Poraster Döderlein, 1916

Mah, Christopher L., 2023, A new species of Astrosarkus from Western Australia including new Mesophotic occurrences of Indian Ocean Oreasteridae (Valvatida, Asteroidea), Memoirs of Museum Victoria 82, pp. 143-165 : 157

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.24199/j.mmv.2023.82.08



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scientific name

Poraster Döderlein, 1916


Poraster Döderlein, 1916 View in CoL

Döderlein, 1916: 438; 1936: 364.

Diagnosis. Body strongly stellate (R/r=2.7–4.5), disk thick, arms elongate, tapering. Adult sizes approximately R=24.0– 30.0 cm. Abactinal surface coarsely granulated, lacking primary accessories (i.e. spines, tubercles) save for a prominent row of large, conical tubercles present along the carinal series of each arm. Well-defined, interradial, intramarginal region present, spanning approximately 10–16 supero-inferomarginal plate pairs. Spine-bearing plates present, transversely bisecting the contacts between the marginal plate pairs intramarginally. Furrow spines 5–7, subambulacral spines three to four. Papulae confluent on abactinal surface and present intermarginally but absent from the actinal surface (modified from; Döderlein, 1916; Marsh and Fromont, 2020).

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