Galium transcarpaticum Stojko et Tasenk., Ukr. Bot. J. 36(6): 594 (1979)

Novikov, Andriy, 2023, An annotated nomenclatural checklist of endemic vascular plants distributed in the Ukrainian Carpathians, Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 103921-103921 : 103921

publication ID

persistent identifier

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Biodiversity Data Journal by Pensoft (2023-08-12 16:38:23)

scientific name

Galium transcarpaticum Stojko et Tasenk., Ukr. Bot. J. 36(6): 594 (1979)


Galium transcarpaticum Stojko et Tasenk., Ukr. Bot. J. 36(6): 594 (1979)

Conservation status

In Ukraine - EN ( Onyshchenko et al. 2022).


SE Carpathian endemic.


Controversial species (probably a local morphotype of Galium album subsp. suberectum ) with an unclear systematic position ( Stojko and Tasenkevich 1979). It was excluded from the new edition of the Flora of the Ukrainian Carpathians ( Chopyk and Fedoronchuk 2015) due to its ambiguous delimiting morphological features and almost total absence of specimens identified as G. transcarpaticum by other researchers besides Tasenkevich. However, it was accepted by Mosyakin and Fedoronchuk (1999) and still listed as an endangered species by Onyshchenko et al. (2022) due to the absence of any further investigations on this species. Only for this reason, despite solid doubts, I retained this species as valid in the current list.

Chopyk, V., Fedoronchuk, M., 2015. Flora of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Terno-graph, Ternopil

Mosyakin, S. L., Fedoronchuk, M. M., 1999. Vascular plants of Ukraine: A nomenclatural checklist. M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Onyshchenko, V. A., Mosyakin, S. L., Korotchenko, I. A., Danylyk, I. M., Burlaka, M. D., Olshanskyi, I. H., Shiyan, N. M., Zhygalova, S. L., Tymchenko, I. A., Kolomiychuk, V. P., Novikov, A. V., Chorney, I. I., Kish, R. Y., Shevera, M. V., Fedoronchuk, M. M., Protopopova, V. V., 2022. IUCN Red List categories of vascular plant species of Ukrainian flora. M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Stojko, S. M., Tasenkevich, L., 1979. Galium transcarpaticum Stojko et Tasenkevitsch - new species from the Ugolsky massif of the Capathian State Reservation. Ukrainian Botanical Journal 36 (6): 594 - 597











