publication ID |
https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.1647.1.1 |
publication LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9CDBECB7-17F1-4B0B-B577-CE29B34AA89A |
persistent identifier |
https://treatment.plazi.org/id/D40DA74B-DE6F-5443-AE8F-65E0FABFBA7D |
treatment provided by |
Felipe (2021-07-14 18:00:15, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 10:50:34) |
scientific name |
Lelaps |
status |
Species of Lelaps View in CoL View at ENA :
abdominalis Ashmead. NEOTROPICAL : Brazil.
Lelaps abdominalis Ashmead 1904: 481–482 View in CoL (Plate 36, Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ). Holotype female: Brazil: P. Branca, in April. (USNM, examined).
aeneiceps Ashmead. NEOTROPICAL View in CoL : Brazil.
Lelaps aeneiceps Ashmead 1904: 481 View in CoL . Type information uncertain: Brazil: Chapada and Santarem. (USNM, examined).
affinis Ashmead. NEOTROPICAL View in CoL : Brazil.
Lelaps affinis Ashmead 1904: 480 View in CoL . Holotype female: Brazil: Santarem. (USNM, examined).
albipes Cameron. NEOTROPICAL View in CoL : Panama.
Lelaps albipes Cameron 1884: 132 View in CoL . Holotype female: Panama. (BMNH, examined).
albofasciatus Hedqvist. NEOTROPICAL View in CoL : Puerto Rico.
Lelaps albofasciatus Hedqvist 1964: 57–58 View in CoL ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 5–10 ). Holotype female: “Portorico, Moritz, L. nr. 15181.” (ZMHB, not
annulicornua (Strand) . NEOTROPICAL: Peru.
Stenopistha annulicornua Strand 1911: 200 View in CoL . Holotype female: Peru, Pachitea River . (Type location uncertain).
apicalis Ashmead. NEOTROPICAL View in CoL : Brazil.
Lelaps apicalis Ashmead 1904: 479–480 View in CoL . Holotype female: Brazil: Chapada , in August. (USNM, not examined).
argenticoxa (Girault) View in CoL . NEARCTIC: USA (Maryland).
Spalangiolaelaps argenticoxa Girault 1916 [299]: 23. Holotype female: MD: Prince George’s County, Hillmead (Glenn-
dale), forest, sweeping, June 4, 1916. (USNM, not examined). New synonymy.
Lelaps avicula Haliday, 1844: 300 View in CoL . (Type gender and locality uncertain).
beckeri Yoshimoto. NEARCTIC View in CoL : Canada, USA (Missouri).
Lelaps beckeri Yoshimoto 1977: 1052–1054 View in CoL ( Figs. 5 View FIGURES 5–10 , 13, 14 View FIGURES 11–16 , 24 View FIGURES 23–28 , 30 View FIGURES 29–34 ). Holotype female: MO: Williamsville, VII– IX.69, coll. J. T. Becker, malaise trap. Allotype male: MO: Williamsville, 12–26.V.1969, coll. J. T. Becker, malaise trap. 1 female and 7 male paratypes: Ontario: Stittsville, 19.VIII.68, coll J. R. Vockeroth (1 female), Ontario: Rondeau Prov. Park, 8–12.VIII.73, malaise trap (3 males), Ontario: Rondeau Prov. Park, 19.VI.62, 10.VII.62, coll. S. M. Clark (2 males), Ontario: Crow Lake , Marmora area , 18.VIII.59, coll. L. K. Smith (1 male), Quebec: Meach Lake , 8.IV.62, coll. S. M. Clark (1 male). (CNC, not examined).
bimaculata Ashmead. NEOTROPICAL View in CoL : Brazil.
Lelaps bimaculata Ashmead 1904: 482 View in CoL . Type information uncertain: Brazil: Chapada, in April; Santarem; and P. Branea. (USNM, not examined).
callisto Marshall. NEOTROPICAL View in CoL : Venezuala.
Laelaps callisto Marshall View in CoL in Buysson and Marshall (1892): 73. Holotype female: Venezuala. [ De Santis 1979: 121 is the earliest listing of this species as Lelaps callisto View in CoL . However, no mention is made of the misspelling.]
caudatula (Strand) . NEOTROPICAL: Peru.
Stenopistha caudatula Strand 1911: 201–202 View in CoL . Holotype female: Peru, Pachitea River . (Type location uncertain). decorata Walker. NEOTROPICAL View in CoL : Brazil.
