Symplocos coccinea Bonpland (1808: 185)

Kelly, Lawrence M., Almeda, Frank & Fritsch, Peter W., 2016, A taxonomic revision of Mexican and Central American Symplocos (Symplocaceae), Phytotaxa 264 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Felipe (2024-09-03 19:24:38, last updated 2024-09-04 01:11:12)

scientific name

Symplocos coccinea Bonpland (1808: 185)


8. Symplocos coccinea Bonpland (1808: 185) View in CoL . ≡ Praealstonia coccinea (Bonpl.) Miers (1879: 291) . Lectotype (designated here):— MEXICO. Veracruz: crescit in sylvis Regni Mexicani, prope Xalapa , alt. 660 hex., floret Decembri, F. W. H. A. Humboldt & A. J. A. Bonpland 4447 (lectotype P-Bonpl.-670957-n.v., online image!, isolectotypes F?, G-n.v., digital image!, P-Bonpl.-135122-n.v., online image!, P-Bonpl.-135123-n.v., online image!, P-Bonpl.-135124-n.v., digital image!)

= Alstonia ciliata Bentham (1840: 48) . ≡ Symplocos ciliata Bentham (1841: 78) View in CoL . ≡ Symplocos benthamii Gürke View in CoL in Engler & Prantl (1890: 172) [“ Benthami ”]. ≡ Symplocos coccinea Bonpl. var. benthamii (Gürke) Brand (1901: 80) View in CoL . Type:— MEXICO. In loco Banco dicto, January 1838 or 1839, K. T. Hartweg 366 (holotype K-n.v., online image!, isotypes G-n.v., online image!, LD-n.v., online image!, NY!).

=? Hypopogon brevipes Turczaninow (1858: 246) View in CoL Symplocos brevipes (Turcz.) Turczaninow (1863: 577) View in CoL . Type:— MEXICO. Without precise locality, A. B. Ghiesbreght 44 (holotype not located).

= Symplocos coccinea Bonpl. var. hirta Brand (1901: 80) View in CoL . Lectotype (designated here):— MEXICO. Oaxaca: Llano Verde , 6000 ft, April 184?, H. G. Galeotti 1688 (lectotype NY!, isolectotype US!).

Trees 5–12 m tall; juvenile branchlets and vegetative buds tomentose to hirsute or hirtellous, trichomes to 1–2 mm long, appressed or erect, ferruginous to white. Petioles 3–5 mm long; leaf blades bicolorous, elliptic to oblong or obovate, 5–8.5(–12) × 2.5–3.5(–4.5) cm, coriaceous, abaxially sparsely to moderately appressed-pilose, densely pilose to hirsute along midvein, adaxially glabrescent, persistently sericeous to hirsute along midvein, secondary veins not adaxially impressed, base rounded to obtuse or rarely acute, margins crenulate or crenulate-denticulate, with persistent black or brown teeth, apex acuminate. Inflorescences 1-flowered; peduncles absent or to 2–3 mm long; bracts and bracteoles not obviously different, gradually larger toward the apex of the peduncle, caducous, 3–5, lowermost ovate to suborbicular, 1–2 mm × 1–2 mm, uppermost broadly ovate to deltoid, 3–5 × 3–4 mm, sparsely to moderately sericeous, margins ciliate. Hypanthium densely hirsute. Calyx lobes 5, ovate to lanceolate-ovate, 6–9 × 3–5 mm, densely sericeous, margins ciliate. Corolla View in CoL red, 10–15-lobed, 1.3–1.6 cm long; tube 3–5 mm long; lobes adnate to filament tube for 4–7 mm, oblong to obovate, sparsely to moderately sericeous, glabrous near margins. Stamens multiseriate; filament tube 5–7 mm long; distinct portions of filaments 2–6 × 0.3–0.75 mm. Disk densely villous; style 10–13 mm long, pilose basally; stigma deeply and irregularly lobed. Fruits green maturing to dark bluish purple, ellipsoid to ovoid or obovoid, 1.8–2.7 cm × 0.8–1.5 cm, moderately to densely hirsute, apex gradually narrowed to base of coroniform calyx, the lobes erect and slightly reflexed apically; disk conical or pulvinate, apex partly visible, surpassed by calyx; endocarp 3-locular, perimeter slightly repand.

Vernacular name —Flor de noche buena (Gutiérrez B. 3331 [MEXU]).

Illustration — Figure 11 View FIGURE 11 .

Photographic image — Figures 1d View FIGURE 1 , 2h View FIGURE 2 .

Phenology —Flowering January through March, September, and November; fruiting March, April, July, and September.

