Enaphalodesantonkozlovi, Lingafelter & Santos-Silva, 2018

Lingafelter, Steven W. & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2018, New Central American and Mexican Enaphalodes Haldeman, 1847 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) with taxonomic notes and a key to species, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 58, pp. 1-17 : 2-4

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Carolina (2020-02-20 19:47:08, last updated 2024-11-28 03:17:55)

scientific name


sp. nov.

Enaphalodesantonkozlovi View in CoL , sp. nov.

( Figs. 1-5 View Figures1-8 )

Diagnosis: Enaphalodesantonkozlovi differs from most other species of the genus by having strongly spined meso‑ and metafemoral apices and an acutely declivous prosternal process that is weakly expanded apically ( Fig. 5 View Figures1-8 ). Only E. boyacanus has similarly spined femora. All other Enaphalodes species have the femoral apices rounded and weakly projecting. Enaphalodes antonkozlovi further differs from other species by the mesosternal process having a transverse central tubercle ( Fig. 5 View Figures1-8 ). In the other species the mesosternal process has a small tubercle placed on each side of the base or is unarmed or nearly so. Italso differs from E. coronatus (White, 1853) by the dense, pale yellow‑ochre pubescence ( Fig. 1 View Figures1-8 ), the mesosternal process being wider ( Fig. 5 View Figures1-8 ), and the apices of the meso‑ and metafemora distinctly spiniform ( Fig. 4 View Figures1-8 ). In E. coronatus , the dense pubescence is white ( Fig. 6 View Figures1-8 ), the mesosternal process is narrower ( Fig. 8 View Figures1-8 ), and the apices of the meso‑ and metafemora have, at most, a triangular lobe ( Fig. 7 View Figures1-8 ). It can beseparated from E. taeniatus (LeConte, 1854) by the same features as E. coronatus , bythe relatively slender body,and the antennae that distinctly surpass the elytral apex in females. In E. taeniatus , the body is wider and the antennae of females do not surpass the elytral apex ( Fig. 51 View Figures 48-53 ).

Description: Holotype female: Integument mostly black; parts of mouthparts yellowish‑brown; antennomeres VI‑XI grade from dark brown to brown; femora mostly dark brown except black base and apex; distal transverse area of abdominal ventrites II‑III dark brown; distal transverse area of abdominal ventrite IV yellowish‑brown.

Head: Frons centrally tumid, with deep fovea on each side close to clypeus; with pale yellow‑ochre pubescence obscuring integument except glabrous, central triangular area from clypeus to area between antennal tubercles; with some long, erect yellow setae laterally. Area between antennal tubercles with pubescence as on frons. Remaining surface of vertex with pubescence as on frons except Y‑shaped nearly glabrous central area from prothoracic margin to area between upper eye lobes (with short, sparse setae on area between upper eye lobes); with some long, erect yellow setae closeto eyes. Area behind upper eye lobes with shallow sulcus closeto eye, widened toward lowereye lobes, finely, confluently punctateinside distal area of sulcus, finely, moderately, sparsely punctate on remaining surface; with fringeof short yellowish‑white pubescenceinside sulcus, nearlyglabrous on remaining surface. Area behind lower eye lobes nearly smooth closeto upper eye lobes, transversely striate‑punctate toward ventral side; with fringe of yellowish‑white pubescence close to eye, from midlength toward ventral side, glabrous on remaining surface. Antennal tubercles flat; pubescence as on frons on inner side except glabrous area close to apex; area clos‑ er to lower eye lobes with short, sparse yellowish‑white setae. Genaefinely, sparsely punctate (punctures slightly coarser toward ventral side); with short, decumbent, sparse yellowish‑white setae. Postclypeus with pubescence as on frons on lateral areas close to frons, with short, sparse yellowish‑white setae on remaining surface interspersed with long, erect yellowish‑white setae. Labrum coplanar with anteclypeus on basalhalf, slightly inclined laterally on distal half, nearly vertical centrally; finely, sparsely punctate on basal half; with short and long, sparse yellowish‑white setae on basal half, with long, abundant golden setae directed forward on distal half. Gula smooth, glabrous. Submentum transversely striate‑punctate; with short, decumbent grayish‑white setae, not obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect, setae of same color. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.60 times length of scape; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.95 times length of scape. Antennae 1.7 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at base of antennomere X. Scape piriform, dorsoventrally flattened at about basal third, notably widened on distal ⅔; dorsal surface slightly depressed on basal third; moderately coarsely, densely punctate; with short, decumbent, sparse yellowish‑white setae interspersed with long, erect yellowish setae on ventral side of distal ⅔. Antennomeres III‑VII dorsoventrally flattened except on distal area (gradually less evidently toward VII); inner apex of antennomere III with acute spine, longer than distal width of antennomere; inner apex of antennomere IV with acute spine, slightly shorter than distal width of antennomere; antennomeres V‑X with short spine at inner and outer apices, shorter at outer apex of V‑VII, slightly conspicuous at outer apex of X; antennomeres with yellowish‑white setae dorsally, gradually shorter and denser toward distal antennomeres; antennomeres III‑VI with long, erect yellowish setae ventrally, gradually sparser toward VI. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III (excluding spine): scape = 0.89; pedicel = 0.16; IV = 0.74; V = 1.01; VI = 1.05; VII = 1.08; VIII = 0.92; IX = 0.84; X = 0.73; XI = 0.90.

