Probolomyrmex brujitae Agosti, 1995

Oliveira, Aline M. & Feitosa, Rodrigo M., 2019, Taxonomic revision of the genus Probolomyrmex Mayr, 1901 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Proceratiinae) for the Neotropical Region, Zootaxa 4614 (1), pp. 61-94 : 72-74

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Plazi (2019-06-07 08:45:11, last updated 2024-11-27 04:19:30)

scientific name

Probolomyrmex brujitae Agosti, 1995


Probolomyrmex brujitae Agosti, 1995

( Figs. 11 View FIGURE 11 , 12 View FIGURE 12 , 13 View FIGURE 13 )

Holotype: ARGENTINA: Salta: Aguas Blancas - Yaculica, 22°43’44”S 64°22’25”W, 25.x.1994, D. Agosti & J. M. Carpenter, Winkler Yungas forest , leaf-litter, 35469 (worker) [ MCZ] [examined]. GoogleMaps

Paratype: same data as holotype, except: ATNC6044 (1 queen) [ AMNH] [examined by images in; specimen CASENT0104672].

Diagnosis: Postero-ventral lobe of petiole long and subquadrate. Subpetiolar process weakly developed and anteriorly directed. Prora and protuberance on posterior region of first gastral tergite absent.

Worker measurements: (n=12) HL 0.48–0.56; HW 0.30–0.33; SL 0.28–0.33; WL 0.61–0.70; PL 0.22–0.34; PW 0.24–0.26; PH 0.20–0.24; TL 2.17–2.41; CI 56.5–64; SI 56.5–64.5; PI 75.5–92.5.

Worker description: Frontoclypeal shelflike projection and mandibles foveolate, with hair-bearing tubercles or cylindrical micro-pegs; external surface of mandibular basal margin transversely striolate ( Fig. 11B View FIGURE 11 – esm). Tip of apical antennal segment bearing minute pits ( Fig. 11C View FIGURE 11 – Ap). Mesopleuron, metapleuron and lateral faces of propodeum alveolate and foveate; alveoli denser just above metapleural gland orifice; opening of metapleural gland narrow, with smooth anterior region, surrounded by rows of hairs ( Fig. 11D View FIGURE 11 ). Petiolar node foveate, interval between foveae covered by micropunctures (punctulae); postero-ventral lobe and latero-ventral region of petiole alveolate, with short hair projecting from each alveolus; subpetiolar process alveolate ( Fig. 11E View FIGURE 11 ). Posterior region of second gastral segment with foveae.

Space between mesosomal foveae covered by dense pubescence. Pygidium with hair-bearing tubercles or cylindrical micro-pegs.

Head 1.6 times longer than wide ( Fig. 12B View FIGURE 12 ). Hypostomal margin curved ( Fig. 11B View FIGURE 11 – he). Antennal scapes extend to head mid length, distance from scape apex to of head more than two times pedicel length (SI 56.5–64.5). Propodeal declivity with lateral carina, laterodorsal teeth present. Petiole in lateral view at least 1.2 times longer than high (PI 75.5–92.5), apex with two weakly developed posterior teeth; posterior face short, concave and smooth; postero-ventral lobe long and subquadrate; subpetiolar process weakly developed and directed anteriorly ( Fig. 11E View FIGURE 11 ). First gastral segment without prora or dorsal protuberance on posterior region of tergite ( Fig. 12A View FIGURE 12 ).

Queen (n=3) HL 0.50–0.52; HW 0.32–0.33; SL 0.31–0.33; WL 0.67; PL 0.23–0.25; PH 0.21–0.22; TL 2.21– 2.28. CI 64.5; SI 62.5–64.5; PI 85.5–92. Queen presents the characters already described in the genus description and the diagnostic characters of the workers ( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 ).

Distribution ( Fig. 29 View FIGURE 29 ): Northwest Argentina (Salta), North and Midwest Brazil (GO, MA, MS, MT, RO, and TO).

Comments: This species differs from all others by the weak, anteriorly directed subpetiolar process. All specimens were obtained from leaf-litter samples. There is a record of a single individual of P. brujitae in Bahia, Brazil ( Nascimento et al. 2004). However, after careful examination of the specimen, we concluded it actually corresponds to a different and undescribed species. We refrain from describing it here, since the only known specimen is in very poor condition.

