Protoneura peramans Calvert in Skinner, 1902

Ellenrieder, Natalia Von & Garrison, Rosser W., 2017, A synopsis of the Neotropical genus Protoneura (Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4361 (1), pp. 1-76 : 31-33

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Plazi (2017-12-01 10:49:54, last updated 2024-11-24 23:10:54)

scientific name

Protoneura peramans Calvert in Skinner, 1902


Protoneura peramans Calvert in Skinner, 1902 View in CoL

Figs. 14 View FIGURES 13–16 (♂ habitus), 38 (♀ habitus), 60 (♀ mes. plate), 84 (gen. lig.), 110 (♂ app.), 122 (map)

Protoneura peramans Calvert in Skinner, 1902: 231 View in CoL (brief description of ♂ and ♀ from Guatemala in society proceedings);— Calvert (1903: 140, 141, pl. 5, Figs. 48–49 View FIGURES 47–50 ; in key, redescription of ♂, description of ♀, illustrations of ♂ S10 and ♀ mesothorax);— Calvert (1907: 395; in key, Guatemala);— Kimmins (1970: 177 –178; designation of ♂ illustrated by Calvert in 1903 as ‘holotype’);— Paulson (1982: 252; Guatemala);— Maes et al. (1988: 32);— González-Soriano (1992: 491–493, Figs. 5–8 View FIGURES 5–8 ; diagnosis from P. rojiza View in CoL , illustrations of ♂ S10 and ♀ thorax and mesostigmal plate);— Boomsma & Dunkle (1996: 25; Belize);— Garrison et al. (2010: 379, 380, fig. 2509; illustration ♀ wings).

Primary types. Syntypes ♂ and ♀. Guatemala, Vera Paz, Panima, [G.C.] Champion leg. [BMNH]. No type designation was made in Calvert’s brief original description on the proceedings of a society meeting, in which only one male and one female in copula were mentioned. In his 1903 redescription Calvert listed 4 ♂ and 2 ♀, including the pair in copula mentioned in 1902, without any indication as to whether the male illustrated in figure 49 was the one collected in copula. In his 1970 catalog, Kimmins considered the specimen illustrated by Calvert in 1903 as holotype. At our request, Benjamin Price kindly checked the specimens deposited at the BMNH, and the male illustrated by Calvert in 1903 with a holotype label from Kimmins was not taken in copula, for which reason it cannot constitute a type since it was not included in the original description. Therefore we here designate the male taken in copula mentioned in Calvert’s (1902) original description (with a paratype label from Kimmins) as lectotype.

Specimens examined. 7 ♂ 5 ♀: BELIZE, Toledo Dist. : 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (in tandem), Columbia River Forest Reserve, Quail Creek (16°16'13'' N, 88°57'12'' W, 30 m), 15 iv 1993, T. Boomsma leg. [ FSCA] GoogleMaps . GUATEMALA, Izabal Dept.: 1 ♂, Las Escobas near Matías de Galvez {15°41' N, 88°38' W, 56 m}, 4 viii 1971, T. W. Donnelly leg. [RWG] GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, same data but 27 vi 1966, O.S. Flint & M.A. Ortiz B. leg. [ USNM] GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (in copula), same data but 24–25 viii 1968, T.W. Donnelly leg. [RWG] GoogleMaps ; Alta Verapaz Dept.: 1 ♂ 1 ♀, Cacao {15°28' N, 90°23' W}, 4 xii 1906, H.S. Barber leg. [ USNM] GoogleMaps ; HONDURAS, Cortés Dept.: 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (in copula), Santo Tomás Camp, camp, river, upstream, 100 m from large swimming pool, Cusuco National Park (15°33'39'' N, 88°17'53'' W, 520 m), 16 vii 2011, M. Jocque leg. [RWG] GoogleMaps ; NICARAGUA, Matagalpa Dept.: 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (in copula), stream 10 km SE San Ramón {12°54' N, 85°48' W, 700 m}, 18–20 vi 1974, T.W. Donnelly leg. [ FSCA] GoogleMaps .

