Pseudoceraphron burwelli Desjardins, 2007

Desjardins, Christopher A., 2007, Phylogenetics and classification of the world genera of Diparinae (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), Zootaxa 1647 (1), pp. 1-88 : 76

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Felipe (2021-07-14 18:00:15, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 10:50:34)

scientific name

Pseudoceraphron burwelli Desjardins

sp. nov.

Pseudoceraphron burwelli Desjardins , New Species

( Figs. 42–49 View FIGURES 41–46 View FIGURES 47–52 , 72 View FIGURES 71–72 )

Type Information: Holotype female ( MNHN) “ New Caledonia 9931, 22.11’ Sx 166.01’E, Mt Koghis, 500m, 22 Nov 2000, G.B. Monteith, pyrethrum, trunks & logs.” Paratype female ( QM) “ New Caledonia 9901, 22.05’ Sx 166.22’E, Mt Mou, base, 200m, 23 Nov 2000, G.B. Monteith, Pyrethrum, trunks & logs.” Paratype female ( QM) “ New Caledonia 9919, 21.45’ Sx 166.00’E, Mt Do Summit, 1000m, 21 Nov 2000, G.B. Monteith, Pyrethrum, trunks & logs.”

Description: Female. 1.2 mm. Color: Brownish black with the following exceptions: head bluish black, scape mostly brownish yellow, distal 1/4 of scape + flagellum brown, mandibles brownish orange, tibia proximally dark brown, lightening to brownish yellow distally, tarsi proximally brownish yellow, darkening to brown distally, GT7 posterior to cercus brownish yellow, ovipositor sheath yellow anteriorly, dark brown posteriorly, ovipositor yellow. Head: Subtriangular in frontal view, 1.25X as wide as high; eyes bare; occipital margin carinate, carina posterior to lateral ocelli; head mostly smooth, posterior margin of gena faintly striate, area around torulus with faint, circular striae; ocellocular: postocellar: mid-to-lateral ocellus distance: lateral ocellus diameter about 4:12:6.4:1; scrobe present only as indistinct, shallow, gently sloping depression; interantennal area slightly convex; toruli separated by 2 torulus diameters; scape about 0.9X eye height; scape without strong ventral carina; scape laterally bowed outward; A1 about 3X as broad as long to A7 about 4X as long as broad; ratio of scape: pedicel: A1: A2: A3: A4: A5: A6: A7: F1 about 21:6:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:3; clypeus poorly delimited. Mesosoma: Dorsally coriaceous; mostly bare, except for a few pairs of thin, white setae, and 2 medial scutal and 2 posterior scutellar bristles; ratio of scutum: scutellum: propodeum (pronotum entirely obscured) about 2.3:2.2:1; scutum 3.2X wider than long; notaular grooves smooth; axilla only indicated by diagonal sulcus at antero-lateral edge of scutellum; scutellum flat, with scutum at slightly higher level than propodeum; posterior scutellar margin smooth; metanotum absent; propodeum smooth medially, coriaceous laterally, raised medially for insertion of petiole with longitudinal carina delimiting lateral edge of raised area; plica strong, propodeum strongly depressed lateral to plica; postspiracular area smooth, flat, facing posterolaterally; sulcus between postspiracular area and metapleuron vertical; spiracle 5X its own diameter from metanotum, facing postero-ventrally; callus absent; prepectus triangular, in similar plane as pronotum; mesepimeron smooth, slightly depressed (mesepimeron = femoral depression), diamond-shaped, 4.5X as high as wide; metapleuron smooth, depressed medially; one metatibial spur, 0.6X width of metatibia at point of insertion; metabasitarsus about 1.7X as long as wide, about 0.2X length of remaining tarsi; metacoxa without transverse striae, mostly bare anteriorly except for few setae near distal end; meso- and metatibia not spinose; apterous, forewing reduced to membranous stump with single long, dark, protruding bristle, hindwing apparently absent. Metasoma: 3.4X length of mesosoma; petiole smooth, short, about 2.3X as broad as long; ratio of GT1: GT2–6: GT7: ovipositor sheaths about 10.8:2:1:1.5; metasoma dorsally with sparse, fine, white setae; ovipositor smooth and pointed. Male: Unknown.

Etymology: Named for Chris Burwell, who generously hosted my visit to the Queensland Museum, provided a large amount of mounted Australian material, and was invaluable in assisting in my collection of many of the taxa used in the molecular portion of my dissertation.

Distribution: New Caledonia.

Hosts: Unknown.

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FIGURES 41–46. Neapterolelaps sp.: 41, cercus. Pseudoceraphron burwelli: 42, antenna; 43, clava; 44, head (frontal view); 45, clypeus; 46, mesosoma including coxae (lateral view), inv = longitudinal invagination.

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FIGURES 47–52. Pseudoceraphron burwelli: 47, mesosoma excluding coxae (lateral view); 48, mesosoma (dorsal view); 49, propodeum + metasternum (posterior view). Neapterolelaps viridescens: 50, mesosoma (dorso-lateral view). Neapterolelaps mitteri: 51, mesosoma (dorso-lateral view). Pondia sp.: 52, scrobe.

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FIGURES 71–72. Lateral habitus views: 71, Pseudoceraphron fijensis; 72, P. burwelli.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Queensland Museum