Additional material examined (n=40): BRAZIL: Goiás: Jataí, Faz.Ariranha , 17°57’34”S 51°51’34”W, 797m, 11.ii.2009, G.G. Santos col, Frag. 02, M. W. Ponto 23 (1 queen) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; Faz. Leão , 17°48’24”S 51°41’41”W, 21.ii.2009, G. Santos & S. Barbosa cols, Mini-winkler Pto 2 (1 worker) [ MZSP]; (1 worker) GoogleMaps [ DZUP]; Maranhão: Estreito, Faz. Planalto , 06°35’59.3”S 47°24’50.4”W, 12–22.ii.2006, Silva R.R. & Feitosa R.M. cols, Winkler 5 (1 worker) [ DZUP]; (2 workers) GoogleMaps [ MZSP]; Winkler 1 (3 workers) [ MZSP]; (2 workers) [ MPEG]; Winkler 2 (1 worker) [ MZSP] ; 12–, Winkler 7 (1 worker) [ DZUP] ; Mato Grosso: Alta Floresta , 09°53’S, 56°28’W, iii–vii.2008, Castuera de Oliveira L., Winkler (1 worker - 1 queen) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; Mato Grosso do Sul: Bodoquena, Fazenda Santa Laura da Vicunha I Farm , 20°47’59.94” S 56°44’54.05”W, 2010, Silvestre, R. & Demétrio, M.F. cols. (1 worker) [ UFGD] GoogleMaps ; II Farm , 20°45’53.60”S 56°44’53.10” W (1 worker) [ UFGD] GoogleMaps ; Campo Grande , RPPN, UFMS, 20°30’39”S 54°36’54”W, 13–19.x.2017, Tibcherani M. eq. Cols, Winkler P 41 (1 worker) [ MPEG] GoogleMaps ; 20– 26, vii.2017, Tibcherani M. eq. Cols, Winkler P 12 (1 worker) [ MPEG] ; Jardim, Fazenda Santa Maria da Serra , 21°25’39.24” S 56°45’48.90” W, 2010, Silvestre, R. & Demétrio, M.F. cols. (1 worker) [ UFGD] GoogleMaps ; Rondônia: Porto Velho, Área Abunã , 09°37’33”S 65°26’38”W, 17–, Albuquerque E. Z. & L.F. Silva cols, A9P2 (2 workers) [ MPEG]; DZUP 549768 View Materials (1 worker– 1 queen) [ DZUP]; (1 worker) GoogleMaps [ DZUP]; (3 workers) GoogleMaps [ MZSP]; 09°37’40”S 65°27’30”W, 27.iii–09.iv.2011, RR. Silva & EZ Albuquerque cols, A11P3 (1 queen) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; Área Caiçara , 09°26’46.8”S 64°49’31.1”W, 04–18.ix.2012, Vicente R.E. & Oliveira J. cols, C3P2 (1 queen) [ DZUP] GoogleMaps ; Área Mutum , 09°35’07”S 65°04’15”W, 29.iii–05.iv.2012, Silva RR & Albuquerque EZ cols, M7P3, (3 workers) [MZSP]; 09°35’44”S 65°04’00”W, 27.iii–09.iv.2011, RR. Silva & EZ Albuquerque cols, M7P1 (4 workers) [MZSP]; Tocan- tins: Palmeirante, 07°52’25.3”S 47°57’07.4”W, 15–19.xii.2001, Albuquerque & Silva cols, Transecto 1, Winkler 8 - Mata ciliar-Cerradão (1 worker) [MZSP].

Nascimento, I. C., Delabie, J. H. C., Campiolo, S. & Mariano Neto, E. (2004) Presence de Probolomyrmex brujitae Agosti, 1994, au Bresil (Hym., Formicidae). Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France, 109, 317 - 321.

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FIGURE 11. SEM micrography of Probolomyrmex brujitae (worker - DZUP 549768).A. Habitus. B. Mandibles (he = hypostomal margin; esm = external surface of basal region of mandible). C. Antenna (ap = antennal pit; lah = long appressed hair; sh = short basicnonic hair). D. Metapleural gland. E. Petiole (pil = postero-inferior lobe of petiole; sp = subpetiolar process).

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FIGURE 12. Probolomyrmex brujitae (worker - DZUP 549768). A. Habitus. B. head in frontal view. C. dorsal view.

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FIGURE 13. Probolomyrmex brujitae (queen - DZUP 549768). A. Habitus. B. head in frontal view. C. dorsal view.

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FIGURE 29. Distribution map for the Neotropical species of Probolomyrmex.


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Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi











