Agrilus occipitalis (Eschscholtz, 1822)

Jendek, Eduard, 2013, Revision of the Agrilus occipitalis species-group (Coleoptera, Buprestidae, Agrilini), ZooKeys 256, pp. 35-79 : 45-50

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scientific name

Agrilus occipitalis (Eschscholtz, 1822)


Agrilus occipitalis (Eschscholtz, 1822) View in CoL Figs 17-19 (habitus); Fig. 36 (Aedeagus); Figs 43-45 (pygidium); Fig. 60 (Lectotype)

Agrilus occipitalis (Eschscholtz, 1822) ( Buprestis ) Eschscholtz 1822: 79-80 (description) - Eschscholtz 1823: 135-136 ( Buprestis ) - Dejean 1833: 83 (catalog) - Dejean 1836: 93 (catalog) - Mannerheim 1837: 110 (notes) - Gemminger and Harold 1869: 1443 (catalog) - Saunders 1870: 23 (catalog) - Saunders 1871: 121 (catalog) - Saunders 1874: 323 (faunal records; Philippines) - Baer 1886: 126 (catalog; Philippines) - Kerremans 1892: 265 (catalog) - Kerremans 1903: 278 (catalog) - Schultze 1916: 57 (checklist; faunal records; Luzon) - Fisher 1921: 349, 356, 369 (checklist; Philippines) - Obenberger 1924c: 562 - Tan 1925: 583-584 [not seen] (pest; Philippines) - Fisher 1926: 242 - Clausen 1933: 29, 30 (pest) - Obenberger 1936a: 1094-1095 (world catalog) - Quayle 1938: 197-198, 314 (ecology; pest; control; Philippines) - Miwa and Chûjô 1940: 74 (faunal record; Formosa) - Mühlmann 1954: 84 (notes) - Balachowsky et al. 1962: 287 (pest on Citrus ) - Macabasco 1964: 133-135 (biology; pest; control measures; Philippines: Luzon) - Anonymous 1969: 60 (pest; Papua New Guinea) - Yoshikawa et al. 1969: 178 (biological observation; Malaysia: Perak; Cambodia: Phnom-Penh) - Anonymous 1971: 189 (pest; Papua New Guinea) - Kurosawa 1974: 3 (characters; notes) - Jackman 1987: 28 (faunal records; Phillipines (Luzon)) - Hawkeswood and Turner 1994: 14-18 (biology; behaviour; Papua New Guinea) - Jendek 1998: 326 (lectotype designation) - Curletti 2006: 173-174, 222 (subgenus Agrilus ; characters; faunal records; remarks; distributional summary; Indonesia: Maluku; New Guinea) - Jendek 2006: 400 (Palaearctic catalog) - Bellamy 2008: 2211-2212 (subgenus Agrilus ; world catalog) - Hill 2008: 279, 539 (pest; control; life history). = evinadus Gory & Laporte, 1839 ( Agrilus ) syn. n. Gory and Laporte 1839: 30 (description) - Gray 1848: 36 (Buquet is cited as the author; checklist of taxa in the collection of the British museum) - Gemminger and Harold 1869: 1439 (cited as evanidus; catalog) - Saunders 1871: 121 (cited as evanidaus; catalog) - Kerremans 1892: 256 (cited as evanidus; catalog) - Kerremans 1903: 277 (cited as evanidaus; catalog) - Obenberger 1936a: 1082 (world catalog) - Descarpentries and Villiers 1963: 104, 110 (lectotype designation; characters; faunal records; remark; Cochinchine; Java) - Descarpentries and Chûjô 1968: 15 (faunal record; Vietnam) - Nelson and Bellamy 1993: 304 (authorship and publicatio n date) - Jendek 1998: 321 (lectotype data) - Bellamy 1999: 3 (authorship assigned to Buquet) - Bellamy 2008: 2087 (world catalog). = occipitalis Gory, 1841 ( Agrilus ) Gory 1841: 222-223 (description; [Note: Gory’s name is based on the type specimen of Eschscholtz. The name occipitalis Gory is a junior objective synonym and a secondary homonym of occipitalis Eschscholtz]) - Nelson and Bellamy 1993: 304 (authorship and publication date) - Jendek 1998: 326 (synonym of occipitalis Eschscholtz; lectotype designation) - Curletti 2006: 173 (synonym of occipitalis Eschscholtz) - Jendek 2006: 400 (synonym of occipitalis Eschscholtz; Palaearctic catalog) - Bellamy 2008: 2212 (synonym of occipitalis Eschscholtz; world catalog). = marmoreus Deyrolle, 1864 ( Agrilus ) Deyrolle 1864: 146, 201-202 (description) - Gemminger and Harold 1869: 1442 (catalog) - Saunders 1871: 124 (catalog) - Kerremans 1892: 263 (catalog) - Kerremans 1903: 287 (catalog) - Obenberger 1936a: 1091 (world catalog) - Mühlmann 1954: 83 (notes) - Balachowsky et al. 1962: 287 (pest on Citrus ) - Jendek 1998: 325 (lectotype designation) - Curletti 2001: 6, 21-22, 39 (subgenus Agrilus ) - Bellamy 2002: 352 (subgenus Agrilus ; catalog; Australia) - Williams 2002: 88 (faunal records; Australia) - Curletti 2006: 173 (synonym of occipitalis Eschscholtz) - Bellamy 2008: 2212 (synonym of occipitalis Eschscholtz; world catalog). = cupricauda Saunders, 1867 ( Agrilus ), syn. n. Saunders 1867: 520 (description) - Gemminger and Harold 1869: 1438 (catalog) - Saunders 1871: 124 (catalog) - Kerremans 1892: 253 (catalog) - Kerremans 1903: 284 (catalog) - Obenberger 1936a: 1079 (world catalog) - Bellamy 2008: 2049 (world catalog). = nitidus Kerremans, 1898 ( Agrilus ) Kerremans 1898: 179-180 (description) - Kerremans 1903: 277 (catalog) - Carter 1924a: 29 - Carter 1929: 276 - Obenberger 1936a: 1095 (presumed synonym of occipitalis; world catalog) - Théry 1936: 61 (synonym of occipitalis) - Carter 1940: 389 (synonym of korenskyi) - Curletti 2001: 21, 39 (synonym of marmoreus) - Bellamy 2002: 352 (synonym of marmoreus) - Curletti 2006: 173 (synonym of occipitalis Eschscholtz) - Bellamy 2008: 2212 (synonym of occipitalis Eschscholtz; world catalog). = connexus Kerremans, 1900 ( Agrilus ), syn. n. Kerremans 1900b: 5, 22, 28 (description) - Kerremans 1903: 278 (catalog) - Obenberger 1936a: 1078 (world catalog) - Bellamy 2008: 2035 (world catalog). = oblatus Kerremans, 1900 ( Agrilus ), syn. n. Kerremans 1900a: 340 (description) - Kerremans 1903: 278 (catalog) - Obenberger 1936a: 1094 (world catalog) - Jendek 2005: 14 (lectotype designation) - Bellamy 2008: 2206 (world catalog). = korenskyi Obenberger, 1923 ( Agrilus ) Obenberger 1923: 80-81 (description) - Carter 1924b: 536 (presumably conspecific with semiviridis) - Carter 1929: 276 (variety of nitidus) - Obenberger 1936a: 1089 (world catalog) - Carter 1940: 389 (synonymy) - Curletti 2001: 21, 39 (synonym of marmoreus; notes) - Bellamy 2002: 352 (synonym of marmoreus) - Curletti 2006: 173 (synonym of occipitalis Eschscholtz) - Bellamy 2008: 2212 (synonym of occipitalis Eschscholtz; world catalog). = kurandae Obenberger, 1923 ( Agrilus ) Obenberger 1923: 80 (description) - Carter 1924b: 536 (presumably near to nitidus) - Carter 1929: 276 (synonym of nitidus) - Obenberger 1936a: 1089 (world catalog) - Carter 1940: 389 (synonym of korenskyi) - Curletti 2001: 21, 39 (synonym of marmoreus) - Bellamy 2002: 352 (synonym of marmoreus) - Curletti 2006: 173 (synonym of occipitalis Eschscholtz) - Bellamy 2008: 2212 (synonym of occipitalis Eschscholtz; world catalog). = celebicola Obenberger, 1924 ( Agrilus ), syn. n. Obenberger 1924a: 123 (description) - Obenberger 1936a: 1077 (world catalog) - Bellamy 2008: 2019 (world catalog). = nirius Obenberger, 1924 ( Agrilus ), syn. reconfirmed Obenberger 1924a: 123-124 (description) - Théry 1927: 34 (synonym of occipitalis) - Obenberger 1931: 36 (subspecies of occipitalis) - Théry 1935c: 256 (synonym of occipitalis) - Obenberger 1936a: 1095 (subspecies of occipitalis; world catalog) - Kalshoven 1951: 697-699 (variety of occipitalis; larva; larval galleries; biology; Philippines; Java) - Mühlmann 1954: 84 (variety of occipitalis; notes on biology) - Bellamy 2008: 2212 (subspecies of occipitalis Eschscholtz; world catalog). = tebinganus Obenberger, 1924 ( Agrilus ), syn. n. Obenberger 1924a: 120 (description) - Obenberger 1936a: 1105 (world catalog) - Bellamy 2008: 2324 (world catalog). Unavailable names = evanidus Buquet Dejean 1836: 93 (catalog; [Note: Dejean attributed this name to Buquet but his use of the name was not found and Dejean presented no characters]) - Bellamy 2008: 2087 (unavailable synonym of evinadus; world catalog). = evanidus Gemminger & Harold Gemminger and Harold 1869: 1439 (Gory and Laporte are cited as authors; [Note: Incorrect subsequent spelling; Gemminger and Harold did not propose the name as new, they misspelled evinadus Gory & Laporte]) - Obenberger 1936a: 1082 (synonym of evinadus) - Descarpentries and Villiers 1963: 110 (synonym of evinadus) - Bellamy 2008: 2087 (unavailable synonym of evinadus; world catalog).

Type material.

Buprestis occipitalis Eschscholtz, 1822. Type locality. Auf der Inßel [= Insel] Luzon, bei Manilla. Lectotype (Fig. 60) designated by Jendek (1998).

Agrilus evinadus Gory & Laporte, 1839. Type locality. Java. Lectotype (Fig. 51) designated by Descarpentries and Villiers (1963).

Agrilus occipitalis Gory, 1841. Type locality. Iles Philippines. Lectotype designated by Jendek (1998).

Agrilus marmoreus Deyrolle, 1864. Type locality. I. Mysole et Batchian. Lectotype (Fig. 56) designated by Jendek (1998).

Agrilus cupricauda Saunders, 1867. Type locality. Penang. Lectotype by present designation (Fig. 50), ♀, (BMNH): "Type H. T. [p] [round label with red border] \ Penang [h] [oval blue label] \ Penang (Lamb.) Pascoe Coll. [p] \ Agrilus cupricauda Typ ES [h]". Described from unknown number of syntypes.

Agrilus nitidus Kerremans, 1898. Type locality. Australie: Cocktown. Lectotype by present designation (Fig. 57), ♀, (BMNH): "Syn-Type [p] [round label with blue border] \ Cocktown Stauding [h] \ nitidus Kerr. Type [h] \ A. nitidus Kerrem. Australie [h] \ Kerremans 1903 -59 [p]". Secondary: 1 paralectotype (BMNH). Described from unknown number of syntypes.

Agrilus connexus Kerremans, 1900. Type locality. not given [Sumatra, Hindrapoera is cited in the title and introductory text]. Holotype by monotypy (Fig. 49), ♂, (BMNH): "Type [p] [round label with red border] \ Sumatra Weyers [h] \ connexus Kerr. Type [h] \ Kerremans 1903 -59 [p] \ A. connexus Kerrem. Sumatra [h]". Described from 1 specimen.

Agrilus oblatus Kerremans, 1900. Type locality. Sumatra. Lectotype (Fig. 59) designated by Jendek (2005).

Agrilus korenskyi Obenberger, 1923. Type locality. Australia. Lectotype by present designation (Fig. 53), ♂, (NMPC): "Australia [h] \ Typus [p] [red label] \ A. Kořenskyi m. Type [h] Det. Dr. Obenberger [p]". Described from unknown number of syntypes.

Agrilus kurandae Obenberger, 1923. Type locality. Kuranda (Quensland). Lectotype by present designation (Fig. 54), ♀, (NMPC): "Kuranda Queensland [h] \ Typus [p] [red label] \ Agrilus kurandae m. Type [h] Det. Dr. Obenberger [p]". Described from unknown number of syntypes.

Agrilus celebicola Obenberger, 1924. Type locality. Celebes. Lectotype by present designation (Fig. 48), ♀, (NMPC): "Drs. Sarasin S. O. Celebes Kolaka [p] [yellow label] \ TYPUS [p] [red label] \ Agrilus celebicola m. Type [h] Det. Dr. Obenberger [p]". Described from unknown number of syntypes.

