Phanerotoma (Phanerotoma) elbaiensis, Edmardash, Yusuf Abd-Elaziz, Abdel-Dayem, Mahmoud Saleh & Gadallah, Neveen Samy, 2011

Edmardash, Yusuf Abd-Elaziz, Abdel-Dayem, Mahmoud Saleh & Gadallah, Neveen Samy, 2011, The subfamily Cheloninae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) from Egypt, with the description of two new species, ZooKeys 115, pp. 85-102 : 91-94

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scientific name

Phanerotoma (Phanerotoma) elbaiensis

sp. n.

Phanerotoma (Phanerotoma) elbaiensis   ZBK sp. n.


(Figs 38-45) ♀: Length of body: 4.1mm. Length of fore wing: 3.5mm.

Colour: Generally yellowish-brown with black stemmaticum; the following parts are dark-brown: shiny scape, seven apical antennal flagellomeres, lateral margin of mesoscutum, sides of scutellum, medio-posterior depression of scutellum, lateral sides of first metasomal tergite (T1), lateral side and a central rounded spot on T2, entire T3, apical half of middle tibia, apical 0.3 as well as subbasal ring of hind tibia, apical half of hind basitarsus and about the basal 0.7 of the other tarsomeres; tegula, humeral plate, pterostigma (except basal 0.3) and vein 1-M. Veins 1-R1 and 2-SR pale yellow; parastigma yellowish (but brown basally).

Head: Slightly wider than maximum width of mesosoma; eyes slightly divergent above and below; preapical antennal flagellomeres moderately moniliform, apical flagellomere 1.3 times length of preapical one, scape 3 times as wide as first flagellomere; vertex smooth and shiny medially, weakly rugose laterally; frons rugose but much coarser than vertex; face densely and finely punctate laterally, with fine transverse rugulae medially; inner tooth of mandible slightly less than half as long as outer tooth; length of eye in dorsal view about 1.9 times temple; POL 0.5 times diameter of posterior ocellus; POL 0.3 times OOL; length of malar space 0.8 times basal width of mandible; longitudinal eye diameter slightly longer than transverse diameter.

Mesosoma: Finely and densely punctate; mesoscutum coarsely striated laterally (near base of fore wing); metanotum smooth and shiny; propodeum with very fine longitudinal rugae that are curved towards its center and become transverse and much coarser postero-medially. Vein r of fore wing 0.5 times 3-SR; maximum width of pte rostigma 0.6 times 3-SR; 2-SR and 1-SR are nearly straight; middle tibia with distinct blister; outer hind tibial spur 1.2 times as long as inner one, slightly longer than 0.3 times basitarsus; hind basitarsus about 0.6 times the following tarsomeres combined.

Metasoma: Ovoid, truncate posteriorly; T1 and T2 with irregular longitudinal reticulation, much denser and curved on complete T3; T3 with protruding corners latero-posteriorly and excavated posteriorly; maximum length of T3 slightly more than 1.1 times maximum length of T2; ovipositor greatly protruding beyond apex of metasoma; hypopygium modified, with a relatively small apical spine.

Male: Unknown.


This species is related to Phanerotoma (Bracotritoma) bilinea Lyle, but elbaiensis hasthe middle tibia with a distinct blister; the parastigma brownish basally; the vein 1-M darker and the apical spine of the hypopygium relatively small. It is similar to Phanerotoma (Bracotritoma) maculata (Wollaston), especially because of the long protruding ovipositor, but differs by its general colour, especially by the yellowish parastigma and basal third of pterostigma (dark brown in maculata). In addition, the characters of the subgenus Phanerotoma , to which the new species belongs, are different.


The species name elbaiensis refers to its type locality (Gabal Elba).

Type material.

Holotype, ♀, Gabal Elba - Wadi Aeibed (22°19'28.092"N; 36°25'24.636"E), 27.I.1982. [CUC].













