Wurfbainia, Giseke

Kaewsri, W. & Sangvirotjanapat, S., 2022, SIX NEW SPECIES OF WURFBAINIA (ZINGIBERACEAE) FROM THAILAND, Edinburgh Journal of Botany 79 (369), pp. 1-23 : 2-3

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Key to the species of Wurfbainia View in CoL in Thailand

1a. Lateral staminodes present ________________________________________________________ 2

1b. Lateral staminodes absent ________________________________________________________ 9

2a. Labellum yellow or pale yellow with red dot at base ________________________________ 3

2b. Labellum white with yellow central line _____________________________________________ 5

3a. Labellum spreading; bract leathery, persistent W. micrantha (Ridl.) Škorničk. & A.D.Poulsen

3b. Labellum hooded; bract papery, soon rotting _______________________________________ 4

4a. Peduncle <3 cm long _______________________________________________ 5. W. parviflora

4b. Peduncle ≥ 3 cm long _______________________ W. mollis (Ridl.) Škorničk. & A.D.Poulsen

5a. Stilt roots absent __________________________________________________________________ 6

5b. Stilt roots present _________________________________________________________________ 7

6a. Ligule> 3 mm, sparsely covered with brown hairs; floral tube (plus ovary) <3 cm long W. uliginosa (J.Koenig) Giseke

6b. Ligule ≤ 3 mm, glabrous; floral tube (plus ovary) ≥ 3 cm long __________ 4. W. longiflora

7a. Leaves tomentose below __ W. microcarpa (C.F.Liang & D.Fang) Škorničk. & A.D.Poulsen

7b. Leaves glabrous below ____________________________________________________________ 8

8a. Bracts leathery, persistent; staminodes truncate ________________ 2. W. geostachyoides

8b. Bracts papery, soon rotting; staminodes linear W. tenella (Lamxay & M.F.Newman) Škorničk. & A.D.Poulsen

9a. Fruit lacking spines, brownish cream with raised, longitudinal lines; bracts stramineous _____________________________________________________________________ 10

9b. Fruit covered with green, red or reddish brown spines; bracts brown _______________ 12

10a. Labellum white with yellow band without dull red lines W. vera (Blackw.) Škorničk. & A.D.Poulsen

10b. Labellum white with dull red lines on each side of band ___________________________ 11

11a. Fertile bracts pale brown with dark brown margin W. compacta (Sol. ex Maton) Škorničk. & A.D.Poulsen

11b. Fertile bracts uniformly pale brown _______ W. testacea (Ridl.) Škorničk. & A.D.Poulsen

12a. Lower leaf surface hairy __________________________________________________________ 13

12b. Lower leaf surface glabrous ______________________________________________________ 15

13a. Ligule bilobed; labellum white with orange blotch spreading to apex __ 6. W. yingyongii

13b. Ligule entire; labellum white with yellow band along centre ________________________ 14

14a. Pseudostem base green; inflorescence of 2 or 3 flowers W. biflora (Jack) Škorničk. & M.F.Newman

14b. Pseudostem base reddish green; inflorescence of 4 or 5 flowers W. schmidtii (K.Schum.) Škorničk. & A.D.Poulsen

15a. Ligule <3 mm long ____________________________________________________ 3. W. globosa

15b. Ligule ≥ 3 mm long _______________________________________________________________ 16

16a. Peduncle ≥ 13 cm long; ligule ≥ 13 mm long W. longiligularis (T.L.Wu) Škorničk. & A.D.Poulsen

16b. Peduncle <13 cm long; ligule <13 mm long _______________________________________ 17

17a. Labellum ≤ 1 cm wide; ligule ≥ 5 mm long ___________________________ 1. W. ellipticarpa

17b. Labellum> 1 cm wide; ligule <5 mm long _________________________________________ 18

18a. Calyx-to-bracteole ratio ≥ 2; pseudostem base pinkish green W. villosa (Lour.) Škorničk. & A.D.Poulsen var. nana

18b. Calyx-to-bracteole ratio <2; pseudostem base green ____________ W. villosa var. villosa

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