Agrilus nirius Obenberger, 1924 Type locality. Java; Ins. Batoe; Tanah Masa. Lectotype by present designation (Fig. 58), ♀, (NMPC): "Java Buitenzorg [h] \ Typus [p] [red label] \ Agrilus Nirius m. Type [h] Det. Dr. Obenberger [p]". Secondary: 6 paralectotypes (NMPC); 1 paralectotype (RMNH). Described from unknown number of syntypes.

Agrilus tebinganus Obenberger, 1924. Type locality. Ostsumatra. Lectotype by present designation (Fig. 63), ♀, (NMPC): "Sumatra [h] \ Typus [p] [red label] \ tebinganus Kerr. n. sp. type \ Agrilus tebinganus m. Type [h] [ Obenberger’s MS] Det. Dr. Obenberger [p]". Secondary: 1 paralectotype (MNHN). Described from unknown number of syntypes.


Size: 5.5-9.3 mm. Agrilus occipitalis is very variable in the size, color and the shape of body parts. The pygidium varies from arcuate to subangulate (Figs 43-45). From the close Agrilus horniellus and Agrilus sordidulus , it differs by the characters cited in diagnosis at Agrilus horniellus and Agrilus sordidulus . See also characters in Appendix.

Additional material.

INDONESIA: Java: 1 ♂ (EJCB): "F. H. Doesburg, Java, Samarang"; 1 ♂ (EJCB): "Java Samarang"; 1 ♂ (EJCB): "Java Malang"; 1 (USNM): "L. G. E. Kalshoven, Java 250m, Buitenzorg, ix.1924, NS 176"; 1 (USNM): "Dr. L. J. Toxopeus, Preanger, Java, Bandoeng, 27.xi.31, Djeroek"; 1 (USNM): "Dr. L. J. Toxopeus, Preanger, Java, Bandoeng, xi.1932"; 1 ♂ (EJCB): "Indonesia, Java, Bandung, iv.1993 on Citrus trees"; 8 (EJCB): "Indonesia, Java isl, East Java prov., 6 km SE of Lasem, Celering Mt., 23. I. 1998, St. Jákl leg."; 1 ♂, 1 ♀ (EJCB): "Indonesia, Java cent., Lasem env. - 4 km E of, Gunung Celering 140 m, 23-24. I. 1998, R. Červenka lgt.". Kalimantan: 3 (EJCB): "Borneo occ. Pontianak 1901". Lesser Sunda: 2 ♂, 2 ♀ (EJCB): "Sumbawa Colffs."; 3 ♂ (EJCB): "W Timor, 350 m, Buraen, 50 km S Kupang, 26.i.-9.ii.2006, S. Jákl leg.". Sulawesi: 1 (EJCB): “Celebes”; 2 ♂, 1 ♀ (USNM): "Celebes NEJ, Watampone vi 1935, leg. L. E. C. Veen".Sumatra: 1 ♂ (EJCB): "W Sumatra, 1991"; 1 ♀ (EJCB): "W Sumatra, Solok, Jul 1995"; 1 ♂ (EJCB): "Sumatra, Harau valley, April 1996"; 1 ♂, 4 ♀ (EJCB): "W Sumatra, Harau Valley, 700 m, iv.2004, S. Jákl leg."; 1 ♂ (EJCB): "Indonesia, W Sumatra, Harau Valley, 500-800 m, ca 20 km N of Payakumbuh, iv-v.2006, S. Jákl leg."; 3 ♂ (EJCB): "Indonesia, W Sumatra, Harau Valley, 500-800 m, ca 20 km N of Payakumbuh, 5-28.ii.2006, S. Jákl leg."; 1 ♀ (EJCB): "Indonesia, W Sumatra, Harau Valley, 500-800 m, N of Payakumbuh, iv-v.2006"; 1 ♂ (EJCB): "Indonesia, W Sumatra, Harau Valley, 500-800 m, ca 20 km N of Payakumbuh, iv-v.2006, S. Jákl leg."; 1 ♂ (EJCB): "Indonesia, W Sumatra, Harau Valley, 500-800 m, ca 20 km N of Payakumbuh, ii.2006, S. Jákl leg."; 8 (EJCB): "Indonesia, W Sumatra, Mt. Tandikat, 400-600m, ca 25 km N Pariaman, i. 2007 S. Jákl leg."; 1 ♂ (EJCB): "Indonesia, W Sumatra, Harau Valley, 500-800 m, ca 20 km N of Payakumbuh, v-vi.2007, S. Jákl leg."; 8 (EJCB): "Indonesia, W Sumatra, Harau Valley, 500-800 m, ca 20 km N of Payakumbuh, v-vi.2007, S. Jákl leg."; 2 ♂, 2 ♀ (EJCB): "Indonesia, W Sumatra, Harau Valley, 500-800 m, ca 20 km N of Payakumbuh, viii.2009, S. Jákl leg.". LAOS: Vientiane: cca 55 (EJCB): "Laos centr., 27. IV. -1. V. 1997, 70 km NE Vientiane, Ban Phabat env., 150 m, 18° 16.1N, 103° 10.9E, E. Jendek & O. Šauša leg."; 1 ♂ (EJCB): "C Laos, Viang Chan prov. Lao Pako resort, 100 m, 50km NE Vientiane, 2002, M. Štrba leg. 28-30. V. "; 1 ♂, 1 ♀ (EJCB): "LAOS, Vientiane prov., Lao Pako env. 200 m, 55 km NE Vientiane, 1-4.v.2004, F. & L. Kantner leg."; 1 ♀ (EJCB): "Laos centr., Viang Chan pr., Ban PA Kho resort, ca.50 km, NE of Vientiane, ~90 m, 18°10'N, 102°52'E,, M. Štrba leg.". MALAYSIA: Johor: 1 (EJCB): "Malaysia: Pahang, Tioman island, 2 km N Ayer Batang, 18.7.1993, leg. Schuh". Pahang: 1 ♀ (EJCB): "Malaysia-W, Pahang pr., 30km E Ipoh, 1500m, Cameron Highlands, Tanah Rata, 20.ii.