Distribution and habitat — Mexico (Hidalgo, Veracruz, Puebla, and Oaxaca), occasional to locally common in cloud forests at 1900–2500 m elev. Figure 10 View FIGURE 10 .

Conservation status —The available collections data indicate that this species is known from over 20 populations in southeastern Mexico; however, none of these are in a protected area. The area where this species occurs has been subjected to extensive habitat fragmentation and deforestation over many years and thus is projected to decline. The EOO is 65,753 km ² and the AOO is 196 km ². We assign a classification of Endangered (EN): B2ab(iv) for this species.


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Discussion — Symplocos coccinea is distinguished by the combination of large, solitary flowers with 10–15- lobed corollas and large, hirsute fruits. Symplocos sousae also has large, solitary flowers and prior to its description had been confused with S. coccinea . These species can be separated with the following couplet:

Corolla lobes 10–15, apically cuspidate to acuminate; fruits hirsute; sepals sericeous; bracts and bracteoles 3–5, caducous, sericeous; styles basally pilose ..................................................................................................................................... S. coccinea

Corolla lobes 5, apically involute and rounded; fruits glabrous; sepals glabrous; bracts and bracteoles 5–9, persistent, glabrous; styles glabrous ............................................................................................................................................................ S. sousae

The lectotype of Symplocos coccinea has been selected to correspond with the specimen that is annotated as “ holotype ” on an undated annotation label on the P-Bonpl.-670957 specimen. There is no evidence that Bonpland designated one specimen among the duplicates as the holotype, and there is no published lectotypification, so lectotypification is necessary. We prefer to make this designation in accordance with the labeling of the specimen. The F specimen may be an isolectotype, but there is no collection number (4447) associated with the specimen.

The collections C. J. W. Schiede 14, 179, and 266, H. G. Galeotti 1684 and 1688, C. Jürgensen 834, “etc.” were cited in the protologue of Symplocos coccinea Bonpl. var. hirta Brand (1901: 80) . We selected H. G. Galeotti 1688 as the lectotype because it is the only collection that we have seen among the syntype collections. We specifically chose the NY specimen of H. G. Galeotti 1688 because, of the specimens that we have seen of this collection, it has the most flowers.

Turczaninow (1858) described Hypopogon Turczaninow (1858: 246) and its sole species H. brevipes Turczaninow (1858: 246) but later subsumed it under Symplocos (Turczaninow 1863) . Brand (1901) included the species in synonymy under S. coccinea , and the Ghiesbreght specimen is cited in Brand’s index (as S. coccinea var. hirta ), but this specimen is not cited in the text of the treatment. We have not located Ghiesbreght 44 and so we are not able to corroborate the application of these names. However, the description of H. brevipes matches Symplocos and in particular S. coccinea in all respects, e.g., solitary flowers with a densely pilose calyx, a red corolla, and 15 petals. We therefore tentatively place H. brevipes in synonymy with S. coccinea . Because Turczaninow worked at KW, it is possible that the Ghiesbreght specimen resides in that herbarium, or another Russian herbarium such as LE.

