Specklinia remotiflora Pupulin & Karremans, 2012

Pupulin, Franco, Karremans, Adam P. & Gravendeel, Barbara, 2012, A reconsideration of the empusellous species of Specklinia (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) in Costa Rica, Phytotaxa 63 (1), pp. 1-20 : 11-15

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Felipe (2021-07-02 14:46:19, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 04:10:39)

scientific name

Specklinia remotiflora Pupulin & Karremans

sp. nov.

Specklinia remotiflora Pupulin & Karremans View in CoL , sp. nov.

A Pleurothallide endotrachyde Rchb. f. similis , habitu repente, inflorescentia laxa, floribus subcampanulatis sepalibus convergentibus petalibusque truncatis nec apiculatis recedit.

Type: — COSTA RICA. Coto Brus : Sabalito , Zona Protectora Las Tablas , 15 km al noreste de Lucha, Sitio Coto Brus , Finca de Miguel Sandí , bosque muy húmedo montano, ad ager Sandiorum “El Surá”, crescenti epiphytica in sylvis humidis versus pascues prope flumen Surá, 7 October 2010, Bogarín 8181, Dressler, Fernández & Pupulin (holotype, USJ; isotype, JBL-Spirit!). Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 , 8 View FIGURE 8 .

Epiphytic, subrepent-ascending, erect herb to 30 cm tall. Roots fibrous, flexuous, glabrous, to 1.5 mm in diameter. Stem abbreviated, terete-cylindric, to 2.2 cm long, monophyllous, completely concealed by a papyraceous, subancipitous, acute sheath to 3.5 cm long, eventually disintegrating into fibrous remains. Leaf narrowly obovate-oblanceolate, 17.0–29.0× 3.2–3.9 cm, minutely and irregularly emarginate at apex, the midvein protruding abaxially into a small apicule, gradually tapering toward the base into a deeply conduplicate petiole with strongly ancipitous margins, subcoriaceous. Inflorescence born laterally from the apex of the stem, without an annulus, a lax, distichous, successively 4–7-flowered raceme, up to 40 cm long; peduncle flattened, ancipitous, to 30 cm long, with 4–5 distant, amplectent, ancipitous, subacute bracts, 7–8 mm long. Floral bracts infundibuliform, broadly ovate, abaxially ancipitous, acute to subacuminate, 10× 8 mm. Pedicel cylindric, glabrous, 13–15 mm long, persistent. Ovary subclavate, with low, irregularly crenulate crests, 4–5 mm long, green. Flowers with dark orange-red sepals and petals, lip red, column yellow. Sepals fleshy, densely papillose on the inner surface except at base, margins thickened-revolute; dorsal sepal lanceolate-elliptic, triveined, acute, the base semi-hyaline, flushed with orange along veins, the distal twothirds densely papillose, the revolute margins glabrous, 20× 7 mm; lateral sepals narrowly elliptic-oblanceolate, subfalcate, triveined, 19–20× 5 mm, connate for about one-quarter to one-third of their length, the base saccate, membranaceous-hyaline, the apex acute, gently deflexed at the middle, the midvein strongly carinate abaxially. Petals small, ligulate-falcate, truncate, porrect, 6.0–7.0×1.0– 1.5 mm, univeined, papillose-thickened toward the concave apex, the labellar margin provided with coarse papillae arranged in two rows, the outer margin thickened. Lip small, longitudinally arched-convex in natural position, thinly articulate with the column foot by a hyaline claw, narrowly elliptic-lanceolate when expanded, obtuse, the apex reflexed, appearing minutely retuse, the clawed base thickened, transversely minutely gibberose, 8.0–9.0×2.0– 2.5 mm, provided with 2 slender keels, fringed-lacerate at the base, gently converging from the base of the lamina to near the apex, then spreading. Column arched, terete-slender at the base, 6.0– 6.5 mm long without the foot, provided with broad membranous wings serrulate along the margins, at the apex forming a deeply cucullate, sharply lacerate clinandrium; column foot forward-projecting, stout, fleshy, incurved, 2.0– 2.5 mm long. Anther cap deeply cucullate, ovate, 2-celled. Pollinia 2, obovate-complanate, minutely hooked at the base. Fruit not seen.