Laelaps decorata Walker 1862: 390 View in CoL . Holotype female: Ega. (BMNH, examined) [ De Santis 1980: 226 is the earliest listing of this species as Lelaps decorata View in CoL . However, no mention is made of the misspelling.]
ferrierei Hedqvist. NEOTROPICAL : Brazil.
Lelaps ferrierei Hedqvist 1964: 56–57 View in CoL ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 5–10 ). Holotype female: Brazil, Nova Teutonia (27°11’ B 52°23’ L), June 1, 1945, coll. F. Plaumann. (KHPC, not examined).
ferruginea Cameron. NEOTROPICAL : Panama.
Lelaps ferruginea Cameron 1884: 133 View in CoL . Holotype female: Panama. (BMNH, examined).
flagellata (Strand) . NEOTROPICAL: Bolivia.
Stenopistha flagellata Strand 1911: 208–209 View in CoL . Holotype female: Eastern Bolivia (Steinbach).
flavescens Ashmead. NEOTROPICAL View in CoL : St. Vincent, Grenada.
Lelaps flavescens Ashmead View in CoL in Riley et al. (1894): 156 –157. 2 females and 3 males (designation uncertain, although 1 of the females is likely the holotype): St. Vincent. (USNM, not examined).
floridensis Yoshimoto. NEARCTIC View in CoL : USA (Florida), NEOTROPICAL: Virgin Islands.
Lelaps floridensis Yoshimoto 1977: 1048–1052 View in CoL ( Figs. 4 View FIGURE 4 , 11, 12 View FIGURES 11–16 , 23 View FIGURES 23–28 , 29 View FIGURES 29–34 ). Holotype female and allotype male: Miamai, FL, 17.VI.49, coll. C. D. Link, in trap, S.P.B. Acc. No. 103433. (FSCA, not examined). 8 female and 1 male paratypes: FL: Miami, 4.III.49, coll. C. D. Link, in trap, S.P.B. Acc. No. 103614 (1 female, FSCA, not examined), FL: Coral gables, 25.III.49, coll. C. D. Link, S.P.B. Acc. No. 103990. (1 female, FSCA, not examined), FL: Matheson Hammock, Dade Co., 26.V.62, coll. R. E. Woodruff (2 females, FSCA, not examined), FL: Matheson Hammock , 13.II.57, coll. J. Porter, on Celtis laevegata (1 female and 1 male, FSCA, not examined), FL: Ross and Castellow Hammock , Dade Co. , 12.IV.72, coll. H. V. Weems, Jr. (1 female, FSCA, not examined), FL: Paradise Key , 7.IV.51, coll. H. and M. Townes. (1 female, AEI, not examined), Virgin Islands: St. Croix, airport, 6.IV.68, coll. W. H. Pierce, sweeping. (1 female, FSCA, not examined).
halidayi Ashmead. NEOTROPICAL : Brazil.
Lelaps halidayi Ashmead 1904: 481 View in CoL . Holotype female: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, in October. (USNM, examined). Stenopistha halidayi sobrina Strand 1911: 199 View in CoL . Holotype female: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro (v. Olfers). [Subspecies] (Type location uncertain).
insularis Mercet. NEOTROPICAL : Santa Isabel.
Lelaps insularis Mercet 1927: 57–60 View in CoL . Holotype female: Isla de Fernando Poo: Santa Isabel. (type location uncertain).
magnifica (Strand) . NEOTROPICAL: Colombia.
Stenopistha magnifica Strand 1911: 204–205 View in CoL . Holotype female: Bogota (Lindig). (Type location uncertain).
melinus Yoshimoto. NEARCTIC View in CoL : USA (Lousiana, Maryland, South Carolina, Tennessee).
Lelaps melinus Yoshimoto 1977: 1054–1055 View in CoL ( Figs. 15 View FIGURES 11–16 , 31 View FIGURES 29–34 ). Holotype male: LA: Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, 11–14.VIII.71, coll D. Shanek. (CNC, not examined). 3 male paratypes: MD: Takoma Park , 12.VIII.73, coll. H. and M. Townes. (1 male, AEI, not examined), SC: Anerson , 21.VII.57, coll. J. G. Chillcott. (1 male, CNC, not examined), TN: Lexington, Natchez Trace State Park, 20–26.VI.72, coll. G. Heinrich, malaise trap. (1 male, CNC, not examined).
ornata (Strand) . NEOTROPICAL: Peru.
