Cassida setosa Chapuis, 1880

Borowiec, Lech & Świętojańska, Jolanta, 2022, A monograph of the Afrotropical Cassidinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Part 6. Revision of the tribe Cassidini 3, the genus Cassida L., Zootaxa 5171 (1), pp. 1-250 : 143-145

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Cassida setosa Chapuis, 1880


Cassida setosa Chapuis, 1880 resurrected species

( figs. 42 View FIGURE 42 , 109–110)

Chirida setosa Chapuis, 1880: 30 ; Borowiec, 1999 a: 258 (as syn. of innotata View in CoL ).

Odontionycha setosa: Weise, 1899: 145 .

Cassida infirma setosa: Spaeth, 1909: 273, 1925 a: 6 .

Cassida (Cassida) infirma var. setosa: Spaeth, 1914 b: 118 .

Description. L: 4.70 mm, W: 3.85 mm, Lp: 1.65 mm, Wp: 3.05 mm, L/W: 1.22, Wp/Lp: 1.85. Body short–oval (fig. 109).

Dorsum uniformly yellowish red (figs. 109, 110). Head, thorax, legs and antennae uniformly yellow, abdomen brown broadly surrounded by yellow.

Pronotum elliptical, with maximum width behind the middle, anterior margin regularly convex, sides narrowly rounded, no basal corners. Disc only slightly convex, indistinctly bordered from explanate margin except short, distinct lateral impressions, area above head shallowly impressed. Surface of disc shiny, with fine and sparse punctation. Distance between punctures mostly three to four times wider than puncture diameter, interspaces irregular. Explanate margin broad, impunctate, shiny, transparent with well visible honeycomb structure. Laterobasal margins of pronotum with sparse, short setae, surface of disc and basal parts of explanate margin with extremely short, very sparse setae, in some specimens almost invisible.

Base of elytra distinctly wider than base of pronotum, humeral angles moderately protruding anterad, subrounded. Disc depressed in profile (fig. 110), with shallow postscutellar and principal impressions and with thin and low Hshaped elevation, second interval in 2/3 length with elevated fold, also fourth interval in the middle slightly convex. Punctation coarse and dense, arranged in regular rows, only postscutellar impressions with additional irregular punctures, punctures in rows almost touching each other. Marginal row distinct, its punctures slightly finer than punctures in central rows. Intervals mostly linear except second interval in posterior half as wide as rows, marginal interval as wide as submarginal interval and submarginal row combined, without humeral but with distinct lateral folds, also interspaces in posterior half of margin partly elevated. Explanate margin moderately broad, moderately declivous, in the widest part four times narrower than disc, surface shiny with irregular sculpture, semitransparent with more or less visible honeycomb structure. Entire surface of elytra covered with long erect setae.

Eyes very large, gena obsolete. Clypeus broad, approximately 1.2 times as wide as long. Clypeal grooves fine but well marked, runs close to margin of eye then converging in triangle with obtuse top, surface of clypeus flat, shiny with several very small, hairy punctures. Labrum shallowly emarginate to 1/6 length. Antennae moderately stout, segments 9–10 slightly longer than wide. Length ratio of antennal segments: 100:53:57:73:63:47:73:57:57:60:123. Segment 3 approximately 1.1 times as long as segment 2 and approximately 1.3 times shorter than segment 4.

Prosternum moderately broad in the middle, strongly expanded apically, area between coxa shallowly impressed, without special sculpture, shiny, along sides with few very small, hairy punctures, expanded apex slightly convex in the middle, its surface in the middle smooth, on sides with thin, longitudinal and oblique wrinkles and few small hairy punctures.

Claws with large basal tooth.

Distribution. Ethiopia, Eritrea, Tanzania ( fig. 42 View FIGURE 42 ).

Remarks. A member of the Cassida lacrymosa species–group. With C. innotata it forms a complex of unique species with the entire surface of the elytra covered with dense, short, white, erect setae ( figs. 97, 99 View FIGURES 97–102 , 109). Cassida setosa differs in the base of the elytra distinctly wider than the pronotum (fig. 109), surface of pronotal disc without semierect setae and elytral setae very long, longer than punctures with areolae.

Type examined. Holotype: [ ETHIOPIA]: Abyss., reg. Goandet ad Adoua, 1000–2000 m, 1873, Raffray ( MZSNG).

Other specimens examined. ERITHREA: Cheren, 1894, 2, F. Derchi ( MZSNG).

ETHIOPIA: Bulin riv., riv. Bouli Boulo, 1, Le Moult ( IRSN); Gemu– Gofa Prov. , Arba –Minch, 1250 m, 29–30 V 1974, 1, G. de Rougemont ( MRAC) ; Prov. Gemu Gofa, Konso , 1610 m, 11 IV 1960, 1, W. Richter ( SMNS) ; Gumma , V 1938, 1, C. Recchia ( MZSNV) ; Ilubabor Prov. , 15 km NW Ihora, VI 1973, 1, G. de Rougemont ( MRAC) ; Lake Tana, 1, coll. Le Moult ( IRSN) ; Shawa pr., Ambo , 125 km W Adis Ababa, 2250 m, 21 XI 1990, 1, Medvedev & Samodrzhenkov ( LM) ; Sidamo Prov., Ganale Doria Rd. , E of Sidambale Bridge, 1150 m, 9 V 1974, 1, R.O.S. Clarke ( MRAC) .

TANZANIA: Masinde in Magamba Hills , 1600–2000 m, 6 I 1905, 1 ( MNHW) .


Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique


Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale


Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkund Stuttgart


Secçáo de Botânica e Ecologia


















Cassida setosa Chapuis, 1880

Borowiec, Lech & Świętojańska, Jolanta 2022

Cassida (Cassida) infirma var. setosa:

Spaeth, F. 1914: 118

Cassida infirma setosa:

Spaeth, F. 1925: 6
Spaeth, F. 1909: 273

Odontionycha setosa:

Weise, J. 1899: 145

Chirida setosa

Chapuis, F. 1880: 30
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