Characterization. Male: Epicranium black, dorsum of thorax black with orange antehumeral stripe, dorsum of abdomen mostly orange, with black dorsum of S1, small distal spots on S3–4, distal portion of S6–7, distal 3/4 of S8, most of S10; pale colors orange, with yellow limited to venter of thorax ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 13–16 ). Pronotum black with orange spots on middle lobe and lateral margins of hind lobe. Mesepisternum black with orange antehumeral stripe extending along basal 3/4 of sclerite; mesepimeron black with orange humeral stripe along distal 3/4 of sclerite, separated from a small distal orange spot; metepisternum black; metepimeron anterior half orange and posterior half black. Coxa dark brown, trochanter and base of femur yellowish brown, remainder of leg dark brown; tibial spurs shorter than twice intervening spaces. Genital ligula lacking lateral lobes, with a v-shaped distal margin, and laterodistal corners projected anteroventrally and pointed ( Fig. 84 View FIGURES 79–84 ). Cercus shorter than S10 length, about two thirds as long as paraproct, about as long as wide, medially concave and directed lateroposteriorly, semicircular in dorsal view ( Fig. 110c View FIGURES 109–111 ), with a pointed ventrobasal tooth directed medially and two apical teeth, a pointed one on ventrodistal margin and a blunt globose one on mediodorsal surface ( Figs. 110b, c View FIGURES 109–111 ). Paraproct slightly longer than S10 length, cylindrical, and narrowing to half its basal width at midlength ( Fig. 110a View FIGURES 109–111 ). TL 49–53.5; Hw 21.5–22.5. Female: As male but dark colors black with metallic green to copper reflections and pale colors yellow; pronotum anterior lobe with a yellow lateral spot; antehumeral stripe narrow and extending along basal 1/3–1/2 of mesepisternum; humeral stripe narrow and extending along distal 1/2–2/3 of mesepimeron; metepisternum black with a medial yellow stripe across entire height; metepimeron yellow with a black spot on anterodorsal margin; coxa, trochanter, and base of femur yellow or brown margined in yellow, remainder of leg brown; S1–10 black dorsally; pale lateral area of S9 extended dorsally medially to about 1/2 of segment height ( Fig. 38 View FIGURES 37–40 ). Middle lobe of pronotum lacking pronounced lateral depressions; posterior lobe directed anteriorly and trilobed, with medial lobe bilobed with sides smoothly convex ( Fig. 60b View FIGURES 60–63 ). Mesostigmal plate upright and semicircular, at medioposterior corner adjacent to a mesepisternal horn directed anterodorsally ( Figs. 60a, c View FIGURES 60–63 ); no depressions behind mesostigmal plates. TL 42.5–45; Hw 23.5–27.

Diagnosis. Male cercus medially concave, directed lateroposteriorly, and semicircular in dorsal view is only shared with P. rojiza ( Figs. 110–111 View FIGURES 109–111 ). However, in P. rojiza the ventrobasal tooth directed medially is blunt, and both apical teeth are cylindrical and subequal ( Figs. 111b, c View FIGURES 109–111 ), rather than pointed and globose and pointed as in P. peramans ( Figs. 110b, c View FIGURES 109–111 ), and dorsum of S10 is orange ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 13–16 ), not black with orange spots as in P. peramans ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 13–16 ). Posteromedial corner of female mesostigmal plate adjacent to a mesepisternal horn directed anteriorly ( Fig. 60 View FIGURES 60–63 ) is only shared with P. amatoria , but in P. amatoria mesostigmal plate is unmodified ( Fig. 48 View FIGURES 47–50 ), not upright and semicircular as in P. peramans ( Fig. 60 View FIGURES 60–63 ). Posterior lobe of female pronotum directed anteriorly and trilobed, with medial lobe bilobed with sides smoothly convex is only shared with P. rojiza (as in Fig. 60 View FIGURES 60–63 ), but in P. rojiza the mesepisternal projection adjacent to posteromedial margin of mesostigmal plate is laminar, ventrally appressed against mesanepisternum ( Fig. 61 View FIGURES 60–63 ) rather than forming a free cylindrical horn as in P. peramans ( Fig. 60 View FIGURES 60–63 ).