Stenopistha ornata Strand 1911: 206 View in CoL . 2 females (designation uncertain): Caracas (Moritz). (Type location uncertain).
paraguayensis Girault. NEOTROPICAL View in CoL : Paraguay.
Lelaps paraguayensis Girault 1912 View in CoL [122]: 170–171. Holotype female: Paraguay, San Bernadino, coll. K. Fiebrig. (Zool. Mus. Berlin, not examined)
picta Walker. NEOTROPICAL : Brazil.
Laelaps picta Walker 1862: 390 View in CoL . Holotype female: Ega. [ Bouček and Delvare 1992 designated a Lectotype female (BMNH, examined)].
pulchella (Strand) . NEOTROPICAL: Venezuala.
Stenopistha pulchella Strand 1911: 203 View in CoL . Holotype female: Caracas (Mortiz). (Type location uncertain).
pulchra Girault. NEOTROPICAL View in CoL : Paraguay.
Lelaps pulchra Girault 1912 View in CoL [122]: 171–172. Holotype female: Paraguay, San Bernadino, coll. K. Fiebrig. (Zool. Mus. Berlin, not examined)
pulchricornis Walker. NEOTROPICAL View in CoL : St. Vincent.
Lelaps pulchricornis Walker 1843: 47 View in CoL . Holotype female: St. Vincent. (BMNH, not examined).
pygata (Strand) . NEOTROPICAL: Peru.
Stenopistha pygata Strand 1911: 202 View in CoL . Holotype female: Peru, Pachitea River. (Type location uncertain). Stenopistha pygata conjuncta Strand 1911: 202–203 View in CoL . Holotype female: Peru, Pachitea River. [Subspecies] (Type location uncertain).
rectivitta (Strand) . Neotropical: Peru.
Stenopistha rectivitta Strand 1911: 206–207 View in CoL . 2 females (designation uncertain): Peru, Pachitea River . (Type location uncertain).
rhomboidea (Strand) . NEOTROPICAL: Colombia.
Stenopistha rhomboidea Strand 1911: 205–206 View in CoL . Holotype female: Bogota (Lindig). (Type location uncertain).
sadales (Walker) . NEOTROPICAL: Galapagos.
Merostenus sadales Walker 1839: 93 . Holotype female: Charles’ Isle, Galapagos. (BMNH, not examined).
setifrons (Strand) . NEOTROPICAL: Peru.
Stenopistha setifrons Strand 1911: 207–208 View in CoL . Holotype female: Peru, Pachitea River . (Type location uncertain).
simplex (Fabricius) . NEOTROPICAL: Guyana.
Chalcis simplex Fabricius 1804: 164 . [ Bouček and Delvare (1992) designated a female lectotype ( Guyana, ZMUC, not examined) and transferred the species to Lelaps View in CoL .]
striaticeps (Strand) . NEOTROPICAL: Peru.
Stenopistha striaticeps Strand 1911: 208 View in CoL . Holotype female: Peru, Pachitea River . (Type location uncertain).
striatus Yoshimoto. NEARCTIC View in CoL : USA (Missouri, Georgia, Texas).
Lelaps striatus Yoshimoto 1977: 1055 View in CoL ( Figs. 6, 7 View FIGURES 5–10 , 16–18 View FIGURES 11–16 View FIGURES 17–22 , 32–34 View FIGURES 29–34 ). Holotype male: MO: Williamsville, 29.VI.– 5.VII.69, coll. J. T. Becker, malaise trap. 28 male paratypes: MO: Williamsville , 29.VI–5.VII.69, 16–26.VI.69, 26.V–16.VI.69, 17–29.V.70, coll. J. T. Becker, malaise trap (16 males), GA: 5.V–14.V.71, 5–10.VI.71, 28.V– 9.VI.70, 25.VIII.70, coll. F. T. Naumann, malaise trap (7 males), GA: Forsyth , 20–21.V.70, coll. G. Heinrich (2 males), GA: Holcomb Creek , 1.VIII.57, coll. W. R. Richards (1 male), TX: Welder Wildlife, Ref. nr. Sinton, 23.III.65, coll. J. G. Chillcott (2 males). (CNC, not examined).
stylata Ashmead. NEOTROPICAL View in CoL : Brazil.
