33; GL 0.94–0.96; TL 2.63–2.74; CI 61.5–64.5; SI 61.5–73.5; PI 106.5–128.5.

Worker description: Frontoclypeal shelflike projection and mandibles with hair-bearing tubercles or cylindrical micro-pegs; external surface of mandibular basal margin transversely micro-striate ( Fig. 16B View FIGURE 16 – esm). Tip of apical segment of antennae bearing minute pits ( Fig. 16C View FIGURE 16 – Ap). Mesopleuron, metapleuron and lateral faces of propodeum alveolate; alveoli denser just above metapleural gland orifice; opening of metapleural gland large, with smooth anterior region, surrounded by rows of hairs ( Fig. 16D View FIGURE 16 ). Petiolar node with incomplete foveae, postero-ventral lobe of petiole and subpetiolar process alveolate, each alveolus with an inner decumbent hair; latero-ventral region of petiole imbricate ( Fig. 16E View FIGURE 16 ). Posterior region of second gastral tergite with transversal rows of deep rounded pits ( Fig. 16A View FIGURE 16 ).

Space between the foveae on the mesosoma covered by dense pubescence. Pygidium with hair-bearing tubercles or cylindrical micro-pegs and some long and thick hairs.

Head 1.6 times longer than wide ( Fig. 17B View FIGURE 17 ). Hypostomal margin curved ( Fig. 16B View FIGURE 16 – he). Antennal scapes extend to head midlength, distance from scape apex of head more than two times pedicel length (SI 61.5–73.5). Propodeum emarginated posteriorly on each side by a low and obtuse carina, with teeth at their apexes. Petiole at least 1.1 times higher than long (PI 106.5–128.5), with postero-dorsal teeth forming a conspicuous bifurcation in dorsal view; posterior face long, concave and smooth; postero-ventral lobe short and rounded; subpetiolar process well developed and subrectangular, with the postero-ventral angle acute and directed towards the gaster ( Fig. 16E View FIGURE 16 ). First gastral segment with prora and a dorsal protuberance on posterior region of tergite, characterized by a gentle elevation of the integument ( Figs. 16A View FIGURE 16 , 17A View FIGURE 17 ).

Queen: (n=2): HL 0.59–0.62; HW 0.39; SL 0.39–0.42. WL 0.80–0.87; PL 0.26–0.28; PH 0.30–0.32 GL 0.96– 1.07; TL 2.61–2.84. CI 62–65; SI 65–67; PI 114–116. Queen presents the characters already described in the genus description and the diagnostic characters of the species ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 ).

Etymology: The name is a reference to the presence of a pair of well developed postero-dorsal teeth on the petiolar node.

Distribution ( Fig. 29 View FIGURE 29 ): Northern Brazil (PA, RO, and TO).

Comments: The subrectangular shape of the subpetiolar process makes this species similar to P. petiolatus . However, P. dentinodis can be easily distinguished from the latter by the presence of a pair of propodeal and petiolar teeth and by the presence of the prora. All the specimens obtained came from leaf-litter samples collected in mature lowland Amazon forests (40m and 200m).

Additional material examined (n=12): BRAZIL: Pará: Alter do Chão, 2°30’S 54°57’W, 1.vii.1998, J.M. Vilhena, D. Agosti det. (1 worker) [ CPDC] GoogleMaps ; Marituba, 1°22’S 48°20’W, 19.x.2004, Santos J.R.M., Winkler Cacau (2 workers) [ CPDC] GoogleMaps ; (1 worker) [ MPEG]; DZUP 549770 View Materials (queen) [ DZUP]; Tocantins: Palmeiras do Tocantins, 06°40’12”S 47°31’48.6”W, 01–, Silva R.R. & Feitosa R.M. cols (1 queen) [ DZUP] GoogleMaps ; (1 worker) [ MZSP]; 06°40’07”S 47°30’56” W, 12–, Silva R.R. & Feitosa R.M. cols Winkler 12 (1 worker) [ DZUP] GoogleMaps ; (1 work- er) [ MZSP] .

Delabie, J. H. C., Vasconcelos, H. L., Vilhena, J. M. S. & Agosti, D. (2001) Fist record of the ant genus Probolomyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerini: Platythyreini) in Brazil. International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation, 49, 397 - 398.

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FIGURE 16. SEM micrography of Probolomyrmex dentinodis sp. n. (holotype worker). A. Habitus (pr = prora; ppd = dorsal protuberance in the posterior region of the first gastral tergite). B. Mandibles (he = hypostomal margin; esm = external surface of basal region of mandible). C. Antenna (ap = antennal pit; Lah = long appressed hair; Sh = short hair). D. Metapleural gland. E. Petiole (pil = postero-inferior lobe of petiole; sp = subpetiolar process).

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FIGURE 17. Probolomyrmex dentinodis sp. n. (paratype worker). A. Habitus. B. head in frontal view. C. dorsal view.

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FIGURE 18. Probolomyrmex dentinodis sp. n. (queen - DZUP 549770). A. Habitus. B. head in frontal view. C. dorsal view.

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FIGURE 29. Distribution map for the Neotropical species of Probolomyrmex.


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau


Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi











