Drepanomonas pauciciliata Foissner, 1987

Jung, Atef Omar and Jae-Ho, 2021, New record of 21 ciliate species (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from South Korea, Journal of Species Research 10 (3), pp. 301-320 : 313

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Drepanomonas pauciciliata Foissner, 1987


16. Drepanomonas pauciciliata Foissner, 1987 View in CoL ( Fig. 15 View Fig )

Material examined. Terrestrial moss sample collected from Hambaeksan Mountain , Gohan-eup , Jeongseongun, Gangwon-do, Korea (37°9 ʹ 23.8 ʺ N, 128°54 ʹ 59.3 ʺ E) on 17 May 2018 GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Size in vivo about 20 × 12 μm (n = 6); body semi ellipsoidal with ventral side distinctly convex; 1 macronucleus and 1 micronucleus; cortex rigid, right side smooth except of minute crenelation in ciliary pits; left side with longitudinal, deep and narrow furrow; contractile vacuole slightly posterior and dorsal to oral structures; cytopyge posterior and left to contractile vacuole; extrusomes lenticular and left of somatic kineties; 9 somatic and 3 preoral kineties, each kinety contains few dikinetids and few monokinetids with large gaps in the middle; preoral kineties contain 2 or 3 dikinetid each with a single monokinetid posteriorly; oral apparatus in mid-body containing oral membranelles and oral primordium.

Distribution. Cosmopolitan.

Remarks. The Korean population of D. pauciciliata is identical to the type population ( Foissner, 1987) in the size, shape, the ciliary pattern, and the deep, narrow furrow on the left side. Drepanomonas pauciciliata is most similar to D. revoluta Penard, 1922 , but differs mainly in the deep, narrow left side furrow (vs. two ridges forming a wide furrow in between in D. revoluta ). It is also similar to D. hymenofera hymenofera (Horvath, 1956) Omar and Foissner, 2013 in having a narrow furrow in the left side. However, they differ mainly in the body size (20 × 12 μm vs. 40 × 18 μm) and the highly reduced (vs. ordinary) number of somatic basal bodies, for instance, unlike D. h. hymenofera , D. pauciciliata lacks basal bodies in the second and third quarters of somatic kineties 3 and 4 ( Penard, 1922; Foissner, 1987; Omar and Foissner, 2013).

Voucher slides. One slide with protargol-impregnated specimens was deposited at the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources (NNIBRPR20131).

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