Baeocera sarawakensis Löbl, 1987

Löbl, Ivan & Smetana, Aleš, 2021, On the Baeocera Erichson (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scaphidiinae) of Sabah, Malaysia, and a tale on mystified biodiversity, J. Insect Biodiversity 23 (2), pp. 23-42 : 31-32

publication ID 10.12976/jib/2021.23.2.1


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scientific name

Baeocera sarawakensis Löbl, 1987


Baeocera sarawakensis Löbl, 1987 View in CoL

B. sarawakensis Löbl, 1987: 88 View in CoL , Figs 4, 5 View Figures 1–7 .

Material examined. 1 ♂, Sabalangan River. env. 25 km SE Sapulut , 26.06.98, Kodada & Čiampor ( MHNG) ; 3 ♂, Kibongol village, 7 km N Tambunan , 700 m, 20.V.87, Burckhardt & Löbl ( MHNG) ; 1 ♂, Crocker Range, Gunung Emas , 23.V.98, Kodada & Čiampor ( MHNG) ; 5 ♂, Crocker Range, Tenom env., Kalang Waterfall env., 18.VI.98, Kodada & Čiampor ( MHNG) ; 1 ♂, Crocker Range, km 60 km rd. Kota Kinabalu-Tambunan , 1350 m, 17.V.87, Burckhardt & Löbl ( MHNG) ; 1 ♂, Crocker Range, 1200 m, km 63 rd. Kota-Kinabalu-Tambunan , 19.V.87, Burckhardt & Löbl ( MHNG) ; 2 ♂, Crocker Range, near pass, 1550–1650 m, rd. Kota-Kinabalu-Tambunan , 16.V.87, Burckhardt & Löbl ( MHNG) ; 2 ♂, same data but km 51–52, 1600 m, 18.V.87 ( MHNG) ; 1 ♂, Crocket Range, Hwy A 3 km 48 ca 1000 m, 5.IX.88, Smetana [B178] ( CNC) ; 5 ♂, Poring Hot Springs , 550–600 m, 9.V.87, Burckhardt & Löbl ( MHNG) ; 13 ♂, with the same data but 500 m, 8.V.87 ( MHNG) ; 3 ♂, with the same data but 11.V.87 ( MHNG) ; 2 ♂, with the same data but 7.V.87 ( MHNG) ; 3 ♂, with the same data but Mamut River below bridge, 500 m, 13.V.87 ( MHNG) ; 3 ♂, Poring Hot Springs, nr. Bat Cave , 600 m, 10.V.87, Burckhardt & Löbl ( MHNG) ; 2 ♂, Poring Hot Springs , Langanan Falls , 900–950 m, 12.V.87, Burckhardt & Löbl ( MHNG) ; 3 ♂, above Poring Hot Springs , 520 m, 15.VIII.88, Smetana [B115] ( CNC) ; 1 ♂, with the same data but 22.VIII.88 [B139] ( CNC) ; 1 ♂, Poring Hot Springs , 480 m, 10.V.87, Smetana ( CNC) ; 3 ♂, Poring Hot Springs , 495 m, 21.VIII.88, Smetana [B136] ( CNC) ; 1 ♂, with the same data but 485 m, 25.VIII.88 [B147] ( CNC) ; 2 ♂, Poring Hot Springs , area Kipungit Creek 2, 490 m, 14.VIII.88 [B112] ( CNC) ; 5 ♂, Mt. Kinabalu, Headquarters , Liwagu River 1490 m, 5.VIII.88, Smetana [B84] ( CNC, MHNG) ; 3 ♂, same data but 3.IX.88 [B174] ( CNC) ; 1 ♂, same data but 1500 m, 4.VIII.88 [B80] ( CNC) ; 1 ♂, same data but 1520 m, 12.VIIII.88 [B106] ( CNC) ; 1 ♂, Mt. Kinabalu, near Haedquarters , 1560–1660 m, 24.IV.87, Smetana ( CNC) ; 15 ♂, Mt. Kinabalu, Liwagu Trail , 1500 m, 22.V.87, Burckhardt & Löbl ( MHNG) ; 6 ♂, with the same data but 1430 m ( MHNG) ; 3 ♂, same data but 1540 m, 28.IV.87 ( MHNG) ; 1 ♂, same data but near Headquarters , 23.IV.87 ( MHNG) ; 1 ♂, same data but Liwagu Trail , 1580 m, 27.IV.87 ( MHNG) ; 2 ♂, Mt. Kinabalu, Silau-Silau Trail , 1550–1650 m, 24.IV.87, Burckhardt & Löbl ( MHNG) .

Distribution. East Malaysia: Sarawak and Sabah.

Comments. The description of the species was based on three specimens from the Gunung Mula National Park, Sarawak. It may be distinguished from the Malaysian congeners, B. ornata ( Löbl, 1973) excepted, by the parameres narrowed and arcuate in apical halves, in combination with the presence of a membranous vesicle along the apical part of the flagellum. It is distinguished from the similar B. ornata by the wider basal halves of the parameres, the absence of an elongate supporting sclerite along the flagellum and the distinctive shape of the base of the sclerotized complex of the internal sac.


Switzerland, Geneva, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Canada, Ontario, Ottawa, Canadian National Collection of Insects


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes
















Baeocera sarawakensis Löbl, 1987

Löbl, Ivan & Smetana, Aleš 2021

B. sarawakensis Löbl, 1987: 88

Lobl I. 1987: 88
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