Meniscium, Schreber, 1791

Fernandes, Rozijane Santos, Yesilyurt, Jovita Cislinski & Salino, Alexandre, 2014, New species and combinations in Meniscium (Thelypteridaceae), Phytotaxa 184 (1), pp. 1-11 : 9-10

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Key to species of Meniscium View in CoL with dimorphic fronds or with buds in axils of pinnae

1. Fronds monomorphic; buds present ..................................................................................................................................................2

–. Fronds dimorphic (fertile ones with longer petioles and smaller and narrower pinnae than sterile ones); buds absent ...................6

2. Buds present in axils of distal pinnae ............................................................................................................................................... 3

–. Buds are usually present in axils of proximal pinnae ........................................................................................................................4

3. Laminar surface of fertile pinnae pubescent abaxially; sporangia with sessile globose glands on capsule .............. M. triangularis View in CoL

–. Laminar surface of fertile pinnae glabrous abaxially; sporangia glabrous ................................................................... M. cocleanum View in CoL

4. Pinnae in 6–12 lateral pairs; pinnae abaxially with short (0.1–0.3 mm), curved and acicular trichomes only on costae and veins .. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

–. Pinnae in 2–4 lateral pairs; pinnae abaxially with long (0.6–1.3 mm), appressed, ciliform and crispate trichomes on costae, veins and laminar surface between veins ....................................................................................................................... M. membranaceum View in CoL

5. Pinna margins uncinate–serrate, at least toward apex ..................................................................................................... M. serratum View in CoL –. Pinna margins subentire to undulate-crenulate ............................................................................................................ M. reticulatum View in CoL

6. Fertile pinnae abaxially glabrous between veins; sporangia glabrous or with acicular trichomes on stalks ................................... 7

–. Fertile pinnae abaxially pubescent between veins; sporangia with acicular trichomes on capsule ........................ M. macropyllum

7. Margins of fertile pinnae entire to undulate sinuate ..........................................................................................................................8

–. Margins of fertile pinnae crenate to unicate–serrate ........................................................................................................ M. lanceum View in CoL

8. Pinnae in 7–11 lateral pairs; abaxial surface of costae and veins with trichomes curved, sparse to moderate; sori usually acrostichoid; sporangia glabrous ............................................................................................................................................. M. nesioticum View in CoL

–. Pinnae in 5–6 lateral pairs; abaxial surface of costae and veins glabrous; sori discrete, on the cross–veins; sporangia with acicular trichomes on stalks ......................................................................................................................................................... M. divergens View in CoL

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