Additional specimens examined — MEXICO. Hidalgo: Mpio. Tenango de Doria, camino a Tenango de Doria a El Cirio (pañascos), a 6 km al E de Tenango, 1750–1800 m, [20°19′37″N, 98°12′37″W], 9 November 1985, Lorence & Hernández M. 4896 (CAS!, F!, MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps . Oaxaca: Dist. Villa Alta, Mpio. San Juan Juquila , 3 km E de Natividad, Cruz de la Raya, punto trino Juquila–Capulalpan–Xiacui , 2200 m, [17°18′36″N, 96°24′51″W], 22 June 1994, Aguilar S. 508 ( MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; Dist. Ixtlán, Sierra de Juárez, camino a Llano Verde , ca. 20 km al NE de Ixtlán, 2200 m, 9 April 1981, Cedillo T. et al. 684 (CAS!, MEXU!, MO!, NY!) ; Dist. Ixtlán, Km 15 del camino a Llano Verde entrando por Calpulalpan de Méndez , 2340 m, 30 July 1981, Cedillo T. et al. 896 (MEXU!, MO!) ; Dist. Cuicatlán, Cerro Nubine, Cuyamecalco , 2300 m, [17°57′51″N, 96°49′54″W], 8 September 1909, Conzatti 2510 (GH!, MEXU!, US!) GoogleMaps ; entre Calpul y Cacalotepec , [17°45′51″N, 97°35′10″W], 17 November 1939, Conzatti 6001 ( MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; Dist. Mixe, 2 km sobre la terracería Totontepec–Villa Alta , 2023 m, [17°15′49″N, 96°02′44″W], 18 January 1986, García M. & Torres 2023 (F!, MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; 1 km W of Plan de Guadalupe, along trail to toma de agua in canyon, 11 km E of Puerto de la Soledad, hwy from Teotitlán de Flores Magón to Huautla , 2228 m, 18°08′21.2″N, 96°57′48.0″W, 20 January 2003, Kelly et al. 1369 (CAS!, MEXU!, NY!) GoogleMaps ; Dist. Ixtlán, 20 km E of Ixtlán church along rd to Talea de Castro , 2450 m, [17°16′20″N, 96°25′23″W], 9 April 1981, Martin 513 (CAS!, MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; Dist. Ixtlán, Mpio. Yotao, Camino Real de Juquila Vijanos hacia Los Hornos , 2145 m, 17°20′13″N, 96°20′50″W, 14 November 1996, Munn et al. 203 ( MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; Dist. Totontepec, Santa María Tiltepec , 2360 m, [17°14′09″N, 96°04′32″W], 20 January 1984, Tenorio L. & Torres C. 5369 (F!, MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; Dist. Villa Alta, 12 km de la desviación de San Andrés Yaa–Oaxaca , SE de Villa Alta, 2300 m, [17°19′40″N, 96°06′52″W], 17 March 1982, Torres C. & Cedillo T. 155 (CAS!, MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; Dist. Mixe, Santa María Tiltepec , 10 km al SW de Totontepec, 2360 m, [17°14′09″N, 96°04′32″W], 20 January 1984, Torres C. & Tenorio L. 4601 (CAS!, MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; Dist. Mixe, 1 km al N de la desviación a Villa Alta , la cual se encuentra 7.5 km al S de Totontepec, 2460 m, 17°14′N, 96°05′W, [17°14′41″N, 96°04′05″W], 25 February 1988, Torres C. & Cortes A. 11774 (MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; San Pedro Nolasco, Talea , etc., [17°16′53″N, 96°25′37″W], 1843–1834, Jürgensen 234 ( MEXU!) GoogleMaps . Puebla: Mpio. La Unión, 6 km al E de Xicotepec, carretera a La Unión , 1350 m, 20°14′00″N, 97°58′00″W, 25 February 1987, Campos V. et al. 100 (GH!, MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; 8 km de San Agustin, Villa Juárez , 1300 m, [20°16′13″N, 97°59′02″W], 17 GoogleMaps


