Protoneura klugi Cowley, 1941
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Plazi (2017-12-01 10:49:54, last updated 2023-10-28 15:14:40) |
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Protoneura klugi Cowley, 1941 |
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Protoneura klugi Cowley, 1941 View in CoL
Figs. 11 View FIGURES 9–12 (♂ habitus), 35 (♀ habitus), 57 (♀ mes. plate), 81 (gen. lig.), 107 (♂ app.), 124 (map)
Protoneura klugi Cowley, 1941: 145 View in CoL –173, Figs. 1–23 View FIGURES 1–4 View FIGURES 5–8 View FIGURES 9–12 View FIGURES 13–16 View FIGURES17–20 View FIGURES 21–24 (description of ♂ and ♀, illustrations of color pattern, male S10, genital ligula, female pronotum, and ovipositor, map, key to species in tenuis View in CoL - group;— Hoffmann (2009: 63; Peru);—von Ellenrieder (2009b; IUCN assessment);— Garrison et al. (2010: 379);—von Ellenrieder & Garrison (2011: 43; Ecuador).
Primary types. Holotype ♂. Peru, Loreto, Iquitos , v 1938, G.G. Klug leg. [ BMNH].
Specimens examined. 29 ♂ 5 ♀: ECUADOR, Orellana Prov. : 8 ♂, Tiputini Biodiversity Station USFQ, stream crossing Chorongo trail (0°38'16'' S, 76°8'55'' W, 224 m), 11–16 i 2009, R.W. Garrison & N. von Ellenrieder leg. [ CSCA] GoogleMaps ; 3 ♂, same data but [RWG] GoogleMaps ; 4 ♂ 1 ♀ (one pair in tandem), same data but stream crossing Matapalo trail at marker 450 (0°38'13'' S, 76°8'45'' W, 245 m), 14–15 i 2009, R.W. Garrison & N. von Ellenrieder leg. [ CSCA] GoogleMaps ; 4 ♂ 1 ♀, same data but [RWG] GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀, same data but stream crossing Numa trail at marker 100, muddy bottom, shady (0°38'18'' S, 76°0'37'' W, 220 m), 10 i 2009 [ CSCA] GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, Shiripuno River, Shiripuno Lodge , 26 km SE of Shiripuno bridge, oxbow forest swamp (1°6'17'' S, 76°43'54'' W, 235 m), 23–26 i 2009, D. Wagner, W. Haber et al. leg. [RWG]; Sucumbios Prov. GoogleMaps : 3 ♂, Shushufindi pipeline, 3.5 km NW of Shushufindi village, small streams crossing dirt road and oil pipeline (0°9'58'' S, 76°41'31'' W, 295 m), 24 i 2011, D. Wagner, R. Vargus, W. Haber et al. leg. [RWG]. PERU, Loreto Dept. GoogleMaps : 1 ♀, Iquitos {3°51' S, 73°13' W, 100 m}, v 1938, G.G. Klug leg. [ UMMZ] GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, Explornapo Camp at junction of Sucusari River and Napo River at Llachapa {3°16'33'' S, 72°56'18'' W, 97 m}, 27 viii 1989, S.W. Dunkle leg. [ FSCA] GoogleMaps ; 2 ♂, same data but 14 vii 1991, S.W. Dunkle leg. [RWG] GoogleMaps ; 3 ♂ 1 ♀, same data but 30 vi 1991, S.W. Dunkle leg. [RWG]. GoogleMaps
Characterization. Male: Epicranium black with copper to greenish metallic reflections, dorsum of thorax black with reddish-orange stripes, and dorsum of abdomen black with narrow light blue basal spots on S3–7 and transverse whitish yellow spot on posterior half of S10, sometimes interrupted dorsally; pale colors reddish orange, pale whitish yellow to pale blue ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 9–12 ). Pronotum black with large orange spot on middle lobe dorsum. Mesepisternum black with orange stripe extending along humeral suture for its basal half, then branching into a long arm directed posteromedially and narrowing distally, and orange stripe extending over distal 2/3 of middorsal carina; mesepimeron black; metepisternum pale yellow with anterior and posterodorsal margins black; metepimeron black with whitish yellow posterior 1/3 to 1/2. Coxa, trochanter, and base of femur whitish yellow, remainder of leg black; tibial spurs shorter than twice intervening spaces. Genital ligula with distal margin approximately straight and with laterodistal corners projected ventrally and with bifid tips ( Fig. 81 View FIGURES 79–84 ). Cercus slightly shorter than S10 length, slightly shorter than paraproct, about twice as long as wide, with a depression on external dorsolateral surface, dorsal margin convex and ventral margin slightly concave in lateral view ( Fig. 107a View FIGURES 106–108 ), with a small ventrobasal blunt tooth on outer surface; medial surface slightly concave, with a small blunt ventrobasal tooth, a partially membranous laminar medial lobe with tip located distal to midlength of cercus; tip of cercus curved medially forming a subapical blunt tooth, visible in dorsal and mediodorsal views ( Figs. 107b, c View FIGURES 106–108 ). Paraproct about as long as S10 length, at basal third narrowing to half its basal and digitiform ( Fig. 107 View FIGURES 106–108 ). TL 36–38; Hw 16.5–17.5.
