Osoriellus latipes ( GRAVENHORST, 1806 ), 2014

Irmler, Ulrich, 2014, The Neotropical species of the genus Osoriellus FAGEL, 1959 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 64 (2), pp. 231-354 : 273

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Felipe (2021-08-29 20:10:20, last updated 2024-11-29 09:43:21)

scientific name

Osoriellus latipes ( GRAVENHORST, 1806 )

comb. nov.

Osoriellus latipes ( GRAVENHORST, 1806) new combination

( Figs 74 View Fig A-C, 99A)

Oxytelus latipes GRAVENHORST, 1806: 198 View in CoL

Osorius mundus SHARP, 1887: 432 View in CoL new synonymy

Type material examined: America septentrionalis: female without further data (lectotype in ZMHB); Mexico: Mexico City, 2 males, leg. Flohr (syntypes of O. munus in BMNH) .

Diagnosis: The species resembles O. brevicornis , O. rugipennis and O. neotropicus due to the structure and punctation of the pronotum. It can be easily distinguished from those species by the long antennae with elongate second and third antennomere. In contrast to O. latipes , O. rugipennis and O. brevicornis , O. neotropicus has a digitate protibia. It can be also confused with O. mexicanus and O. cordovensis , but O. latipes has an extremely fine netlike microsculpture that is absent in the other two species. The two syntypes of O. latipes are damaged. I selected the smaller one as lectotype. It seems that both type specimens are not conspecific.

Description: Length: 6.6 mm. Colouration: Dark red; pronotum and elytra lighter red; legs and antennae yellow. Head: 0.90 mm long, 1.35 mm wide; eyes slightly prominent; as long as temples; vertex densely and deeply punctate; on average, interstices between punctures half as wide as diameter of punctures; wide midline with sparser punctation or partly impunctate; area at base of antennae impunctate and without microsculpture; surface polished; surface of vertex with distinct netlike microsculpture; slightly shiny; supraocular area densely covered by striae and granulate punctures.

Antennae with second antennomere oblong; distinctly longer than wide and as long as conical third; following three antennomeres quadrate and as wide as preceding two antennomeres; antennomeres 7 to 10 distinctly wider than preceding antennomeres, but still more or less quadrate.

Pronotum: 1.30 mm long, 1.40 mm wide; widest at anterior angles; approximately parallel in anterior half; distinctly convergent in posterior half; at posterior edge approximately half as wide as at anterior edge; lateral and posterior margin fine; with irregular and dense setiferous punctation; longitudinal row of 8 to 10 punctures on each side of wide impunctate midline; on average, interstices between lateral punctures as wide as diameter of punctures or slightly shorter; with few areas more sparsely punctate; anterior edge without margin, but with transverse row of dense punctures; surface with extremely weak netlike microsculpture; nearly polished.

Elytra: 1.50 mm long, 1.40 mm wide; with dense and distinct coriaceous ground-sculpture; irregular rows of punctures hardly visible between ground-sculpture.

Abdomen with dense setiferous punctation, setae much longer than setae on pronotum; surface with distinct netlike microsculpture.

Protibia: 0.56 mm long, 0.20 mm wide; 10 spines at outer edge; apical spines not inserted on digits; WLR: 4.0; in posterior aspect, comb of inner emargination partly covered in middle; posterior face densely covered by moderately long setae.

Aedeagus with long apical lobe and acute apex; without sensillae at inner edge.

GRAVENHORST, I. L. C. 1806: MonographiaColeopterorum Micropterorum. - Dieterich, Gottingen: pp. 236.

SHARP, D. 1887: Fam. Staphylinidae. - In: Biologia

Gallery Image

Fig. 73-78: Osoriellus-s. str.-group: Osoriellus frater (73), O. latipes (74); O. mexicanus (75), O. brevipennis (76), O. argentinus (77), O. crassus (78); antenna (A), protibia (B), aedeagus in lateral aspect (C); scale bar: 0.1 mm.


Germany, Berlin, Museum fuer Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitaet


United Kingdom, London, The Natural History Museum [formerly British Museum (Natural History)]













