Conodipara Hedqvist

Desjardins, Christopher A., 2007, Phylogenetics and classification of the world genera of Diparinae (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), Zootaxa 1647 (1), pp. 1-88 : 35

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Felipe (2021-07-14 18:00:15, last updated 2021-07-14 18:00:36)

scientific name

Conodipara Hedqvist


Conodipara Hedqvist

Turneria Hedqvist 1969: 177 . Type species: Turneria scutellata Hedqvist (orig. desig. and by monotypy). [Preoccupied] Conodipara Hedqvist 1972: 58 . [Replacement name for Turneria , preoccupied by Turneria Forel 1895 ].

Diagnosis: Both sexes of Conodipara can be easily identified based on two autapomorphic features: a pair of projections on the dorso-lateral surface of the nucha and an L-shaped petiole, which is bent downward at 90°. No other diparines possess either of these features.

Discussion: In the phylogenetic analysis, Conodipara + ( Conophorisca , Myrmicolelaps ) was recovered as monophyletic based on 5 synapomorphies: the loss of sexual dimorphism, filiform antennae, a 2-segmented clava, posterior surface of mesopleuron heavily sculptured, and presence of a long petiole. Conodipara is also basal in a two-branch clade in which Pyramidophoriella occupies the basal position in the other branch. This clade was united by 3 synapomorphies, which include a conical scutellum, a reduced metanotum, and a posteriorly rising propodeum.

Number of Species: 1 described.

Distribution: South Africa (Eastern Cape).

Hosts: Unknown.

Forel, A. (1895) Nouvelles fourmis d'Australie, recoltees a The Ridge, Mackay, Queensland par M. Gilbert Turner. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 39, 417 - 428.

Hedqvist, K. - J. (1969) New genera and species of Diparini with notes on the tribe (Hym., Chalcidoidea). Entomologisk Tidskrift, 90 (3 / 4), 174 - 202.

Hedqvist, K. - J. (1972) A new genus and species of Diparinae from Angola (Hym., Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae). Publicacoes Cultuarias da Companhia de Diamantes de Angola, 84, 55 - 59.