Female: As male but pale colors pale yellow; pronotum with anterior and lateral margins yellow; mesepisternum black with pale yellow upper portion of humeral stripe along basal 2/3 of suture, lacking medioposteriorly directed arm; pale area of S9 extended dorsally medially to about 1/2 of segment height ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 33–36 ). Middle lobe of pronotum lacking pronounced lateral depressions; posterior lobe entire, directed posterodorsally, with sides straight and tip smoothly convex. Mesostigmal plate approximately triangular and flat, with a transverse carina adjacent to mesostigmal plate posterior margin ( Fig. 57 View FIGURES 55–59 ). TL 30.5–31.5; Hw 17.5–18.
Diagnosis. Protoneura klugi shares male cercus longer than wide and with a laminar lobe on medial surface with P. calverti , P. macintyrei , P. scintilla , P. tenuis , and P. woytkowskii ( Figs. 101 View FIGURES 100–102 ; 107–108; 114; 116; 118). Among them, it shares male cerci and paraprocts no longer than S10 length with P. macintyrei and P. scintilla ( Figs. 107–108a View FIGURES 106–108 ; 114a), and it can be distinguished from them by the narrow laminar lobe on medial surface of cercus, longer than wide ( Fig. 107b View FIGURES 106–108 ; as wide as long or wider than long in the other species, Figs. 108b View FIGURES 106–108 ; 114b). It further differs from them by genital ligula morphology, with distal end straight and laterodistal corners projected into ventral processes with bifid tips ( Fig. 81 View FIGURES 79–84 ; ventral processes not bifid in P. macintyrei , and distal end triangularly convex and laterodistal corners not projected into ventral processes in P. scintilla , Figs. 82 View FIGURES 79–84 ; 88). Protoneura klugi further differs from P. macintyrei by its entirely dark tibiae (pale in P. macintyrei ) and posterior lobe of pronotum entirely black (with medial portion or less black in P. macintyrei ). Female of P. klugi shares an approximately triangular and flat mesostigmal plate with P. macintyrei , P. sulfurata , P. tenuis , and P. woytkowskii ( Figs. 57; 58 View FIGURES 55–59 ; 66; 68–70 View FIGURES 64–70 ). It can be distinguished from them by the presence of a transverse carina adjacent to mesostigmal plate posterior margin ( Fig. 57 View FIGURES 55–59 ), absent in all other species, in which mesepisternum is either smooth ( Figs. 66; 68–70 View FIGURES 64–70 ) or presents a transverse tear-shaped depression with narrowly carinate posterior margin behind mesostigmal plate ( Fig. 58 View FIGURES 55–59 ).
Habitat and biology. Adults are found at small shaded streams of muddy bottom within primary forest (von Ellenrieder & Garrison 2011).
Distribution. Eastern Ecuador and Peru ( Fig. 124 View FIGURES 123–124 ). Assessed as Data Deficient by IUCN (von Ellenrieder 2009b).
