Symplocos serrulata Bonpland (1808: 190)

Kelly, Lawrence M., Almeda, Frank & Fritsch, Peter W., 2016, A taxonomic revision of Mexican and Central American Symplocos (Symplocaceae), Phytotaxa 264 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Felipe (2024-09-03 19:24:38, last updated 2024-09-04 01:11:12)

scientific name

Symplocos serrulata Bonpland (1808: 190)


26. Symplocos serrulata Bonpland (1808: 190) View in CoL . ≡ Praealstonia serrulata (Bonpl.) Miers (1879: 292) . Lectotype (designated here):— COLOMBIA. Crescit in sylvis prope Popayan Novo-Granatensium, alt. 1750 hex.; floret Decembri, F. W. H. A. Humboldt & A. J. A. Bonpland s.n. (lectotype P-Bonpl.-670958-n.v., online image!, isolectotype P-Bonpl.-135117-n.v., online image!)

= Symplocos rufescens Bonpland (1808: 192 View in CoL , t. 55). ≡ Praealstonia rufescens (Bonpl.) Miers (1879: 292) View in CoL . Type:— COLOMBIA. [Quindío:] Crescit in Andibus Quinduensibus , alt. 1300–1500 hex. (Regno Novo-Granatensi), F. W. H. A. Humboldt & A. J. A. Bonpland s.n. (holotype P-Bonpl.-135119-n.v., online image!).

= Symplocos tomentosa Bonpland (1808: 195) View in CoL . ≡ Praealstonia tomentosa (Bonpl.) Miers (1879: 292) View in CoL . Lectoype (designated here):— COLOMBIA. Habitat in Nova Granata , prope Ibague [Ybague], F. W. H. A. Humboldt & A. J. A. Bonpland s.n. (lectotype P-Bonpl.-670959-n.v., online image!, isolectotype P-Bonpl.-135118-n.v., online image!).

= Symplocos irazuensis Cufodontis (1933: 200) View in CoL . Type:— COSTA RICA. Cartago: Vulcanus Irazú, in declivio austro-occid. in jugo australi supra domum Guayabillos   GoogleMaps , 2500 m, [09°59′N, 83°51′W], 23 May 1930, G. Cufodontis 361 (holotype W, photo ex W at F! and GH!, isotype F!).

= Symplocos bradei Brand ex Sleumer (1937: 263) View in CoL . Type:— COSTA RICA. Cartago: Volcán Irazú   GoogleMaps , [09°59′N, 83°51′W], 8 September 1908, A. C. Brade 2018 (holotype B, photo ex B at F! and NY!).

= Symplocos gibraltarica Cuatrecasas (1950: 109) View in CoL . Lectotype (designated by Ståhl 1996):— COLOMBIA. Valle del Cauca: Cordillera Occidental, Gibraltar, N of Las Brisas between Cartago and Albán, 2100–2200 m, 25 May 1946, Cuatrecasas 22524 (lectotype F-69551-n.v., online image!, isolectotypes COL-36208-n.v., online image!, COL-79275-n.v., online image!, F-1294685-n.v., online image!, P-648441-n.v., online image!).

Shrubs or more commonly trees 3–10 m tall; juvenile branchlets and vegetative buds densely hirsute (rarely glabrous), trichomes mostly 1–1.5 mm long, erect or spreading, ferruginous. Petioles 3–5(–8) mm long; leaf blades usually bicolorous (rarely concolorous), oblong-obovate or rarely to narrowly elliptic, (6–)9.5–20 × (2–) 5–8 cm, membranaceous to coriaceous, abaxially moderately to densely hirsute to pilose, adaxially glabrous (rarely hispid when young), secondary veins slightly adaxially impressed, base obtuse to rounded, margins serrulate or entire, apex acuminate. Inflorescences racemes 2–4.5(–5) cm long, 3–7-flowered, or rarely 1–2-flowered; peduncle 0–10 mm long; rachis 5–30 mm long, densely hirsute (rarely glabrous), trichomes 1–1.5 mm long; bracts deciduous, oblong, 2–4 × 1.5–2 mm, densely sericeous to hirsute, margins densely sericeous to hirsute; bracteoles deciduous, 3–5, ovate to oblong, 2–2.5 × 2–2.5 mm, margins densely sericeous to hirsute; pedicels 0–3 mm long. Hypanthium densely hirsute. Calyx lobes 5, rotund, 2–5 × 3–5 mm, densely sericeous to hirsute, margins sparsely ciliate. Corolla View in CoL pink, 5-lobed, 10–15(–18) mm long; tube 3–5 mm long; lobes adnate to filament tube for 6–9 mm, linear-oblong to oblanceolate, abaxially sericeous medially, glabrous toward the margins, margins ciliate. Stamens ± 4- seriate; filament tube 6–13 mm long; distinct portions of filaments 8–10 × 0.5–0.75 mm. Disk pilose; style 13–15 mm long, pilose basally; stigma conspicuously and irregularly lobed. Fruits green maturing to dark bluish purple, cylindrical to ellipsoid, 2–3 × 1.5–2 cm, hirsute, apex obtuse or truncate with erect or infolded calyx lobes; disk ± conical, often projecting beyond calyx lobes; endocarp 4–5-locular, perimeter rounded.