-3.iii.1998, P. Čechovský leg."; 1 ♀ (EJCB): "Malaysia-W, Pahang pr., 30km E Ipoh, 1500m, Cameron Highlands, Tanah Rata,, P. Čechovský leg."; Perak: 1 ♀ (EJCB): "Malaysia-W, Perak 900m, 40km SE Ipoh, 4°25'N, 101°23'E, Cameron Highlands, Ringlet, M. Říha leg. 25.iv. –5.v.2001”. NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS: 13 (USNM): "Mariana Isls.: Saipan Island, Aug. 20, 1944, David G. Hall"; 38 (USNM): "Lake Hagoya, Tinian Is., VI-10-46 \ Oakley 526 on Citrus leaves"; 2 (USNM): "Chalon [?]avlav, Saipan, vi-19-46, Oakley 734, on orange leaves"; 1 (USNM): "Rota Rota, vi-23-46, Townes"; 1 (USNM): "Vlig Bay, Guam, 22-i-48, Mechler \ with Annona recticulata 48-2448"; 5 (USNM): "Chalon Lavlau, Saipan, vi-19-46, Oakley 734, on orange leaves"; 6 (USNM): "Marpo Valley, Tinian Isl., vi-9-46, Oakley 520, on sour orange leaves". PAPUA NEW GUINEA: 1 ♂ (CBCS): "New Guinea, Sideia island, Sideia Mission, 28 Dec. 1988, Leg. G. Hangay". PHILIPPINES: Luzon isl. group: 22 (USNM): "Manilla PI, in citrus branches, CollnRC McGregor"; 3 (USNM): "Malinao, Tayabas, Baker"; 1 (USNM): "Manila, PI, CollnRC McGregor"; 1 (USNM): "Mt. Makiling, Luzon, Baker,"; 1 ♂ (EJCB): “Mindoro”; 6 (USNM): "Santo Tomas, Batangas, Luzon"; 8 (USNM): "Manile, Philippines"; 1 (USNM): "Luzon, P. I., Montalban"; 1 (USNM): "Los Banos, Philippine Is., vi-vii-17"; 3 (USNM): "Manila P. I., VI-24, R. C. Mc. Gregor"; 5 (USNM): "Manila P. I., April 24, R. C. Mc. Gregor"; 1 (USNM): "Manila P. I., V-24, R. C. Mc. Gregor"; 22 (USNM): "in Citrus wood, Manila, P. I., 8.17.25, FC Brosius"; 1 (USNM): "Los Banos, Luzon PI, X.1945, Bmalkin"; 1 ♀ (EJCB): "Mt. Maquiling Philippines, elev. 50m, 28-II-48, R. Afenir"; 2 ♂, 1 ♀ (EJCB): "Lipa, Batangas, elev. 100m, 10-VIII-1948, Bigornia, A.";Mindanao isl. group: 2 (USNM): "Zamboanga, Mindanao, Baker"; 1 (USNM): "Zamboanga, Mindanao, Baker"; 3 (USNM): "Iligan, Mindanao"; 2 (USNM): "Surigao, Mindanao, Baker"; 3 (USNM): "Dapitan, Mindanao, Baker"; 1 ♂, 1 ♀ (NMPC): "Dapitan Mindanao Baker"; 6 (USNM): "Davao, Mindanao, Baker"; 1 (USNM): "Diklom, Bukidnon, Mindanao"; 2 ♀ (EJCB): "Philippinen Mindanao"; 15 (USNM): "Butuan, Mindanao, Baker"; 1 ♀ (EJCB): "Mindanao Phillippines 28.vii.1977 M. Sato leg."; 3 (CBCS): "Philippines, S. E. Mindanao, ix.2009, local collector". Palawan isl. group: 11 (EJCB): "Philippines, Palawan, 1-21. II. 2000, 800 m, 9°42'N, 118°31E, Salakot waterfalls, E. Jendek leg.". Visayas islands: 1 (USNM): "Isl. Biliran, Philippines, Baker"; 4 (USNM): "Victoria, occ. Negros, in gardin"; 5 (USNM): "Island Samar, Baker"; 1 ♀ (EJCB): "Victorias, Occ. Negros, 10/26/[19]29"; 6 (USNM): "Calicoan isl., P. I., x-15-45 FF Bibby 601"; 1 (EJCB): "Masbate P. I. VIII.28 1952 Henry Townes"; 1 ♂ (EJCB): "Malubog, Toledo City, Cebu Is.,, Hawkeswood T. J., on steam of Citrus"; 1 (CBCS): "Philippines, Leyte Isl., Mt. Balocaue, vi.2009, local collector". THAILAND: 1 ♂ (EJCB): "S Thailand Covaz 2.6.1995", Chiang Mai: 1 ♂ (EJCB): "Thailand 1. VI. 1990 Sansai, Chiang Mai, S. Steinke leg.". Mae Hong Son: 2 ♂ (EJCB): "Thailand bor., prov. Mae Hong Son, Pai, 24-30. IV. 1997, R. Šigut leg.". Nakhon Ratchasima: 1 ♂ (MHCB): "Thailand Corat 12.vii.1995, leg. Lehman & Steinke"; 1 ♂, 1 ♀ (EJCB): "Thailand Corat VI.1997".Yala: 1 ♀ (EJCB): "S Thailand 7-8. V. 1992 Betong, L. Dembický leg."; 1 ♀ (EJCB): "S Thailand Betong, Gunung Cang dun vill., Yala dist. 25.3.-22.4.93, J. Horák leg.".VIETNAM: 2 ♀ (EJCB): “Cochinchine”.