Other material examined:— COSTA RICA. Puntarenas: Coto Brus, Sabalito, Las Mellizas, siguiendo la línea divisoria entre Costa Rica y Panamá, entre Cerro Nubes y Cerro Pando, hito geográfico 340, camino de la Sierra, 08°55’18” N, 82°43’30” W, 2465m, 15 Aug. 1989, Herrera 3411 ( USJ!; INB!); Buenos Aires: P. N. La Amistad, Cuenca Térraba-Sierpe, sendero a Valle del Silencio, colectado a orilla de bosque, 9°04’51.0781” N - 82°58’47.5188” W 2300 m, 18 Apr. 2001, Alfaro 3646 ( INB!); Coto Brus: Sabalito, Las Mellizas, siguiendo linea divisoria entre Costa Rica y Panama, entre Cerro Nubes y Cerro Pando, hito geografico 340, camino de la Sierra, 8°55’ N, - 82°43’ W, 2465 m, 21 Sept. 1996, Navarro 476 ( INB!); Coto Brus: Sabalito, Zona Protectora Las Tablas, 13 km al noreste de Lucha, Sitio Coto Brus, entre Río Surá y Quebrada Sutú, Finca de Miguel Sandí, 8°56’46.1” N 82°44’30.9” W, 1778 m, bosque pluvial montano bajo, epífitas en potreros arbolados, 6 Jun. 2010, Bogarín 7773 & Karremans (JBL-Spirit!). Same date and locality, Karremans 2856 & Bogarin (JBL-Spirit!); Coto Brus: Sabalito, Zona Protectora Las Tablas, 15 km al noreste de Lucha, Sitio Coto Brus, Finca de Miguel Sandí, bosque muy húmedo montano, ad ager Sandiorum “El Surá”, crescenti epiphytica in sylvis humidis versus pascues prope flumen Surá, 7 Oct. 2010, Bogarín 8180, Dressler, Fernández & Pupulin (JBL-Spirit!); same locality and date Bogarín 8183, Dressler, Fernández & Pupulin (JBL-Spirit!); Coto Brus: Sabalito, Zona Protectora Las Tablas, 15 km al noreste de Lucha, Sitio Coto Brus, 8°56’ N 82°44’ W, 2000 m, finca de Miguel Sandí, en bordes de bosque subiendo por el margen del río Surá en el cerro al noroeste de la finca, bosque muy húmedo montano, 7 Oct. 2010, Fernández 402, Dressler, Bogarín & Pupulin (JBL-Spirit!). Limón: Talamanca, Bratsi, P. N. La Amistad, Atlantic slope, south side of unnamed cordillera between the Rio Terbi and Rio Sini, 2-4 airline km W of the Costa Rican-Panamanian border, 09°11’ N, - 82°58’ W, 2300–2500m, 11/ Sept. 1984, Davidse 28921, Herrera & Grayum ( INB!); Talamanca: P. N. La Amistad, Tararia, Valle del Silencio, Sendero el Alto, colectado en bosque. 9°06’02.6103” N - 82°58’03” W, 1714 W 2440 m, 20/jun/2003, Alfaro 4597, Alfaro & Alfaro ( INB!); Talamanca: Bratsi, P. N. La Amistad, Valle del Silencio, sector de acampar a los jardines, 9°07’ N, - 82°57’ W, 2500 m, bosque primario, 14 Apr.1996, Quesada 1481 ( INB!); Talamanca: Bratsi, P. N. La Amistad, Sendero Valle del Silencio al Jardin Natural, 9°07’ N, - 82°57’ W, 2400 m, 01 Jun. 1996, Quesada 1574 ( INB!). COSTA RICA — PANAMA. Puntarenas-Chiriquí: Coto Brus-Renacimiento, línea fronteriza hacia el Cerro Pando, después del mojón, N.338, 8°55’11.22” N 82°43’18.18” W, 2446 m, bosque muy húmedo montano bajo, epífitas en bosque primario, in sylvis virginis versus montium Pando in itinere ad summum Costa Rica austroorientalis in finibus utrimque Costa Rica et Panama, 19 Apr. 2011, Karremans 4023, Bogarín & Jiménez (JBL-Spirit!); same date and locality, Karremans 4024, Bogarín & Jiménez (JBL-Spirit!); Same date and locality, Bogarín 8656, Karremans & Jiménez (JBL-Spirit!, CR!). PANAMA. Chiriquí: NW of Cerro Punta, at INRENARE station in Parque Amistad; trail below station; forested slopes; collected with 08°54'N 082°35'W, 2100 m, 20 Oct. 1992, McPherson & Richardson 15941 ( MO!). COLOMBIA. Chocó: south of Cabo Marzo, Bahía del Aguacate, sea level, Misas Urreta 291 ( HPUJ). Unknown country of origin, cultivated by Wubben in The Netherlands, flowered in cultivation at the Hortus Botanicus in Leiden 1 Dec. 2011, Karremans 4798 (L-spirit!); same data, Karremans 4846 (L-spirit!); cultivated by Sijm in The Netherlands, flowered in cultivation, 9 Jan. 2012, Karremans 4854 (L-spirit!).