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Vernacular name —None.

Illustrations — Figure 33 View FIGURE 33 ; Bonpland (1808: t. 54 & 55).

Photographic images — Figures 2a, 2i View FIGURE 2 .

Phenology —Flowering December through October (peak January through July); fruiting January, September, October, and December.

Distribution and habitat — Costa Rica and Panama, common in Quercus forests and premontane forests at (1000–)1500–2500(–3000) m elev. Also in Colombia. Figure 34 View FIGURE 34 .

Conservation status —Although Symplocos serrulata is restricted in Central America to Costa Rica and western Panama, it is known there from over 60 collections, and several populations are afforded protection in parks and reserves. It is also widespread in Colombia, occurring from Antioquia south to Huila. Based on these data, we assign a classification of Least Concern (LC) to this species.

Discussion —Typical specimens of Symplocos serrulata have branchlets with ferruginous trichomes, large leaf blades (12–16 cm long, 6–7 cm wide), open inflorescences (more than 2 cm long), and large flowers (ca. 1.5 cm) with sericeous petals. Typical S. serrulata can be distinguished from typical S. austin-smithii by its branchlet pubescence (ferruginous trichomes versus glabrous), larger leaves (12–16 x 6–7 cm versus 8–10 x 3–4 cm), open inflorescences (versus congested), and sericeous petals (versus glabrous or sparsely pubescent). These differences are maintained in most individuals of the two species, but S. serrulata can be difficult to distinguish from S. austin-smithii in Costa Rica and Panama because of intergradation in these characters. Where distinctions between the two species break down, the most reliable difference is in the structure of the fruit apex: obtuse or truncate with erect or infolded calyx lobes in S. serrulata , versus fleshy fruit lobes with the calyx not evident in S. austin-smithii .

Symplocos irazuensis was differentiated from S. serrulata by its long inflorescences (ca. 3 cm) and broadly

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elliptic leaves that are glossy adaxially and glaucous with dense ferruginous pubescence abaxially ( Cufodontis, 1933). However, these characters intergrade with S. serrulata and do not serve to clearly distinguish the species.

The lectotype of Symplocos serrulata is designated to correspond with the specimen that is annotated as “ holotype ” on an undated annotation label on the P-Bonpl.-670958 specimen. There is no evidence that Bonpland designated one specimen among the duplicates as the holotype, and there is no published lectotype, so lectotypification is necessary. We prefer to make this designation in accordance with the labeling of the specimen. The same rationale was used to select the lectotype of S. tomentosa .

Additional specimens examined — COSTA RICA. Cartago: ca. 14, SE of El Empalme on Cordillera de Talamanca , 2600 m, [09°40′03″N, 83°52′59″W], 18 July 1977, Almeda et al. 3111 (CAS-2!, NY!) GoogleMaps ; SE-facing slopes of Volcán Irazú, ca. 7–8 km beyond the entrance to Parque Nacional Irazú and ca. 5 km beyond the turnoff to Hacienda Coliblanco , 8500 ft, [09°57′43″N, 83°49′52″W], 21 February 1978, Almeda & Nakai 3775 (CAS!, NY!) GoogleMaps ; al Empalme Inter. Sur Cartago, [09°43′48″N, 83°57′W], 18 February 1972, Poveda 400 (CR-2!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; La Chonta, 27 May 1928, Stork 2311 (F!, MO!) ; Río Sarapiquí, near Cariblanco , 800 m, [10°17′N, 84°11′W], 19 April 1949, Williams 16456 (F!) GoogleMaps . Cartago: forest E of Inter-American Hwy near Km 97 (near La Georgina), Cerro de Talamanca , [09°34′N, 83°44′W], 23 July 1968, Mathias 480 (F-2!, MEXU!, MO!, NY!, US-3!) GoogleMaps . Heredia: Barva, P. N. Braulio Carillo, cuenca del Tárcoles , Volcán Barva , alrededores de la estación, 2600 m, [10°08′N, 84°06′W], 2 January 2000, Acosta & Ramírez 321 (MO!, NY!) GoogleMaps ; slopes of Volcán Barva , 1000 m, [10°06′N, 84°06′W], 23 April 1970, Bawa 390 ( MO!) GoogleMaps ; P. N. Braulio Carillo, upper Volcán Barva, Pacific slope, near divide, 2600–2700 m, 10°07′45″N, 84°07′15″W, 3 April 1992, Boyle 797 (CAS!, MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; P. N. Braulio Carillo, upper Volcán Barva, Atlantic slope, ca. 0.5 km below (N of) main trail to Lago Barva , descending via old Sendero del Transecto then traversing 250 m, 10°08′18″N, 2750 m, 84°06′33″W, 28 April 1992, Boyle 805 (CAS!, MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; P. N. Braulio Carrillo, Sendero del Transecto , 1990 m, 10°11′03″N, 84°06′27″W, 2 September 1992, Boyle & Snow 1040 ( MO!) GoogleMaps ; P. N. Braulio Carrillo, Estación Barva , 2600 m, 10°08′00″N, 84°07′10″W, 23 June 1990, Fernández 25 (CAS!, MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; along rd to Volcán Barva , 1.5 km N of Sacramento, 2700 m, [10°07′06″N, 84°07′20″W], 27 June 1975, Hartshorn 1761 (F!, MO!, NY!) GoogleMaps ; P. N. Braulio Carillo, Volcán Barva , 2600 m, 10°07′20″N, 84°06′00″W, 7 August 1989, Rivera 43 (CAS!, MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; P. N. Braulio Carrillo, Estación Barva , 2300 m, 10°07′22″N, 84°07′15″W, 24 June 1990, Varela 93 ( MO!) GoogleMaps ; P. N. Braulio Carrillo, Estación Barva , 2300 m, 10°07′22″N, 84°07′15″W, 26 June 1990, Varela 155 (MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; S edge of the Braulio Carillo park above Sacramento on S slope of Volcán Barva , 2600 m, [10°07′06″N, 84°07′20″W], 22 July 1980, Wilbur 29464 ( CAS!) GoogleMaps . Limón: Cordillera de Talamanca, headwaters of the unnamed western branch of the Río Teribe, between the Río Sini and the continental divide at Cerro Bekom , 2500–2600 m, 09°10′45″N, 83°03′30″W, 21 & 27 March 1984, Davidse et al. 25745 (CAS!, MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; Cordillera de Talamanca, headwaters of the unnamed W branch of the Río Teribe, between the Río Sini and the continental divide at Cerro Bekom , 2500–2600 m, 09°10′45″N, 83°03′30″W, 21 & 27 March 1984, Davidse et al. 25750 (CAS!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; Cordillera de Talamanca, Atlantic slope, Valle de Silencio , area just N of Cerro Hoffman, 4.5 air mi W of the Costa Rica-Panama border, 2350–2450 m, 09°08′N, 82°58′W, 8 September 1984, Davidse et al. 28623 (CAS!, MEXU!, MO!, NY!) GoogleMaps ; Cordillera de Talamanca, Atlantic slope, N slope of the unnamed cordillera between the Río Terbi ( Teribe ?) and The Río Sini , 2000–2500 m, [09°12′N, 82°59′W], 14 September 1984, Davidse & Herrera Ch. 29092 (CAS!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; P. N. Cordillera de Talamanca, 300 m antes de Unión Quebrada Kuisa con R. Lori, entre Ujarrás– San José Cabécar , 1800 m, 09°21′35″N, 83°13′45″W, 19 March 1993, Herrera 5944 (MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; Cantón de Talamanca, P. N. La Amistad, Tararia, Jardín , Valle del Silencio , 2400 m, 09°07′40″N, 82°57′40″W, 1 April 1997, Quesada 1951 ( MO!) GoogleMaps . Puntarenas: Cantón de Pérez Zeledón, P. I. La Amistad, Cordillera de Talamanca , Sendero Herradura , que sube a fila Urán , 2600–2800 m, 09°31′47″N, 83°35′30″W, 6 April 1995, Aguilar & Garrote 3875 (MO-2!) GoogleMaps ; Cantón de Coto Brus, Z. P. Las Tablas, Cuenca Térraba–Sierpe , sendero a Cerro Echandi , 2500–2700 m, 09°00′32″N, 82°49′41″W, 14 August 1997, Alfaro 1363 ( MO!) GoogleMaps . San José: ca. 5 km WSW of Aserrí, upper slopes and summit of Cerro Daser , 7000 ft, [09°51′N, 84°07′W], 18 February 1978, Almeda & Nakai 3665 (CAS-2!) GoogleMaps ; Cordillera de Talamanca, right-hand turn onto gravel rd off of Interamerican Hwy ca. 1 km beyond La Georgina en route to San Isidro de El General , 9700 ft, [09°34′N, 83°44′W], 9 March 1981, Almeda & Nakai 4818 (CAS!, COL!, CR!, NY!) GoogleMaps ; La Cima de Copey de Santa María de Dota , [09°38′36″N, 83°55′13″W], 30 June 1985, Chavarría 17 (F!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; Cantón de Pérez Zeledón, P. N. Chirripó, Cordillera de Talamanca, Finca San Carlos , entre las cabeceras de las quebradas Blanco y Barranca , 2640 m, 09°31′44″N, 83°35′32″W, 5 April 1995, González 618 (MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; Cantón de Pérez Zeledón Villa Mills , a orillas de casa junto a robles jóvenes, 3000 m, 9°33′30″N, 83°42′40″W, 7 GoogleMaps