Cowley, J. (1941) A new species of Protoneura from Peru, and a review of the group of Protoneura tenuis Selys (Odonata- Protoneuridae). Transactions of the Royal entomological Society of London, 91, 145 - 175. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1365 - 2311.1941. tb 00258. x
von Ellenrieder, N. (2009 b) Protoneura klugi. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2009: e. T 158920 A 5292481. Downloaded on 26 January 2016 from www. iucnredlist. org
von Ellenrieder, N. & Garrison, R. W. (2011) Odonata from Tiputini, Orellana Province, Ecuador. Agrion, 15 (2), 40 - 46.
Garrison, R. W., von Ellenrieder, N. & Louton, J. A. (2010) Damselfly genera of the New World. An Illustrated and Annotated Key to the Zygoptera. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, xiv + 490 pp, + 24 pls.
Hoffmann, J. (2009) Summary catalogue of the Odonata of Peru. Kommentiertes Faksimile des Manuskripts von L. Cowley, Cambridge, 20.05. 1933 und aktuelle Liste der Odonaten Perus mit Fundortangaben sowie Historie zu Sammlern und Odonatologen in Peru. International Dragonfly FundReport, 16, 1 - 115.
FIGURES 9–12. Male body scan; head in dorsal view, thorax and abdomen in lateral view (not to scale).(9) P.cupida; (10) P. dunklei; (11) P.klugi; (l2) P.macintyrei.
FIGURES 1–4. Male body scan; head in dorsal view, thorax and abdomen in lateral view (not to scale). (1) P. ailsa; (2) P. amatoria; (3) P.aurantiaca; (4) P.caligata.
FIGURES 5–8. Male body scan; head in dorsal view, thorax and abdomen in lateral view (not to scale). (5) P. calverti; (6) P. capillaris; (7) P.cara; (8) P.corculum.
FIGURES 13–16. Male body scan; head in dorsal view, thorax and abdomen in lateral view (not to scale).(13) P. paucinervis; (14) P.peramans; (15) P.rojiza; (16) P. romanae.
FIGURES17–20. Male body scan; head in dorsalview, thorax and abdomen in lateral view (not to scale). (17) P.sanguinipes; (18) P.scintilla; (19) P.sulfurata; (20) P. tenuis.
FIGURES 21–24. Male body scan; head in dorsal view, thorax and abdomen in lateral view (not to scale). (21) P. viridis; (22) P. woytkowskii form a; (23)P.woytkowskii form b; (24) P.woytkowskii form c.
FIGURES 79–84. Genitalligula in ectal (79–84a), lateral (79–84b), and entolateral (81c; 84c) views (to scale).(79) P.cupida; (80) P.dunklei; (81) P.klugi; (82) P.macintyrei; (83) P.paucinervis; (84) P. peramans. All by RWG.
FIGURES 106–108. Male caudal appendages in lateral (106–108a), posterodorsal (106–108b), and dorsal (106–108b) views (not to scale). (106) P.dunklei; (107) P. klugi; (108) P. macintyrei.
FIGURES 33–36. Female body scan; head in dorsal view, thorax and abdomen in lateral view (not to scale). (33) P. cupida; (34) P.dunklei; (35)P.klugi; (36) P.macintyrei. Insert in Fig.35: thorax in ventral view.
FIGURES 55–59. Female pronotum (58b) and mesostigmal plates (55–58; 59a, c), in lateral (55a; 56a; 59a) and dorsal (55b; 56b; 57; 58; 59b, c) views (to scale). (55) P. cupida; (56) P. dunklei; (57) P. klugi; (58) P. macintyrei; (59) P. paucinervis.
FIGURES 100–102. Male caudal appendages in lateral (100–102a), posterodorsal (100–102b), and dorsal (100–102b) views (not to scale). (100) P.caligata; (101) P. calverti; (102) P.capillaris.
FIGURES 64–70. Female pronotum (67a, c) and mesostigmal plates (64–66; 67b, d), in lateral (66a; 67a, b), dorsal (64; 65; 66b; 67c, d; 68–70) and dorsolateral (an) views (to scale). (64) P. scintilla; (65) P. sulfurata; (66) P. tenuis; (67) P. viridis; (68) P. woytkowskii form a; (69) P. woytkowskii form b; (70) P. woytkowskii form c.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Protoneura klugi Cowley, 1941
Ellenrieder, Natalia Von & Garrison, Rosser W. 2017 |
Protoneura klugi
Garrison 2010: 379 |
Cowley 1941: 145 |
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