Enaphalodescunninghami, Lingafelter & Santos-Silva, 2018

Lingafelter, Steven W. & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2018, New Central American and Mexican Enaphalodes Haldeman, 1847 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) with taxonomic notes and a key to species, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 58, pp. 1-17 : 9-11

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Carolina (2020-02-20 19:47:08, last updated 2024-11-28 03:17:55)

scientific name


sp. nov.

Enaphalodescunninghami View in CoL , sp. nov.

( Figs. 25-31 View Figures 25-32 )

Diagnosis: Enaphalodescunninghami , sp. nov. is similar to E. taeniatus , but differs especially by the elytral punctures ( Fig. 31 View Figures 25-32 ) being sparser, while in the latter they are distinctly denser ( Fig. 32 View Figures 25-32 ). Furthermore, the punctation of the metasternum ( Fig. 26 View Figures 25-32 ) is somewhat finer and sparser than on E. taeniatus ( Fig. 52 View Figures 48-53 ). It is also somewhat similar to E. senex , but differs particularly by the antennal tubercles being elevated ( Figs. 27, 28 View Figures 25-32 ), while in E. senex they are flattened ( Figs. 35, 36 View Figures 33-41 , 55 View Figures 54-56 ). It can be distinguished from E. niveitectus especially by the punctation on metasternum being sparser (denser in E. niveitectus ), and antennomere IV being shorter and thicker ( Fig. 25 View Figures 25-32 ) (slender and long in E. niveitectus female, Fig. 48 View Figures 48-53 ).

Description: Holotype female: Integument mostly black; mouthparts dark reddish‑brown; antennae gradually becomingdark brown toward distal segments.

Head: Fronsnarrowly tumidclose toclypeus,withdeepfovea on each side close to clypeus; minutely, densely punctate interspersedwithafew fine punctures,except smooth tumid area; with dense pale yellow pubescence laterally, especially on area of foveae, nearly glabrous on remaining surface. Area between antennal tubercles minutely, densely punctate interspersed with fine punctures (partially confluenton some areas),except smooth, narrow, carina‑shaped area on eachside of median groove; with very sparse pale yellow pubescence.Areafrom posteriorside of antennal tubercles and upper eye lobes minutely, densely punctate centrally, sparser toward eyes; with densespot of pale yellowpubescence centrally, and denseband of same color closeto eyes, gradually widened, yellower, forming two wide rounded lobes close to eyes, reaching to about middle of area behind upper eye lobes; area between dense pubescence nearly glabrous; with a few long, erect pale yellow setae close to eyes. Remaining surface of vertex and area behind upper eyelobes glabrous,moderately finely, densely, confluently punctate (punctures transverse) except nearly smooth central area between apices of rounded lobes of pubescence. Area behind lower eye lobes glabrous, smooth, shining close to eye, transversely striatetoward prothorax.Antennaltubercleselevated,with blunt apex; minutely, abundantly punctate at base and close to apex, nearly smooth centrally and at apex; nearly smooth except for posterior area with dense pale yellow pubescence. Genae sparsely, shallowly, moderately, finely punctate toward eyes, smooth close to apex; with sparse pale yellow pubescence close to eye, nearly glabrous toward apex. Postclypeus finely, moderately sparsely punctate on wide central area, smooth laterally; with short, sparse yellow setae interspersed with long erect setae on punctate area, glabrous on smooth area. Labrum coplanar with anteclypeus on basal half, inclined on distal half; sides and baseof basal half and sides of distal half smooth, remaining surface minutely, densely punctate; with long and short, moderately abundant yellow setae directed anteriorly on punctate area (less so centrally on basal half). Submentum rugose interspersedwith fine punctures; with short and long, moderately dense, pale yellow setae. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.52 times length of scape; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.95 times length of scape. Antennae 1.43 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at middle of antennomere XI. Scape slightly widened toward apex, slightly longitudinally depressed dorsally (more distinctly on basal half), moderately coarsely rugose‑punctate; with sparse, decumbent pale yellow setae, interspersed with long, erect pale yellow setae ventrally. Inner apex of antennomeres III‑IV with acute spine, with length equal to 0.7 times distal width of antennomere, and outer angle rounded; inner apex of antennomere Vwith acute spine, with length equal to 0.6 times distal width of antennomere, and outer angle forming right angle; inner apex of antennomere VI with acute spine, with length equal to 0.45 times distal width of antennomere, and outer angle with spicule; inner and out‑ er apices of antennomeres VII‑X with short, distinct spine; antennomeres with yellow pubescence, gradually shorter, denser yellowish‑white toward distal segments; antennomeres III‑VII with long, erect setae ventrally (sparser toward VII), and long, erect setae on dorsal and ventral apex of III‑X (gradually shorter toward X). Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III (excluding spine): scape = 0.84; pedicel = 0.15; IV = 0.71; V = 0.92; VI = 1.01; VII = 1.01; VIII = 0.89; IX = 0.83; X = 0.74; XI = 0.74.