Phytotaxa 264 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press • 87 September 1990, Hernández 9036 (F!); alrededores de Santa María de Dota , Salsipuedes , 2700 m, [09°39′11″N, 83°58′14″W], 1 February 1972, McCaffrey DMC 117 (CR-2!); Cantón Dota, Albergue Savegre, 09°33′00″N, 83°48′29″W, Michelangeli & Doria 1118 ( NY!) GoogleMaps ; Z. P. Cerros de Escazú, Cedral , Cerro Rabo de Mico, 2100–2400 m, 09°50′57″N, 84°08′25″W, 25 July 1991, Morales 84 ( MO!) GoogleMaps ; Z. P. Cerros de Escazú, Cedral , la falda N del Cerro Rabo de Mico, Cuenca del Río Poas, 1600–2300 m, 09°50′57″N, 84°08′25″W, 9 October 1991, Morales 156 ( MO!) GoogleMaps ; Z. P. Cerros de Escazú, Aserrí, Cerros Escazú–La Carpintera , Cedral y Alto Hierbabuena, 2000 m, 09°50′30″N, 84°07′20″W, 1 October 1993, Ramírez & Morales 136 (MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; El Copey, 5200 ft, [09°38′N, 83°55′W], 19 April 1928, Stork 1587 (F!, MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; ca. 6–8 km SSW of San José in the Cerros de Escazú , 2200–2318 m, [09°50′45″N, 84°07′28″W], 25 May 1975, Utley & Utley 2514A (CAS!, F-2!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; Cerros de Escazú (Cedral) approach to and summit of Cerro Daser ca. 3–5 km SW of Aserrí, 2300–2400 m, [09°51′N, 84°07′W], 13 March 4289, Utley & Utley 4289 ( CAS!) GoogleMaps ; San Pedro de Coronado, 1400 m, [09°59′N, 83°59′W], 27 July 1937, Valerio 1679 (F!); Tárbaca, 1700 m, 24 March 1938, Valerio 1744 (F!); La Georgina , Cerro de la Muerte , Cordillera de Talamanca, [09°33′N, 83°43′12″W], 20 January 1987, Zamora V. 1317 (F!, MO!) GoogleMaps . San José- Cartago : Cordillera de Talamanca, upper slopes, W ridge of Cerros Cuerici, 3160 m, 09°34′N, 83°40′W, 15 September 1983, Davidse 24729 (CAS-2!, MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps .

PANAMA. Bocas del Toro: Cordillera de Talamanca, headwaters of the Río Culubre, 6 air km NW of the peak of Cerro Echandi of the Costa Rica-Panama border, 2450–2600 m, 09°05′N, 82°50′30″W, 2–3 March 1984, Davidse et al. 25194 (CAS!, MEXU!, MO!, NY!) GoogleMaps ; ca. 2 km SW of Itamut camp, Fabrega , 3100–3200 m, [09°06′10″N, 82°52′39″W], 8 March 1984, Gómez P. et al. 22658 (CAS!, MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; Parque Nacional La Amistad, Cerro Pittier , 2900 m, 09°04′588″N, 82°54′680″W, [09°04′58″N, 82°54′68″W], 9 March 2003, Klitgaard et al. 727 ( MO!) . Chiriquí: Cerro Punta , 7000 ft, [08°53′06″N, 82°35′W], 3 July 1966, Blum et al. 2416 ( MO!) GoogleMaps ; Volcán Barú , dirt rd going up E slope, 2500–3000 m, [08°47′N, 82°32′W], 11 April 1984, Churchill & Kuijt 5089 ( MO!) GoogleMaps ; ridge N of Potrero Muleto , 3000 m, [08°48′53″N, 82°31′43″W], 15 March 1979, D'Arcy & Hammel 12509 ( MO!) GoogleMaps ; ridgetop above Alto Boquete , 7400–8600 ft, [08°44′24″N, 82°25′59″W], 9 April 1979, D'Arcy et al. 13120 (CAS!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; Cerro Punta , 2000 m, [08°51′N, 82°34′W], 9 September 1971, Lao 346 ( MO!) GoogleMaps ; along rd from Cerro Punta village towards Boquete, near Bajo Grande , 2100 m, 08°50′N, 82°35′W, 5 June 1986, McPherson 9344 (CAS!, MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; on path up N slope of Volcán Barú, starting along impassable rd formerly linking Boquete and Cerro Punta , 1750–1900 m, 08°50′N, 82°30′W, 28 July 1987, McPherson 11345 (CAS!, MEXU!, MO!, NY!) GoogleMaps ; NW of Cerro Punta, at INRENARE station in Parque Amistad , trail below station, 2100 m, [08°54′N, 82°35′W], 20 October 1992, McPherson 1594 3 (CAS!, MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; along trail to Cerro Pate Macho , 1850 m, 08°49′N, 82°24′W, 7 February 1986, McPherson & Merello 8335 (CAS!, MEXU!, MO!, NY!) GoogleMaps ; Bocas del Toro boundary, Cerro Colorado area , 1450 m, 08°40′N, 81°45′W, 26 January 1989, de Nevers et al. 8946 (CAS-2!, MEXU!, MO!, NY!) GoogleMaps ; Volcán Barú E slope on rd from Boquete , 9 km W of Boquete (air distance), 2400 m, 08°50′N, 82°30′W, 8 January 1983, Stein 1295 ( CAS!) GoogleMaps ; edge of forested slope above Cerro Punta toward Bajo Grande in Quebrado Bajo Grande , 6500 ft, [08°51′36″N, 82°33′59″W], 14 January 1970, Wilbur et al. 10918 (DUKE, F!, MO!) GoogleMaps .

Extralimital specimens — COLOMBIA. Antioquia: McPherson 13423 (COL!, MO!) . Bogotá: Triana 4259- 5, March 1856 ( COL!) . Cauca: Idrobo 5635 (COL-2!) . Cundinamarca: Jaramillo M. et al. 2703 (COL-2!) . Huila: Cuatrecasas 8660 ( COL!) . Norte de Santander: Schlim 20 (F!) . Tolima: Triana 4259-6 ( COL!) . Quindío: Arbalaez S. et al. 2586 ( COL!) . Valle: Duque-Jaramillo 4156 ( COL!) .

Bonpland, A. (1808) Plantae aequinoctiales. Vol. 1. F. Schoell, Paris, 234 pp.

Cuatrecasas, J. (1950) Studies in South American plants - II. Fieldiana: Botany 27 (1): 55 - 113.

Cufodontis, G. (1933) Risultati della spedizione biologica austriaca in Costarica nel 1930. Reccolte botaniche. Archivio Botanico per la Sistematica, Fitogeographic e Genetica (Storica e Sperimentale) 9 (3 - 4): 179 - 204.

Sleumer, H. (1937) Vermischte Diagnosen. V. Repertorium Novarum Specierum Regni Vegetabilis 42: 257 - 267. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1002 / fedr. 19370421605

Stahl, B. (1996) The genus Symplocos (Symplocaceae) in Colombia. Candollea 51: 323 - 364.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 2. Flowers and fruits of some species of Mexican and Central American Symplocos. a. S. serrulata. b. S. speciosa. c. S. striata. d. S. tribracteolata. e. S. austromexicana. f. S. citrea. g. S. pycnantha. h. S. coccinea. i. S. serrulata. j. S. hartwegii.

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FIGURE 33. Symplocos serrulata. a. Branchlet with inflorescences. b. Close-up of (a) showing leaf blade margin. c. Inflorescence. d. Close-up of (c) showing corolla lobe surface pubescence and ciliate margin. e. Flower. f. Corolla opened with attached stamens. g. Top of disk, style, and stigma. h. Fruit. i. Fruit, cross section. (a–g drawn from de G. C. Nevers et al. 8946, CAS; h, i drawn from F. Almeda et al. 3111, CAS.)

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FIGURE 34. Geographic distribution of Symplocos serrulata in Central America.


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Universidad Nacional de Colombia











