Gonatopus adelphos Mita & Olmi, 2017

Olmi, Massimo, 2017, Dryinidae and Embolemidae (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea) from Anijima, Ogasawara Islands, Japan, Zootaxa 4323 (2), pp. 239-249 : 243

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4323.2.7

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scientific name

Gonatopus adelphos Mita & Olmi

sp. nov.

Gonatopus adelphos Mita & Olmi , new species

( FigS 5–8 View FIGURES 5 – 8 , 10 View FIGURES 9 – 10 )

Description. ♀. Apterous ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 5 – 8 ). Length 3.8 mm. Head testaceous with vertex and spot on gena dark brown; antenna dark brown with Scape and pedicel teStaceouS; mandible teStaceouS with teeth dark brown. MeSoSoma reddiSh with anterior and poSterior margin of pronotum, meSoScutellum, poSterior part of firSt abdominal Segment blackiSh. LegS teStaceouS with outer Surface of all coXae, profemur, protibia dark brown. MetaSoma dark brown with diStal apeX teStaceouS.

Antenna Slender, Slightly thickened diStally; antennomereS in following proportionS: 2.5: 1.5: 3.7: 2.8: 2.3: 1.5: 1.5: 1.5: 1.5: 2.0. Head eXcavated ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 5 – 8 ), glabrouS, Smooth with lower part of fronS and temple and ocellar region granulated, 0.63 × longer than wide; occipital carina Shortly preSent behind poSterior ocelli; frontal line complete; POL = 1.0, OL = 1.2, OOL = 4.5; palpal formula 5/2. Pronotum glabrouS, granulated, with anterior collar Smooth, croSSed by Strong tranSverSe impreSSion. MeSoScutum granulated, without lateral pointed apophySeS. Metanotum Short, about aS long aS meSoScutellum, Sloping anteriorly ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 5 – 8 ), not eXcavated behind meSoScutellum. Metapectal-propodeal compleX Shiny, with metapoStnotum and firSt abdominal tergum tranSverSely Striate ( FigS 7, 8 View FIGURES 5 – 8 ). MeSopleuron and metapleuron granulated and tranSverSely Striate ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 5 – 8 ). MeSo-metapleural Suture abSent. Segment 1 of protarSuS Slightly Shorter than Segment 4 (37: 44); enlarged claw ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 9 – 10 ) with one Small Subapical tooth and 6 peg-like Setae; Segment 5 of protarSuS ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 9 – 10 ) with inner margin proXimally Serrated, with one row of 25 lamellae and one eXtra lamella in right leg, without eXtra lamella in left leg; diStal apeX with 9–10 lamellae. Tibial SpurS 1/0/1.

Male. Unknown.

Specimen examined. Japan, OgaSawara ISlS. [Anijima] 1♀, Mt. Maruyama, 14.IX.2015 (SW), D. Watabiki leg., JWRC-OGA-INS-0183 ( ELKU).

Hosts. Unknown.

Etymology. The SpecieS name “ adelphoS ” referS to the type locality name. “Ani-jima” meanS “elder brother iSland ” in JapaneSe.

Distribution. Japan (OgaSawara ISlandS).

Remarks. The new SpecieS iS claSSified into the SpecieS group 7 of Gonatopus and Similar to G. mysorensis Olmi, 1984 , G. plebeius Olmi, 1987 and G. superbus Olmi, 1987 among the Oriental SpecieS and G. kenitrensis Olmi, 1990 among the Palaearctic SpecieS by the preSence of inclined metanotum; at leaSt partly Striate metapectalpropodeal compleX; obSolete meSo-metapleural Suture (actually it iS abSent in G. adelphos ); Segment 5 of protarSuS bearing one row of lamellae. The new SpecieS can be diStinguiShed with a combination of following characterS: Strongly granulated pronotum; Striate metapoStnotum; Striate meSopleuron and metapleuron. The key to femaleS of the Oriental Gonatopus (SpecieS group 7) (Xu et al. 2013) can be partly modified aS followS:

26. Metapostnotum dull, granulated, with track of median furrow.................................... G. mysorensis Olmi - Metapostnotum smooth or transversely striate, not granulated, without track of median furrow...................... 26’ 26’. Metapostnotum transversely striate......................................................... G. adelphos sp. nov. - Metapostnotum smooth................................................................................ 27















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