Enaphalodesbingkirki, Lingafelter & Santos-Silva, 2018
publication ID |
https://doi.org/10.11606/1807-0205/2018.58.11 |
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3681301 |
persistent identifier |
https://treatment.plazi.org/id/E35587F2-E267-FFFD-47E0-8AF7F25120C1 |
treatment provided by |
Carolina (2020-02-20 19:47:08, last updated 2024-11-28 03:17:55) |
scientific name |
Enaphalodesbingkirki |
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sp. nov. |
Enaphalodesbingkirki View in CoL , sp. nov.
( Figs. 9-16 View Figures 9-16 , 24 View Figures 17-24 )
Diagnosis: Enaphalodesbingkirki isgenerally verysimilar to E. niveitectus (Schaeffer, 1905) and E. monzoni , sp. nov. It differs from E. niveitectus by having very dense erect, elytral setae (most easily seen from lateral view, Fig. 11 View Figures 9-16 ), shorter antennae (extending to about apical sixth of elytra in females‑males unknown), and the antennal tubercles only slightly elevated, flat, and rounded at their apices ( Figs. 9, 12 View Figures 9-16 ). Females (and presumably males) of E. niveitectus have relatively longer antennae that surpassthe elytralapexand theantennal tuberclesare more elevated with acute apices. Other differences between E. bingkirki and E. niveitectus include more fragmented dense, appressed elytral pubescence in E. bingkirki with largesections bareof densesetae,denser and longerpubescence on the mesosternal process that obscures the apex, and a very narrow, elongate, median pronotal callus. In E. niveitectus , the dense, appressed elytral pubescence covers much more of the surface with only small, scattered areasof the elytrabareof densesetae.Likewise, the setae on the mesosternal process of E. niveitectus are shorter anddo notconceal theapexand themedianpronotal callus is shorter and broader. Enaphalodesbingkirki is distinguished from E. monzoni , sp. nov. by the antennae reaching the distal sixth of the elytra, the prothorax being narrower and having a distinct lateral tubercle just anterior of the midpoint ( Fig. 9 View Figures 9-16 ), and having the pro‑ and mesosternal processes narrower ( Fig. 24 View Figures 17-24 ).
Description: Holotype female: Integument mostly dark reddish‑brown; ventral side of head mostly light reddish‑brown.
Head: Frons slightly elevated above lateral impression near clypeus; with yellow‑ochraceous pubescence obscuring most of integument except glabrous, central diamond shaped area on vertex between antennal tubercles andupper eye lobes; with scattered, sparse,long, erect setae along posterior and anterior margins of eyes. Pubescence densest in patches extending from posterodorsal eye margins to occiput,around antennal tubercles and anterior eye margins. Eyes slightly projecting, particularly on posteroventral regions that is elevated by a smooth, glabrous margin. Area behind upper eye lobes, within dense pubescent patch, with shallow sulcus close to eye on either side. Punctation shallow, irregularly sized, mostly obscured by pubescence except directly posterior to eye margin at sides of head and ventrally, where punctures are exposed and the integument is somewhat striate and rugose. Antennal tubercles nearly flat, imperceptibly elevated, with rounded apices; mostly glabrous andshinyaround margins. Genaefinely,sparsely punctate, with fringe of ochraceoussetae at base, anteriorly directed toward glabrous anterior margins. Postclypeus with pubescence as on frons on lateral areas close to frons, with short, sparse yellow‑ochraceous setae on remaining surface. Labrum coplanar with anteclypeus on basal half, slightly inclined laterally on distal half, more so centrally; impunctate except along anterior margin which is linedwith long, yellow‑ochraceoussetae directed forward. Gula smooth, glabrous, with rugose, crenulate sculpturing along margins, extending laterally. Submentum striate‑punctate; with short, decumbent yellowish setae, not obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect, setae of same color. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.65 times length of scape; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes equal to length of scape. Antennae 1.2 times elytral length, reaching at about distal seventh of elytra. Scape cylindrical, apex slightly broader than base; moderately punctate, more coarsely so at base, becoming finer and denser toward apex; with moderate, appressed yellow‑ochraceous pubescence throughout, not obscuring surface; scattered, long, erect yellowish setae present on ventral side of distal ⅔. Antennomeres III‑VII dorsoventrally flattened except on distal area (gradually less evidently toward VII); inner apex of antennomere III and IV with acute spine, longer than distal width of antennomeres; inner apex of antennomere Vwith acute spine, slightly shorter than distal width of antennomere; antennomeres VI‑VII with very short spine at inner apex and dentiform at outer apex; antennomeres with yellowish‑ochraceous setae dorsally, gradually shorter and denser toward distal antennomeres; antennomeres III‑VI with long, erect yellow‑ochraceoussetae ventrally, graduallysparser toward VI. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III (excluding spine): scape = 0.92; pedicel = 0.25; IV = 0.66;V = 0.86;VI = 0.86;VII = 0.86;VIII = 0.75;IX = 0.75; X = 0.60; XI = 0.66.