Thorax: Prothorax 1.28 times wider than long, with distinct constriction near apex; sides rounded, with small but distinct blunt tubercle at about middle. Pronotum with five gibbosities: one elongate, placed medially from basal fifth to distal third (distinctly narrowed at its distal third); one irregular, slightly oblique, placed on each side of distal half; one, large, subcircular, slightly distinct, placed on each sideof basal half. Pronotal surface coarsely rugose‑punctate, except smooth central and posterolateral gibbosities; with sparse, decumbent pale yellow setae except some lateral spots with dense pubescence, and glabrouscentral and posterolateral gibbosities. Sides of prothorax rugose; with sparse, decumbent pale yellow setae except spot with dense pubescence on base of lateral tubercle and denser pubescence near procoxal cavity. Prosternum rugose‑punctate on basal third, striate‑punctate on central third, moderately sparsely punctate on distal third; with sparse,decumbent pale yellow setae interspersed with long, erect setae. Prosternal process rugose‑punctate on basal area, with narrow central carinae at about middle, slightly centrally depressed toward apex; basal half with sparse, pale yellow pubescence interspersed with long, erect setae, and distal half with dense,shortpubescence not obscuring integument. Mesosternum with pale yellow pubescence distinctly exposing integument. Mesepisternum, mesepimeron and metepisternum withdense pale yellowpubescence nearlyobscuringintegument.Metasternumminutely,sparsely punctate laterally, graduallyfiner punctate towardcentral sulcus; with dense pale yellow pubescence interspersed with long, erect setae laterally, with long, erect sparse setae onwide central areaexcept glabrousareanear central sulcus. Scutellum with dense pale yellow pubescence.

Elytra: Coarsely, moderately abundantly punctate on basalhalf,graduallyfiner,sparser toward apex;with three important groups of dense, irregular yellowish‑white pubescence, one on each side of basal sixth (more yellow), one occupying at about central third, and another occupying distal third; area between dense pubescence with short, erect, sparse yellowish setae; apex truncate, bispinose (sutural spine distinctly longer than outer one).

Legs: Femora minutely, moderately sparsely punctate interspersed with fine punctures; with yellow setae not obscuring integument; apices of profemora with round‑ ed lobes; apices of meso‑ and metafemora with subtriangularlobes.

Abdomen: Ventrites minutely, sparsely punctate, gradually denser toward V; with short, decumbent, sparse pale yellow setae, gradually more abundant toward V and toward sides; with spot of dense, yellowish‑white pubescence on sides of Iand II (larger, more distinct on I); apex of ventrite V rounded, centrally emarginate.

Dimensions in mm: Total length, 26.20; prothorax: central length, 4.72; distal width, 3.69; basal width, 5.00; widest width, 6.12; humeral width, 7.29; elytral length, 18.10.

Type material: Holotype female from MEXICO, Baja California Sur: Hwy 1 ( San Antonio town), 14.VIII.2007, Cunningham col. ( CNIN) .

Etymology: This species is named after Richard Cunningham, an avid Coleopterist who collected the holotype.

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Figures 25-32.(25‑31):Enaphalodescunninghami,sp.nov.,holotype female:(25)Dorsal habitus;(26)Ventralhabitus;(27)Lateral habitus;(28)Head,frontalview; (29)Ventral head and thorax;(30)Ventralside,oblique lateral view;(31) Elytral sculpture.(32) E.taeniatus, female,elytral sculpture.

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Figures 48-53. (48‑50): Enaphalodesniveitectus (Schaeffer),female:(48)Dorsal habitus;(49)Ventral habitus;(50) Lateral habitus.(51‑53): E.taeniatus (LeConte), female:(51) Dorsal habitus;(52)Ventral habitus;(53) Lateral habitus.

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Figures 33-41. Enaphalodes senex (Bates). (33‑37): Hypermallus senex Bates, holotype male: (33) Dorsal habitus; (34) Ventral habitus; (35) Lateral habitus; (36) Head,frontal view;(37) Labels.(38‑41): Male from Guatemala:(38) Dorsal habitus;(39) Head,frontal view;(40)Ventral habitus;(41) Labels.

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Figures 54-56. Antennal tubercles:(54) E.niveitectus (Schaeffer),female;(55) E.senex Bates,female;(56) E.taeniatus (LeConte),female.


Mexico, Distrito Federal, Ciudad Universaria, Coleccion Nacional de Insectos


Coleccion Nacional de Insectos, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico











