Protoneura paucinervis Selys, 1886

Ellenrieder, Natalia Von & Garrison, Rosser W., 2017, A synopsis of the Neotropical genus Protoneura (Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4361 (1), pp. 1-76 : 30-31

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Plazi (2017-12-01 10:49:54, last updated 2022-11-14 16:29:18)

scientific name

Protoneura paucinervis Selys, 1886


Protoneura paucinervis Selys, 1886

Figs. 13 View FIGURES 13–16 (♂ habitus), 37 (♀ habitus), 59 (♀ mes. plate), 83 (gen. lig.), 109 (♂ app.), 123 (map)

Protoneura paucinervis Selys, 1886: 214 –216 (description of ♂ and ♀ from Pebas, Teffé);— Williamson (1915: 623; in key);— Louton et al. (1986: 438; Peru);— Lencioni (2005: 222; Brazil); De Marmels (2008: 23; Venezuela);— Hoffmann (2009: 63; Peru);— Garrison et al. (2010: 379);— Pessacq et al. (2012: 70; Brazil);— Bota-Sierra et al. (2015: 253; Colombia)— von Ellenrieder et al. (2017: 7; Guyana).

Primary types. Syntypes ♂ and ♀. Pebas, Teffé [RBINS]. According to Gloyd (1980: 4) the borrowed types of this species were destroyed in the mail. Jérôme Constant (pers. comm.) located two specimens of P. paucinervis in the Selys collection at the RBINS with locality labels for Teffé, but no specific type labels as is often the case with Selys’ material, both in very poor condition; one has only a part of the thorax left, and the second one has only head and thorax missing legs and wings.

Specimens examined. 79 ♂ 56 ♀: COLOMBIA, Meta Dept. : 1 ♀, stream and ponds S of Cumaral at Centro Agroecológico La Cosmopolitana (4°13'22'' N, 73°29'35'' W, 350 m), 12 x 2014, K.J. Tennessen & W.F. Mauffray leg. [ FSCA] GoogleMaps . ECUADOR, Sucumbios Dept.: 1 ♂ 1 ♀, Limoncocha {0°24' S, 76°36' W, 243 m}, 23 viii 1980, S.W. Dunkle leg. [RWG] GoogleMaps ; 2 ♂ 2 ♀ (in copula), same data but on Napo River, 12–18 xi 1980, M.J. Westfall leg. [ FSCA] GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂ 1 ♀, same data but lake, 22 viii 1980, S. W. Dunkle leg. [ FSCA] GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, same data but 14 i 1972, D.L. Pearson leg. [ FSCA] GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (in copula), same data but 23 viii 1980, K.W. Knopf leg. [RWG] GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (in tandem), same data but S.W. Dunkle leg. [RWG] GoogleMaps . GUYANA, E Berbice-Corentyne Reg.: 2 ♂ 2 ♀ (in tandem) , Berbice watershed , Berbice River Camp , Berbice River (4°9'6'' N, 58°13'44'' W, 95 m), 22 ix 2014, R.W. Garrison & J. Archer leg. [ CSBD] GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (in tandem), same data but stream (4°9'4'' N, 58°14'1'' W, 83 m), 23 ix 2014 [RWG] GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (in tandem), same data but [ CSCA] GoogleMaps . BRAZIL, Roraima State: 15 ♂ 6 ♀, Surumu, NW of Depósito {4°14' N, 60°55' W}, ix 1966, M. Alvarenga leg. [ UMMZ] GoogleMaps ; 3 ♂ 1 ♀, same data but [ CSCA] GoogleMaps . PERU, Loreto Dept. : 1 ♂ 1 ♀, Quistococha, oxbow of Itaya River, W of Iquitos {3°50' S, 73°10' W, 150 m}, 12 viii 1986, J. Louton leg. [USNM]; 1 ♂ 1 ♀, same data but [RWG]; Madre de Dios Dept .: 1 ♂ 2 ♀, P. N. Manu, Pakitza, Cocha Salvador (11°55'48'' S, 71°15'18'' W, 250 m), 14 ix 1988, J.A. Louton leg. [USNM]; 2 ♂ 2 ♀, same data but [RWG] ; 2 ♂ 1 ♀ (one pair pair in copula), same data but 21 ix 1989 [ USNM] ; 1 ♂, same data but [RWG] ; 29 ♂ 22 ♀, same data but (11°59'51'' S, 71°13'57'' W, 202 m), 4 vii 1993, R.W. Garrison leg. [RWG] GoogleMaps ; 2 ♂ 2 ♀, same data but [ CSCA] GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Explorer's Inn, Cocococha, 30 km SW Puerto Maldonado , wooded lake edge {12°50' S, 69°17' W, 300 m}, 17 ii 1982, D.L. Pearson leg. [ FSCA]. BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz Dept. GoogleMaps : 2 ♂ 2 ♀ (one pair in tandem), 23.5 km N on highway 9 of Ascención de Guarayos, borrow pit pond and adjacent forest (15°49'36'' S, 63°22'53'' W), 26 viii 2003, W.F. Mauffray leg. [ FSCA] GoogleMaps ; 3 ♂ 3 ♀ (two pairs in tandem), same data but [ USNM] GoogleMaps ; 2 ♂, same data but deep lake, J.J. Daigle leg. [RWG] GoogleMaps ; 2 ♂, same data but [RWG]. GoogleMaps

Characterization. Male: Epicranium black with metallic copper and green reflections, thorax dorsum black and yellow, dorsum of S1, S3–7 except small basal yellow ring, and S8-10 black; pale colors bright yellow to pale yellow ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 13–16 ). Pronotum black with lateral margins yellow. Mesepisternum yellow with black anterior margin narrowing posteriorly over middorsal carina; mesepimeron black with large yellow spot along mesepisternalmesepimeral carina and small yellow spot on anterodorsal corner; metepisternum yellow with broad black stripe along posterior; metepimeron yellow with small black spot on posterodorsal corner. Coxa, trochanter, and basal half of femur flexor surface yellow; remainder of femur dark brown; tibia black on flexor surface and brown to yellow on extensor surface; tarsi yellow with brown margins; tibial spurs shorter than twice intervening spaces. Genital ligula lacking lateral lobes and with a straight distal margin, with margins of distal segment spiculate, and laterodistal corners projected anteroventrally ( Fig. 83 View FIGURES 79–84 ). Cercus shorter than S10 length, shorter than half of paraproct’s length, about as long as wide, with a depression on external lateral surface ( Fig. 109a View FIGURES 109–111 ); medial surface with a small pointed ventrobasal and a pointed mediobasal tooth; tip slightly bifid, with a stronger outer tooth and a lower blunt medial tooth, visible in dorsal and mediodorsal views ( Figs. 109b, c View FIGURES 109–111 ). Paraproct about twice as long as S10 length, at midlength narrowing to half its basal width and with medial surface concave ( Fig. 109 View FIGURES 109–111 ). TL 39–43.5; Hw 19–21.

Female: As male but pronotum yellow with black restricted to middle lobe mediodorsal areas; mesepisternum black with yellow antehumeral stripe extending along basal 1/3 to 2/3; mesepimeron with narrow yellow humeral stripe along distal 3/4; S1–10 black dorsally, S3–7 with narrow yellow basal ring; pale lateral area of S9 extended medioposteriorly to about 1/2 of segment height ( Fig. 37 View FIGURES 37–40 ). Middle lobe of pronotum lacking pronounced lateral depressions; posterior lobe entire, with straight lateral margins ( Fig. 59b View FIGURES 55–59 ), directed posterodorsally. Mesostigmal plate upright and foliate, adjacent at posteromedial corner with a transverse tubercle on mesepisternum ( Figs. 59a, c View FIGURES 55–59 ); no depressions behind mesostigmal plates. TL 37–39; Hw 21.5–22.

Diagnosis. Protoneura paucinervis is diagnosed under P. corculum account.

Habitat and biology. This species was found to be abundant in Pakitza at water's edge and along trails gleaning chironomids from leaf tips in dappled sunlight (R. W. Garrison pers. obs.). Unlike many other Protoneura, D. R. Paulson (pers. comm.) found this to be a lake species, abundant at oxbow lakes east of the Andes, where it behaves in typical Protoneura fashion, ovipositing in tandem on floating twigs and grass stems. Interestingly, at both Limoncocha and Explorer's Inn, almost every male seen was paired, tandem pairs hovering over the water or ovipositing, indicating that perhaps they mate away from water (D. R. Paulson pers. comm.).

Distribution. Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia ( Fig. 123 View FIGURES 123–124 ).

Bota-Sierra, C., Moreno-Arias, C. & Faasen, T. (2015) Preliminary list of Odonata from the Colombian Amazon, with descriptions of Inpabasis nigridorsum sp. nov. & Diaphlebia richteri sp. nov. (Coenagrionidae & Gomphidae). International Journal of Odonatology, 18 (3), 249 - 268. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 13887890.2015.1081637

De Marmels, J. (2008) Have a Look in Your Kitchen First: A Short Christmas Story from Venezuela. Argia, 20 (1), 23.

Garrison, R. W., von Ellenrieder, N. & Louton, J. A. (2010) Damselfly genera of the New World. An Illustrated and Annotated Key to the Zygoptera. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, xiv + 490 pp, + 24 pls.

Gloyd, L. K. (1980) A tragedy for Argia and Protoneura type specimens. Selysia, 9 (1), 3 - 4.

Hoffmann, J. (2009) Summary catalogue of the Odonata of Peru. Kommentiertes Faksimile des Manuskripts von L. Cowley, Cambridge, 20.05. 1933 und aktuelle Liste der Odonaten Perus mit Fundortangaben sowie Historie zu Sammlern und Odonatologen in Peru. International Dragonfly FundReport, 16, 1 - 115.

Lencioni, F. A. A. (2005) Damselflies of Brazil. An illustrated identification guide. 1 - The non-Coenagrionidae families. All Print Editora, Sao Paulo, iv + 324 pp.

Louton, J. A., Garrison, R. W. & Flint, O. S. (1986) The Odonata of Parque Nacional Manu, Madre de Dios, Peru: natural history, species richness and comparisons with other Peruvian sites. In: Wilson, D. E. & Sandoval, A. (Eds.), Manu: the biodiversity of Southeastern Peru, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D. C., pp. 431 - 449.

Pessacq, P., Chrysostomo Santos, T. & Martins Costa, J. (2012) Checklist and updated distribution of Protoneuridae from Brazil (Odonata: Protoneuridae). International Journal of Odonatology, 15 (2), 59 - 73. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 13887890.2012.672158

Williamson, E. (1915) Notes on neotropical dragonflies or Odonata. Proceedings of the U. S. Natural History Museum, 48, 601 - 638. https: // doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 00963801.48 - 2089.601

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FIGURES 13–16. Male body scan; head in dorsal view, thorax and abdomen in lateral view (not to scale).(13) P. paucinervis; (14) P.peramans; (15) P.rojiza; (16) P. romanae.

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FIGURES 79–84. Genitalligula in ectal (79–84a), lateral (79–84b), and entolateral (81c; 84c) views (to scale).(79) P.cupida; (80) P.dunklei; (81) P.klugi; (82) P.macintyrei; (83) P.paucinervis; (84) P. peramans. All by RWG.

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FIGURES 109–111. Male caudal appendages in lateral (109–111a), posterodorsal (109–111b), and dorsal (109–111b) views (not to scale). (109) P.paucinervis; (110) P.peramans; (111) P.rojiza.

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FIGURES 37–40. Female body scan; head in dorsal view, thorax and abdomen in lateral view (not to scale). (37) P. paucinervis; (38) P.peramans; (39) P.rojiza; (40) P.romanae. Insert in Fig. 40: pronotum in dorsal view.

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FIGURES 55–59. Female pronotum (58b) and mesostigmal plates (55–58; 59a, c), in lateral (55a; 56a; 59a) and dorsal (55b; 56b; 57; 58; 59b, c) views (to scale). (55) P. cupida; (56) P. dunklei; (57) P. klugi; (58) P. macintyrei; (59) P. paucinervis.

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FIGURES 123–124. Distribution maps.


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


California State Collection of Arthropods


University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology


Universit� di Perugia


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History