Thorax: Prothorax slightly wider than long, with distinct constriction near apex; sides slightly rounded. Pronotum with five, slightly elevated gibbosities: one elongate, oblique, placed on each side of basal half; one subovate, placed on each side of distal half; one longitudinal, placed centrally from near base to near apex (narrowed on distal third). Pronotal surface coarsely, shallowly, confluently punctate except on smooth central gibbosity, and central area close to basal and distal margins; with short, decumbent, sparse yellowish‑white setae, slightly denser laterally (primarily near basal margin), except on glabrous central gibbosity; with long, erect yellowish‑white setae laterally and near distal margin. Sides of prothorax with sculpture as on sides of pronotum; with short, yellowish‑white pubescence not obscuring integument, interspersedwith long, erect, yellowish‑white setae. Prosternum coarsely, sparsely punctate on basal ⅔ (punctures shallower centrally), transversely striate on distal third; with short, decumbent, sparse whitish setae, denser laterally on basal ⅔, sparser on distal third, interspersedwith long, erect, whitish setae, primarily on basal ⅔; central area of prosternal process with about half of width of procoxal cavity. Ventral side of mesothorax with yellowish‑white pubescence (more whitish depending on angle of light), primarily on sides of mesosternum, mesepisternum and mesepimeron; mesosternal process with distinct transverse central tubercle, and anterior margin gradually inclined toward mesosternum. Metepisternum with whitish pubescence partially obscuring integument (more yellowish depending on angle of light). Metasternum finely, sparsely punctate, interspersed with coarser punctures toward central sulcus; laterally with whitish pubescence interspersed with short, suberect yellowish setae, centrally with short, suberect, sparse yellowish setae, gradually glabrous toward central sulcus. Scutellum laterally with yellow pubescence not obscuring integument, glabrous centrally.

Elytra: Coarsely, densely punctate on basal third, gradually finer, sparser toward apex; with three groups of important maculae of dense paleyellow‑ochre pubescence nearly all partially bordered with white pubescence (entirely white centrally toward suture) ( Fig. 1 View Figures1-8 ); remaining surface with minute, sparse, yellow‑ochre setae; with long, erect, sparse yellowish setae on distal quarter; apex truncate, bispinose (outer spine longer).

Legs: Femora with whitish pubescence not obscuring integument, interspersed with short, erect dark setae on meso‑ and metafemora; inner apex of profemora with rounded lobe and outer apex with triangular lobe; inner and outer apex of meso‑ and metafemora with spine (mesofemora with inner spine longer than outer, with similar length at metafemora).

Abdomen: Ventrites with white pubescence, sparser centrally, and distinctly denser laterally on ventrite I; with long, erect, sparse yellowish setae; apex of ventrite V rounded.

Dimensions in mm: Total length, 24.75; prothorax: central length, 4.15; distal width, 3.65; basal width, 4.60; widest width, 4.85; humeral width, 6.20; elytral length, 15.60.

Type material: Holotype female from COSTA RICA, Cartago: 09°46’51.67”N / 83°46’9.87”W, 19.VI.2015, A. Kozlov & R. Gortovannyi , col. ( MZSP) GoogleMaps .

Etymology: The new species is named for Anton Olegovich Kozlov, who sent and donated the holotype to MZSP collection.

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Figures1-8.(1‑5):Enaphalodesantonkozlovi,sp.nov.,holotypefemale:(1)Dorsal habitus;(2)Ventralhabitus;(3)Lateralhabitus;(4)Apicesof meso‑and metafemora; (5) Pro‑ and mesosternal processes. (6‑8): Enaphalodes coronatus, female: (6) Dorsal habitus; (7) Apices of meso‑ and metafemora; (8) Pro‑ and mesosternal processes.

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Figures 48-53. (48‑50): Enaphalodesniveitectus (Schaeffer),female:(48)Dorsal habitus;(49)Ventral habitus;(50) Lateral habitus.(51‑53): E.taeniatus (LeConte), female:(51) Dorsal habitus;(52)Ventral habitus;(53) Lateral habitus.


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