Habitat and biology. Inhabiting creeks and rivers in forested areas. Distribution. Belize south to Nicaragua ( Fig. 122 View FIGURES 121–122 ).

Boomsma, T. & Dunkle, S. W. (1996) Odonata of Belize. Odonatologica, 25 (1), 17 - 29.

Calvert, P. P. (1903) Odonata. In: Godman, F. d. C. & Salvin, O. (Eds.), Biologia Centrali Americana: Insecta Neuroptera. R. H. Porter & Dulau Co., London, pp. 129 - 144.

Calvert, P. P. (1907) Odonata. In: Godman, F. d. C. & Salvin, O. (Eds.), Biologia Centrali Americana: Insecta Neuroptera. R. H. Porter & Dulau Co., London, pp. 309 - 404.

Garrison, R. W., von Ellenrieder, N. & Louton, J. A. (2010) Damselfly genera of the New World. An Illustrated and Annotated Key to the Zygoptera. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, xiv + 490 pp, + 24 pls.

Gonzalez-Soriano, E. (1992) Protoneura rojiza spec. nov., a new damselfly from Mexico (Zygoptera: Protoneuridae). Odonatologica, 21 (4), 489 - 493.

Kimmins, D. E. (1970) A list of the type-specimens of Odonata in the British Museum (Natural History) Part III. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), 24 (6), 171 - 205. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 1521

Maes, J. - M., Desmedt, J. - M. & Hellebuyck, V. (1988) Catalogo de los Odonata de Nicaragua. Revista Nicaraguense de Entomologia, 4, 29 - 43.

Paulson, D. R. (1982) Odonata, pp. 249 - 277. In: Hurlbert, S. H. & Villalobos-Figueroa, A. (Eds.), Aquatic biota of Mexico, Central America and the West Indies. San Diego State University, San Diego, California.

Skinner, H. (1902). Doing of Societies. Entomological News, 13 (7), 231.

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FIGURES 13–16. Male body scan; head in dorsal view, thorax and abdomen in lateral view (not to scale).(13) P. paucinervis; (14) P.peramans; (15) P.rojiza; (16) P. romanae.

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FIGURES 47–50. Female pronotum (50a, c) and mesostigmal plates (47–49; 50b, d), in lateral (48a; 50 a, b) and dorsal (47; 48b; 49; 50c, d) views (to scale). (47) P.ailsa; (48) P.amatoria; (49) P.aurantiaca; (50) P. caligata. Figure 50 by RWG.

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FIGURES 5–8. Male body scan; head in dorsal view, thorax and abdomen in lateral view (not to scale). (5) P. calverti; (6) P. capillaris; (7) P.cara; (8) P.corculum.

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FIGURES 79–84. Genitalligula in ectal (79–84a), lateral (79–84b), and entolateral (81c; 84c) views (to scale).(79) P.cupida; (80) P.dunklei; (81) P.klugi; (82) P.macintyrei; (83) P.paucinervis; (84) P. peramans. All by RWG.

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FIGURES 109–111. Male caudal appendages in lateral (109–111a), posterodorsal (109–111b), and dorsal (109–111b) views (not to scale). (109) P.paucinervis; (110) P.peramans; (111) P.rojiza.

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FIGURES 37–40. Female body scan; head in dorsal view, thorax and abdomen in lateral view (not to scale). (37) P. paucinervis; (38) P.peramans; (39) P.rojiza; (40) P.romanae. Insert in Fig. 40: pronotum in dorsal view.

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FIGURES 60–63. Female pronotum (60b; 63a) and mesostigmal plates (60a, c; 61; 62; 63b), in lateral (60a; 61a) and dorsal (60b, c; 61b; 62; 63) views (to scale). (60) P. peramans; (61) P. rojiza; (62) P. romanae; (63) P. sanguinipes.

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FIGURES 121–122. Distribution maps.


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History