Distribution:— Relatively frequent in southern Costa Rica and western Panama, where it grows on the Talamanca-Chiriqui range, at 1750–2500 m. Also reported from the Colombian northern Pacific coast at sea level, perhaps ranging to Ecuador ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 ).

Notes:— Specklinia remotiflora is apparently common along the Pacific watershed of southern Talamanca Mountains in Costa Rica and adjacent Panama. Even though we are not aware of any record in central and western Panama, the distribution of the species is likely continuous southward at least to the Pacific coastal range of Baudó in northern Colombia, where populations morphologically similar to S. remotiflora were documented by Misas Urreta (2006). It is noteworthy, however, that Colombian plants were found growing at sea level, whereas in Costa Rica and Panama S. remotiflora is exclusively known from submontane and montane wet forests at 1750-2500 m. Plants in cultivation at Ecuagenera (Pupulin, pers. obs. 2009), supposedly collected in Ecuador but without specific locality data, also correspond to this species.

The repent habit, lax inflorescence, and subcampanulate, orange flowers provided with obtuse, nonapiculate petals easily distinguish S. remotiflora from S. endotrachys and S. spectabilis , to which it is most similar. It has non-mucronate petals like S. pfavii , but the latter has a caespitose habit (vs. repent in S. remotiflora ), congested inflorescence (vs. lax), yellow flowers with red petals (vs. orange), and oblong, entire column wings (vs. triangular, denticulate).

Misas Urreta, G. (2006) Orquideas de la Serrania del Baudo, Choco, Colombia. Corporacion Capitalina de Orquideologia y Conconcreto. Medellin.

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FIGURE 5. Comparison of flowers of species of the Specklinia endotrachys group. A. Specklinia endotrachys (Blanco 961). B. Specklinia pfavii (JBL-11086). C. Specklinia remotiflora (Bogarín 8181). D. Specklinia spectabilis (JBL-02641). All flowers shown in front, three-quarters side, and side views. Scale bar = 1 cm.

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FIGURE 8. Specklinia remotiflora Pupulin & Karremans. A. Habit. B. Flower. C, Dissected perianth. D. Petals. E. Column and lip, side view. F. Lip, front and side views. G. Column, ventral view. H. Anther. Drawn by F. Pupulin & E. Winkel from Bogarín 8181 (JBL-spirit).

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FIGURE 9. Distribution map of Specklinia remotiflora.


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Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Museo Nacional de Costa Rica


Missouri Botanical Garden


Pontificia Universidad Javeriana