Lelaps stylata Ashmead 1904: 482 View in CoL . Type information uncertain: Brazil: Chapada , in April; Santarem. (USNM, not examined).
tapajoana (Schulz) . NEOTROPICAL: Brazil.
Dilaelaps tapajoana Schulz 1906 . [Replacement name for Lelaps ferruginea Ashmead 1904 View in CoL , preoccupied by Dilaelaps ferruginea Cameron 1884 .] Lelaps ferrunginea Ashmead 1904: 480 . Holotype female: Brazil: Santarem.
terebrans (Strand) . NEOTROPICAL: Peru.
Stenopistha terebrans Strand 1911: 200–201 View in CoL . Holotype female: Peru, Pachitea River . (Type location uncertain).
viridiceps (Strand) . NEOTROPICAL: Peru.
Stenopistha viridiceps Strand 1911: 199–200 View in CoL . Holotype female: Peru, Pachitea River . (Type location uncertain).
vittipennis (Strand) . NEOTROPICAL: Peru
Stenopistha vittipennis Strand 1911: 203–204 View in CoL . Holotype female: Peru, Pachitea River . (Type location uncertain).
Ashmead, W. H. (1904) Classification of the Chalcid flies or the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert W. Smith. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum, 1 (4), i - xi, 225 - 551.
Boucek, Z. & Delvare G. (1992) The identities of species described or classified under Chalcis by J. C. Fabricius. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 53, 38.
Buysson, R. du & Marshall, T. A. (1892) Voyage de M. E. Simon au Venezuela. 17 e memoire (1). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 61, 73.
Cameron, P. (1884) Fam. Chalcididae. [continued] In: Godman, F. D. & Salvin, D. (Eds.), Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Hymenoptera. (Families Tenthredinidae - Chrysididae.) 1, 132.
De Santis, L. (1979) Catalogo de los himenopteros calcidoideos de America al sur de los Estados Unidos. Publicacion Especial Comision de Investigaciones Cientificas Provincia de Buenos Aires. 488 pp.
De Santis, L. (1980) Catalogo de los Himenopteros Brasilenos de la serie Parasitica incluyendo Bethyloidea. Editora da Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba, 395 pp.
Fabricius, J. C. (1804) Systema Piezatorum. A. C. Reichard, Brunsvigae, 2: xiv + 30 + 440 pp.
Girault, A. A. (1912 [122]) New chalcidoid genera and species from Paraguay. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, (A) 78 (9), 171.
Haliday, A. H. (1844) Contributions towards the classification of the Chalcididae. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 3, 295 - 301.
Hedqvist, K. - J. (1964) Notes on Diparini (Hym. Chalcidoidea, Miscogasteridae). Entomophaga 9 (1), 53 - 58.
Mercet, R. G. (1927) Nota sobre Lelapinos (Hym. Chalc.). Eos. Revista Espanola di Entomologia. Madrid, 3, 49 - 63.
Riley, C. V., Ashmead, W. H., & Howard, L. O. (1894) Report upon the parasitic Hymenoptera of the island of St. Vincent. Journal of the Linnean Society (Zoology) 25, 156
Schulz, W. A. (1906) Spolia Hymenopterologica. Paderborn, 355 pp.
Strand, E. (1911) Sechzehn Novitaten der Gattung Stenopistha Strand und zwei neue Gattungsnamen in Chalcididae. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, 77, 199 - 210.
Walker, F. (1839) Monographia Chalciditum. II. London, 101 pp.
Walker, F. (1843) Descriptions of Chalcidites discovered in St. Vincent's Isle by the Rev. Lansdown Guilding. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 12, 46 - 49.
Walker, F. (1862) Notes on Chalcidites, and characters of undescribed species. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (3). 1, 345 - 397.
Yoshimoto, C. M. (1977) Revision of the Diparinae (Pteromalidae: Chalcidoidea) from America north of Mexico. Canadian Entomologist, 109, 1035 - 1056.
FIGURE 1. Maximum parsimony tree based on successive approximations of the data set including both Bohpa and bristle positional characters (strict consensus of 45 trees, 86.3 steps, CI = 0.63, RI = 0.86, RCI = 0.54). Names in angle brackets refer to refer to units in the phylogenetic analysis, and do not represent valid names.
