Osoriellus granarius, Irmler, 2014

Irmler, Ulrich, 2014, The Neotropical species of the genus Osoriellus FAGEL, 1959 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 64 (2), pp. 231-354 : 250-251

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Felipe (2021-08-29 20:10:20, last updated 2021-08-29 20:16:58)

scientific name

Osoriellus granarius

n. sp.

Osoriellus granarius n. sp.

( Figs 28 A-C, 31A)

Type material: Holotype, male: Bolivia: Cochabamba Prov., Cochabamba, 109 km E Yungas, (Cochabamba Villa Tunari Rd. ) (65°42.29'W, 17°08.50'S), 1480 m elevation, collected by flight intercept trap, 8.-12.Feb.1999, leg. R. Hanley, #BOL1 H99072 View Materials ( KNHM). GoogleMaps

Paratypes: Bolivia: 1 male with same data as holotype ( KNHM) GoogleMaps ; La Paz, cloud forest near Chulumani , 1600 m elevation, male, 22.- 29.3.1990, leg. M. Cooper ( BMNH) ; Santa Cruz, Amboro National Park, Los Volcanes (63°36'W, 18°06'S), 1000 m elevation, underground pit trap, 20.11.- 12.12.2004, male, leg. H. Mendel & M.V.L. Barclay ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; Dept. Santa Cruz, 3.7 km SSE Buena Vista, Hotel Flora y Fauna (63°33.15'W, 17°29.95'S), 400-440 m elevation, secondary forest, flight intercept trap GoogleMaps , 1 male, 1 female, 2.-9.XI.2002, leg. R. Leschen, #BOL1L02-056 ( KNHM, UIC) .

Diagnosis: Among the species of the O.- granarius -group, O. granarius is conspicuous by the even front edge of the clypeus. Regarding the absence of distinct digits on the outer edge of the protibia, it resembles the large species O. parcus of the O.-s. str.-group. It can be differentiated from that species by the posteriorly less convergent sides of the pronotum and the slightly widened lateral margin in the posterior half of the pronotum.

Description: Length: 6.9 mm. Colouration: Black; legs and antennae light brown.

Head: 1.35 mm long, 1.74 mm wide; eyes not prominent; as long as temples; sides of fore-head strongly narrowed in concave curve; front edge of clypeus only half as wide as distance between eyes; front edge of clypeus smoothly emarginate, but without produced teeth at outer angles; setiferous punctation deep and dense; on vertex, inter-

Key to the species of the granarius -group

1. Large species of 9.5 mm, front edge of clypeus deeply emarginate; angles produced to broad prominences. .......... ........................................................................................................................................................................ O. anceps n. sp.

- Smaller species of 6.9 mm length, front edge of clypeus either even or emarginate. ................................................. 2

2. Front edge of clypeus emarginate, anterior angles produced to broad lobes with short acute tooth. ........................ .................................................................................................................................................................. O. cornifrons n. sp.

- Front edge of clypeus even, anterior angles not produced. .............................................................. O. granarius n. sp.

stices between punctures approximately half as wide as diameter of punctures; on fore-head, interstices on average wider; netlike microsculpture moderately deep; surface slightly shiny.

Antennae slightly longer than head; second antennomere oval; third conical; both antennomeres slightly longer than wide; following antennomeres approximately quadrate and increasing in width.

Pronotum: 1.54 mm long, 1.76 mm wide; widest at anterior angles; anterior angles shortly produced to small teeth; smoothly and evenly convergent to shortly rounded posterior angles; lateral margin distinct, but, in dorsal aspect, not visible close to anterior angles; setiferous punctation coarser and deeper than on head; adjacent to impunctate midline in irregular rows; on lateral disc irregularly punctate; partly interstices between punctures less wide than half of diameter of punctures; partly interstices wider than diameter of punctures; netlike microsculpture moderately deep; surface slightly shiny.

Elytra: 1.76 mm long, 1.76 mm wide; with coariaceous ground-sculpture; setiferous punctures in irregular rows; punctures hardly visible in dense ground-sculpture; surface less shiny than on pronotum.

Abdomen with dense setiferous punctation except impuncate midline on tergites IV to VI; anterior tergites with weak microsculpture; surface shiny; tergites VII and VIII with dense netlike microsculptre; surface matt.

Protibia: 0.76 mm long, 0.27 mm wide; thick and nearly semicircular; 9 spines at outer edge; apical spines on short digits; WLR: 2.1; in posterior aspect, comb of inner emargination totally visible; posterior face densely coverd by moderately long setae; on average, setae half as long as protibial width.

Aedaegus thick and broad; rectangularly angulate; apical lobe continued to thin acute and hook-like curved apex.

Etymology: The specific name derived from the same Latin word meaning granulate and refers to the granulate punctures on the supraocular area.


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