Microeubria acuta, Lee, Chi-Feng & Yang, Ping-Shih, 2002

Lee, Chi-Feng & Yang, Ping-Shih, 2002, Notes On The Larva Of The Genus Microeubria Lee And Yang, With Description Of A New Species From Borneo (Coleoptera: Psephenidae: Eubriinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 56 (2), pp. 246-252 : 247-249

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scientific name

Microeubria acuta

sp. nov.

Microeubria acuta new species

Type Series. Holotype, male ( NHMW): ‘‘ Malaysia, SABAH, Crocker Range, Moyog env., around km 20 of road Kota Kinabalu Tambunan , 15.VI.1996.’’ Paratype: 1 female ( NTUC): ‘‘ MALAYSIA: Sabah , Keningau, 7.IX.1998, leg. C.­F. Lee. ’’

Additional Material Examined. 1 larva ( NTUC), same data as paratype .

Description. Male. Length 1.1 mm, width 0.8 mm. Coloration black; legs paler. Antenna with segments 3–10 serrate, segment 3 longest, segments 4–10 similar in length, segments 3–5 serrate weakly. Elytron with 8 visible striae (Fig. 12): striae 1, 3, and 4 arising from near base, conjoined near apex; stria 2 arising from apical 1/3, apically conjoined with stria 1; stria 5 arising from humerus, apically abbreviating at apical 1/3; stria 6 arising at middle, apically abbreviating at apical 1/3; stria 7 arising from apical 4/9, apically conjoined with stria 4; stria 8 arising from apical 1/4, apically conjoined with stia 7. WP/LP= 3.6. LE/WE= 1.3. WP/WE= 0.85. Aedeagus (Fig. 13) Penis very long, surpassing apex of phallobase, acute at apex, gradually widened toward base. Parameres and basal piece separable. Phallobase straight at sides, dorsal sclerites very slen­ der.

Larval Diagnosis. Similar to Microeubria sp. from Laos, but dorsal surface lacking one paired longitudinal ridges composed of disposable cuticular tissues; and abdominal segment 9 subequal to its pleurites.

Etymology. From Latin (acute), indicating its acute penis.

Remarks. This new species is similar to M. longicornis Lee and Jäch with the inseparable parameres and basal piece; however, it is easy to distinguish both species by the configuration of male aedeagus and the elytral striae.

Biology. The larva and adult were collected from a small creek together with Jinbrianax jaechi Lee et al. (1999) .


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien













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