Thorax: Prothorax slightly wider than long; widest atanterior half, with slight constriction atapical margin and before base; sides with a distinct tubercle just anterior of middle. Pronotum with one elongate, poorly defined, mostly smooth and shiny median callus; a less distinct broad callus, micropunctate and mostly covered with dense, ochraceous pubescence on either side of median callusanteriorly.Pronotalsurfacecoarsely,shallowly,confluently punctate except on smooth central callus, and on micropunctate anterolateral calli. Short, decumbent, sparse yellow‑ochraceous setae sparsely distributed at centerof disk,indensepatches on sidesof disk andalong posterior fourth. Sides of prothorax with sculpture as on sides of pronotum; with short, yellowish‑ochraceous pubescence not obscuring integument except for median patch, interspersedwith long, erect, yellowish‑ochraceous setae. Prosternum coarsely, sparsely punctate on basal ⅔ (punctures shallower centrally), transversely striate‑rugoseon distal third; with short, decumbent, sparse yellowish setae, denser laterally on basal ⅔, sparser on distal third; width of central area of prosternal process about ⅓ of width of procoxal cavity; less than half width of mesosternal process. Ventral side of mesothorax with yellowish‑ochraceous pubescence, densest on sides of mesosternum, mesepisternum and mesepimeron; mesosternal process without central tubercle, and anteri‑ or margin gradually impressed toward mesosternum. Metepisternum with yellow‑ochraceous pubescence partially obscuring integument. Metasternum moderately finely, sparsely punctate, interspersed with coarser punctures toward central sulcus; laterally with whitish pubescence interspersed with short, suberect yellowish setae, centrally with short, suberect, sparse yellowish setae, gradually glabrous toward central sulcus. Scutellum with ochraceous pubescence partially obscuring integument, less dense laterally.
Elytra: Punctures moderately deep and coarse on basal third, gradually shallower and smaller posteriorly; nearly indistinct near apex; each puncture bearing a long, erect seta, very dense as viewed laterally; scattered small and interconnected patches of dense, appressed, yellow‑ochraceous pubescence throughout, but with less exposed integument at apex and more at base. Apex truncate and equally bispinose.
Legs: Femora with moderately dense, pale yellowish pubescence partially obscuring integument; inner and out‑ er apices of femora with rounded lobes, lacking spines.
Abdomen: Ventrites with short yellow‑ochraceous pubescence, sparser centrally, and distinctly denser laterally on ventrites I‑III; apex of ventrite V rounded.
Variation: Head, scutellum integument light to dark brown; apex of mandibles piceous; distance between upper eye lobes 0.65‑0.75 times length of scape; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 1.0‑1.2 times length of scape; antennae 1.1‑1.2 times elytral length; antennal formula (ratio) of paratype based on length of antennomere III (excluding spine): scape = 0.89; pedicel = 0.16; IV = 0.74; V = 1.01; VI = 1.05; VII = 1.08; VIII = 0.92; IX = 0.84; X = 0.73; XI = 0.90.
Dimensions in mm (holotype female/ paratype female: Total length, 39.9/24.3; prothorax: central length, 5.1/4.7; distal width, 4.5/5.0; basal width, 5.0/5.0; widest width, 6.0/6.4; humeral width, 7.9/7.4; elytral length, 19.6/16.9.
Type material: Holotype female, from NICARAGUA, Nueva Segovia: Cerro Jesus (13°58’N, 86°10’W, 1,300 m, at MV / UV lights), 07‑13.VI.2015, Wappes & Morris col. ( FSCA). GoogleMaps Paratype female, same data as holotype except for 1,100‑1,200 m, June/July , 2016, E. van den Berghe coll. ( ACMT) GoogleMaps .
Etymology: The new species is named for Bing Kirk, host and landowner at Cerro Jesus, where the holotype was collected.
Figures 9-16. Enaphalodes bingkirki, sp. nov.: (9‑13): Holotype female: (9) Dorsal habitus; (10) Ventral habitus; (11) Lateral habitus; (12) Head, frontal view; (13) Pro‑ and mesosternal process.(14‑16): Paratype female:(14) Lateral habitus;(15) Dorsal habitus;(16)Ventralhabitus.
Figures 17-24. (17‑23): Enaphalodes monzoni, sp.nov., holotype female: (17) Dorsal habitus; (18) Ventral habitus; (19) Lateral habitus; (20) Anteroventral view; (21) Head, frontal view; (22) Ventral side, oblique view; (23) Pro‑ and mesosternal processes. (24) E. bingkirki, sp. nov., holotype female, pro‑ and mesosternal processes.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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