Triaenodes chirripo, Holzenthal & Contents, 2004

Holzenthal, Ralph W. & Contents, Trond Andersen Table Of, 2004, The caddisfly genus Triaenodes in the Neotropics (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae), Zootaxa 511 (1), pp. 1-80 : 17-18

publication ID

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treatment provided by

Felipe (2021-06-24 16:59:26, last updated 2021-06-24 16:59:30)

scientific name

Triaenodes chirripo

new species

Triaenodes chirripo , new species

Fig. 8, 31

Belonging to the group of species with apicoventral projections on the inferior appendages and bifid dorsomesal processes of tergum X ( T. kilambe and T. clauseni ), this new species differs from those species in having the setae on the dorsomesal process appearing on papillate processes and having the apex of tergum X more attenuate.

Adult (male: n=1, female: n=1). Forewing length 6.5 mm (male), 6.4 mm (female); hind wing length 5.1 mm (male), 5.0 mm (female). Eye 0.42 mm wide (male), 0.43 mm wide (female). Antennal 0.43 mm long (male), 0.42 mm long (female). Maxillary palp segment lengths (in mm): 0.23, 0.37, 0.50, 0.27, 0.55 (male), female palps broken. Forewing golden brown, with narrow line of cream colored hairs along anal margin.

Male genitalia. Abdominal segment IX anterior margin slightly rounded, slightly produced anteroventrally; pleural region membranous, setose; tergum IX, in dorsal view, with posteromesal margin triangular, with pair of small dorsomesal papillae; sternum IX in lateral view with posterior margin sinuate. Preanal appendage setose, about as long as wide, constricted basally, apex subacute. Dorsomesal process of tergum X bifid, originating basally, short, less than half length of tergum X, with apical setae on papillate processes; tergum X, in dorsal view, with lateral margins subparallel, apex strongly excavate medially; in lateral view, parallel sided, apex attenuate, apicolateral margins with microtrichia. Inferior appendage subquadrangular basally, setose, with long, tapering, apicoventral projection; recurved process abruptly downturned subapically, narrow, tapering throughout length, apex attenuate; apicomesal lobe heavily setose, elongate, narrow, slightly angularly broadened subbasally. Phallobase small, triangular, endothecal membranes prominent, highly convoluted, with pair of parameres, parameres subequal, long, gently curved, tapering, with microtrichia along length; phalicata troughlike, straight, widest subapically, abruptly tapering apically, apex with shallow cleft, phallotremal sclerite not evident.

Female genitalia. Abdominal segment VIII with sternum setose posteriorly, pleural region highly membranous. Posterior margin tergum IX triangular in dorsal view, with papillose lobes not evident. Valves heavily setose, elliptical. Tergum X setose, triangular in lateral view, ventrolateral margin rounded, apex acute, slightly upturned; in dorsal view constricted medially, apex rounded. Appendage of segment X setose, narrow basally, elliptical. Structures of internal genitalia as in Figs. 31A, C; vaginal chamber in ventral view cordate.

Holotype male: COSTA RICA: Cartago: Quebrada Platanillo , ca. 5 km E Moravia de Chirripó, 09°49’16”N, 083°24’25”W, 1130 m, 6.viii.1987, Holzenthal, Morse & Clausen ( UMSP000083712 View Materials ) ( UMSP) GoogleMaps . Paratype: COSTA RICA: Cartago: Same data as holotype — 1 female ( UMSP). Distribution. Costa Rica. Etymology. Named for Cerro Chirripó in the Cordillera de Talamanca, at 3819 m Costa Rica’s highest peak, and Central America’s second highest peak GoogleMaps .


University of Minnesota Insect Collection











