Lorryia virga, Mondin, Alexandre De Souza, Nuvoloni, Felipe Micali & Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio, 2016

Mondin, Alexandre De Souza, Nuvoloni, Felipe Micali & Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio, 2016, Four new species of Lorryia (Acari: Tydeidae) associated with Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. (Euphorbiaceae) in Brazil, Zootaxa 4158 (4), pp. 473-490 : 484-487

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scientific name

Lorryia virga

sp. nov.

Lorryia virga sp. nov.

( Figs. 8 View FIGURE 8 ; 9; 11C; 11D)

Diagnosis. Lorryia virga sp. nov. has rod-like dorsal setae, dorsal reticulation predominantly elongated, while reticulation is regular on the areas A(ro)(la) and A(h1)(h2)(ps1). Due to elongation, resembles a striated pattern of ornamentation type “Veniparalorryia” ( Kaźmierski 1998). Tubercles presenting shape of three pointed stars, distributed all over the bands. Eight-shaped coxal organ. Solenidion ωI as long as tarsus width.

Dorsum ( Figs. 8 View FIGURE 8 A; 11C): Prodorsum recurved. Twelve pairs of smooth, all rod-like setae ( Figs. 8 View FIGURE 8 D; 11D), except the trichobothria (bo) ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 E). Dorsal reticulation predominantly elongated ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 F), similar to striation subtype “ Paralorryia-incerta ” except that reticulation is regular on areas A(ro)(la) and A(h1)(h2)(ps1), ventral region, and at bases of dorsal setae: A(ex), A(c1), A(c2), A(d), A(e), A(f1), A(f2) ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 G). Lyrifissure ia ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 B) lies posteriorly to c2, at the distance equal to 1/3 of distance between c1 and c2. Lyrifissure im ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 C) lies in same longitudinal row with ia, posteriorly and close to e. Dimensions: length of idiosoma 198(198–242) and width 150(150–197). Dorsal setae: ro 26 (25–29), la 26(26–28), bo 41 (35–41), ex 21 (21–30), c1 25 (25–26), c2 24 (23– 29), d 24(24–25), e 26(25–26), f1 25(25–28), f2 31 (26–31), h1 29 (23–29), h2 29 (25–30), ps1 22 (21–22).

Venter ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 A): Ornamentation on metasternal region with “V” like striation, anogenital region with six pairs of genital setae, four pairs of aggenital, and one pseudanal setae.

Gnathosoma ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 A, 1B): Gnathosoma visible from above. Palp setal count: 6+1ω –2–2. Palptarsus eupathidium (pζ) slightly bent, without terminal dilation, seta v bifurcate. Palp dimensions 57 (55-61), tarsus elongate ( Fig 9 View FIGURE 9 B), length 24 (23-24), width 4 (4-5).

Legs: Nude leg setae. All tarsi with terminate claws and a hairy empodium, with empodial hook present ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 D). Solenidion ωI long and thin, as long as tarsi width. Solenidion ωII very short. “Eight shaped” coxal organ ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 C). Vestigial seta k on tibia I spatulated ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 D). Measurements of each leg: leg I 133 (133-145), leg II 107 (107-114), leg III 125 (125-146), leg IV 128 (123-136).

Etymology. The new species name originates from Latin word virga (rod), for noticeable rod-like dorsal setae.

Specimens examined. Holotype female from H. brasiliensis , CDC 312 About CDC clones from Igrapiúna , Bahia State (13° 48' S, 39° 10' W), 05 May 2009, E. B. Castro coll. GoogleMaps ; 3 paratypes females from H. brasiliensis , PMB 01 View Materials and CDC 312 About CDC clones from Igrapiúna , Bahia State, collected on August 2008 and May 2009, E. B. Castro coll.. Specimens deposited at Acari collection DZSJRP. Male not found.

Remarks. The new species resembles Lorryia stefani (André, 1987) due to the dorsal side entirely covered with reticulation, which is composed by irregular meshes, presenting a predominantly elongated pattern; pronounced microtubercles scattered over the ornamentation; and rod-like dorsal setae. The species are distinguished by the following characters: elongated dorsal reticulation gives the picture of striation subtype “Paralorryia-incerta” (elongated reticulation without a pattern, that does not resemble a striation type in L. stefani ); regular reticulation on A(ro)(la) and A(h1)(h2)(ps1) areas, which extends to the ventral region, and is present at the bases of other dorsal setae (regular reticulation absent in L. stefani ); three pointed star-shape tubercles, present on all forms of reticulation (rounded tubercles in L. stefani ). Lorryia virga shares a similar idiosomal length 198 (198– 242) and width 150 (150–197) with L. lorenzata (originally described as Brachytydeus lorenzatus Silva & Ferla 2016 in Brazil) length 200 (117–237) and width 150 (147–187), and can be mainly differentiated by dorsal ornamentation, which is reticulated in L. virga and predominantly striated in L. lorenzata , and the coxal organ eight shaped in L. virga and oval in L. lorenzata .


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