Adult occurrence:

1 –2–3–4–5–6–7–8–9–10–11– 12. Altitude range: 50-1500 m.

Host plant.

Citrus sp.: Tan (1925); Clausen (1933); Quayle (1938); Kalshoven (1951 (as nirius)); Mühlmann (1954); Balachowsky et al. (1962); Macabasco (1964); Anonymous (1969); Yoshikawa et al. (1969); Hill (2008); Citrus aurantifolia : Anonymous (1971); Hawkeswood and Turner (1994 - Citrus grandis : Hawkeswood and Turner (1994) - Citrus microcarpa : Jackman (1987) - Citrus sinensis : Hawkeswood and Turner (1994).


AUSTRALIA: Queensland. CAMBODIA: Phnum Penh. CHINA: Taiwan. INDONESIA: Irian Jaya; Java; Kalimantan; Lesser Sunda (incl. West Timor); Maluku; Sulawesi; Sumatra. LAOS: Vientiane. MALAYSIA: Johor; Malaysia Peninsular; Pahang; Perak. NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. PAPUA NEW GUINEA. PHILIPPINES: Luzon isl. group; Mindanao isl. group; Palawan isl. group; Visayas islands. THAILAND: Chiang Mai; Mae Hong Son; Nakhon Ratchasima; Yala. VIE-TNAM: Ba Ria-Vung Tau.

Remarks. Obenberger (1936a) cited this species without supportive data also from “Turkestan”. This record needs verification.











