Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) mattheyi Geiger, 1985

Starý, Jaroslav, 2009, The identity of Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) luteipennis Goetghebuer (Diptera, Limoniidae), Zootaxa 2155, pp. 55-68 : 65-66

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Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) mattheyi Geiger, 1985


Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) mattheyi Geiger, 1985 View in CoL

Figures 6 View FIGURES 1 – 7. 1 – 6 , 12 View FIGURES 8 – 12

Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) mattheyi Geiger 1985: 55 View in CoL (description), 60 (key), Figs 5–9 View FIGURES 1 – 7. 1 – 6 View FIGURES 8 – 12 (male terminalia). Dicranomyia View in CoL (s. str.) mattheyi: Geiger 1986b: 57 View in CoL (key), 76 (redescription), Figs 154, 157 (male terminalia, copied from Geiger 1985).

Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) mattheyi: Savchenko et al. 1992: 337 View in CoL (Palaearctic catalogue). Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) mattheyi: Podenas et al. 2006: 158 View in CoL (figure only), Fig. 69.4 (male terminalia, copied from Geiger 1985).

Diagnosis. Medium-sized species. Body colouration dark greyish brown. Wing pattern dark brown, with proximal three anterior spots reduced. Male terminalia with ventral gonostylus small; rostral spines moderate in length, straight. Wing length 6.9–8.8 mm.

Description. Male. Head. Antenna dark brown, short, not extending to anterior margin of prescutum. Flagellomeres mostly short-ovoid, with longest verticils subequal in length to their respective segments.

Thorax generally dark brown, with bluish grey pruinosity. Pronotum and prescutum dark brown, slightly more darkened medially. Pleuron concolorous with dorsal parts of thorax. Wing ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 8 – 12 ) tinged brownish. Wing pattern dark brown; proximal three anterior spots reduced: spot 1 indiscernible, spot 2 restricted to dot at Sc2 not reaching anteriorly beyond Sc, spot 3 considerably reduced. Spot 4 (pterostigma) distinct and of normal extent. Distinct, moderately broad seam along outer cord, including distal section of Cu. Another seam along distal margin of discal cell. Poorly distinct seam along proximal section of Cu (proximal to m-cu). Apex of wing slightly infuscated. Sc1 without macrotrichia. Wing venation with discal cell moderately large, proximal section of M1+2 (anterior margin of discal cell) mostly subequal in length to distal section. Tip of A2 about opposite Sc2. Halter with knob considerably infuscated. Legs with tips of femora moderately darkened. Tarsi with tarsal claws about half length of tarsomeres 5.

Abdomen brown. Male terminalia ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1 – 7. 1 – 6 ): Tergite 9 with shallow median emargination at posterior margin. Gonocoxite moderately long, subequal in length to ventral gonostylus. The latter short-ovoid, comparatively small, only slightly longer than broad and slightly enlarged medially in proximal part, with rostral prolongation short, directed more or less medially. Rostral spines moderate in length, straight and darkened, longer than rostrum from base of more distal spine to apex.

Female resembling male in general appearance.

Type material examined. Holotype 3 (original designation): Switzerland, Canton Graubünden, Il Fuorn (1790 m), 7.–8.viii.1980 (W. Geiger & C. Dufour leg.; light trap) ( MHNN), labelled “ Suisse GR / Il Fuorn / 7– 8.8.1980 / W. Geiger“ (partly printed), “ Dicranomyia (s. str.) / mattheyi sp. n. / dét. W. Geiger 1982“ (partly printed), “ HOLOTYPE “ (printed). The specimen preserved in ethanol, with only right mid leg attached. Paratypes: Switzerland: Canton Graubünden: Il Fuorn (1790 m), 7.–8.viii. 1980, 1 3, 17.–25.ix. 1980, 2 3 (W. Geiger & C. Dufour leg.; light trap) ( MHNN; in ethanol). Canton Uri: Altdorf (465 m), 25.x. 1980, 1 3 (L. Rezbanyai leg.; light trap) ( JSO; dried from ethanol). Based on Geiger (1985), the following specimen, although not originally so labelled, is a paratype, too, and was labelled accordingly by the present author: Canton Valais: Fully (550 m), 13.–19.x. 1980, 1 3 (C. Dufour & W. Geiger leg.; light trap) ( MHNN; in ethanol).

Other material examined (7 3, 5 Ƥ). Italy: Piemonte: Pietraporzio (CN), Vallone di Pontebernardo (1350–1500 m), 6.xi. 2002, 1 3 (G.B. & G.F. Delmastro leg.) ( JSO; dried from ethanol); Domodóssola (VB), Val Antigório, Verampio. 21. xi.1992, 1 Ƥ (J. Starý leg.) ( JSO). Switzerland: Canton Graubünden: Il Fuorn, 18.ix. 1984, 3 3, 1 Ƥ (collector not given); La Drosa, PNS, 20.ix. 1984, 1 3 (collector not given). Canton Uri: Hospental, Südrand, late viii. 1984, 1 3, middle ix. 1984, 1 3, 3 Ƥ (L. Rezbanyai leg.; light trap) (all MHNN; in ethanol) [ Swiss material mapped by Geiger 1986a and Podenas et al. 2006].

Discussion. In D. (D.) mattheyi , the wing pattern is distinctive in that the proximal three anterior spots are reduced, which relates the species with D. (D.) luteipennis (cf. Figs 12 and 8 View FIGURES 8 – 12 ). By this, however, the similarity between the two species ends. Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) mattheyi is dark in the body colouration, with a heavy bluish grey pruinosity on the thorax. From all the species treated here, it differs by the shape of the gonocoxite, which is rather long, and the shape of the ventral gonostylus only slightly longer than broad and subequal in length to the gonocoxite ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1 – 7. 1 – 6 ). The rostral spines are darkly pigmented.

Distribution. Switzerland ( Geiger 1985, 1986b, Podenas et al. 2006). First records for Italy.


Neuchatel Musee d'Histoire Naturel














Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) mattheyi Geiger, 1985

Starý, Jaroslav 2009

Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) mattheyi: Savchenko et al. 1992 : 337

Podenas 2006: 158
Savchenko 1992: 337

Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) mattheyi

Geiger 1986: 57
Geiger 1985: 55
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