FIGURE 4. Maximum parsimony tree based on successive approximations of the data set excluding both Bohpa and bristle positional characters (strict consensus of 170 trees, 75.9 steps, CI = 0.62, RI = 0.87, RCI = 0.54). Names in angle brackets refer to refer to units in the phylogenetic analysis, and do not represent valid names.
FIGURES 5–10. Conophorisca grisselli: 5, antenna; 6, clava; 7, head (frontal view); 8, head (ventro-latero-frontal view); 9, mesosoma (dorso-lateral view); 10, mesosoma - pronotum (dorso-lateral view).
FIGURES 11–16. Conophorisca grisselli: 11, mesosoma (lateral view); 12, metasoma (lateral view); 13, cercus. Lelaps sp. A: 14, antenna; 15, clava; 16, clypeus, mct = median clypeal tooth.
FIGURES 23–28. Moranila sp.: 23, metacoxa (lateral view); 24, cercus. Myrmicolelaps aurantius: 25, antenna; 26, anellus; 27, head (frontal view); 28, mesosoma (lateral view).
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Desjardins, Christopher A. 2007 |
Lelaps beckeri
Yoshimoto, C. M. 1977: 1054 |
Lelaps floridensis
Yoshimoto, C. M. 1977: 1052 |
Lelaps melinus
Yoshimoto, C. M. 1977: 1055 |
Lelaps striatus
Yoshimoto, C. M. 1977: 1055 |
Lelaps albofasciatus Hedqvist 1964: 57–58
Hedqvist, K. - J. 1964: 58 |
Lelaps ferrierei
Hedqvist, K. - J. 1964: 57 |
Lelaps insularis
Mercet, R. G. 1927: 60 |
Stenopistha annulicornua
Strand, E. 1911: 200 |
Stenopistha caudatula
Strand, E. 1911: 202 |
Stenopistha flagellata
Strand, E. 1911: 209 |
Stenopistha magnifica
Strand, E. 1911: 205 |
Stenopistha ornata
Strand, E. 1911: 206 |
Stenopistha pulchella
Strand, E. 1911: 203 |
Stenopistha pygata
Strand, E. 1911: 202 |
Strand, E. 1911: 203 |
Stenopistha rectivitta
Strand, E. 1911: 207 |
Stenopistha rhomboidea
Strand, E. 1911: 206 |
Stenopistha setifrons
Strand, E. 1911: 208 |
Stenopistha striaticeps
Strand, E. 1911: 208 |
Stenopistha terebrans
Strand, E. 1911: 201 |
Stenopistha viridiceps
Strand, E. 1911: 200 |
Stenopistha vittipennis
Strand, E. 1911: 204 |
Lelaps abdominalis Ashmead 1904: 481–482
Ashmead, W. H. 1904: 482 |
Lelaps aeneiceps Ashmead 1904: 481
Ashmead, W. H. 1904: 481 |
Lelaps affinis Ashmead 1904: 480
Ashmead, W. H. 1904: 480 |
Lelaps apicalis Ashmead 1904: 479–480
Ashmead, W. H. 1904: 480 |
Lelaps bimaculata Ashmead 1904: 482
Ashmead, W. H. 1904: 482 |
Lelaps halidayi
Strand, E. 1911: 199 |
Ashmead, W. H. 1904: 481 |
Lelaps stylata Ashmead 1904: 482
Ashmead, W. H. 1904: 482 |
Dilaelaps tapajoana
Ashmead, W. H. 1904: 480 |
Lelaps flavescens Ashmead
Riley, C. V. & Ashmead, W. H. & Howard, L. O. 1894: 156 |
Laelaps callisto
De Santis, L. 1979: 121 |
Buysson, R. du & Marshall, T. A. 1892: 73 |
Lelaps albipes Cameron 1884: 132
Cameron, P. 1884: 132 |
Lelaps ferruginea
Cameron, P. 1884: 133 |
Laelaps decorata
De Santis, L. 1980: 226 |
Walker, F. 1862: 390 |
Laelaps picta Walker 1862: 390
Walker, F. 1862: 390 |
Lelaps avicula
Haliday, A. H. 1844: 300 |
Lelaps pulchricornis Walker 1843: 47
Walker, F. 1843: 47 |
Merostenus sadales
Walker, F. 1839: 93 |
Chalcis simplex
Fabricius, J. C. 1804: 164 |