Phytotaxa 264 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press • 39 January 1963, Martínez 106 ( MEXU!) ; Unión entre Cerro Cuatezon y Cerro Alto, a 50 m de Cerro Alto , limites entre Tlapacoya y San Felipe Tepatlán, 1280 m, [20°06′03″N, 97°50′11″W], 15 February 1985, Meza P. 25 ( MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; cerca y al SE Necaxa, [20°12′16″N, 97°59′38″W], 6 April 1944, Miranda 3165 ( MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; Villa Juárez , [20°16′27″N, 97°57′44″W], 8 April 1944, Miranda 3231 ( MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; near San Antonio Tepatlan , 2 November 1966, Rudd 1076 (CAS!, F!, MEXU!) ; San Juan Ahuacatlán , [20°00′19″N, 97°51′25″W], 15 January 1912, Salazar s.n. ( MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; edge of canyon below Necaxa , 3900 ft, [20°12′16″N, 97°59′38″W], 26 March 1945, Sharp 45344 (GH!, MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. La Unión , 6 km al E de Xicotepec, carretera a La Unión, 20°14′00″N, 97°58′00″W, 25 February 1987, Tenorio L. et al. 12678 ( MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Hueytamalco , El Reparo , 1000 m, [19°54′11″N, 97°17′09″W], 13 February 1970, Ventura A. 520 (DS!, F!). Veracruz: Coatepec, [19°27′13″N, 96°57′32″W], 7 November 1908, Barnes & Land 609 (F!, US!) GoogleMaps ; 12 km S of Misantla , 1350 m, [19°51′50″N, 96°48′35″W], 1 January 1982, Bohs et al. 1728 (F!, NY!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Banderilla , Rancho La Martinica, a 5 km al N de Pueblo de Banderila, 1500 m, 19°35′N, 96°57′W, 4 April 1978, Calzada 4334 (F!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Alto Lucero , Rancho Nuevo entre Plan de las Hayas y Tierra Blanca, 1250 m, 19°46′N, 96°41′W, 6 April 1981, Castillo C. & Vázquez B. 1333 (F!, MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Banderilla , Brecha de la Martinica, Rancho del Sr. González Parra, 1480 m, [19°35′17″N, 96°57′15″W], 11 January 1977, Castillo C. et al. 121 (MEXU!, NY!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Juchique Ferrer , Cerro de Villa Rica, cerca de Mundo Nuevo, 1600 m, 19°48′N, 96°46′W, 7 May 1981, Castillo C. & Cortez 1794 (F!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Xalapa , Parque Ecológico Francisco Xavier Clavijero, carretera Xalapa–Coatepec, 1350 m, [19°30′N, 96°56′W], 15 January 1986, Cházaro B. & Acosta 3949 ( MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Huayacocotla , Cañada cerca de Palo Bendito, [20°27′27″N, 98°30′01″W], 8 January 1986, Cházaro B. & Hernández de C. 3952 ( MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Coatepec , Cerro Huilotepec , abajo de la Mesa de los Laureles, rumbo a Tierra Grande, 2500 m, [19°30′42″N, 97°04′03″W], 27 December 1987, Cházaro B. et al. 5264 ( MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Xalapa , Parque Ecológico Francisco Xavier Clavijero, 2 km S of Xalapa along old rd to Coatepec, 1350 m, 19°30′N, 96°56′W, 30 March 1988, Cházaro B. et al. 5436 ( NY!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Las Vigas , Barranca del Alto Pixquiac, 2700 m, [19°38′17″N, 97°05′56″W], 26 December 1988, Cházaro B. & Hernández de C. 5777 (CAS!, F!, MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; Sierra de Chiconquiaco entre Chiconquiaco y Misantla, 1280 m, [19°50′42″N, 96°48′52″W], 19 November 1963, Gómez-Pompa 1153 (A!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Yecautla , Cuesta del Clarín, 1300 m, 19°48′N, 96°48′W, 23 December 1987, Gutiérrez B. 2984 ( MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Yacautla , 500 m al N de Plan de la Escalera, 1340 m, 19°46′N, 96°47′W, 2 February 1988, Gutiérrez B. 3035 ( MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Yecautla , Cuesta del Clarín al E de Santa Rita, 1300 m, 19°49′N, 96°49′W, 12 November 1988, Gutiérrez B. 3329 ( MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Yecautla , Cuesta del Clarín al E de Santa Rita, 1200 m, 19°49′N, 96°49′W, 12 November 1988, Gutiérrez B. 3331 ( MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Yecautla , arriba del Rincón abajo de Plan de la Escalera, 1350 m, 19°47′N, 96°47′W, 16 November 1988, Gutiérrez B. 3353 ( MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Huayacocotla , Viborillas, 2200 m, [20°30′25″N, 98°30′12″W], 10 February 1972, Hernández M. 1455 (CAS-2!, F!, GH!, NY!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Juchique Ferrer , La Cima , Plan de las Hayas, 1700 m, [19°45′39″N, 96°40′34″W], 21 June 1972, Hernández M. & Calzada 1574 (F!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Atzalan , between Altotonga and Tlapacoyan, 1320 m, [19°49′17″N, 97°13′16″W], 25 May 1986, LaFrankie 1331 ( GH!) GoogleMaps ; Dos Puentes , 1841, Liebmann 596A (A!, US!); Mpio. Banderilla , Rancho La Mesa, 1450 m, 19°36′N, 96°57′W, 4 March 1978, Márquez R. 995 (F!); Orizaba, [18°51′N, 97°06′W], 1855, Müller s.n. ( NY!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Xico , Filo de la Rayuela, 1 km al SE de la ranchería Rusia, 2700 m, 19°30′N, 97°06′W, 21 April 1983, Narave F. & Vázquez B. 459 (MEXU!, NY!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Xalapa , Parque Ecológico Francisco Xavier Clavijero, 2 km S of Xalapa along old rd to Coatepec, 1300 m, 19°30′N, 96°56′W, 27 October 1981, Nee 22444-a (CAS!, F!, GH!, MEXU!, NY!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Xalapa , Parque Ecológico Francisco Xavier Clavijero, 2 km S of Xalapa along old rd to Coatepec, 1300 m, 19°30′N, 96°56′W, 16 April 1983, Nee 22444-b (CAS!, F!, GH!, MEXU!, NY!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Xalapa , Jardín Botánico Clavijero, 1300 m, [19°30′42″N, 96°59′49″W], 25 April 1978, Ortega O. & Calzada 782 (F!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Huayacocotla , Helechales hacia 3 cascadas sobre el arroyo Toluca, 1750 m, 20°39′N, 98°26′W, 14 February 1980, Palma 31 (F!, MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; near Xalapa , 4000 ft, [19°32′35″N, 96°54′50″W], April 1800, Pringle 7847 (GH!, MEXU!, US!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. San Andrés Tuxtla , Madero, carretera a San Martín, 0–100 m, [18°25′24″N, 95°16′25″W], 24 April 1982, Ramamoorthy 3558 ( MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; Jalapa , [19°32′35″N, 96°54′50″W], Schlechtendal 179 ( GOET!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Yecautla , 6 km al NW de Santa Rita, [19°51′04″N, 96°48′45″W], 22 February 1975, Vázquez T. 1854 ( MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Atzalan , Tatzayanala, junto al río y cerca de la capilla, 1350 m, [19°47′14″N, 97°14′34″W], 13 December 1969, Ventura A. 237 (GH!, US!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Jalacingo , El Cuizalin, 1500 m, 22 May 1970, Ventura A. 1129 (DS!, NY!) ; Mpio. Yecuautla , La Chiveria, 1260 m, [19°50′28″N, 96°48′59″W], 26 June 1971, Ventura A. 3756 (CR!, DS!) GoogleMaps ; Misantla , Cruz Alta, 670 m, [19°55′57″N, 96°51′04″W], 18 March 1972, Ventura A. 5094 ( US!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Totutla , Zochiapa, 1300 m, [19°11′35″N, 96°56′19″W], 26 April 1972, Ventura A. 5301 ( CAS!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio .

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Jalacingo , Aguacatitlan, orilla de camino, 1400 m, 30 October 1973, Ventura A. 9208 (MEXU!, MO!) ; Mpio. Yecuatla , El Cajón, 1150 m, [19°51′53″N, 96°46′31″W], 16 November 1973, Ventura A. 9266 (F!, MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Atzalan , Alseseca, 1100 m, [19°50′02″N, 97°13′12″W], 16 May 1975, Ventura A. 11358 ( MEXU!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. San Andrés Tlalnehuayocan , San Antonio, 1350 m, [19°32′31″N, 96°58′23″W], 15 February 1979, Ventura A. 15762 (MEXU!, MO!) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Atzalan , Alseseca, 1200 m, 2 March 1982, Ventura A. 19451 ( MEXU!) . Without precise locality: Bonpland s.n. (F fragment from P!, possibly from type material); Humboldt & Bonpland 26715 ( MO!) ; Martamela?, 1841–1843, Liebmann s.n. (F!); 1841–1843, Liebmann s.n. (MO!, NY!, S-2!, US!); 1841–1843, Liebmann s.n. ( MO!) ; Sessé & Mociño 3612 (F!); Sessé & Mociño 3613 (F!). State unknown: without precise locality, 1839, Schlechtendal s.n. ( NY!) .

Bentham, G. (1841 1839 ) Observations on some genera of plants connected with the Flora of Guiana. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 18 (2): 225 - 238. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1095 - 8339.1838. tb 00175. x

Bonpland, A. (1808) Plantae aequinoctiales. Vol. 1. F. Schoell, Paris, 234 pp.

Brand, A. (1901) Symplocaceae. In: Engler, A. (Ed.) Das Pflanzenreich, Heft 6 (IV, 242). Engelmann, Leipzig, pp. 1 - 100.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Flowers of some species of Mexican and Central American Symplocos. a. S. longipes (photograph by Victor Steinman). b. S. austromexicana. c. S. breedlovei. d. S. coccinea. e. S. costaricana (photograph by Daniel Solano). f. S. hartwegii. g. S. nigridentata. h. S. povedae.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 2. Flowers and fruits of some species of Mexican and Central American Symplocos. a. S. serrulata. b. S. speciosa. c. S. striata. d. S. tribracteolata. e. S. austromexicana. f. S. citrea. g. S. pycnantha. h. S. coccinea. i. S. serrulata. j. S. hartwegii.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 10. Geographic distribution of Symplocos breedlovei, S. citrea, and S. coccinea.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 11. Symplocos coccinea. a. Branchlet with flowers. b. Flower. c. Corolla opened with attached stamens. d. Calyx. e. Style and stigma. f. Fruit. (a–e drawn from L. Tenorio & R. Torres C. 5369, MEXU; f drawn from R. Cedillo T. et al. 896, MEXU.)


Missouri Botanical Garden


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Harvard University - Gray Herbarium


Universität Göttingen


California Academy of Sciences, Dudley Herbarium


California Academy of Sciences











